You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 126 Regarding the issue of the judgment of the first instance, Shadu side expresses its posi

Chapter 126 Regarding the issue of the judgment of the first instance, the Shadu side expresses its position

Lu Hongmei collapsed the moment she learned that she was being transferred.
However, since the results have come out
Then she can't change the established fact no matter what she says...

Facing related work adjustment arrangements.

Lu Hongmei could only helplessly agree...
After the prosecutor's lawyer was punished and made public, the turning point of netizens shifted to the first and second trials.


Some netizens picked up the first-instance trial screen and the verdict.

For the trial screen and judgment of the first instance, compared with the court screen and judgment of the second instance.

The difference between the judgment of the first instance and the second instance is too large.

Most people expressed doubts about the subjective motivation of the first-instance judgment.

Why is there such a big difference between the judgment of the first instance and the second instance?

Is the subjectivity of the members of the collegial panel not based on evidence or auxiliary evidence, but relying on subjective convictions?

Also, why did the three judges have no opinion on this verdict?

Is there a problem with the process?

There has been a lot of discussion on the Internet about this issue.

In addition, some reporters interviewed the judges of the Shadu Intermediate Court and the first-instance trial.

"Was the Shadu Intermediate Court's trial of Wang Mingxuan's case unreasonable?"

"During the trial, did the three judges express their unanimous opinions? Did anyone raise objections? If there were objections, why were they not adopted?"

"In terms of this trial, can the intermediate court give a reasonable explanation for the first-instance judgment?"

Facing interviews with reporters.

The Shadu Intermediate Court remained silent and only gave one answer:
"Currently, our court is looking into it further, and then we can inform you of the questions you asked."

"Please pay attention to the response from our court."

In this regard, netizens expressed that this is an obvious avoidance behavior.

The Sabatu court evaded answering, which also aroused heated discussions.

For public opinion.

Shadu handled it very quickly, directly stating that it will investigate and solve the concerns of netizens in a strict, open and transparent manner.


Sandu responded.

In this case, the judgment of the first instance did indeed have some problems with the judgment of the judge.

As for why the three judges had no opinion on the verdict, Shadu did not give a direct response.

However, there have been major adjustments in the rules for arranging trial judges in courts at all levels in Sabah.

It also shows an attitude.

In this regard, netizens saw the attitude of Shadu, and did not continue to hold on to this issue.

After the case is over, and related issues are dealt with.

The attention paid to Bai Jun Law Firm on the Internet has set off another wave.

"This Nandu Baijun Law Firm is strong in criminal matters! I have seen the cases handled by this lawyer Su Bai, and they are very good!"

"Indeed, I have checked the cases of this law firm, Baijun Law Firm. It has been registered for a few years, and the cases were not mentioned in the past few years. I just said that since this year, the cases have been handled very well!"

"Indeed. But it's not easy to find this Baijun Law Firm to file a lawsuit, right?"

"Who says it's not? It would be great if there was a way to contact me at any time."

"Actually, I have a good case here. I wanted to call Bai Jun's law firm at the beginning, but unfortunately the distance was too far, and I lost the case. If I had contacted Bai Jun and the law firm at that time, maybe I could still call. It's a shame to win..."


Inside Baijun Law Firm.

Su Bai looked at the comments on the case-related videos on his mobile phone and smiled slightly.

For now.

Their Bai Jun Law Firm has a certain reputation in the national criminal circle.

Put down your phone.

Su Bai called Li Xuezhen into the office.

Since returning from Shadu, Li Xuezhen has been following the progress of Wang Mingxuan's case.

Get ready to hit your own achievement points.

It's just a pity...
tsk tsk...
This time it didn't work out...

I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but after paying attention to the reputation of Baijun Law Firm and improving it, my mood has also been well mediated.

Li Xuezhen looked at Su Bai curiously with a small face.

"Lawyer Su, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, looking for you."

Su Bai signaled Li Xuezhen to sit on the sofa.

After Li Xuezhen sat on the sofa with a puzzled face, Su Bai handed her the phone.

Looking at the comments on the short video on the phone, Li Xuezhen was puzzled:

"Lawyer Su... Is this going to be a live broadcast of the Cape Law...?"

Law popularization live?

of course not.

When the law firm didn't have any cases to accept, Li Xuezhen mentioned the fact that the law popularization live broadcast was used to pick up the source of the case.

But this matter was denied by Su Bai.

In the past, there was no case source and no live broadcast of law popularization, and now it is certainly not a live broadcast of law popularization.

Su Bai shook his head.

"I'm letting you see, the key point of the short video comment."

Li Xuezhen blinked, the point?
Su Bai rubbed the center of his brows, and said directly:

"At present, our law firm's reputation in the criminal field has already started, and there is no need to broadcast the law to accept cases."

"I mean, open an account, usually do legal science, post videos, and explain in the video copy that you can accept some special criminal or other cases."

"Take more special cases. In this way, the reputation of the law firm will increase, and the quality and quantity of case sources will also increase."

"do you understand..?"

It is not a live broadcast of law popularization, but a short video account is usually maintained to expand the way to receive famous case sources.

To know.…

In the previous few cases, the reputation of Bai Jun Law Firm has already started.

It is true that there will be some famous cases where you cannot find a good lawyer or you want to find out about them, but you can't find a way.

The purpose of opening a short video account is to take some famous cases and provide a way for those who want to go to their Baijun Law Firm to file a lawsuit.


"Okay Lawyer Su, I understand."


Su Bai nodded slightly: "If you think there is any problem with this matter, or if you encounter any difficulties, you can go to Han Chen of the administration or other interns to study more."

Xiao Li's face was serious: "Good lawyer Su."


After Xiao Li left the office, he began to conduct research against what Su Bai said.

Open an account and raise an account, she understands this.
Back then, when she posted the short video advertisement, she slipped away...
.... ...

Nandu Fa University, in the female dormitory.

Li Xuezhen has created a short video account, and has passed the official certification of Baijun Law Firm, and published a short video.

She found the first difficulty.

The development of this short video account is more difficult than she imagined.

Relying on her previous experience of sending short video ads is not enough to solve this difficulty.

After posting the first short video.

Three hours have passed, and the number of page views is very low, only [-] page views.

And there are no likes and replies.

Li Xuezhen's face collapsed, lacking in interest: "Why is this short video so difficult? It's easier to post a small advertisement..."

At this time, Wang Kexin's little ball leaned over: "Xuezhen, what's wrong with you...?"

"Why are you downcast?"

Li Xuezhen took a deep breath, and told Wang Kexin about the task Su Bai had arranged for her.

Wang Kexin's little ball shook and pondered for ten seconds: "I think short videos still need to catch some eye-catching things, such as beautiful lawyers and the like... Only then will there be views"

Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up, why don't you try?

Ask, ask, ask...
Li Xuezhen sent this idea to Su Bai tentatively.

Su Bai:? ? ?
What kind of difficult case would go to a beautiful lawyer?
Shouldn't you come here for the reputation of Bai Jun Law Firm?

This little brain is... not very bright!
Simply, Su Bai directly asked Li Xuezhen to ignore this for the time being, and just post the video as normal.

Followed by.

Su Bai called Luo Daxiang again.

"Mr. Luo, this is the case. Our law firm has opened a video account and wants to find some sources of cases on the short video."

"But now this short video is not very easy to make."

"Ms. Luo... I wonder if this can be done?"

Hearing Su Bai's words, Luo Daxiang chuckled and agreed directly.


"no problem!"

"Isn't it just to help drain traffic and publicize it? It's no big problem."

Regarding Su Bai's lawsuit, he has explained it many times. Old fans have a certain impression of Su Bai, and they also want to consult Bai Jun Law Firm for some criminal law issues or certain cases.

What Su Bai said, actually let him solve some troubles and problems for some of his old fans.

So he immediately agreed to help Su Bai promote it.

At night.

When Luo Daxiang released the video of the law review, Aite referred to Baijun Law Firm in the copywriting.

Many old fans still have a certain impression of Baijun Law Firm.

Through the video, Aite clicked into the homepage of Bai Jun Law Firm.

"Official certification, it's really Bai Jun Law Firm!"

"It seems that Mr. Luo and Lawyer Su have a good relationship, and they even directly attracted Baijun Law Firm through a short video."

"Ms. Luo came via the video link. Open the door. I'm an old fan. Let me occupy the first floor."

"I didn't expect Baijun Law Firm to open a short video account! You must follow and support it!"


"Tap a little attention to support a wave."


Many fans were attracted from Luo Daxiang. Under the video released by Bai Jun Law Firm, many fans left messages.

By the way, I also paid attention.

Li Xuezhen looked at the number of fans on the account, which rose from two to one thousand, with a small face excited.

The only two fans were Li Xuezhen herself and Wang Kexin.

Fans of the legal profession, if there is no particularly attractive explanation, generally speaking, the number of fans will not be too high.

Su Bai also only used the short video account as an expansion channel, and didn't intend to use this short video to divert the source of the case, so he didn't spend much effort.

Therefore, even with Luo Daxiang's drainage, the number of fans of Bai Jun Law Firm's short video account only increased to about 1, and the trend of increasing fans stopped.

However, Li Xuezhen's small face is also full of excitement for the short video account to be able to increase to more than 1.
.... ...

Bai Jun Law Firm.

at the work station.

Li Xuezhen is worrying about gaining fans and taking cases from short videos.

Looking at the data of the short video account.

Li Xuezhen's small face was slightly wrinkled, and her whole body was lying on the desk of the workstation, her body was slightly lifted, and she kept refreshing the page of the account in her hands.

Since Luo Daxiang drained a wave yesterday, the data of the short video account has been silent.

Most of the private messages and comments are some basic questions.

It was far from meeting Li Xuezhen's expectations.

in a few minutes.

Li Xuezhen turned her small face slightly to one side, full of melancholy.

"The task of Lawyer Su is not easy to complete."

"Think of a way..."

Quietly recharged the data, and silently said: "Xiaoqian. As long as there is a case, it will be fine."

Still nothing.

Xiao Li's face collapsed, and he was completely helpless.

But just when Xiao Li was about to ignore the short video account for the time being.

In the comment area and private message where the video was released, someone suddenly sent a private message and left a message in the comment area.

"Is this Baijun Law Firm?"

"I heard on the Internet that Lawyer Su is very powerful. I want to sue him, can I?"

"If Lawyer Su can see it, please take a look at the private message...? I sent this case to the private message, and I asked Lawyer Su to help me. Of course, I know that lawyers like Lawyer Su need lawyers. The fee is not low, Lawyer Su can rest assured, we have already prepared the legal fees, but we hope that Lawyer Su can take a look at this case."

"It doesn't matter if you pick it up or not, please ask Lawyer Su to take a look."


Seeing multiple consecutive comments in the comment area, all from the same person, Li Xuezhen clicked into the private message.

After seeing the private message sent by that person.

Li Xuezhen had a serious face, and ran into the office in a hurry.

After taking a long breath, he said hastily:
"Lawyer Su, I saw a very good case in the short video."

Very good?

How awesome.?

Su Bai took the private letter from Li Xuezhen, looked at the case, and frowned slightly.

Followed by.

According to the content of the private letter, I went to the trial website to check whether the case is true.

Because the other party sent information about the trial, it can be found.

Looking at the case information on the court trial website, it was the same as the person who chatted privately.

Su Bai roughly confirmed that at least this case was not a nonsense.

Moreover, what the private letter said was very objective, and the subjective factors were very small.

On the side, Li Xuezhen whispered, "Lawyer Su, is there any problem with this case?"

Su Bai smiled and shook his head: "There is nothing wrong with this case. If it is further confirmed that it is correct, this case can be accepted."

Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up.

Keep adding achievement points! !

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

 This case is a well-known injustice
(End of this chapter)

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