You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 127 Confronting the prosecution!

Chapter 127 Confronting the prosecution!
Inside Baijun Law Firm.

Su Bai asked Li Xuezhen to contact the person involved.

If you have time, let him confirm that the case is true and there are no false questions.

You can come to Nandu, Baijun Law Firm can take this case.

Or, leave a contact information first.

After listening to Su Bai's arrangement, Li Xuezhen nodded heavily.

"Okay, Lawyer Su...I will contact the client in this case now..."

Da da da.…

Li Xuezhen left the office and walked out.
at the same time.


Jiang Du, a nearly 50-year-old woman, was staring at her mobile phone with worry written all over her face.

"This lawyer Su..."

"I don't know if Lawyer Su can see the message I sent...whether he won't reply to me..."

The woman put the phone on her chest, and took it out from time to time to have a look.

My heart is full of worries.

She was the one who sent the private message. On the Internet, she often followed the legal court trials, and the purpose was to find a good lawyer to fight the lawsuit.

I happened to see Bai Jun Law Firm on the Internet, and after learning about Bai Jun Law Firm and Lawyer Su Bai's ability to fight lawsuits.

He wanted to sue Su Bai.

So through the short video account of Bai Jun Law Firm, she posted about her case.

Before this.

She also consulted many lawyers, but to no avail...

Facing the hope he placed, he was extremely worried.

If there is no result after consulting Lawyer Su this time, then she doesn't know what to do...

The woman's mood is disturbed.

Take out your phone from time to time to see if there is a message back.

In the end, even staring directly at the phone interface.

After about 10 minutes, the woman let out a long sigh, and a trace of despair flashed in her eyes
But at this moment, the screen of the phone lit up, and the woman saw the message prompt, and hurriedly turned on the phone.

Bai Jun Law Firm: Hello, we have understood your situation, but we cannot confirm your real information.

If you need to entrust our Baijun Law Firm, you can come directly to the fifth floor of Chia Tai Building in Nandu ***.

Or provide your basic information and a photo of the judgment or other documents that can prove your identity.

After our law firm has verified your information, we will rush to Jiangdu to learn more about the case.

After the woman saw the news about Bai Jun Law Firm.

The whole person froze for a few seconds, then quickly recovered and replied: "Any good lawyer Su is fine."
After replying to the message, the woman took a long breath and said silently:
With Lawyer Su, she believes that the law will give her justice!
.... ...

Inside Baijun Law Firm.

After Li Xuezhen sent the message, she was immediately replied.

Looking at the replied message, Li Xuezhen walked into the office again.

Pass the information to Su Bai for a look.

Su Bai looked at the message and nodded slightly.

The information sent by the other party has its own personal certificate information.

And he offered to come to Nandu to discuss the case.

If you look at it this way, then the entrustment of this case should be real.

It's not that he deliberately asked the other party for information on his documents.

It's just to verify the authenticity of the case.


Maybe there will be a guy who is deliberately funny, and deliberately sends some false cases for questioning.

Or use some old cases to test the "lawyer".

This situation is not uncommon.

In order to distinguish a real case from a fake case, it will naturally take some effort.

If it is a real case, he will definitely agree to the request to provide corresponding certificates and materials.

But if it is a fake case, there is a high probability that there will be no further action.

This is also a means for some law firms to screen case sources online.

Su Bai said, "Since the other party has asked to come to Nandu, Lawyer Li, please make arrangements."

"Okay, Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.

After Li Xuezhen left, Su Bai began to extract the general information of this lawsuit from the first-instance judgment.

to conclude.

It is a public prosecution case, a boy who has just grown up, accused of assaulting a woman, and brutally killing a woman afterwards.

Prosecution filed, sentenced to death.

The court heard submissions from the prosecution.

However, since the approval of the death penalty was not approved, and the Supreme Court provided certain guidance, the sentence was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The convicted criminal has served up to six years in prison so far.

Six years.

A boy who had just grown up was directly detained and sent to prison for six years.

If this case is not overturned, then decades of detention life will be waiting...
Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows.

According to the verdict, there is no big problem.

But cases like this.

You can't look at it according to the judgment, but you need to look at it according to the evidence.

Therefore, in this case, we must wait until the file is obtained before we can determine the specific situation.


There is an interesting point written in the verdict.

That is the criminal pleaded not guilty...
This plea of ​​not guilty...
Forget it.….
Let's talk about it after the client comes over.

Without a dossier, the case cannot be judged solely on the basis of subjectivity...
At present, the client of this case has not come yet, Su Bai stood up, stretched slowly, and then walked out of the office.

Baijun Law Firm occupies five floors.

The space on the fifth floor is not small.

Among the four offices, Su Bai's is the largest, the other two are Xu Xiang's and Duan Liang's, and the last office is vacant.


Trainee solicitors and executive solicitors work in the lobby.

Su Bai knocked on the door of Xu Xiang's office.

At this time, Xu Xiang was sorting out the materials of the case at hand. After seeing Su Bai walking in, he smiled and said:
"Lawyer Su, why are you here...?"

"Is there any case to be handed over to me...?"

Su Bai smiled and said, "Didn't you ask me about a criminal case yesterday, how should I handle it?"

"Why did you suddenly ask me why I came here?"

"Your memory needs to be strengthened!"

Hearing this, Xu Xiang slapped his forehead violently.

"Lawyer Su, I forgot about this in a hurry, I have received a lot of cases recently, and I am so busy that I am dizzy.

The criminal case I mentioned to you earlier is indeed not very easy to handle,"

"This case is like this. This man involved intentional homicide, and he killed three people in a row. What I am doing here is the defense of commutation of sentence."

"Three...? What kind of deep hatred, killing three in a row?"

"Women cheated on marriage, took money from men to support their ex-husband...the child was not her own...and was looked down upon by women."

"That's it in a fit of anger..."


This... the anger value is completely filled up.

After listening to Xu Liang's description, Su Bai was silent for two seconds, and then said:
"In this case, it is very difficult to defend the commutation of the sentence. The high probability is the death penalty, but you need to look at the process and the reason. There is a very small chance that the death sentence will be suspended. Please tell me what happened in the case first."

"Good Lawyer Su."

Xu Xiang opened his mouth and stated the case in detail.

After Su Bai frowned slightly, he said:
"This case can be pleaded from the perspective of the perpetrator's psychology and the circumstances of surrender."

"Don't worry about the rest, just let the client plead guilty and accept punishment directly."

"For this kind of fact-based case, the evidence and other aspects are estimated to be dead, so just plead from these two angles. As for how far it can go, it depends on the judgment of the judges."

"Okay Lawyer Su, I'll write it down"

After solving Xu Xiang's problem, Su Bai walked out of his office.

After circling the trainee lawyers in the hall, he nodded in satisfaction.

The growth of the law firm is just around the corner.

When passing by Li Xuezhen's work station...
Um?criminal law?

Not bad!

But why are the dotted criminal laws and regulations a little strange...? .

The first thing Li Xiangfang did after receiving Baijun Law Firm was to buy the high-speed rail ticket for the day.

Jiangdu is not far from Nandu, about an hour and a half by high-speed train.

After getting off.

At around 02:30 in the afternoon, we arrived at Zhengda Building.

Zhengda Building, fifth floor.

After Li Xiangfang sent a message to Li Xuezhen, she nervously looked inside Baijun Law Firm.

My palms were sweating profusely.

After seeing the three pennants facing the glass door in Bai Jun Law Firm, he was slightly relieved.

Immediately afterwards, a Pikachu female lawyer came to her with a smile.

"Hello, is this Ms. Li...?"

"Yes. I'm Li Xiangfang."

"Okay, I'm Su Baisu's assistant lawyer, my name is Li Xuezhen, please come inside"


Li Xiangfang followed Li Xuezhen into the office.

Inside the office.

Li Xiangfang looked at Su Bai nervously.

Su Bai smiled and signaled Li Xiangfang not to be so nervous, and poured him a glass of pure water by the way.

Li Xiangfang thanked her with a smile, and hurriedly took the water glass with her hand: "Thank you. Thank you, Lawyer Su."


Su Bai sat down, and Li Xuezhen sat on Su Bai's left side.

Su Bai smiled, handed Li Xiangfang a document, and said:
"This is the general situation I concluded based on the first-instance verdict. Please take a look first to see if there is any problem."

"Good Lawyer Su"

Li Xiangfang took the materials, squinted her eyes, and looked at the materials.

This material was sorted out by Su Bai based on the suspects who refused to plead guilty at the trial during the first trial.

It included some evidentiary issues.

There are also some conceptual issues of the prosecution.

If this material, with definite evidence, can confirm these questions, if there is a problem with the doubts.

Then this case is a bit big...
It is completely an unjust, false and wrongly decided case... and it is a relatively large unjust, false and wrongly decided case.
Twenty minutes later, Li Xiangfang put the materials on the table and pushed them in front of Su Bai.

"The specific situation of Lawyer Su, I actually don't know what's going on, but my son, who had just finished the college entrance examination at that time, was such a sensible child, I believe he would not do that kind of thing. "


"My son kept telling me he didn't do anything illegal, he said he didn't."

"Lawyer Su, I trust my son."

Li Xiangfang seemed to be thinking of something, and hastily added:
"Lawyer Su, I'm not taking sides with my son, it's true, what I said is true"

Su Bai nodded slightly, did not express his subjective attitude, but smiled and offered a word of comfort.

"I didn't say what you said was false, but the specific situation still needs to see more evidence, the files of the first instance, and the detailed facts."

"This case took a long time, and involved a lot of things and content, so it takes a certain amount of time to investigate."

Su Bai could understand Li Xiangfang's thoughts.

After hearing Su Bai's words, Li Xiangfang nodded slightly: "Lawyer Su, I understand...I can understand..."

"But this case... Lawyer Su, if what I said is true... can this case be won?"

Li Xiangfang's anxious and expectant eyes fell on Su Bai's face.

After Su Bai exhaled lightly, he smiled and said:
"I haven't had a detailed understanding of this case, but if you go through your description, the possibility of winning the case is very high."

"For this case, our law firm will do our best."

"If you believe that our law firm can handle it well, you can sign an entrusted agent first."

"It helps to better understand the case further."

"Okay... Lawyer Su."

"I have seen Lawyer Su's lawsuit on the Internet. Lawyer Su's lawsuit is very powerful. I believe in Lawyer Su."

"If Lawyer Su is willing to entrust this case, then I will sign directly."

Hearing this, Su Bai asked Li Xuezhen to obtain a power of attorney.

And handed it to Li Xiangfang.

"You can take a look at this power of attorney first, and sign it if you confirm that there is no problem."


Li Xiangfang roughly went through the content of the entrustment letter in front of her.

Then he signed his name on the power of attorney with a pen.

Immediately afterwards, he pushed the power of attorney in front of Su Bai, and said in a low voice, "Lawyer Su, is that all right?"

Su Bai smiled and nodded.

After signing the agency letter, Su Bai asked Li Xiangfang a few more questions.

"Didn't you appeal this case?"

"I have seen your case, and it seems that only the first-instance judgment has been made."

"Also... have you tried using the Internet to seek legal help...?"

Hearing Su Bai's question.

Li Xiangfang let out a long sigh: "Lawyer Su...we don't understand...I am a single mother, and the child's father passed away long ago.

"At that time, I thought about appealing in the second instance, but..."

"But what, if you have any worries, you can say it...?"

At the same time, when Su Bai asked, Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up.

But there is a big melon behind it! !
Achievement points are coming? !

Faced with Su Bai's questioning, Li Xiangfang did not hold back, sighed again, and then said:

"The reason why there is no second trial is...someone told me that if I continue to appeal, the sentence may be heavier...It is also possible to be sentenced to death I dare not continue to appeal..."

"I learned later...the sentence may not be heavier...I want to find other lawyers to take this case, but I asked other lawyers and said that this case is difficult to win. I asked why it was difficult to win...They just said their own The level is not good, knowing that it has been too long, they are not willing to take over this case."

"Then... I saw Lawyer Su's strong lawsuits on the Internet, so I found Lawyer Su."

"As for surfing the Internet...seeking help..."

"This... I don't know much about the internet. I've seen people post something on the Internet before, but I don't know how to do it. I have posted it a few times, but it didn't work..."

Li Xiangfang finished her statement.

Su Bai nodded.

Indeed, for an older person who does not understand the Internet, what happens online is indeed unrealistic.


Su Bai's focus is on the first point.

No, someone actually told Li Xiangfang that if she continues to appeal, the sentence will be heavier?
This... what kind of psychology? !

If there is no new major evidence, how could the sentence be heavier?
Already in prison for life, is it possible that the second trial will be given a reprieve?

Su Bai took a long breath, if what Li Xiangfang said is true and there is no big problem...

Then there may be a series of problems in this case.

Possibly...against prosecutors...and law enforcement?

Su Bai rubbed between his brows, this case is indeed difficult to solve...

Xiao Li blinked his eyes...

This case is awesome!

Achievement point ++++1! ! !

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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