You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 134 Submission to Supervisory Review

Chapter 134 Submission to Supervisory Review
closed court...
Announce the verdict.

At the scene of the trial, the emotions of all parties were complicated.

After being acquitted and released, Lin Haoxue bowed solemnly to thank the members of the collegial panel sitting on the presiding judge's seat:

"Thank you presiding judge, thank you two judges."

"thanks, thanks.…"


Lin Haoxue stood on the seat of the parties, his eyes were red with excitement, and his voice was hoarse.

Wang Jianjun, who was sitting on the bench seat, looked at Lin Haoxue with a smile:
"You don't need to thank are's just that the law gave you justice, and the sentence is justified."

Facing Wang Jianjun's words, Lin Haoxue nodded heavily.

Looking at Lin Haoxue, Wang Jianjun also said silently in his heart: It's just that this justice is a bit late.

As the vice-president of a court, he has presided over many judgments. He has seen many special cases and wrongful cases in criminal judgments.

However, cases like Lin Haoxue's with major grievances are rare.

And he was almost wronged to death, which is even rarer.

This case has been judged, and this judgment and this case may be sent to excellent cases across the country.

Wang Jianjun can understand the mood of the parties involved.

Taking another look at Lin Haoxue, Wang Jianjun said:
"Reunite with your family first, and you can come back later for the following court procedures."

After finishing speaking, Wang Jianjun left the courtroom with two judges, Zhou Yun and Zhu Chaoyang, after packing up the trial materials.

Li Xiangfang quickly ran to Lin Haoxue from the family seat, her eyes were red, and she put her hands on Lin Haoxue's shoulders tightly.

Lin Haoxue pretended to be relaxed and said with a smile: "Mom, I'm fine, I was released without charge"

Facing his son who has spent so many years in prison for nothing, he has been rushing for so many years, wanting the law to give his son justice, and now there is finally a result.

Li Xiangfang's mood at this time was hard to express, and she burst into tears in court.

"Okay, okay... It's fine now, it's fine..."

"Mom...I'm fine, I've been released without's son, I will be able to accompany you well in the future, you have worked hard these years..."

Lin Haoxue's eyes were red, thinking of the grievances of the past few years, and Li Xiangfang insisted on running for him. Every time he came to visit his son, he encouraged him and asked him to persevere.

Finally....justice arrives after six years.

Affected by Li Xiangfang's crying in court, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

The mother and son hugged each other tightly, releasing the emotions in their hearts.
.... ...

During the trial, everyone who noticed this scene was silent and did not speak.

It's been a while...
Li Xuezhen said slowly and seriously with a small face: "Lawyer Su..."

"The law requires criminals who have committed major crimes to have defense lawyers. I used to understand this, but today I fully understand..."

Hearing Li Xuezhen's words, Su Bai let out a long breath.

This case is a major wrong case.

The law requires criminals to also have defense lawyers. The purpose of this point is to avoid major unjust, false and wrongly decided cases.

Let everyone enjoy the right to legal obligations.

Within a reasonable range, how to judge how to judge.

Su Bai said: "It's good if you understand..."

Li Xuezhen asked again at this time: "Lawyer Su, you said earlier that justice delayed is still justice..."

"Lawyer Su, do you think justice delayed is still justice...?"

Facing this question, Su Bai took a deep breath:

"This question is too subjective. As lawyers, we can't answer such a subjective question, but it's good to have the answer in our hearts."


"Okay Lawyer Su, I understand."

"Pack up the materials and get ready to go..."

"Good Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen simply sorted out the materials of the court trial, and followed up with Su Bai.

At this time, Li Xiangfang and Lin Haoxue also finished releasing their emotions, and hurried to Su Bai.

They knew very well that if it wasn't for Su Bai this time, the situation of the trial would be uncertain.

To them, Su Bai is their benefactor.

"Lawyer Su, I want to thank you for this trial..."

"Haoxue, thank you, Lawyer Su..."

"Thank you, Lawyer Su..."

Lin Haoxue bowed deeply at ninety degrees.

Su Bai smiled and helped Lin Haoxue up: "Okay, there is no need to say more to thank you..."

"There are still many things to deal with in the follow-up. The case is not over after the trial is over."


When Kong Jiantu and Yan Shang heard this sentence, both of them had different reactions.

Kong Jiantu: There are big melons to eat in the Jiangdu public security and law circle.

Yan Shang: It's over, it's's all over...
At the same time, after the trial ended, comments from water friends in the live broadcast room also reached a climax.

"It's over... This case has come to a happy ending. The client was acquitted, but it's a pity that it took six years. If he hadn't been in prison for these six years, he should have a good life now."

"Consummation? In my opinion, it is not satisfactory at all. This case should have acquitted him, even if he is not even called a criminal suspect, he is still a person who reported the case. It stands to reason that there is at least one reward for discovering and calling the police, but He was imprisoned for six years."

"No one has any problems with this case. How can we make up for it in the past six years? I think we should arrest all the people who handled the case at that time and pay compensation to them. Only in this way can we qualify!"

"Yes! I feel that what the upstairs said is very reasonable. It is necessary to review all those who did wrong things at the beginning, and arrest them all, which is a sliver of comfort for them to spend six years in prison for nothing!"

"That's right! I think it's the right way to deal with it. Otherwise, why would someone spend so many years in prison and almost be sentenced to death? Besides, what if he is really sentenced to death? Said? People are not wronged to death!"

"Yes!!! Support support!!!"
.... ...

Looking at the comments in the comment area, Luo Daxiang smiled.

For this case, Luo Daxiang already had a rough judgment and understanding after watching the live broadcast of the trial.

Unjust, false and wrongly decided are correct, and the judgment of the second instance was reasonable.

The main reason is that the judgment of the first instance was very unreasonable.

Regarding the unreasonableness of this judgment, Luo Daxiang personally thinks that the mistake may lie with the law enforcement and the prosecution.

Because one of the two includes confirming and providing evidence, and the other includes confirming evidence and prosecuting.

The most critical point in this case is the evidence.

As for the ruling party, although it also has a certain responsibility for verifying the evidence, if the other two parties really intend to conceal it.

So, for the French side, it is at best a penalty for dereliction of duty.

There will be no other impact.

But how to say...
As for what happened in this matter, it cannot be judged through the live broadcast of the trial.

It is necessary to wait for the supervision and review before the final conclusion can be drawn.

Everything now is based on personal subjective wishes and guesswork.

Luo Daxiang couldn't say anything about this matter, so he smiled and said:
"I will continue to pay attention to the follow-up of this case."

"After learning the first-hand situation, I will tell everyone through video."

"Even if the court trial is over, today's legal review work has been completed. Next, I will post this court trial as a typical case of unjust, false and wrongly decided cases in the short video. If you are interested, you can watch it later. A detailed interpretation of the case."

"Okay... the trial is over, and the live broadcast is over. Goodbye everyone."

"Goodbye, Mr. Luo... We are waiting for you to release the video, and then top the trending search to see what the results are..."

"We must uphold the fairness of the trial!!"

"Good teacher Luo! Pay attention to your follow-up specific interpretation!"



Amid the fans' goodbye, Luo Daxiang turned off the live broadcast, smiled and shook his head.


Jiangdu, in a community.

Hu Yulong frowned after seeing the verdict announced in court.

During the live broadcast of the trial, he already had a premonition that the case was likely to be lost.

If he loses the case, there will be serious consequences for him.

It is already impossible to count on Yan Shang to win the case in court.

So he called some people and got ready.

When he saw the results of the court trial, Hu Yulong sighed in his heart that it really was so.

As he judged, Yan Shang lost the trial.

But for some reason, he is still a little irritable, worried that this matter will continue to expand its influence and cause bad things.

But it turns out that Hu Yulong's judgment is correct.

In the early hours of the night, Luo Daxiang added his own commentary to the live broadcast of the trial and posted it on the short video platform.

Unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, especially major unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, are generally the focus of concern of relevant legal practitioners, legal circles, legal institutions and ordinary people.

Because no one can guarantee that unjust, false and wrongly decided cases will fall on their own heads...

Moreover, the creation of unjust, false and wrongly decided cases is essentially a disrespect for the law and a violation of procedural rules.

So after Luo Daxiang posted the content of the live court trial on the short video platform, it caused a huge discussion.

Public opinion is loud.

And the various media, after learning about this unjust, false and wrongly decided case, heard the news and wanted to attract a wave of traffic.

By noon the next day, the case had been reposted and played on the entire network had reached 7000 million people.

And it is still growing at a very rapid rate.
Bai Jun Law Firm.

Inside the office.

Su Bai was sitting on the sofa, Li Xuezhen was sitting on his left side, opposite Lin Haoxue and Li Xiangfang.

"Lawyer Su... I would like to thank Lawyer Su for this trial. I have transferred the relevant lawyer's fees and litigation fees to the account of Bai Jun Law Firm according to the previous procedure..."

"The child's father left a fortune earlier, and I didn't spend it. Attorney Su doesn't have to worry about our finances..."

Li Xiangfang said.

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "I filled in your address in the court's verdict. When the time comes, please remember to sign for it and keep it well. When applying for state compensation, I have prepared all the required materials."

Su Bai took out a stack of materials from the desk in the office, handed it to Li Xiangfang, and continued:
"The follow-up content will be followed up by other lawyers from our law firm."

"If you think there is any problem, you can also contact me to solve it."


"These are normal procedures after the trial, but there is still one thing that needs to be sought from you..."

"Lawyer Su, tell me...we will agree to any advice we ask for."

Li Xiangfang was very grateful to Su Bai for letting Lin Haoxue be acquitted in court.

Therefore, for Su Bai's request for opinions, he agreed without thinking.

Su Bai smiled and said, "Don't be so anxious to agree, the thing is like this..."

"This case of yours is obviously an unjust, false and wrongly decided case, and it can be submitted to the supervisory department for review."

"To put it bluntly, it is to investigate. The issue of the people who judged your case at the beginning included the three departments of the public security, prosecution and law."

"Regarding this point, my opinion is to carry out supervision and review and investigate the relevant responsible persons at the beginning, but for this point, you still need to seek your consent. I don't know what your views are..."

After hearing Shu Bai's words, Lin Haoxue's eyes lit up: "Lawyer Su, can we really track down the person responsible?"

Su Bai smiled: "The current legal system is still very sound. Unjust, false and wrongly decided cases in the past can be investigated."

"As long as the corresponding evidence can be provided, this case obviously has conclusive evidence to prove that it is an unjust, false and wrongly decided case. If it is submitted for investigation, there is no big problem."

"Lawyer Su! I want to file a supervisory review. I want to make the person who sentenced me and put me in prison for six years pay the due responsibility price!"

"Well! Since you agree, then there is no problem."

Su Bai smiled and nodded.

After the case is over, the most important point is this point, the supervision and review.

He has prepared and perfected the relevant evidence and materials, which can be submitted to the supervisory review at any time.

However, six years have passed, and with the evidence, there is no problem in submitting it to the supervisory review.

However, there are still some difficulties in finding certain situations.

After all...for six years, where did the clues related to Bao Buqi get cut off.

But... this matter has sparked huge public opinion on the Internet, and the relevant departments will definitely speed up the process and speed.


Relevant examiners are not uncommon for this kind of situation, and their ability and speed of handling cases cannot be more clear.

If more efforts are made, it may not take long for the review to come out.

Overall: it shouldn't be a big problem...

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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