You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 184 Judgment!life imprisonment! 4 years period!

Chapter 184 Judgment!life imprisonment!There is a period of four years! (Thanks to the leader of Wenxiu for the reward)
It is not difficult to identify the overly heavy plot of Wang Yuan.

It is only necessary to connect the causal relationship in criminal responsibility, and there is no big problem.

Again, this issue has been argued at length before.

It's much easier later, you just need to simply bring it up.

on the bench.

The presiding judge Zhou Guangyu asked Su Bai to state the relevant division of causal responsibility.

Su Bai began to divide responsibilities based on three points.

The three main responsibilities are:

First: Wang Yuan did not inform Fang Zhihui of Wu Guoxing's behavior at the door of the rental house.

Second: When Wu Guoxing committed the crime, Wang Yuan knew about it, but did not call the police or help Fang Zhihui call an ambulance.

Third: Wang Yuan's subjective intention cannot be verified.

The subjective intention here refers to Wang Yuan’s subjective intention why she did not call the police or call for rescue.

These three points were also the opinions put forward by Li Peng and Yang Qifan in the collegial panel when discussing the city.

Su Bai's statement on these three points is not much different from the results of the discussions of the members of the collegial panel.

After Su Bai finished his statement.

Wei Hao refuted, specifically wanting to refute through Wang Yuan's subjective behavior.

However, there is no objective factor to prove the subjective behavior, so Wei Hao's rebuttal seems extremely weak.

dong dong!

After both parties finished their statements, the presiding judge Zhou Guangyu sounded the gavel.

Looking at the lawsuit materials, he nodded slightly, already having a judgment in his heart.

Next comes the court presentation.

It is also the most critical link in this trial, and it is also the last link.

Ye Hua and Wei Hao acted as litigation attorneys for Wu Guoxing and Wang Yuan.

It is very clear in their hearts that the court statement is also their last chance.

Although some judgments have already been completed, in terms of the sentence, it may be possible to try to make appropriate use of court statements to reduce or reduce the sentence.

On the seat of the trial table, Zhou Guangyu walked around the trial scene, and then slowly said:
"Parties in the trial, do you have any other objections to the defense in the current trial?"

All parties expressed no objection at the same time.

The gavel sounded.

Zhou Guangyu continued to speak:
"Since none of the parties have any objections, the last part of the lawsuit, the court statement, will now begin."

"The defendant, Wu Guoxing, or Wu Guoxing's legal representative is invited to make a court statement."

"Parties and attorneys ad litem, one of you may make a court statement."

Facing the presiding judge's words, Ye Hua said, "President judge, in this trial, we are the parties making the final court statement."

"Then please invite the defendant Wu Guoxing to make his final court statement now."

Wu Guoxing glanced at his parents on the defendant's seat, and remembered Ye Hua's reminder to him earlier.

Plead guilty and accept punishment, with a sincere attitude, no resistance, no refutation, no objection.

After thinking of this, Wu Guoxing raised his head and looked at the seats on the trial bench:

"Judge, I have no excuses for my criminal facts."

"I don't have anything else to say about the court presentation."

"I plead guilty."

"I admit that I killed Fang Zhihui, and I am willing to accept the punishment I deserve."

"No matter what my sentence is, it is the death penalty, life imprisonment, or an additional sentence of fixed-term imprisonment, or the original sentence is upheld."

"What I want to say is that I support the verdict of the trial."


Wu Guoxing turned around and looked at the litigant's seat.

"Judge, I have other things to say from the mother who wants the other party's wisdom."

"I can understand Fang Zhizhi's mother's mood. I want to say sorry here. It is my impulse that caused the current result."

"Here I sincerely apologize to you."

As he spoke, Wu Guoxing bowed deeply to the litigant's seat.

Xie Jingmei's eyes were red, she pursed her lips tightly, but didn't say a word.

Does an apology work?
This belated apology meant nothing to her.

It can only be said that it made Wu Guoxing feel a lot better in his heart.

Much less guilt.

But what about her?

Her daughter was killed by Wu Guoxing. At this time, because of the guilt in his heart, the murderer apologized to her.

Will she accept this kind of guilt and apology?
No, it is impossible to accept.

Xie Jingmei did not speak, and refused to accept Wu Guoxing's apology.

Su Bai noticed that Xie Jingmei's eyes were red, and motioned for Li Xuezhen to pass the paper to Xie Jingmei.

This kind of apology is very common in court.

It looks very sincere.

Whether it was actually a sincere apology, or an attempt to give the judge a good impression by apologizing, no one knows.

At this time, Zhou Guangyu rang the gavel: "Has Wu Guoxing, the defendant party, finished his statement?"

"Judge, I have finished my statement."

"Okay, then let Wang Yuan, the defendant's party, or the defendant's legal representative make a court statement."

Zhou Guangyu glanced at the lawsuit documents, then looked up at Wang Yuan's seat on the defendant's side.

At this time, Wei Hao raised his hand to signal:
Zhou Guangyu noticed Wei Hao's gesture: "What's wrong with the defendant's legal representative?"

Wei Hao said, "Judge."

"Can we request that our party and the attorney ad litem make separate statements?"

"Because I am worried that our legal representative may not be very clear in some aspects. In fact, our legal representative is still very ashamed of Fang Zhizhi's death."

Xie Jingmei:? ? ?

Very ashamed?
Very ashamed, so you didn't even want to testify in court at first, did you?
In the first trial, why was Wu Guoxing sentenced so lightly?

If Wang Yuan is really ashamed, why is she unwilling to testify in court?

Even when she begged Wang Yuan to testify in court, Wang Yuan blocked her directly, and secretly satirized her on Weibo.

Is this called shame?
Are you afraid that you will go to jail for many years, and when you get out, you worry that your life will not be as good as it is now, so now you feel ashamed?
Xie Jingmei was emotional... Li Xuezhen comforted in a low voice:
"Don't worry...Lawyer Su will definitely let the other party get the punishment he deserves!"

"If we get excited, we will fall into the other party's trap, and it may delay the trial and sentencing."

Hearing this, Xie Jingmei's mood calmed down.
Zhou Guangyu frowned slightly, and struck the gavel: "The collegial panel rejected the application of the defendant's litigation attorney."

"Only one person can make a court statement."

"The defendant's legal representative is asked to confirm the person who will appear in court to make a court statement."

Wei Hao did not expect that his application would be rejected, so he glanced at Wang Yuan.

"Our client is invited to make a court statement."

"Then, Wang Yuan, the defendant, will now make the final court statement."

Facing the final court statement, Wang Yuan seemed a little flustered, and her eyes kept jumping back and forth between the seats of her parents and the litigants.

She didn't know how to make a court statement.

Because she doesn't know how to refute or say she can't refute any accusation against her.

Wang Yuan looked anxious, but Zhou Guangyu didn't give Wang Yuan any chance.

"Now I invite Wang Yuan, the defendant party, to make a court statement."

Under the urging of the presiding judge Zhou Guangyu, Wang Yuan finally set her eyes on Xie Jingmei.

"Judge, I don't know how to make a court statement..."

"The court statement is a summary of the trial. You just talk about your views on this case, or what you think is wrong with the verdict of this case."

"Then can I talk to her?"

Wang Yuan pointed to Xie Jingmei.

Zhou Guangyu said: "You have the right to make a statement, but the other party has no obligation to reply to your inquiry."


Hearing the exact words, Wang Yuan seemed to have found the target, looked at Xie Jingmei and began to make a statement.

"Auntie Xie...I know I did something wrong, I should have called the police, but I really didn't think that much at the time, I really didn't know what to do at the time!"

"Auntie Xie, you have to trust me..."

"Thank you, Auntie..."

"You should know that Wisdom and I have always had a very good relationship, otherwise we wouldn't be able to rent together."

"At that time, I really didn't think of anything else. I didn't inform Zhizhi. I thought Wu Guoxing could not hurt Zhizhi."

"Aunt Xie, don't you believe me?"

"I don't want to see it like this, but... I really didn't know what to do at the time."

"I believe in wisdom, and I don't want to see this scene."

"I don't want her mother to put her good friend in jail."

"Aunt Xie, please forgive me. I really didn't think clearly at the time and didn't think of so many things. I will be your daughter and goddaughter in the future."

"Thank you, Auntie... okay?"

Wang Yuan was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Facing Wang Yuan's words, Xie Jingmei showed rare anger.

God daughter?
When she begged the other party hard, what was the other party's attitude?

Block her directly!
Now that she knows that she can't escape legal sanctions, she is crying and wants to be her own daughter in court?

What about her own daughter?

I will never see my daughter again!
Wang Yuan just wanted to rely on these three or two sentences to make herself forgive her?
Why? !

It's impossible!

Seeing Xie Jingmei's face getting more and more angry, Su Bai directly raised his hand to signal:

"Presiding judge, the defendant's court statement has seriously deviated from the content of the court statement."

"We apply to suspend Wang Yuan's court statement."

"The application is approved, Wang Yuan will not continue the statutory statement, keep quiet!"

Facing the gavel that fell on the trial platform, Wang Yuan gave Xie Jingmei a slightly resentful look, which was fleeting, and nervously looked at the parents on the defendant's seat.

The court case continues.

"The defense has finished its statement, now let the prosecution make a statement."

Wang Kai has nothing to say about this trial.

The content of the statement was simply to accuse Wu Guoxing and Wang Yuan of their crimes.

At the same time, the question of the recommended sentence was raised.

I don't know if it was because I discussed with my assistant lawyer during the adjournment stage.

Still based on the plea above the trial, other ideas arose.

In the court statement, it was proposed that Wang Yuan's criminal negligence should be sentenced to four years in prison.

In the face of the prosecution's proposal to change the recommended sentence.

Zhou Guangyu said: "The collegial panel has understood the statement of the prosecution, and now invites the litigant or parties to make a court statement."

Su Bai originally wanted to hand over the court statement to Xie Jingmei, but Xie Jingmei was too emotional.

So Su Bai had to make the court statement instead.

"Presiding judge, our court statement is as follows:"

"According to the litigation evidence submitted by us, there are several related evidences that Wang Yuan impliedly humiliated and abused our client Xie Jingmei."

"We don't know why the defendant Fang Wangyuan has so much hatred for our client."

"But we know that Wang Yuan is unlikely to feel any guilt towards us."

"As for the final result of this trial, we only hope that the presiding judge can use the most fair and just law to make a judgment."

"Judge, our statement is over."

There is evidence, factual basis, and objective factors.

There is no need to say so much in the court statement, as long as the key points are highlighted.

After finishing the statement.

Su Bai looked at the seats on the trial bench.

Xie Jingmei also set her eyes on the seats on the trial bench. At this moment, she was extremely hopeful that the judge would be able to sentence all the main culprits who killed his daughter and those who committed crimes.

Zhou Guangyu sorted out the litigation materials, and then sounded the gavel.

dong dong!

The muffled sound of the falling of the gavel echoed throughout the courtroom.

Accompanied by Zhou Guangyu's serious voice: "The verdict will be announced now!"

Clerk: "Everyone stand up!"

At the trial site, all relevant personnel stood up, and all eyes were on Zhou Guangyu's face.

Zhou Guangyu began to read the judgment:
"The cause of the case:"

"The litigant refused to accept the judgment of Wu Guoxing's intentional homicide in the first instance of the Sudu Intermediate Court, and applied for an appeal."

"Also, we believe that Wang Yuan, the party concerned, was suspected of negligent crime causing death in this case, and filed an appeal."

"This trial is a combined case."

"Let's start announcing the verdict:"

"One: In view of the litigant's proposal to revoke the first-instance judgment, the Sudu High Court held that:"

"In the first-instance judgment, the Sudu Intermediate Court adopted improper sentencing for the judgment at that time."

"When Wu Guoxing acted wisely on the other side, it was obviously a sudden homicide, which was caused by his own factors."

"Wu Guoxing confessed to his murder."

"Considering the social influence of this case and Wu Guoxing's criminal facts and surrender circumstances."

"Now, announce the judgment and punishment of Wu Guoxing in the second instance."

"Repeal the eight-year sentence of Wu Guoxing's sentence in the first instance, and change Wu Guoxing's sentence to life imprisonment!"

"Two: Negligent and criminal charges against Wang Yuan."

"The following judgments exist:"

"(1) In the entire case, according to the objective facts, Wang Yuan clearly knew that Wu Guoxing might have harmed Fang Zhihui, but he did not notify and asked Fang Zhihui to dissuade Wu Guoxing."

"Based on this judgment, Wang Yuan's responsibility for Fang Zhihui's death has a causal relationship in terms of criminal responsibility."

"(2) During the incident, Wang Yuan was clearly aware of what had happened, but after the incident ended, she did not call the ambulance and the police in time.

Based on (1), Wang Yuan needs to bear part of the responsibility. "

"(3) Based on the first and second points, it is determined that Wu Guoxing caused Fang Zhihui's death and Fang Zhihui's failure to receive timely rescue. In both respects, Wang Yuan needs to bear corresponding responsibilities."

"According to the provisions of the criminal law, negligent death caused serious serious consequences should be sentenced to 3 to 7 years in prison."

"During the course of this case, Wang Yuan's confession was insincere, she did not surrender herself, and caused serious plot consequences."

"That is, a sentence of four years in prison!"

"This court has jurisdiction over the case and the applicable laws are all in accordance with domestic laws."

"If all parties have any doubts about the judgment of this case or find that there are any problems in the judicial process, they can file a review and supervision with the relevant supervisory department or continue to file an appeal."

"Within ten days after the court closes, the court will send the judgment to all parties."

dong dong!

"Close the court!"

The last two words fell with the muffled sound of the gavel.

The trial is over.

But some people are dissatisfied with the verdict.

On the defendant's seat, Wang Yuan was taken aback when she heard that she had been sentenced to four years in prison.

Obviously, he couldn't accept that he was sentenced to four years in prison.

A sentence kept popping up in my mind: Didn't it mean that she didn't help Xie Jingmei appear in court to correct her?Why was she sentenced to four years?
"presiding judge!"

"I don't accept this verdict!"

"I think there is a big problem with this sentence. Why should I be sentenced? I didn't kill people!"

"Why should I be sentenced to four years in prison?"

"I think there must be an affair between you, otherwise, why would you sentence me to four years in prison?"

"I'm going to file a supervisory review, and I'm going to ask the prosecution to protest!"

Faced with Wang Yuan's roar in court, Zhou Guangyu, who was seated at the trial table, glanced at Wang Yuan indifferently.

Do you think there is a problem with this court decision?
Also said that he had an improper relationship with the litigant?

Go go go!
File a supervisory review.

What else could he be afraid of?
Li Xuezhen's small face is straight: Do you think you are Lawyer Su?

Can the presiding judge be sent in by filing a supervisory review?
It is not certain whether this kind of judgment is submitted to the relevant department or not.  …

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

 I glanced at the background when I was typing tonight, and suddenly found that I had an extra leader!
  Thanks for the big reward.

  Among other things, it must be updated!

  But yesterday and today have more things to do, adding more may have to wait until tomorrow~

(End of this chapter)

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