You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 196 Follow-up to the trial, Xiao Li: This time, I will send 1 row!

Chapter 196 Follow-up to the trial, Xiao Li: This time I will send a row!
After Song Yuanhui instructed Chen Bin, he left the scene with the other two judges.

At trial.

As the public prosecutors, Lu An and Zhang Meng simply glanced at the defendant's seat.

Lu An shook his head, sorted out the relevant materials, and left the courtroom.

In the victim's seat, the litigation attorney and his family members discussed the matter of compensation and left.

Only the defendant was left in the courtroom.

Su Bai looked at Li Xuezhen who had already sorted out the materials and waved her hand.

The two came to Chen Bin.

"He was given a two-year suspended sentence."

"Do you think the sentence is too harsh?"

Su Bai smiled and asked.

Chen Bin scratched his head and said, "Lawyer Su"

"If it weren't for your plea in court, let alone probation, I wouldn't even dare to think about life imprisonment."

"Why do you think the sentence is harsh?"

Chen Bin bowed deeply to Su Bai, and He Lijuan on the side also bowed hastily.

Su Bai quickly helped the two of them up and said repeatedly: "It should be."
Chen Bin and He Lijuan stabilized their emotions, and Su Bai continued to speak:
"Before this trial begins, I have already submitted to the Beidou Supervision Department and other relevant departments the illegal and criminal behavior of the debt collectors and other personnel who went to your house last time."

"I received a notice from the relevant department last night."

"We are currently preparing to file a case."

"Follow-up...Although it is a public prosecution case, you may still need to appear in court."

"Okay, lawyer Su, we know, when lawyer Su informs us, we must go there."


Su Bai nodded, remembered something again, and continued:
"Oh, right!"

"As for your debt and loan issues, when I learned about this case, I also conducted a corresponding investigation on your loan."

"According to my investigation, your loan interest rate does not comply with the law, although the other party said that the annual interest rate is 17%, which is in line with the law."

"But in fact, with various margin and interest rate rules, it is far more than 17% annual interest rate."

"For this point, if you have any ideas, you can also entrust our law firm to file a lawsuit!"

"Is this okay too?"

Facing Su Bai's words, He Lijuan spoke subconsciously.

Su Bai smiled: "Yes, in this regard, all other lawyers in our law firm can handle it."

"Faced with this kind of illegal lending, you can ask not to pay interest, and you can even ask the other party to return the previously paid interest and apply to stop the loan repayment."

"Okay, thank you, Lawyer Su."

He Lijuan gestured to bow again.

But he was stopped by Su Bai.

Regarding the loan lawsuit, he just helped He Lijuan check related matters while investigating the case.

It's just a little bit of effort.

When he was about to leave the court, Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows.

Chen Bin's case still has a lot of follow-up work that needs to be dealt with. For their law firm, it can be regarded as one person with many cases.

Also, the loan case accepted through the Chen Bin case.

It will also correspondingly increase the scope and business volume of the law firm's business capabilities in this area.

Overall, it is of great benefit to the development of Baijun Law Firm!

These are all later stories.

The trouble now is that there are reporters outside the court!

In order to interview, these reporters really dare to put the microphone on your mouth!
"Cough cough."

Su Bai tidied up his clothes, picked up his mobile phone to see if there was any problem with his image, and walked out of the gate of the court.

The entrance of the court at this time.

The reporter is interviewing the victim's family and Lu An.

Surround it.

It's just that Lu An's face was very dark when it came to the reporters' interviews and the questions they asked.

Of course, it's not because Lu An has a bad temper.

After all...whose reporters will make big moves as soon as they come up?
Ask if you are not good at legal business, why can the defendant be sentenced to two years of probation from the death penalty.

Regarding this kind of question, Lu An kept a dark face without saying a word, and left directly.
The family members of the victim deliberately wanted more money, so they sold it miserably in front of the media.

Regarding the misfortune of the victim's family members, when the media interviewed them, they knew the situation well.

Most of them just want to interview a material.

after all
The focus of this trial and the direction of public opinion are all in favor of Chen Bin.

Breaking into someone's house illegally and infringing on it is unreasonable no matter how you say it.

Interviewing the victim’s family members is purely to find some other viewpoints to increase traffic.

When Su Bai came out of the court, among the crowd of media reporters, someone saw Su Bai with sharp eyes.

I don't know who groaned: "Lawyer Su Baisu has come out, hurry up and go to the station for an interview."

"This is a lot of traffic!"

This voice made all the media reporters focus their eyes and attention on Su Bai, and rushed towards Su Bai's direction in a hurry.

Even the reporters who were interviewing the family members of the victims were anxious when they saw other people running there.

"Hurry up, hurry up... let's not interview the ones here, and go to Lawyer Su's side first, the news there is more popular!"

Victim’s family:….
Su Bai: Who's that yelling, thank you so much!

In just ten seconds, Su Bai was surrounded by media reporters.

These reporters and the media are still making inquiries.

"Lawyer Su, what do you think of your self-defense behavior in your speech at the trial?"

"In your mind, you believe that this trial is self-defense. Will you continue to appeal to protect the legal rights and interests of Chen Bin, the client?"

"Lawyer Su, I would like to ask your opinion on this trial. For Li Fei and others' illegal infringement in Chen Bin's home, what kind of criminal responsibility do you think Li Fei and others will suffer if they are not killed?"

"Lawyer Su... I have a little understanding of the law. You proposed at the trial that the right to freedom and the right to life are equal, but the judge did not make a determination of self-defense based on this. Regarding this aspect, Lawyer Su, do you have anything to say? What do you want to say?"

It has to be said that after the trial, the reporters seemed to have done their homework.

The questions asked are very targeted and very critical.These questions are relatively critical issues in this trial.

Regarding the need to continue to appeal.

This depends on Chen Bin's thoughts.

But in fact, in this judgment, Song Yuanhui's sentence was lighter than ordinary judicial judgments.

The main argument is whether the right to liberty and the right to life are equal.

In this case, the illegal infringement committed by Li Fei and others mainly lies in personal freedom, dignity and personality.

In terms of ethics and morality, some people attach great importance to personal freedom, dignity and personality, and believe that it is equal to the right to life.

However, in judicial decisions and related legal provisions, the right to life is given priority.

And according to the specific situation, although Li Fei and others restricted Chen Bin's personal freedom, it insulted his dignity and personality.

However, compared with the right to life, and the degree of priority, it is indeed somewhat beyond the limit in general judicial decisions.

If you want to appeal, there is no new evidence, and the sentence is lighter. If you appeal with freedom, you may not win the case.

This is also a characteristic of domestic law, which guarantees the right to life.

Facing the reporter's siege and questioning, Su Bai knew clearly that if he answered it.

No matter which aspect you answer.

Then these media reporters will make headlines another day.

【Su Bai said... so-and-so】

[For freedom, well-known lawyer Su Bai made such remarks...]

[The well-known lawyer overturned and expressed this view...]
He understands some media operations very well!
If a point of view is not expressed well, or half of it is said, and it is posted on the Internet, it will cause huge losses to his reputation.

Facing these questions from the reporters, Su Bai faced the camera with a smile, but didn't speak. Relying on his personal physique, he led Li Xuezhen out of the siege of the media reporters.

Seeing that they could not ask any other questions from Su Bai, these reporters turned their attention to Chen Bin and He Lijuan who had just walked out of the court.

"Hello, may I ask the client, Chen Bin, what do you think of the two-year probation sentence?"

"Hello... Is this the person involved, Chen Bin? Can we ask you a few questions in private? We are from Beidu News and Coal, and we are professional media reporters."
Compared to Su Bai's silence, Chen Bin was relatively more reserved when facing the reporters' questions, answering them one by one.
The trial ended in the morning, and related media releases were quickly distributed in the afternoon.

The title is also notable.

[Lawyer Su Bai, an evergreen figure in the legal world, encountered a waterloo in court, and the verdict in Chen Bin’s case seriously did not meet expectations! 】

[Behind the mother humiliation case is the confrontation between law and humanity, the game of life and freedom! 】

[Chen Bin spoke in person, and is very satisfied with his current verdict, thank you lawyer Su Bai! 】
There are quite a few people who are concerned about this case on the Internet. With the enthusiasm maintained by the major media, fierce quarrels arose below the comment area.

"In our place, the right to life is the priority. This sentence is relatively light. It is just a suspended sentence and no actual sentence. The presiding judge is merciful with his gavel and is a good judge!"

"I don't agree! The other party broke into the house illegally and I was acting in self-defense. There is basically no problem! Why should I be given a suspended sentence?"

"I also agree with legitimate defense. There is no problem. The verdict of excessive defense feels a bit conservative!"
Compared with this voice of public opinion, another voice appeared at the same time.

Originally, at the end of the trial, someone in Luo Daxiang's legal commentary live broadcast room questioned why this case occurred at that time.

Now that the heat is bursting, the discussion on this matter is even greater.

"Suddenly I noticed a blind spot and watched the live broadcast of the court trial. There is a very important point in the live broadcast of the trial, that is, Chen Bin called the police at that time. If this is the case, why did this happen later? What kind of situation?"

"I remember what I said, and I'm a little confused, why?"

"Fuck! If you don't mention it, I really can't find it. The focus is on the discussion of which one is the priority, the right to freedom and dignity or the right to life!"

"Now that you have brought it up, I suddenly discovered that this is indeed a problem!"
The discussion on this issue on the Internet is relatively large.

And there are enthusiastic people who have reported this problem to the relevant departments.

The reply was that before the trial, the relevant departments had already received the supervision and review report.

At present, the relevant departments have completed the supervision and review and are processing it. The relevant follow-up will be continued through the official tracking.

After enthusiastic people posted this situation on the Internet, many netizens ate melons.

What's the situation?
Before the verdict, the relevant departments have accepted the supervision and review, and now they are processing it? !

Good guy!
Who was so enthusiastic and submitted the supervisory review so early! ?

Many netizens guessed, and the answer goes without saying.

"Damn it! Lawyer Su, what a bull! The case was submitted to the supervisory review before the trial, right?"

But the speculation was not confirmed, so many netizens went to the short video operation account of Baijun Law Firm to ask questions.

"I heard that the relevant departments have already conducted relevant supervision and review on the issues revealed in the Chen Bin case. Did you submit it, Lawyer Su?"

"Lawyer Su, you are too fierce! Submitted for supervisory review so early!"
.... ...

The combat power of netizens this year is still very fierce, and there are thousands of comments on the video of the operation account.

And it is still increasing continuously.

As Li Xuezhen, who runs the short video of Baijun Law Firm, when she saw the increasing number of comments and fans, her eyes bent into a crescent.

Not bad!

And, in response to a comment made by a netizen, an emoji package with bared teeth was posted.

tantamount to responding.

Then the netizens saw it, what the hell!It really was Su Bai's lawyer who submitted the supervisory review ahead of time!
Inside Baijun Law Firm.

Su Bai received a call from Chen Bin, and would hand over the legal proceedings of the lending company to Bai Jun Law Firm.

After discussing the details, Su Bai handed over the case to Xu Xiang.

After all, this case has a certain degree of popularity. Xu Xiang has been in contact with financial law before, so there is no big problem in accepting this case.

The rest is easy.

According to Su Bai's previous inquiry and the current popularity on the Internet, the Northern Capital side targeted Chen Bin, the missing issues in this case, and the related criminals.

Soon, the case should be filed and the trial should be tried.

After the facts are clear.

Beidu Intermediate Court filed a public prosecution against the relevant persons involved in this case.

And notified to the parties to participate in the specific time of the hearing.

After receiving the notification, Su Bai contacted Chen Bin and let out a soft breath after hanging up the phone.

Rubbed his eyebrows.

"It's about to go to court again."

But Li Xuezhen was very excited when she heard the news, her little face was flushed.

The court is open!
I thought silently in my mind: Should I just send them to the first row this time?
Achievement points++++++!

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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