You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 197 Prosecution, crime of dereliction of duty!

Chapter 197 Prosecution, crime of dereliction of duty!

There is still some time before the trial.

Beidu Intermediate Court.

Inside the vice president's office.

Song Yuanhui sat on the sofa in the office and looked at Vice Dean Li Li.

"Dean Li..."

"The crime of dereliction of duty that our court is going to try recently, or let someone else be the presiding judge..."

"I just finished an interrogation..."

"If the trial of this case continues, there may be some discussions."

Li Li took a sip of water and looked at Song Yuanhui with a smile: "What are you afraid of?"

"I have read all of Chen Bin's trials and confirmed that there are no problems. The verdict was good and the sentence was determined well."

"There is a big connection between this crime of dereliction of duty and Chen Bin's trial, so the court decided that you will continue to hear the case."

"After all, you know a lot about Chen Bin's case."

"The court handed over this case to you because it believed in your ability."

Seeing that Song Yuanhui still wanted to postpone, Li Li's face straightened: "Okay, okay, don't say anything else."

"This is an arrangement in the courtyard, and I can't interfere, why don't you go and talk to the dean?"

"If you ask the dean to agree to let someone else be the presiding judge, then I won't say anything and I will try the case."


Song Yuanhui: ...

Tell him to talk to the dean, what's the difference between that and being scolded?
The dean's saliva could be sprayed directly on his face, giving him a thorough face wash.

Even if the dean's saliva didn't spray on his face, would he still dare to refute if he moved his face in that direction?

How dare he not go to trial?

Not at all!

Song Yuanhui chuckled: "Dean Li, what you said, since it is a task assigned to me by the courtyard, I must complete it."

"Besides, it's because the courtyard valued my ability to work."

"I won't say anything else. I will be the judge of this case."


Li Li smiled and nodded.


Wait until you walk out of the vice president's office.

Song Yuanhui rubbed his brows, this case is indeed not easy to hear.

After all, it involves law enforcement.

The prosecution conducted corresponding investigations and evidence collection, and confirmed that the relevant personnel at that time had certain responsibilities and had been involved in malfeasance.

So a prosecution was filed.

The court decided to proceed with the trial and let him be the presiding judge, and the hot pot returned to him.

Although the public attention of this case is not as high as Chen Bin's case, it is closely related to Chen Bin's case.

The heat is not small.

Since he had just finished judging Chen Bin's case, he knew the specific circumstances of Chen Bin's case relatively well.

Only the court would want him to take over this lawsuit.

In fact, he didn't want to take over the case.

Part of the reason is that this case has received a lot of attention and has a great influence.

Another reason is that he really doesn't want to hear the lawsuit related to Su Bai again.

It's not that he has any hostility towards Su Bai, or anything else.

Instead, as the presiding judge, facing a top criminal lawyer, the other party was able to find many violations and loopholes from his words and related proceedings.

This also leads to, if there is a problem with procedures or other legal interpretations or evidence and cross-examination.

It is difficult for members of the collegial panel to advance the trial process.

A lot of pressure!


With a soft breath, Song Yuanhui returned to his office and sorted out the relevant litigation materials.

He had to keep his spirits up for this court hearing to avoid other situations.
at the same time.

Wandai Co., Ltd., Liang Xingyuan scratched his bald head and kept cursing.


"If we continue to do this, my company will definitely go bankrupt!"

"When will this heat go down?"

During this period of time, the company's lending business plummeted due to the influence of Chen Bin's popularity, and it attracted scrutiny from many departments.

And require a time limit for rectification.

If you make rectifications within a time limit, just make rectifications, and the big deal will be to run away with money.

What does it matter?
It's totally fine!
These are not the most important, what is the most important?
The most important thing is the loan he has given out so far, and it is very troublesome to get it back.

Because Li Fei and Xu Bin are relatively well-known debt collectors.

Now the two of them were killed by others on the way to collect debts. They were only sentenced to two years of probation, and they didn't even have to sit in jail.

When things get serious, everyone knows that you can act defensively when faced with malicious debt collection!

As a result, debt collectors now come to ask for money, and the money will never come back!

It is very troublesome to get back the loan he issued!
One more thing.

That He Lijuan actually sued him in court. When he heard the news, Liang Xingyuan couldn't believe it.

The other party actually asked to stop returning his loan and not to give him interest!


Isn't this a mess? !

Stopping loan repayments and not paying him interest is equivalent to asking him to be a good person?
Use his money to do good deeds? !
When did Liang Xingyuan's money become good people and good deeds?

And there is!

Since this incident was relatively serious, he made many phone calls, and also learned that the law enforcement officers that day had been filed and dealt with.

The current situation is that others don't dare to help too much.

Also, he couldn't find anyone to help.

This is what gives him the biggest headache!
Liang Xingyuan sat on the sofa, took out a cigarette, and just put it into his mouth, there was a knock on the door.

A man came in and said carefully, "Mr. Liang..."

"One thing now is that we have a lot of outsourced debt collectors. Now the outsourcing company says that many of them have been caught and they are asking for compensation. Otherwise, they will not do our business. ”

Liang Xingyuan:? ? ?

He waved his hand impatiently: "Okay! I understand this matter!"

Sitting on the sofa, Liang Xingyuan threw the cigarette out of his mouth and scratched his bald head vigorously.

How did it become like this? !
Bai Jun Law Firm.

The founding partner's office is where Su Bai is located.

The layout of the office is relatively simple, but there is still a little more eye-catching place.

That is to the north of the office, where there are special exercise equipment.

In normal time, Su Bai would exercise here, play with dumbbells and so on.

Enhance your physical abilities.

According to the current physical condition, Su Bai estimated that he would face an opponent of the same weight.

He can hit three in one.

Defense capabilities are adequate.

As for why you need to exercise your defensive ability?

after all.…

Being a lawyer has its risks.

Some time ago, a relatively explosive incident broke out in the legal circle.

The location is Shangdu.A civil dispute case, after the Shangdu Court announced the verdict in court.

The defendant's lawyer was repeatedly stabbed five times by the defendant's client.

That's right, it was stabbed five times on the spot.

The bailiffs at the time did not respond to this situation.

The lawyer was sent directly to the intensive care unit and lay there for three days without waking up!

The key is that the cause is still outrageous!
What is the cause?
The reason is that the lawyer helped the client to fight the lawsuit and won the lawsuit.

But the client believed that the lawyer did not meet the conditions he wanted to win the case.

This lawyer is also a well-known civil litigation lawyer with a good level.

If he won the lawsuit, but did not meet the conditions of his lawsuit, then he must have partnered with the other party to cheat him.

Then it happened that after the judgment was announced in court, the client became dissatisfied with the lawyer, and there was a two-sentence dispute.

The client immediately stabbed his attorney with a knife prepared in advance.

Is this neurosis inappropriate in the eyes of outsiders?

Who is free and has nothing to do, prepare a knife in court!
Because of this incident, the judicial department in Shangdu urgently reminded the courts at all levels that they must do a good job in the inspection measures before entering the court.

Moreover, the court in question was severely criticized and punished for failing to take security measures!

If you describe the whole process, is it ridiculous?


But this is what happened.

Relatively magical.

tsk tsk...

Although lawyers appear to be glamorous on the surface, they are actually a high-risk industry!

For this point, Su Bai has a very deep understanding.

I won’t go into details about the reasons. If I say too much, I will shed tears.


Putting the dumbbells where they were, Su Bai exhaled softly and wiped the sweat off his face.

At this time, Li Xuezhen knocked on the door of the office, put on a female workplace attire, and walked into the office.

"Lawyer Su..."

"This is about the litigation materials you asked me to sort out. I have sorted them out now. Lawyer Su, take a look..."

"Well, let's put it on the table first."

Su Bai smiled and asked again: "How is the short video operation of our Baijun Law Firm at present?"

Mentioning this, Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up: "Lawyer Su!"

"After Chen Bin's case ended, our law firm's short video operation is very good, and now we have nearly [-] fans!"

"And there are quite a few people seeking litigation help through short videos, and they can get several good source cases from short videos every day."

"Our short videos are in a booming state."

After Li Xuezhen finished speaking, her eyes lit up, as if Lawyer Su was about to praise me.


Su Bai smiled and praised: "Not bad!"

"Anything else?"

Li Xuezhen had a little tangle on her face and then said again: "Lawyer Su..."

"Our law firm's short video operation is indeed good, but many of them are aimed at you, Lawyer Su."

"So many fans hope that you can talk about some legal content and some common legal situations in the short video."

Hearing Li Xuezhen's description, Su Bai was silent for two seconds, then nodded.


He was unwilling to do law popularization before because it was useless to do so.

The previous main purpose was to find the source of the case.

Now, Baijun Law Firm has expanded.

There is no need to take the initiative to find good sources of cases, and there is no problem in doing law popularization for the public good.

"I already understand what you said. In this way, once a month or two weeks, I will record a small science popularization to share legal knowledge points with the general public."

"Is this enough to satisfy the fans?"

"Yeah, yeah...satisfied!"

Li Xuezhen's eyes bent into a crescent, and she nodded vigorously.
After Li Xuezhen walked out of the office, Su Bai simply flipped through the arranged materials.

A few days ago, the court only notified the parties of the time of the trial, but did not notify the specific content.

In the past few days, some have been conveyed one after another.

This time the trial case was mainly aimed at the dereliction of duty of those officers at that time, and it was accompanied by the trial of the debt collectors who broke into Chen Bin's home at that time.

The prosecutor has obtained the relevant evidence, but...

Since this case is relatively special, the court has not notified him of the specific judges who will be tried.

However, according to Su Bai's general knowledge of the case.


Basically no big problems.

The main trouble that needs to be solved in the follow-up of Chen Bin's case is the loan lawsuit.

For this lawsuit...

Su Bai and Xu Xiang have already explained the general content in detail, and there are no big problems.

Now it's just a matter of waiting for the trial.
A few days before the trial.

Inside the jail.

The accused person, Xie Liang, is having a conversation with his lawyer.

This time it was not only Xie Liang who was accused of dereliction of duty, but also two other people.

It's just that the three were accused together, so only two litigation lawyers were hired.

"Don't worry about this lawsuit. There won't be any other problems. Although it is said to be an accusation of dereliction of duty, it is difficult to be judged as dereliction of duty."

"If the prosecution has no other evidence, you should be acquitted at the trial."

The litigator comforted Xie Liang.

Xie Liang nodded: "Yes! Thank you lawyer!"

"Well, it doesn't matter."

After discussing the general situation with Xie Liang, the litigation lawyer nodded, stood up and left the detention center.

Looking at the lawyer's leaving figure, Xie Liang frowned and rubbed his brows.

He was caught off guard by the accusation.

At that time, I didn't expect that things would become so big.

If he could have known that things would become such a big mess, he would definitely not have helped Liang Xingyuan at that time!

Xie Liang was full of remorse.

At the same time, he kept complaining about the court's judgment against Chen Bin.

If Chen Bin was sentenced to life at that time or in other circumstances!
This will never happen!
If you want to blame, you have to blame Chen Bin!
And Chen Bin's lawyer!
Xie Liang recited silently in his heart, and comforted himself at the same time.

it's ok...

Although the prosecution has filed the case, it can still be revoked or acquitted by the court before the verdict is pronounced.


Innocence is innocence, and other things must be gone.

Thinking of these things, Xie Liang intuitively felt abnormally restless.

Want to go to court as soon as possible.

"The court hearing will be held on the 20th of this month, and it is now the 18th, and the time is coming soon..."

Xie Liang took a long breath, lay down on the small bed, and closed his eyes.

The lawyer said that there is no problem, so there should be no other problems, right?
PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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