You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 200 Verdict!Conviction, dereliction of duty!

Chapter 200 Verdict!Conviction, dereliction of duty!

In court.

When Xie Liang faced the backstabs of Li Wanjia and Xu Botao, he was surprised and followed by anger.

Facing Xie Liang's anger, Li Wanjia and Xu Botao looked calm and looked directly at the presiding judge's seat.

Song Yuanhui briefly organized the statements of Li Wanjia and Xu Botao.

Continue to speak: "The defendant Xie Liang."

"Do you have any objections to the statements of Li Wanjia and Xu Botao?"

Face this problem.

Xie Liang was silent for two seconds.


What Li Wanjia and Xu Botao said were all facts, and the situation at that time was not much different from what Li Wanjia said.

What objection could he have?
In other words, he didn't dare to talk nonsense in court.

Shaking his head, Xie Liang said: "Judge, I have no objection." '

dong dong!

"The defendant party has no objection."

"Then next, I will ask you a few questions, please answer truthfully."

"Good judge."

Hearing Xie Liang's description, Song Yuanhui continued:
"According to Li Wanjia's statement."

"At that time, you, Li Wan's family, and Xu Botao went to Chen Bin's house together to resolve the dispute."

"During the handling of the case, the Li Wanjia suggested that Li Fei and more than a dozen other adult men could cause potential harm to Chen Bin and his mother. Why didn't you listen?"


"Judge, I have already answered this question."

"The situation at that time was that the conflict between Li Fei and others and Chen Bin and his mother He Lijuan was just an ordinary dispute case, and I didn't think about other aspects at all."
"So you thought you'd settled the dispute?"

At this time, Su Bai raised his hand to signal for supplements.

Su Bai's supplement to this question was tacitly approved by Song Yuanhui.

Facing Su Bai's sudden question, Xie Liang was taken aback for a moment before slowly opening his mouth:
"At that time, Li Fei and others verbally agreed not to continue to harass Chen Bin and He Lijuan. Of course, this dispute case was resolved!"

Su Bai continued to ask:

"Then why do you want to stop the Li Wan family from recording that Li Fei and others have entered Chen Bin's house."

"At that time your statement was:

This is just an ordinary dispute. If it is recorded, it will become a criminal case. What is the purpose of this sentence? "

Faced with a series of questioning.

Xie Liang didn't know how to answer at this time.

Instead, he turned his attention to Li Wanjia and Xu Botao. If they hadn't stabbed him in the back, he wouldn't be facing such pressing pressure now.


The current situation is that the facts have already happened, and we still need to deal with the current situation first.

After being silent for nearly half a minute, Xie Liang replied:
"My idea when I said this was very simple..."

"When we handle some dispute cases, we often encounter people who are unreasonable or talk nonsense."

"In this case, it is necessary to judge what is going on at the scene."

"If Chen Bin is talking nonsense, then we have been wronged for Li Fei and others?"

Su Bai:? ? ?
This is when he doesn't know the rules, right?

Records are records.

On-site records are only used as a basis for subsequent judgments.

Failure to record is an offense in itself.

Regarding this point, Xie Liang must be very clear in his heart.

So when making a statement, I tried my best to clarify my relationship.

Faced with Xie Liang's answer, Su Bai did not continue to ask further questions.

Xie Liang breathed a sigh of relief... He thought his statement had passed the test.

But this time...

On the seat of the trial platform, the presiding judge struck the gavel.

dong dong!

"Xie Liang, the defendant, is it true that you asked Li Wanjia not to record Chen Bin's oral statement?"

"The presiding judge... this matter is true, but I did it for a reason."

"I want to explain the reasons in detail and ask the presiding judge for permission."

Facing the request, Song Yuanhui said:
"The collegial panel has already understood what the defendant Xie Liang said. The reasons stated will not affect the judgment of the trial, so it refuses to state it."

Hearing that Song Yuanhui refused to let him make a statement, Xie Liang's heart skipped a beat.

At the same time, the presiding judge's seat, after rejecting Xie Liang's request.

Song Yuanhui, regarding the verdict of this case, has a certain judgment in his heart.


A few things need to be further clarified.…

Song Yuanhui said slowly: "The defendant party, can you describe your general psychology at that time?"

"It's the psychology of the whole process, why do you make behaviors that are inconsistent with your usual cognition."

Xie Liang was a little puzzled by the presiding judge's question.

He didn't know what the meaning of the presiding judge's question was...

So he turned to look at his client lawyer, Jiang Donglin.

Jiang Donglin: ...
Noticing Xie Liang's gaze, Jiang Donglin remained silent.

Originally, he thought that the trial was only a certain degree of difficulty, and Xie Liang could not be convicted of dereliction of duty.

But from now on...
Xie Liang's dereliction of duty is certain, and some other crimes may also be involved.

Judging from the statements of Li Wanjia and Xu Botao.

Xie Liang was obviously selfish in resolving Chen Bin's dispute.

At present, sufficient indirect evidence has formed a chain of evidence.

Even if he has eight mouths, it can't help Xie Liang get rid of the crime.

So facing Xie Liang's request for help, Jiang Donglin did not help.

dong dong!

"The defendant, Xie Liang, is invited to make a statement."

Song Yuanhui didn't give Xie Liang too many chances on the trial stand, and spoke seriously again.

Xie Liang took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Judge."

"Actually, I didn't have much mentality at the time. I just wanted to solve the case as quickly as possible. Maybe I overlooked some other circumstances."

"But I take my job very seriously."

"I really didn't think that there would be other surprises at the time, I just thought it was an ordinary debt dispute."

"We can't intervene in the issue of debt disputes, so we can only mediate."

"That's how I feel about it."

Song Yuanhui: "Then have you ever thought about other unexpected situations that would occur at that time?"


After asking the last question, Song Yuanhui briefly sorted out the litigation and defense materials he had so far, as well as the statements of all parties.


Looking around the trial scene, he said seriously:
"With regard to the above defense, do all parties have any objections?"

the above plea.

It was based on evidence from the parties involved in court.

None of the prosecution, prosecution and defense litigators have any objections.

On the seat of the trial bench, Song Yuanhui heard that there were no objections from all parties, and sounded the gavel.

"As for the specific issues of this case, the collegial panel has already understood."

"Let's start the court statement."

court statement...

Su Bai smiled slightly after hearing Song Yuanhui's words.

Court briefing is the final stage of the court hearing.

The presiding judge asked for a court statement.

That means that the final plea for the crime must be made and the verdict will be announced immediately.

The verdict of this trial was clear.

According to the current trial situation.

The indirect evidence has already pointed to Xie Liang's crime of dereliction of duty.


Statements made by Li Wanjia and Xu Botao.

It was further confirmed that Xie Liang had many violations, deliberate neglect and violations of the law.

Xie Liang is guilty of dereliction of duty, so he will definitely not be able to escape!
Jiang Donglin sighed slightly after hearing the presiding judge's request for a court statement.

But he didn't say anything.
On the seat of the trial table, Song Yuanhui continued to speak: "Now I invite the prosecution to make a court statement."

"Good judge."

Wang Jin nodded and began to prepare his presentation.

for this case.

All indirect evidence has pointed to Xie Liang's malfeasance.

Regarding Xie Liang's subjectivity, it has also been proved by the confessions of two colleagues, Li Wanjia and Xu Botao, as well as related facts.

Then in the last link of the court statement, the clarity of the prosecution's statement is very simple.

You only need to briefly analyze the sentences of the three of them.

Clear your mind.

Wang Jin spoke slowly: "President, the prosecutor's court statement is as follows:"

"The prosecution believes that in this case, Xie Liang, as the main investigator of the case, did not listen to the opinions of his colleagues. He could clearly foresee that there might be serious consequences in the future, but he ignored it."

"And with some deliberateness."

"So the prosecutor believes that Xie Liang should bear the main responsibility in this case."

"Recommended sentence: two years in prison."

"The other two parties involved in this case are Li Wanjia and Xu Botao."

"The two of them had foreseen the possible serious consequences in the follow-up of this case, and had given corresponding reminders, but they were not adopted by Xie Liang."

"The prosecution believes that based on the subjectiveness of the two, the judgment against the two should be punished lightly."

"Presiding judge, the prosecution has finished its statement."
dong dong!

"After the prosecution's statement, let the defendant's legal representative or the defendant's party make a court statement."

"Good judge."

Facing the final court statement, Jiang Donglin knew that it was certain that Xie Liang would be found guilty.

Therefore, in terms of statement, it is still necessary to make a statement in terms of sentence reduction.

Jiang Donglin took a deep breath, and continued: "Judge."

"We state the court as follows:"

"In this case, Xie Liang, the defendant party, upheld the concept of maintaining his duty in handling the dispute between Chen Bin and Li Fei and others."

"However, it may be due to the nature of the work and the number of years of work, a certain conservative concept based on the judgment made based on one's own experience, and a corresponding wrong judgment was made, which led to greater consequences in the future."

"In such a situation, Xie Liang may have been at fault to some extent, but this kind of negligence is not considered serious."


"During this process, Xie Liang did seriously criticize and educate Li Fei and others."

"Relational mediation was carried out."

"So we believe that Xie Liang's negligent behavior should be given a lighter punishment or reduced punishment."

"I hope the presiding judge can take into account the nature of Xie Liang's work and the specific circumstances at the time to make a judgment."

"Judge, we have finished our statement."

Jiang Donglin's statement was made entirely from the two aspects of reducing punishment and mitigating punishment.

To put it bluntly, it is to avoid guilt.

After listening to the defendant's statement, Song Yuanhui looked at Su Bai again.

"Now to the prosecution to make their case."

Facing the presiding judge's words, Su Bai nodded: "Good presiding judge."

"We believe that Xie Liang's work attitude is completely improper, which is a serious dereliction of duty."

"In the case of Chen Bin."

"Chen Bin's defensive behavior caused two deaths and three serious injuries and many other minor injuries."

"It's the consequences."

"But at the same time, there is another hypothesis."

"Think about it differently."

"If the court does not judge that Chen Bin is a defensive act, it will be proved according to the recommended sentence and other materials submitted by the prosecution."

"There is a certain possibility that Chen Bin will be sentenced to death."

"Chen Bin was really sentenced to death, which would be a major trauma to the judiciary and legal justice."

"The consequences will be unpredictable."

"And what is the premise that caused such a big consequence?"

"The premise was just a small dereliction of duty, just a random neglect?"

"Xie Liang's own behavior does not represent himself. Because of his reasons, such serious consequences have been caused. We believe that the judgment should be severe and strict."

"It's not just a judgment for legal justice, it's a judgment for procedural justice."

"That is to say, our point of view is to ask the court to give serious consideration to the serious consequences of Xie Liang's actions."

"Judge, we have finished our statement."

dong dong!

After the three parties have finished their statements, after listening to the statements of all parties.

Song Yuanhui made a brief summary silently in his heart.

Then he turned his head to look at Meng Hao, noticing that Meng Hao nodded slightly and struck the gavel.

"The courts of all parties have completed their statements, and now enter the adjournment!"

"After the court session, announce the verdict!"

dong dong!

The gavel sounded, entering the adjournment stage.

Accompanied by the members of the collegial panel leaving the courtroom, Xie Liang's face was very ugly in the courtroom.

Li Wanjia and Xu Botao, who were the defendants, looked calm.

The happiest one was Li Xuezhen, with an excited face, silently chanting: ++++.
The collegial panel discusses the room.

Song Yuanhui looked at Meng Hao and Qi Yu: "There is no problem with convicting Xie Liang for his dereliction of duty."

"The indirect evidence is enough to form a chain of evidence. Regarding the sentence, do you two have anything to say?"

Meng Hao said, "As for the sentence, let's follow what the prosecution said. I think two years' imprisonment is more appropriate."

"However, it only targets the charge of dereliction of duty. In the future, I suspect that the prosecution may add other charges."

"But...this has nothing to do with our trial."

"What about the sentences of Li Wanjia and Xu Botao?"

Song Yuanhui asked again.

Meng Hao replied: "According to the evidence provided by the prosecutor and the confessions of the two people, neither of them is qualified as derelict in their duties..."

"Well! But the two are involved in administrative punishment, so leave this to the law enforcement department!"


During the discussion between Song Yuanhui and Meng Hao, Qi Yu didn't say much.


The recess is over.

In the sound of the clerk opening the court again, the members of the collegial panel took their seats on the trial platform again.

dong dong!

Song Yuanhui knocked the hammer and spoke again:
"The adjournment is over."

“Now let’s announce the results of the court trial!”

Everyone stood up, waiting for Song Yuanhui to announce the verdict.

Song Yuanhui began to read:
"After the collegial panel studied and decided, the judgment is as follows:"

"In response to the prosecution's accusation that Xie Liang neglected his duties as a functional employee, the court found that the facts were established."

"The reasons are as follows:"

"According to the conditions for dereliction of duty in the crime of dereliction of duty:"

"One, subjectively, it was due to self-confidence or being able to foresee but not foreseeing, which led to major consequences."

"Two: It has caused major consequences."

"Based on these two conditions, the relevant indirect evidence submitted by the prosecutor, and the direct confessions of the defendants Li Wanjia and Xu Botao."

"It proves that Xie Liang was able to foresee that under the circumstances at that time, there may be major consequences in the future."

"It belongs to being able to foresee but not foreseeing, and being overconfident."

"And it caused serious and major consequences in the future."

"Xie Liang's crime of dereliction of duty is conditional."

"It is hereby ruled that Xie Liang neglected his duties and failed to fulfill his responsibilities, causing heavy losses to the interests of the people."

"Sentence Xie Liang to two years in prison!"
"For the accused parties Li Wanjia and Xu Botao."

"The court believes that in this case, Li Wanjia and Xu Botao acted foreseeably, and provided corresponding reminders to Xie Liang, the main case handler."

"And pointed out Xie Liang's violations during the court hearing, and did not conceal it."

"It is now judged that Li Wanjia and Xu Botao did not constitute the crime of dereliction of duty."


After the verdict of dereliction of duty was pronounced.

Song Yuanhui was also sentenced for the crime of illegal house invasion by those debt collectors.

This time in the trial, there was no discussion on the crime of illegal house invasion by those debt collectors.

It is because those debt collectors have already pleaded guilty and accepted punishment, and only need to make a rough sentence.

Sentencing as an accessory is relatively short, most ranging from three months to six months.

For the more serious ones, those who committed acts of vandalism were sentenced to a real sentence ranging from six months to one year and six months.

After stating the corresponding judgment, Song Yuanhui sounded the gavel.

Declare the court closed!

dong dong! !
The dull voice of the hammer echoed in the courtroom.

The dull sound not only appeared in the court hearing, but also echoed in Xie Liang's heart.

Xie Liang stared straight at the seats on the trial bench, and asked loudly:

"The judge...I don't obey the judgment!"

"I, Li Wanjia and Xu Botao participated in the settlement of the dispute together. Why should I be sentenced and not them?"

"I seriously suspect that there is something going on here!"

Xie Liang himself wondered why Li Wanjia and Xu Botao backstabbed him.

Now hearing the result of the trial, I can't help but wonder if there is something wrong with it.

Facing Xie Liang's questioning.

Song Yuanhui said lightly: "It's your right to question."

"If you have any questions, please submit them to the relevant departments."

After the words fell, Song Yuanhui left the court seat directly.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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