You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 201 Xiao Li: Caught a litter

Chapter 201 Xiao Li: Caught a litter

In court.

Faced with the verdict, Xie Liang was a little confused.

how to say
He himself was lucky.

First, although he has a relationship with He Xingyuan, it is still an improper relationship.

But if it weren't for this hook, and Su Bai brought it up for supervision and review, who would have known? !

Second, he had notified Liang Xingyuan of the situation in advance!

I thought everything would be fine, so I definitely wouldn't judge myself.

Who would have thought that he would be stabbed in the back by Li Wanjia and Xu Botao!
Just hand him over and they will pick it clean themselves!
Well now, the judgment has nothing to do with them, only myself.

Facing this kind of judgment, Xie Liang felt so aggrieved that he was so aggrieved that he would die!

As long as there is no problem in this case, he may not suffer this kind of sentence!

Damn, he actually caught up with me!


Xie Liang turned around and looked at Jiang Donglin who was packing up:

"There must be something wrong with Lawyer Jiang's case. It's definitely wrong to only sentence me and not others!"

"I'm with them both."

"I suspect there is something wrong with it, Lawyer Jiang, I want to file a supervisory review!"

"Can you help me? I was wronged."

Jiang Donglin:? ? ? ? have no problem, right?

Are you wronged?
Still want to file a supervisory review?
Do you think there is any use in bringing up supervision and review?

Also, don’t you know why only you were sentenced and not the other two people?

You were the main investigator at the time, and Li Wanjia was an auxiliary staff who took notes.

But in the face of other people's requests, you ignore them and don't let them take notes.

Not taking notes, this is a serious violation within the department!

Now suspect that there is a problem, want to file a supervisory review?
Are you okay?
If I accept this order according to your entrustment.

Then it will be difficult for me to mix in this circle in Beijing in the future.

Being laughed at to death!
Jiang Donglin may have seen enough of this kind of client to understand what the other person is thinking.

Jiang Donglin glanced at Xie Liang and said simply:
"I didn't know about your case before, and you didn't tell me about the confession."

"Now I propose to terminate the contract with you."

"If you want to continue to appeal, I think you can find another attorney to represent you."

"I can't represent it!"

While saying these words, Jiang Donglin had already packed up the litigation materials and left the court hearing.

There is no big problem with the judgment of this court.

If the supervision and review is brought up, will he still have a good reputation in the circle in the future?
Much less money!
Just quit!
Faced with Jiang Donglin's sudden dismissal of the lawsuit, Xie Liang was stunned for a moment, but before he realized what was going on, he saw Jiang Donglin's back gradually going away.


Forget it, let's go, let's go!
This lawyer made a good point before the trial, but it would not be of much use in the trial. He should be sentenced anyway!
He didn't believe it, he couldn't find a good lawyer!

Jiang Donglin: Don't talk about finding a good lawyer, you can even find 100 lawyers!

Although the judgment in this case was dereliction of duty, what about the others?
Check Liang Xingyuan again, and then check you again, don't you have other things in it?

Then you will know that two years is still a short time!
However, Jiang Donglin has already terminated the contract with Xie Liang, so there is no need to remind him.
At the trial, the other two defendants, Li Wanjia and Xu Botao, breathed a sigh of relief.

They have not been judged.

But...the job will definitely be revoked.

But this is also much stronger than Xie Liang.
the other side.

Li Xuezhen's expression was slightly depressed at this time...

After all, there were three defendants in this case, but only one was brought in.

It is equivalent to only winning 1/3 of the case...

Little face collapsed.

tsk tsk...

Shaking his head felt a little pity.

Seeing this, Su Bai smiled and waved his hands for Li Xuezhen to follow.



"Good Lawyer Su..."

Li Xuezhen ran quickly in small steps, keeping up with Su Bai's pace.

After seeing Li Xuezhen following, Su Bai glanced in Xie Liang's direction again.

The case of Xie Liang is still in progress, and he was convicted of dereliction of duty. This is only a temporary conviction.

In the follow-up, we still have to check the corresponding situation from Liang Xingyuan.
Inside Baijun Law Firm.

The lawsuit entrusted by Xu Xiang about the loan agreement between He Lijuan and Wandai Co., Ltd. is about to begin.

The relevant situation was learned through Xu Xiang’s early interviews and investigations and his own personal connections.

Wandai Co., Ltd. is an illegal usury company, but it has never been exposed, and the relevant departments have not inspected it.

Especially in the past few years, when the supervision was not strict, it was almost equivalent to an integrated illegal loan collection company.

Most of the debt collectors are also violent collectors, which is very bad in nature.

Inside the office.

Su Bai and Xu Xiang briefly talked about the key issues that need to be paid attention to in this court session.

After confirming the evidence and other matters held by Xu Xiang, there is no problem.

Regarding the lawsuit brought by Xu Xiang, Su Bai was also relieved a lot.

And promised to go to the scene during the trial.
Regarding loan cases.

This hearing is a public hearing.

When the court time came, Su Bai took Li Xuezhen to the viewing seats.

The plaintiffs are Xu Xiang and Wang Kexin.

The main issue in this lawsuit is a series of requests for Wandai Company to stop charging interest and for He Lijuan to suspend loan repayments.

At the beginning of the trial, Xu Xiang's attack was very fierce, and he directly showed the relevant evidence.

It proves that the interest rate charged by Wandai Company has far exceeded the range stipulated by the state.

The borrower may stop paying interest.

and.Before the trial started, Xu Xiang found many loan parties.

The parties directly accused Wandai Co., Ltd. of being a vampire company at the trial.

Its loan interest belongs to rolling interest rolling interest rolling interest rolling interest...

Can't finish rolling at all.

Some people have a loan amount of 5, but the repayment amount has reached 20, which has not been repaid.

The repaid amount has reached 4 times the principal, and there are still debts that need to be repaid?

What kind of situation is this?
This is not a high-interest loan at all, this is completely lying on people to suck blood!

What is the concept of four times the principal?
Generally speaking, if you take a bank loan for 30 years, it will just double the loan principal.

But the money borrowed from Wandai Company can quadruple in just one or two years. For an ordinary family, this can completely kill people!

Especially Wandai Co., Ltd. has a lot of debt collectors.

This situation….
It is a serious illegal company operation!
This kind of behavior is faster than robbing money!
A client who was once a victim of a lender to Wandai Company.

One after another as witnesses to accuse in court.

Since the case was broadcast live in court, in the live broadcast room, it was seen that these witnesses were burdened with high debts because they borrowed money from Wandai Co., Ltd.

There are even some more outrageous ones, which directly lead to the destruction of the family.

Many people cursed!

"What the hell is this Wandai Co., Ltd.? It can release such usurious loans! This kind of company has not yet closed down, so what are you waiting for? Give all the money to others, and close down!"

"Unethical company!"

"Yes! I've heard of this Wandai Company before. It seems that it also provides loans to college students. It did a lot of immoral things at that time. It seems that it even forced a female student to death in a certain school..."

"Damn it, really?! Did no one care at the time?"

"That seems to be a few years ago, right? At that time, all kinds of loan companies were in chaos, but this Wandai company was the most wicked. We remember that we were in school, and the school's teachers specially reminded us!"

"Fuck! I've been doing this kind of thing for a few years. This Wandai company is really disgusting. I don't know how many people's families have been broken up by doing this kind of loan!"
The result of the trial was that Wandai Co., Ltd. lost the case.

Xu Xiang won the case.

And after winning the lawsuit, it submitted a supervisory review to relevant departments for Wandai Co., Ltd.

Wang Kexin's small face was excited!
The expression was exactly the same as Li Xuezhen's first time.

Regarding this trial, it was marked by the media as a follow-up to the Chen Bin case, and soon became a hot search again.

However, this time the hot search is not mainly about Chen Bin.

It is based on how many people have been harmed and how much harm has been brought to the society by the illegal high interest rates targeted at certain small and medium-sized loan companies.

Taking this as a discussion point has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

The comments section unanimously commented on the situations they suffered in their early years.

“I f*ck remembered only using one software at the time, but I didn’t expect that the loan service would be opened later.

As a result, I earn 5000 yuan a year, and my daily expenses do not exceed 50 yuan a month. TM is on the blacklist because I owe [-] yuan. Who can understand?Who can believe it? "

"The situation upstairs is just on the blacklist. In the past few years, it was much more crazy than now. At that time, it was not supported to be on the blacklist, but compound interest. If you owe 2, you can pay back [-]." many."

"There is another discount... I don't remember if it was called that. It means that if you borrow 5000 yuan, I will deduct [-] yuan first..."

"That's right! At that time, this kind of loan was very outrageous. The debtors called you crazy, and some local money lenders would provide door-to-door service."

"This kind of lending company is simply a black-hearted workshop and needs to be severely cracked down!"

"Yes, it must be attacked black-heartedly, and the family is ruined by others. This kind of behind-the-scenes boss should be sentenced to death!"


The hot discussion quickly attracted the attention of relevant departments.

Regarding the loan sharking incident, the relevant departments quickly made adjustments.

at the same time.

In the office of Wandai Co., Ltd.

Liang Xingyuan scratched his bald head, noticed the trending news on the Internet, and couldn't help scolding his mother.


"What kind of bullshit news is this?!"

"If it's such a fuss, wouldn't all the things he made a fuss about in the past few years be revealed?"

Looking at the hot searches on the Internet, headlines one after another, Liang Xingyuan's whole head felt cold.


"According to the current Internet popularity, if it continues to ferment, then something will happen to me later!"

Run away...

Liang Xingyuan suddenly had this idea in his mind.

Just when this thought was getting stronger, Liang Xingyuan called his wife and children, packed up his things and explained the company's affairs, and was about to leave.

outside the office.

Several law enforcement officers pushed open the office door directly and came to Liang Xingyuan.

"Hello, Liang Xingyuan, right?"

"I'm not.…"


"If you say no, then it's not? Yes, it's not up to you, Liang Xingyuan, there are a few cases in our department that need your assistance in investigating. These are our law enforcement documents."

"If you think there is any problem, you can ask questions later, but now you have to come with us."

"Let's go..."

Liang Xingyuan: "Until my lawyer comes, I won't go anywhere."

Does the boss of a suspected loan company know anything about law?

However, the relevant staff did not give Liang Xingyuan any chance.

If you don’t actively cooperate, then you must force your cooperation.

In the end, Liang Xingyuan was taken away by law enforcement officers of relevant departments for investigation.

In the end, what awaited him was a few years in prison.

Among them, relevant departments also took corresponding measures against Liang Xingyuan’s debt collectors.

This time, Wandai Co., Ltd. under Liang Xingyuan's name existed in name only, and all relevant persons in charge were taken away for investigation.

After Li Xuezhen saw the news from the Internet, her eyes narrowed into crescents.

Originally thought that only one would be sent in, but I didn't expect to send in a litter!

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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