You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 202: Increased sentence, no one escaped

Chapter 202 Additional Sentence, Not One Runs Away

Liang Xingyuan was taken away by relevant departments for investigation.


Enthusiastic people have been paying attention to and following this matter.

And as soon as relevant departments have progress, it will be announced online.

The current situation.

Liang Xingyuan was unwilling to say anything, and he was unwilling to explain anything.

However, some of his company's "veterans" made everything clear about Liang Xingyuan in order to reduce his sentence.

The specific crimes Liang Xingyuan was involved in include:
Picking quarrels and provoking trouble, forcing others to commit criminal acts, intentional injury, and gang crimes are also involved.

The prosecution and law enforcement are confirming the evidence and preparing to prosecute Liang Xingyuan.
at the same time.

Inside Baijun Law Firm.

Su Bai sat in the office, and Xu Xiang understood the content behind the case.

After winning the loan lawsuit against Hewandai Co., Ltd.

Bai Jun Law Firm has accepted many cases in loan business.

As well as the victims who had been tricked by Wandai Co., Ltd. before, they all approached Baijun Law Firm.

For the above.

Su Bai smiled: "Recently, our law firm has seen a lot of cases related to loan business."

"Lawyer Xu, you did a good job in this lawsuit."

"This has opened up our Baijun Law Firm's business in loan cases!"

Xu Xiang smiled and shook his head: "I didn't expect this case to have such a follow-up result."

"The main reason is that the Internet has a greater impact, and many people have suffered scams from this kind of loan company,"

"What's more, this case itself is a follow-up to the Chen Bin case. Everyone is very concerned about this case."

"Based on the current situation"

"This Wandai Co., Ltd. has been suspected of serious illegal activities. Now the boss behind the scenes has been arrested and is engaged in gray business. I guess this company is likely to go bankrupt in the future!"

Su Bai smiled and nodded.

This is not a very formal loan company.

Once closed.

For those small loans, there is no interest, although there may be a legal loan relationship.

But in the case of bankruptcy, debts and claims will be liquidated.

At that time, some loans do not necessarily need to be repaid, which is a good thing for some borrowing groups.

But there is one thing to say.

This kind of loan company has indeed done excessively and disgustingly in the past few years.

Violent debt collection, campus loans and the like are almost equivalent to threats and fraud.

Anyway, it's normal for it to go bankrupt.

This time the lawsuit was really thrown into the trap.
Thinking of this, Su Bai couldn't help but smile.
"There is indeed a great certainty of closure...."

"Well! It's just that I heard one more thing, that is, the prosecution is tracking down the assets of the shareholders and bosses behind it, and they will demand that these illegal gains be handed over."

"There may be some compensation for certain groups of people."

"Well, that's fine."

Su Bai nodded.

at the same time.

Inside the rental house.

After Li Xuezhen and Wang Kexin graduated from school, they moved next to Su Bai, and they also lived together.

After this case is over.

Li Xuezhen and Wang Kexin also exchanged experiences with each other.

"How is it? Isn't the feeling of sending someone in particularly exciting?"

Li Xuezhen looked at Wang Kexin with a smile.

Wang Kexin had a serious expression on her face and nodded seriously: "Xuezhen, don't tell me, I was very excited when Lawyer Xu and I went to submit for supervision and review!"

Li Xuezhen's face was full of smiles. She understood this feeling so well! .
Time flies.

Nearly a month has passed since the Chen Bin case and the loan lawsuit that Xu Xiang took over.

Regarding Liang Xingyuan and the main criminals of Wandai Company, a trial was held.

And it includes the second trial of Xie Liang.

The prosecution applied for an additional sentence for Xie Liang's lawsuit.

The main reason is that Xie Liang's criminal behavior is not just dereliction of duty.

After Liang Xingyuan's account, there was also bribery.

And the amount added together in recent years is huge.

Xie Liang is still thinking of appealing?

Still want to file a supervisory review?

Completely out of the blue, he was finally tried again by the Intermediate Court and sentenced to five years and six months in prison, with his illegal gains handed over and a fine imposed.

The evidence chain for the crimes involved in Liang Xingyuan was sufficient and complete. Several crimes were punished concurrently and he was sentenced to seven years in prison.

The relevant criminals of Wandai Company were sentenced to one year to three years in prison.

For those who were not involved, no prosecution was filed after the prosecution's investigation.

The relevant departments posted the final judgment and punishment on the official website.

After Su Bai finished browsing, he let out a soft breath.

As he expected, this Xie Liang did have an improper relationship with Liang Xingyuan.

But he didn't expect that the huge amount
Sentenced to five years and six months, it is considered a moderate sentence.

"Chen Bin's case is over here..."

Su Bai rubbed the space between his eyebrows, took a sip of tea, and lay down on the sofa.

Feeling a burst of drowsiness, Su Bai slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the time had passed, nearly an hour.

At this time, Wang Li's number suddenly appeared on the phone.

At this point in time, why did Wang Li call him?
Although Su Bai was a little curious, he still answered the phone casually.

after all….
From the beginning, Bai Jun Law Firm took Wang Li's case.

Wang Li also brought several not-so-small cases to the law firm, and he can be regarded as a loyal client of the law firm.

After Su Bai answered the phone, Wang Li's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Lawyer Su... I have a very urgent lawsuit here, and I need Lawyer Su's help to take it up."

"An accident happened to Zhang Tongwei!"

Something happened to Zhang Tongwei? !
Isn’t Zhang Tongwei getting married soon?What could happen?

"Don't be impatient. Speak slowly. If you can't explain clearly, you can also come directly to the law firm for an interview."

"Okay! Lawyer Su!"

"I may not be able to explain clearly on the phone. I will rush over now and go to the law firm to talk to you."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Li hurried to Bai Jun Law Firm.

When he came to the office, he took the mineral water handed over by Su Bai and gulped down a bottle of mineral water in two sips.

Seeing Wang Li's situation as a matter of urgency, Su Bai hurriedly asked:
"What the hell is it?"

"What happened to Zhang Tongwei? It made you so anxious."

"Lawyer Su! This time it's a big deal, and it's still related to marriage!" Su Bai:? ? ?
Or is it about marriage?
Noticing Su Bai's surprised expression, Wang Li wiped the sweat off his face and continued to explain.

"Hasn't Zhang Tongwei been engaged for a long time? I don't know when... about two months ago.

The woman suddenly regretted that she did not want to marry Zhang Tongwei. If she wanted to get married, he would not be able to get married unless Zhang Tongwei put all the pre-marital property in her name. "

"Of course Zhang Tongwei doesn't want to!"

"Then the woman accused Zhang Tongwei of violating women's rights and having an improper relationship against the woman's will."

"The law enforcement party has launched a case investigation on this matter, and Zhang Tongwei is currently awaiting trial."

"That's how it is."

"Zhang Tongwei has been detained for nearly 40 days!"

40 days? !

Su Bai frowned slightly: "It's been so many days, why did you come to me?"

"Lawyer Su, I just found out..."

"Some time ago, my wife and I went on a trip and didn't have much contact with Zhang Tongwei. I was thinking that I could attend Zhang Tongwei's wedding when I came back from the trip, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen! "

"This Zhang Tongwei, when he got married for the first time, the other party wanted to lie to him about his pre-marital property. After the divorce, the other party didn't get anything. That's good.

I originally thought that Zhang Tongwei met a good woman this time and would be able to live a good life. He didn't make any strange requests before getting engaged. I also thought that the two of them could get together.

But who would have thought that this time it would be even more powerful.

Not only want money, but also want to send people in! "


"Who are the people Zhang Tongwei is looking for! He is looking for some random targets!"

Regarding this matter, Wang Li couldn't stop complaining.

Looking at my good brother, it's okay to be cheated by marriage for the first time.

Now for the second time.…

Good guy, still don't have a long memory!
He felt that Zhang Tongwei was in conflict with marriage and had a marriage-resistant constitution!

Otherwise, how could something like this happen now?

Complaints are complaints, in fact, Wang Li is still very worried about Zhang Tongwei's specific situation.

So I contacted Su Bai immediately, and came to Bai Jun Law Firm to ask what should I do.

"Lawyer Su..."

"You said that this violated women's rights and forcibly had sex against women's will, how did he calculate..."

"You know... Zhang Tongwei and that woman are already engaged!"

"Just because he didn't add his name to the house before marriage, Zhang Tongwei has been detained for more than 40 days now."

"Lawyer Su..."

"What should I do!"


Wang Li talked a lot.

Su Bai motioned to Wang Li to sit down first. The current situation was unclear for a while and he needed to ask slowly.

Rubbing between his brows, Su Bai exhaled softly: "The last time we met Zhang Tongwei, didn't Zhang Tongwei have a good relationship with his fiancée?"

"Why did this happen all of a sudden?"

Wang Li frowned: "I don't know about that either."

"It's been several months since we last got together, and I don't really know what happened during that time.

Because Zhang Tongwei has been telling me that he has found a good wife, this time I promise that there will be no problem.

I kept telling him to pay more attention, pay more attention, but he never paid attention to it. In the end, this kind of thing happened again. "

When Wang Li spoke, his tone was completely hateful.

It was clear that he wanted to beat Zhang Tongwei severely.

Seeing this, Su Bai comforted him, "Don't worry."

"There hasn't been a trial yet."

"Well! I'm not in a hurry, I just hate that iron can't be made into steel. How can someone fall down once and then fall down the second time."

Facing Wang Li's mood, Su Bai smiled and poured Wang Li a cup of tea.

This kind of case involves people around you, especially if this kind of situation has happened before, and now it happens again, there will definitely be feelings of hatred for iron and steel.

But emotions don't fix things.

If you want to continue to understand the case of Zhang Tongwei, you must ask what is going on.

Based on what Wang Li just said, Su Bai briefly summarized and asked.

"You are sure now, Zhang Tongwei has been detained for more than 40 days, right?"


"I have been locked up for more than 40 days. I don't remember the details. I heard from Zhang Tongwei's father that it was about 43 to 45 days."


More than 40 days....
Generally, being detained for more than 37 days means that the prosecution believes and has mastered Zhang Tongwei's criminal facts and related evidence.

Because criminal detention has a time limit.

According to Article 89 of the Code of Criminal Procedure:
If the law enforcement agency deems it necessary to arrest a detainee, it shall submit an application for approval by the inspection department within three days after the detainment.

In exceptional circumstances, the time to submit an application for approval may be extended to one to four days.

For certain major criminal suspects, the time for submitting for review and approval can be extended to 30 days.

In other words, law enforcement agencies have 30 days to prepare for the submission of prosecutorial approval.

Moreover, the Criminal Procedure Law clearly stipulates that the procuratorial department shall make a decision to approve or disapprove the arrest within seven days of receiving the arrest warrant issued by the law enforcement agency.

to be honest.

It roughly means that the longest time from criminal detention to the procuratorate's decision to approve the arrest can be 37 days.

If it exceeds 37 days, it will be deemed that there is corresponding evidence and a public prosecution can be initiated.

Zhang Tongwei has been detained for more than 40 days now. The prosecutors and law enforcement parties must have obtained relevant evidence.


This thing itself makes people feel outrageous!

Already engaged, she was accused of forcibly having sex with a woman against her will.

No matter how you look at it, there is a problem!

Most people are engaged, how can they sue their fiancés for forcibly having sex against the wishes of women?

This obviously reveals that it is not normal.


Putting this matter aside, let's talk about it.

How did Zhang Tongwei catch up with this kind of thing?
The last time I encountered the transfer of common property within marriage.


Good guy, this method is more clever.

Direct accusations of forced illicit relations against the will of women.

The last one wanted money, and this one wanted money and life.

Is Zhang Tongwei's physique... a special condition unique to the nouveau riche?

Su Bai muttered in his heart.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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