You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 214 The verdict!Xiao Li: What a pity!

Chapter 214 The verdict!Xiao Li: What a pity!

Regarding Li Xuezhen's sudden words, Su Bai was stunned for a moment:

Shangdu Intermediate People's Court is only one hour and eight minutes away from the supervision department.
Ahem, are you seeing your own thoughts?


No, why did you calculate so carefully, even to the minute?

Su Bai turned around and saw Li Xuezhen's serious face, looking at Su Bai with her eyes completely narrowed into a crescent moon.

tsk tsk...
It seems that Li Xuezhen has learned a lot about herself while following her!
Li Xuezhen's small face is proud: that is
Su Bai just waved his hand, signaling Li Xuezhen to wait.

We will know the outcome of this case when this judgment is completed.
At the trial table, facing Chen Xiang's application, Yang Yaodong seemed a little silent, more helpless and angry.

No, what is the prosecutor's statement?
You said that the prosecution has relevant indirect evidence, doesn’t it?

Why are you saying that Wang Bo can't prove his unintentional nature?

If it's a closed trial, that's fine. You can be allowed to continue your statement, but this is a live trial.

Many legal enthusiasts across the country are paying attention to the outcome of this trial.

When you say this, do you think it's a normal court hearing?
Are you the undercover sent by Wang Bo?
Thinking of this, Yang Yaodong felt a headache.

It is the court that has the final say as to whether the truth, this indirect evidence, can be admitted.

Although there is no direct correlation between the two, it does not mean that there is no correlation. Judgment?no problem!
There is no problem in making a judgment first in accordance with the law and then supplementing the evidence of defects later.

But why do you mention other things?

During this court hearing, Yang Yaodong had been holding back his anger towards Su Bai and was about to vent his anger.

Within the scope of the law, Wang Bo should be sentenced to a harsher sentence.

But now. Chen Xiang is pleading in this way, what should he do?
There is no way!

Yang Yaodong noticed that Su Bai was looking in his direction seriously.

I sighed secretly in my heart.

Helplessly he spoke slowly:
"The defendant's litigation lawyer will determine whether there are any other opinions or opinions regarding the application submitted by the prosecutor."

Su Bai looked away. He originally thought that Yang Yaodong would directly judge this point.

But I didn't expect that the other party would turn around and ask for my opinion.
Su Bai said: "Yes."

After sorting out the litigation materials, I continued to state:

“In criminal proceedings, the principle of presumption of innocence is advocated.”

"So we believe that the prosecution made our client testify against himself, which violates the principles and provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law."

"Application to dismiss the prosecution's application for judgment."

dong dong!

"The collegial panel has learned about the statements made by the defendant litigant."

The hammer fell.

"We are now entering the adjournment stage and the trial will continue in the afternoon!"

adjournment stage.

The morning trial ended, and the continuation of the trial was postponed to 02:30 in the afternoon.

After the adjournment.

Su Bai took a sip of water. The weather was getting colder now, so he tightened the bottle cap.

Su Bai took Li Xuezhen out for a meal.

Li Xuezhen proposed that she would like to visit the supervision department. Maybe she could save some time by going there.

Su Bai: ...
If you think about it carefully, if the judgment is really due to insufficient evidence chain, then going to the supervision and review department yourself can indeed save a lot of time.

You can also return to Nandu early.

The two of them went to the supervision and review department, which took about half an hour.

Then we found a place to rest and prepare for the court hearing in the afternoon.

According to Su Bai's estimation, when the court convenes in the afternoon, the verdict will be announced directly.
at the same time.

In the collegial court, after lunch, the three collegial panel members of this trial were discussing the verdict.

Song Ker and Xiao Dong still have the same concept. If Wang Bo is to be found guilty.

Then a complete chain of evidence needs to be presented to prove Wang Bo's deliberate laissez-faire behavior.

If the prosecutor cannot produce it, they will slap the prosecutor in the face and it will be impossible to convict!
Of course, the presiding judge is not the two of them. If Yang Yaodong wants to make a ruling, he can do it. They wrote their disagreement and their own opinions in the collegial panel's opinion.

Yang Yaodong smiled and said nothing, but discussed the confession with Song Keren and Xiao Dong.

Song Keren directly expressed his point of view, and the auditor's confession can only represent his own point of view, and has nothing to do with Wang Bo's subjectivity.

There is no formal causal relationship between the two, not even indirect causal relationship.

Therefore, Song Keren did not support Yang Yaodong's use of this method to determine that Wang Bo had deliberately indulged his behavior.

In this regard, Xiao Dong supported Song Keren's point of view.

Yang Yaodong sighed deeply and agreed with the two people's views without saying anything else.
And on the prosecutor’s side….
Chen Xiang and Li Lin had dinner, and they were also preparing for the court session in the afternoon.

The two sat on the same side.

Li Lin finished sorting out the relevant court hearings, glanced at them on his phone, and handed them out.

He rubbed his brows and said, "Did you do whatever you wanted during the previous court trial?"

"Your performance in this case was too poor. Just look at the public opinion on the Internet..."

Chen Xiang took Li Lin's cell phone and looked a little unhappy when he saw the heated discussion among netizens about the morning trial.

Most people think that the prosecutor's performance in this trial was very poor.

Chen Xiang took a deep breath. He didn't know why this time had such a big impact.

Normally during a trial, the most important thing is to convince the presiding judge based on the evidence and legal regulations.

This time...

The facts were clear and the evidence was relatively conclusive. He had thought it was just an ordinary trial, not much different from the past.

There really aren't many other factors taken into consideration.

After a few minutes of silence, Chen Xiang quickly ran his fingers through the hot comments from netizens and scanned them at a glance.

After taking a few long breaths, he returned the phone to Li Lin.

"I was not fully prepared for this court hearing..."

Li Lin was silent for a while after taking the phone, and did not continue to speak.

At this time, Chen Xiang spoke again: "The main reason is that Wang Boming was suspected of spreading filth in this court trial... I may have been a little careless and did not confirm that the evidence was complete."

"Whether it is obvious or not, as prosecutors, we must use legal facts to support our statement. What does the last sentence of your statement in court mean that Wang Bo should testify himself?"

"Don't you know what self-incrimination means in criminal terms?"

"You have completely forgotten the principle of presumption of innocence, right? You still just want to make a point of trying to convince the presiding judge to agree with you?"

"Do you think the presiding judge will agree?"

"This trial was obviously lost. Not only was it lost, but it also generated huge public opinion."

"The court will definitely rule Wang Bo not guilty... If you are dissatisfied with the court's decision, you can file a protest again, but you should think about it carefully."

"When the court opens in the afternoon, please pay attention to the court statement."

Chen Xiang took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay, I understand."
in the afternoon.

Around 02:30.

The trial was held again, this time directly into the trial process.

At noon, all parties had already made preparations for the afternoon trial.Li Xuezhen also looked at the trial stand with excitement.

At noon, she and Su Bai had already settled down, if there was any problem with the verdict.

After the announcement here, she can take Lawyer Su to the supervision and review department.

And there is a small detail in it, that is, Xanadu has been asked what information is needed to submit for supervision and review.

Overall, it’s not a big problem! .
In addition, when the court session started in the afternoon, the court had already turned on the live broadcast of the trial.

Those who watched the wonderful defense in the morning were waiting for the defense and trial in the afternoon after the court session.

"Waiting for the verdict! The court hearing ended in the morning, and some big shots have already analyzed the contents of the morning trial."

"It is said that there is a high probability that a person will be found not guilty in the afternoon... I don't know whether it is true or not..."

"Well, I've looked at it, and the big boss also analyzed several points of view. The general meaning is that the evidence chain is incomplete.

If found guilty, then with the great influence of the live broadcast of the court trial, the person who hit the hammer and the person sitting in the prosecutor's seat will have to enter. "

"Tsk tsk... I hope he will convict someone. I really want to see the hammer and the prosecution go in."

"What a pity, what a pity..."

"It's a pity that there are a lot of lawyer Su's trials on the Internet. You can check how many people were sent in!"

"Hahaha, I definitely hope to give as many as possible!"
Xiao Li: turns out there are so many like-minded friends! .
On the presiding judge's seat, the hammer struck.

Yang Yaodong took a look at the litigation materials and the collegial panel, that is, after filling in the opinions of Song Ker and Xiao Dong.

Open your mouth and state: "Continue the trial."

"The court has made a corresponding summary of the defenses of all parties in the morning."

"Does the parties still have any objections to the content of the previous defense?"

Su Bai: "The defendant has no objection."

Chen Xiang: "The prosecutor has no objection."

dong dong!

"Then let both sides make their final court submissions."

To be precise, this trial is a defense of the evidence and the chain of evidence.

In other words, the prosecution needs to produce evidence and a chain of evidence for the prosecution to be guilty.

The defense of not guilty requires the rejection of the prosecution's evidence to prove that the prosecution's evidence chain is insufficient.

During the discussion and analysis with Li Lin at noon, Chen Xiang also knew very clearly that the current evidence chain for the trial was temporarily insufficient.

So in the court statement, it was just a brief description.

"The prosecutor believes that during this lawsuit, Dongbo spread obscene videos in huge quantities, causing a very negative social impact. Wang Bo, as the person in charge of Dongbo, should bear corresponding responsibilities."

"The above is our statement."

Knowing that the chain of evidence was insufficient, Chen Xiang made a roundabout move and did not continue to elaborate on Wang Bo's guilt.

Rather, it is stating that Wang Bo should bear the corresponding relationship.

Dobo disseminates obscene videos.

This is well known, so there is no problem in asking Wang Bo to assume the corresponding relationship.

As the litigation agent of the defendant, Su Bai did not make a statement this time, but gave the right to make statements to Wang Bo.

I don’t know if it’s from experience gained in the mall.

Throughout the trial, no matter when it was disadvantageous or when it was advantageous.

Wang Bo's expression was very calm.

After hearing the presiding judge ask him to speak in court.

Wang Bo looked calm, stood up, and slowly began to state:
"presiding judge."

"My statement is very simple and I know why I am sitting on the defense bench today."

"Animation broadcasts have indeed had a negative impact on society. I am very sorry for this. Although supervision has been carried out, it has not been eradicated."

"Today, through the live broadcast of the court hearing, I admit my mistake to everyone."

"If I have the opportunity in the future... I will abide by the law and create a law-abiding software for everyone to use."

As he spoke, Wang Bo bowed in the direction of the recording.

Then he continued to speak:
"I don't have much to say about this case. My attorney has already explained everything clearly."

"No matter what the verdict is in this trial, I will respect justice and the law."

"Judge, I have finished my statement."

Wang Bo's statement is very simple and clear. With this trial being so popular, Wang Bo's statement will also have a huge influence.

dong dong!

The gavel sounded.

"All parties have completed their court hearing statements, and the results of the trial are now announced."

All rise.

Yang Yaodong began to announce the verdict:
"The cause of this case: The prosecutor initiated a public prosecution against the main person in charge of Dongbo. It is believed that Wang Bo, the main person in charge of Dongbo, is guilty of spreading obscene materials."

"The applicable laws that this court has jurisdiction over this case are all in accordance with domestic laws."

"The verdict against Wang Bo is now as follows:"

"First, Wang Bo, as the main person in charge of Dongbo, needs to be responsible for Dongbo's illegal and criminal acts."

“Second, the facts of Dongbo’s dissemination of obscene videos, images, etc. are confirmed, and Dongbo’s illegal behavior is regarded as a profit-making behavior as the main means of attracting users.”

"Third: The above are all facts and the facts are determined. However, because Wang Bo did not have laissez-faire management of animation broadcasting, he made corresponding controls."

"Only due to objective reasons, the dissemination of videos, images and pictures of dirty items cannot be completely stopped."

"There is no deliberate laissez-faire in the subjective performance."

"That is, it is determined that the prosecution has insufficient evidence for the prosecution and the prosecution's claim is dismissed."

"Wang Bo is found not guilty."

"This case was heard by the Shangdu Intermediate People's Court. It is a first-instance judgment. If all parties believe that there are any objections or ruling issues to this judgment, they can continue to appeal or submit it to supervisory review."

"This court will issue a ruling and judgment to all parties within ten days."

dong dong!

"Close the court!"

With the fall of the gavel, the first-instance verdict ended.

Found not guilty?

There was a hint of disappointment on Li Xuezhen's face.

What a pity!

She has already stepped on it better...

But she soon regained her composure.

It's ok.

This time I should come over first to have a look.

I will have experience next time, maybe there will be another big case in Xanadu.
After the trial was over and the verdict was announced, Yang Yaodong took a deep look in Su Bai's direction.

He just said nothing and left the court hearing with two other members of the collegial panel.

PS: This is the third update, please give me your monthly votes~
(End of this chapter)

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