You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 215: Follow-up revelations and abuse of power!

Chapter 215: Follow-up revelations and abuse of power!

Regarding the verdict this time, Yang Yaodong was filled with anger.

However, in this trial, the evidence chain was insufficient, and there was really no way to judge.

If an incorrect judgment is made during the live broadcast of the court hearing.

The impact on credibility is huge. He made a wrong judgment and continued to judge even though he knew it was wrong.

Not only will this trial be cancelled, but he may no longer be the presiding judge.

So for this trial, although he was very aggrieved and angry, he could not help but find Wang Bo not guilty!


This little feud between him and Su Bai was finally over.

For that matter.

Su Bai didn't mind at all.

There is nothing wrong with a presiding judge's subjective preference for the prosecution.

But your judgment must be reasonable and follow the law.

You cannot still favor the prosecutor when the other party has evidence, or deliberately favor the prosecutor during questioning.

Besides, even if Yang Yaodong targets him, so what?
Judgment in accordance with the law.

Even next time, the lawsuit will still be filed in Shangdu Intermediate People’s Court.

You don’t have a chain of evidence, why don’t you give me a try...?
tsk tsk...
Can you still be afraid? .
On the other hand, after the verdict came out, Chen Xiang didn't express much.

Chen Xiang had already predicted the outcome of the verdict at noon.

After the judgment came down.

Chen Xiang took a deep breath: "Li Lin, I think this trial is a protest."

Li Lin: "???"


"Do you really have this idea?"


Facing Chen Xiang's words, Li Lin didn't know what to say. The protest was that the prosecutor believed that the court's decision was not in line with the actual situation.

But this trial
After thinking for a moment, Li Lin sorted out the litigation materials and said, "Protest, you have new evidence, can you form a chain of evidence?"

"If there is no new evidence to form a chain of evidence, the court will not accept the protest."

Chen Xiang said calmly: "Let's look for it again."

Look again...
It's just three easy words to say, but it's not an easy thing to search for evidence.

Furthermore, even if indirect evidence is found.

Then the defendant will also supplement the evidence chain on this point and prepare sufficient rebuttal evidence.

In his heart, Li Lin actually disagreed with Wang Bo's "indulgence and intentionality".

First: The effective evidence that the prosecutors can produce is the confessions of animation company employees, and the confessions do not represent the actual behavior.

From a legal perspective.

There is no causal relationship between the employees' self-confessions and the subjective opinions of the company leaders.

To determine Wang Bo's crime, it is necessary to determine "indulgent and intentional" behavior from Wang Bo's point of view.

among them.

The most important judgment here is.

Wang Bo asked whether Dongbo had indulged in the rulings and notices issued by relevant departments.

The point of view of "intentional" should be based on this point.

In fact, Li Lin paid attention to the behavior of animation broadcasters based on the notices issued by relevant departments and did not act laissez-faire.

That means that even if Chen Xiang can find new indirect evidence, it will be rejected by the other party from this point of view.

for the arguments and evidence submitted by both parties.

How does the court determine this?

Is it determined that Dongbang did not comply with the documents issued by the relevant departments?

But they actually did it. The prosecutor had no direct evidence, and the other party had direct evidence.

Evidence collection and dismissal involve many aspects.

The court will definitely accept the defendant’s evidence.

Regarding Chen Xiang's point of view, Li Lin shook his head and did not continue to speak.

It is not up to them to file a protest.

Instead, it depends on whether the superior is willing to file a lawsuit. He feels that it is unlikely that Chen Xiang will file a protest.

However, these words were a bit hurtful to say. Li Lin knew it clearly in his heart. It was enough for his superiors to understand clearly. There was no need to say so much to Shen Xiang.
at the same time.

Days after the verdict was announced.

Public opinion began to ferment.

Various voices supporting Wang Bo appeared on the Internet.

There are even some voices saying that if Dongbo goes bankrupt, another Dongbo will stand up.

The software Dongbo is no longer available.

However, the reputation has been established, while the reputation of other players mentioned in the court hearing has plummeted.

in addition.…

The direction of public opinion goes beyond that.

The most important thing is that the performance of the prosecutor and the court in the trial has made many people see what "partiality" is.

Some people target these favoritisms.

Begin to dig deeper into the dirt behind the members of the collegial panel and members of the public prosecutor.

After digging for a few days.

Unexpectedly, it was actually dug out!
Bai Jun Law Firm.

Inside the office.

Looking at the turmoil surrounding Wang Bo's case in recent days, Su Bai looked at the public opinion on the Internet and smiled.

Black stuff?

Is there really any black material?
His eyes fell on Wang Bo and his wife Sun Han sitting opposite the sofa. Su Bai smiled: "Mr. Wang, Ms. Sun"

"Mr. Wang, this is your mobile phone. I have read and understood the public opinion in it."

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Wang Bo took his cell phone and smiled: "Thank you, Lawyer Su, for this trial."

"But...Lawyer Su, according to the current public opinion on the Internet, what I want to ask is, will the prosecutor conduct a second trial?"

"This, no way."

"If a person is not guilty in the first trial, but if he wants to proceed to a second trial, he generally needs indirect evidence to complete the chain of evidence."

"However, this case is relatively unique and requires direct evidence to complete the evidence chain. It is almost impossible for the prosecutor to provide direct evidence, and even if direct evidence is provided, the time will be extended. Other evidence points say There may be problems.”

"Based on the above considerations, the prosecutor's office will not initiate a second public prosecution."


Wang Bo nodded and signaled for Sun Han to speak.

Sun Han on the side smiled and said: "Lawyer Su, you have helped us a lot this time. I will transfer the legal fees to your designated account now." Su Bai smiled and nodded.

The legal fees this time were 300 million.

Compared with other top criminal lawyers' fees for defending corporate leaders, they are relatively small.

The attorney fees for this trial are a small amount!
The lawyer's fees for a trial are somewhat insignificant compared to the opened legal resources.

According to what Wang Bo said, he now has investors who have invested in and co-founded a company with him.

The newly established legal cooperation issues will be fully delegated to Bai Jun Law Firm.

The annual cost is in the millions.

Besides, he is the head of Bai Jun Law Firm.

So from a long-term perspective, it will be beneficial to him and Baijun Law Firm.
Wang Bo and Sun Han were relatively busy. After a brief chat, they were ready to leave.

Su Bai stood up to see them off and looked at the backs of Wang Bo and his wife as they left.

Su Bai returned to the office and took a sip of tea.

This court hearing opened up the litigation channel for upper-class entrepreneurs.

From now on, the development of Baijun Law Firm will be prosperous! .
at the same time.

Li Xuezhen is always paying attention to the changes in public opinion on the Internet and the development after netizens dig out the dirty information.

how to say.…

Although Wang Bo's case was not brought to trial...

However, with so much dirty information being revealed on the Internet, a few people will definitely be sent in!

The person who broke the news now is the presiding judge at the time. The whistleblower said that the presiding judge had previously accepted property and other matters.

In addition, some people speculate that...the prosecutor may also have problems this time.

Relevant departments in Xanadu launched an investigation after receiving the report.

Follow up in real time…

This is what Li Xuezhen is concerned about, but for now, the trial has just ended, and it will take some time for the review department to conduct an investigation.

To put it bluntly, it takes time to wait for the results of the investigation.

But what does that matter?
As long as we can get people in!
Send it in, send it in!
Send them all in!
Delicious! .
The tenth day after the Wang Bo case ended.

Wang Bo occasionally asked Su Bai about follow-up questions about the case.

But these are things that are relatively easy to solve.

Baijun Law Firm's current business scale is not small, and it has also expanded many administrative staff and other personnel.

According to Su Bai's ideal situation, he is now considered a small capital.

He didn't skimp on his employees.

Salaries of intern lawyers and regular lawyers at Baijun Law Firm.

It cannot be said to be the best, but compared to other law firms, it is very reasonable.

Baijun Law Firm does not hinder the regularization and registration of trainee lawyers, and will bring trainee lawyers to handle cases.

Regarding the above two points, Baijun Law Firm has done very well.


Having said that, it’s time for Li Xuezhen to become a full-time employee, right?
She is still holding back now. What is she planning to do? She no longer wants to be a partner?

If you are not a partner, is there any higher pursuit? .
Thinking of this, Su Bai called Li Xuezhen to the office and asked Li Xuezhen if she had any thoughts on becoming a regular employee.

Li Xuezhen hesitated... She did have the idea of ​​becoming a regular employee before, but according to lawyer Su, she would handle cases by herself after becoming a regular employee.


She didn't want to handle the case by herself, she wanted to follow Lawyer Su.

Li Xuezhen's face fell, she lowered her head and whispered:
"Lawyer Su... It's not that I don't want to become a regular employee... It's just that I don't have the ability to handle cases independently yet. I still want to continue to be your assistant."

Su Bai smiled: "You have become a full-time employee, and I didn't say I wouldn't let you continue to be my assistant, right?"

"I'm just saying that you can continue to handle cases independently and you can handle cases independently."

"If you are worried about becoming a regular employee and not being able to be my assistant, you can dispel this worry directly now. There is no need to delay the time to become a regular employee because of this matter."

"You will still be my assistant from now on. If you want to solve the case independently, you can do so independently. If you want to handle the case with me, you can also handle the case together. How about that?"

Li Xuezhen narrowed her eyes with a smile, her face full of excitement, and nodded heavily: "Okay Lawyer Su, I understand!"

"As long as you know."

Su Bai smiled.

But what was going on in Li Xuezhen's mind at this moment was that she could continue to work as an assistant next to Lawyer Su in the future, and be promoted to a partner.

So what's next?
tsk tsk...

Wonderful! Wonderful!

Li Xuezhen thought happily, already dreaming about the next five years in her mind...
time flies.…

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Bai Jun Law Firm.

Li Xuezhen is still managing the law firm’s short video account.


The law firm has received a lot of cases through short videos.

At present, Baijun Law Firm also attaches relatively great importance to short video operations.

After uploading Su Bai's legal analysis and legal popularization content to the account through the background of the short video.

Li Xuezhen couldn't take her eyes off and kept refreshing the data.

Within 2 minutes after the video was released, the comment area was flooded with comments.

Li Xuezhen clicked in and saw the account name of an outlaw fanatic, who had been leaving messages in the comment area.

"Lawyer Su...can you save my son?"

"He's been locked up for a long time now."

"The person was arrested directly...other provinces can arrest him."

Li Xuezhen frowned, these comments were vague...
But based on experience, Li Xuezhen still made a rough guess.

What do these comments mean...that her son was arrested across provinces because he violated some kind of law?

Arrests across provinces….
This must be a big case!
The crime must be quite big!
Li Xuezhen left a private message: Can you briefly explain why you were arrested?

After 10 minutes, there was a reply:

"Lawyer Su...I can't say for sure. I asked them."

"They said that my son broke the law. It seemed that he said something bad about a company..."

"What are you talking about?"

Li Xuezhen:? ? ?

Spread rumors? !

Is it used for spreading rumors, enforcing laws in different places, and arresting people across provinces? !


This rumor is a bit fierce.

Abuse of power...?
An idea suddenly appeared in Li Xuezhen's heart.
PS: Please give me your monthly tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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