You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 216: Fighting against 3 parties!Enforce the law!

Chapter 216: Fight against three parties!Enforce the law!
Proceedings for handling criminal cases in accordance with law enforcement regulations.

Cross-regional law enforcement requires notification and consultation.

Negotiations between regions are required, and provinces and provinces must notify relevant provinces and regions.

Inter-provincial arrests.

What is needed?
According to the law, all aspects need to be coordinated.

If it is not an ordinary major case, there will be no cooperation between provinces.

Because there are so many procedural and legal points involved, a case like spreading rumors is completely a small case.

It's not worth using so much judicial resources.

What is this case about now?
Are you saying that the inter-provincial arrests were just because of spreading rumors?

You don’t need to arrest someone across provinces if you spread any rumors? !
Is it crazy to arrest people across provinces because of spreading rumors? !
And according to the content of the information, the person involved was arrested three days after he "spread rumors."

Three days…

Have the legal procedures been completed?

Li Xuezhen looked at the content of the message and couldn't believe it.
Is this true?

If it's true, the name "Outlaw" is quite appropriate.

After a few seconds of silence, Li Xuezhen continued to send messages:
"Are you sure this is true?"

"Where are you from?"

“Where was the inter-provincial arrest conducted?”

"Do we need to know more?"

"Can you send me the details of the case?"

Li Xuezhen sent several questions in succession, and an hour later, the other party responded to her questions one by one.

However, the handwriting looks like handwriting, with many typographical errors.

But based on the entire sentence, the meaning can be seen.

After reading the general information about the case, Li Xuezhen frowned slightly.

He ran to Su Bai's office in a hurry.

"Lawyer Su!"

"When I was running a short video, I came across this case that was a bit outrageous. Lawyer Su, do you want to take a look?"

Su Bai glanced at the case information Li Xuezhen mentioned, and then looked at it twice uncertainly.

Frowning slightly...
In this judicial environment, are you still so bold?
You're not afraid of everyone going in, right? !
Su Bai: ...
After understanding the entire case, Su Bai returned the phone to Li Xuezhen and continued: "If it is confirmed that there are no problems with this case, we can take it on."

"Okay, Lawyer Su, I understand!"

When Li Xuezhen heard Su Bai speak, her face was full of smiles.

This case...if the local judicial environment is good, maybe the public prosecutors and law...tsk tsk, all go in!
Inside the office.

"Hello...I am Li Xuezhen, a lawyer from Baijun Law Firm, and Lawyer Su has agreed to this case for you.

If possible, you can rush to Nandu Baijun Law Firm.

Or send us your address certificate and case details. After verification, our law firm can undertake the case online or offline. "

The message was sent, and Li Xuezhen waited for the other party's response.
at the same time.

In the border city.

An old man in his 60s with white hair was holding a trembling mobile phone and unskilledly using a short video account. He faced the sun and subconsciously raised his glasses.

After seeing the font on the phone, he turned to look at the young man beside him.

"Wenjun... look, is this a promise?"

The young man named Wenjun looked at the short video account on the old man's phone and nodded: "Uncle Qin...Lawyer Su has replied to the message."

"But Uncle Qin... the other party asked you to send him the information and the law firm would come over to handle it. That means you were asked to leave your contact information and have a good chat."

The old man's face was very happy and he nodded hurriedly: "Okay, okay, Wenjun, please send me your phone number and fill in this information..."

Wenjun hesitated for a few seconds, then filled in the information and spoke:
"Uncle Qin... Just persuade me, Brother Qin, and ask him to apologize."

"Maybe nothing will happen after you apologize..."

"Now this too troublesome."

"How about you try to persuade me, Brother Qin?"

Qin Wei shook his head: "No need to persuade him, your Brother Qin is just a stubborn person. No matter how much you persuade him, you can't change his spirit. Besides, your Brother Qin didn't say anything wrong."

"No need to persuade!"

"I don't believe they can still sentence you, Brother Qin."

When Wenjun heard Qin Wei's words, he shook his head. He knew his uncle's temper. He didn't say anything more. He just sighed, filled out the information, and sent it to the designated email address of Bai Jun Law Firm.

"Uncle Qin...I have already sent it...just wait for them to reply to you."

"Okay, okay...Thank you for today, Wenjun. If it weren't for you, I really wouldn't be able to handle it well. Let's go to your Uncle Qin's house for something to eat today."

"No, no, I'll just eat it when I get home..."

Wenjun shook his head and said nothing more.

As for Qin Wei, after Wenjun left, he took out his cell phone from time to time to see if there were any new messages.

dong dong!

The unique message knocking sound of old cell phones.

Qin Wei hurriedly picked up the phone, adjusted his reading glasses, and after seeing the content of the message, pressed the dialed number.
hang up the phone.

Inside Baijun Law Firm.

Su Bai took a long breath and rubbed his eyebrows. He had just talked with Qin Wei on the phone.

The content of the call was to inquire about information about the case and the current situation of Qin Bao, the party involved.

The general information of the case is——

Because Qin Bao criticized a company in a certain area, he published an article listing facts to verify that the medicines sold by this company cannot be said to be medicines, but can only be said to be health care products.

The health products from this company can cause huge harm to the human body after being taken.

The post had quite an impact on the Internet.

The company filed a case with the local law enforcement department. Soon, the law enforcement department took the person from Qin Bao's school to the area of ​​the company involved.


and prepare to file a lawsuit.

And what’s even more outrageous?
What is even more outrageous is that the reason why Qin Bao posted the article was because his father, Qin Wei, suffered a decline in physical function and fell ill many times after taking the health products produced by the company.

And Qin Bao is a doctor of medicine. He is a single-parent family with only one father.

Because of his concern for his father, Qin Bao researched the health care products produced by this company.

You don’t know if you don’t do research…

A study found that this product contains many harmful ingredients to the human body.

After multi-faceted confirmation and investigation, we chose to publish an article to remind middle-aged and elderly people who purchased this health product.

As a result, after the article was spread, the company filed a case, and the company's local law enforcement officers conducted cross-provincial law enforcement against Qin Bao.
Su Bai and Qin Wei chatted for about two hours, during which time they checked online for relevant documents from the companies involved and Qin Bao.

Confirm that there is indeed such a case.

Su Bai felt a little outrageous...

Law enforcement across provinces is only to arrest the person who issued the document, and there is a high probability that the things described by the person who issued the document are still facts.

In this case, the local law enforcement department also filed a case against this person.

It was submitted to the Procuratorate, and the Procuratorate even initiated a public prosecution.


No matter how you look at it, this case does not look like one that can be filed, cross-provincial law enforcement can be carried out, and public prosecutions can be instituted!


This kind of case is quite difficult!
To say the least, it’s not just that it’s difficult to plead in court, but it depends on the jurisdiction.

On the side, Li Xuezhen whispered: "Lawyer Su, isn't this case relatively difficult?"

"Yeah!" "It's quite difficult."

Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows.

There is a certain degree of difficulty, but the difficulty is still under control.

After gathering his emotions, Su Bai slowly spoke:
"It can be understood from the content of my call that the person involved has been prosecuted."

"What we need to do now is conduct a not guilty plea."

"You go to a border city with me first, and then go to Anshi, Prairie Province, with the relatives of the person involved when the trial begins."


"Good Lawyer Su."
After confirming the case information, Su Bai and Li Xuezhen rushed to the border market.

Border City is the hometown of Qin Wei and Qin Bao, and the place where Qin Wei goes to school is in Guangshi.

The place where the case was filed was in Shang'an City on the grassland.

These are three regions.

After arriving at the border market, Su Bai and Li Xuezhen conducted further inquiries about Qin Baode's case.

The main question asked was about the process of Qin Baozai's arrest.

However, regarding this issue, Qin Wei looked at a loss.

Because he didn't know why or how his child was arrested at that time.

"I don't know... I was notified that my son was arrested after he was taken away, or I didn't know about it until the school called me and told me about it."

"I don't know anything about the rest..."

Su Bai asked: "You mean the law enforcement officers in An City didn't notify you, right?"

"Yes, yes... there is no notice, no notice at all. I don't know anything. I can't even see Xiaobao."
Although Qin Wei is old and doesn't understand anything, he still answers all the questions that need to be answered clearly.

The role played by these problems is not too great.

"You still need to ask the parties involved."

Su Bai silently read a sentence.


Su Bai, Li Xuezhen and Qin Wei came to Anshi.

After finding a place to live.
Fragrant streets, detention centers.

After Su Bai showed his lawyer's practicing certificate, he entered the detention center and met Qin Bao.

at this time.

Qin Bao's entire mental state seemed a little dazed.

Qin Bao is currently detained in a detention center for three months.
It can be seen that during the three months that Qin Bao was in the detention center, his whole state was slightly wrong.

Seeing this, Su Bai frowned slightly and said, "Qin Bao, I am your attorney."

After hearing the word lawyer.

There was a hint of spirit in Qin Bao's eyes: "Lawyer...?"

"Yes...we were invited by your father Qin Wei to represent you in this lawsuit."

"Lawyer...I did nothing wrong, and I don't admit it."

"Yeah! I know, so this time I am defending you not guilty."

"Can you recall the state you were in when you were arrested, as well as the problems and things you encountered in the detention center?"

Qin Bao was a little surprised: "Can you say this?"

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Of course, there is no problem, as long as what you say is true."



The chat only lasted for about half an hour, until we walked out of the detention center.

Su Bai raised his head slightly and looked at the sky. It was already dark.

He took a deep breath and turned to look at Li Xuezhen:

"Prepare the case file...wait for the court hearing."

"Oh...but Lawyer Su...since the other party can enforce the law across provinces and file a case for public prosecution, will we be targeted if we file the case in An City...?"

Su Bai smiled: "Don't worry...I have confidence in my heart."

"Oh, good lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.
at the same time.

Within the Anyao Group.

Office of the Chairman.

Liu Haitao was sitting in the chairman's office chair, quietly listening to his secretary report this quarter's financial report.

After the secretary's report, he put down the tea cup in his hand, looked up at the secretary, and said in a serious voice:

“Why did this quarter’s financial report decline so severely compared to the previous quarter?”

The secretary replied with a smile on his face: "Chairman, this quarter's financial report is not so good because a medical student published an article a few months ago and it was forwarded by a large number of people."

"This has led to certain problems with our company's reputation."

"Our main products have also suffered a sales decline."

"But don't worry, Chairman... This person has been detained. We have made a public statement. It is slander and rumors against us."

"We are now preparing to file a public prosecution."


"In accordance with your instructions, we have changed the name of our main product, and changed the sales channels and advertising slogans. Now the sales of our main product have begun to steadily pick up."

"It is estimated that by the beginning of next month, our sales will reach its peak again."

After hearing the secretary's answer and arrangement, Liu Haitao nodded lightly.


"Our main products still need to be maintained. As for the person you mentioned who spread rumors about our group, you go and say hello."


"Yeah! I understand!"
The secretary nodded with a smile and left the office.

After leaving the office, Liu Haitao picked up the teacup and took a sip, not taking the matter to heart at all.

Such things are all trivial.
Regarding Qin Bao's case, Su Bai applied for a live broadcast of the trial before the trial began.

However, it was rejected by the court. The reason for the court's rejection was that the matter was related to the reputation of Anyao Group.

for privacy issues.

It is not convenient to hold a public hearing.

Su Bai:? ? ? ?

No public trial, no public trial.

When you notify me of the court session, should I go to the court's head office?
In this case, Su Bai's view is that Qin Bao did not commit any illegal crime no matter from which aspect.

A verdict of not guilty is the most basic thing.

What happens if you are found guilty?
If found guilty, everyone will be happy directly and will be subject to territorial jurisdiction under Article 25 of the Criminal Procedure Law.

This case can be transferred to jurisdiction.

When the time comes, if Anshi's judgment fails, then why don't I just change the place to make the judgment instead of you?

By the way, I submitted it for supervision and review. Is there any problem with the supervision and review?

tsk tsk...

It doesn't matter. If things get serious, it will be fine if everyone knows about it.

In this judicial environment, it would be okay if public opinion does not arise, but if public opinion does arise, it will definitely not work.
PS: Please give me monthly votes~Please vote~

(End of this chapter)

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