You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 26 The more angry the other party is, the greater the chance of winning the case!

Chapter 26 The more angry the other party is, the greater the chance of winning the case!
On the trial platform, the presiding judge Yang Yu flipped through the documents.

After Ye Fei in the dock heard Su Bai's words, she almost went crazy.

Xie Jing, together with her entrusted lawyer Ye Fei, defrauded our client. What does this mean? !

She is sitting in the lawyer's seat in the dock, and now she is really a defendant? !
And an accomplice in fraud? !
Ye Fei raised her hand aggressively: "Presiding judge, the plaintiff's lawyer is completely fabricating false facts. I apply to dismiss the evidence submitted by the plaintiff!"

Boom boom boom!
Yang Yu raised his head and looked at Ye Fei who was sitting in the defendant's lawyer's seat:

"The application is invalid. Now is the time for the court to present evidence. The defendant's lawyers are not allowed to raise objections to interfere."

"Since the defendant's lawyer raised an objection for the first time just now, this is just a reminder.

Next time, he will be given a second warning, and if it is serious, he will be forced to leave the trial scene directly, and the defendant's lawyer is also requested to pay attention to court discipline! "

Ye Fei realized that her mood fluctuated abnormally.

She was obviously very calm!

Have the absolute chance to win.

But now.
It was obvious that Su Bai, the plaintiff's lawyer, was angry!
Ye Fei stared straight at Su Bai, his eyes were full of angry flames!

Li Xuezhen pulled Su Bai's clothes: "Lawyer Su, that female lawyer, seems to be very upset about our submission of evidence"

"He's staring at us right now"

"This is the third lesson I teach you."

Su Bai raised his head and glanced at Ye Fei, then smiled and looked at Li Xuezhen.

"Lesson Three?"

"The third lesson is to irritate the other party's lawyer with legitimate but not aggressive actions during the trial. The more angry the other party's lawyer is, the more he will fall into your logic, and the winning rate of the lawsuit will be greatly improved. "

"Oh. Got it, Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.

Su Bai looked towards the courtroom.

The presiding judge, Yang Yu, is checking the relevant evidence. After checking, it will be the most critical time of the trial.

The most critical point of this trial is whether Xie Jing and Ye Fei's deception can be confirmed.

Just pull the other side into the debate.

Then it is tantamount to winning the lawsuit.

Confirmation was unsuccessful.

The other party pays, and there is no fart in dividing the property.

Confirmed success.

If the other party pays, not only is there no fart in dividing the property, but it also has to go in.

Everyone in the defendant's seat counts as one, and everyone has to go in!

The key point of whether it can be confirmed lies in the presiding judge's determination of the crime of fraud and this lawsuit.

Regarding this, Su Bai already had a bottom line in his heart.

on the bench.

Yang Yu frowned slightly, and after browsing through all the evidence submitted by the plaintiff, that is, Su Bai, he transferred the evidence to the defendant's seat.

"The plaintiff sued the defendant and the defendant hired a lawyer to defraud the plaintiff and submitted evidence. Now the evidence has been handed over to the defendant's lawyer. The defendant's lawyer can now check it. If you have any questions, you can raise it in court."

Ye Fei froze for a few seconds after receiving the evidence.

This is evidence?

Isn't this the content of the chat records in the fan group and the homepage of her speeches and videos in the fan group?

This can also be used as evidence of fraud.? !
and also
Where does the content in this fan group come from!
There are conditions for entering the fan group, and she will not let people enter the fan group casually.

If it was obtained by the other party through illegal means, not only would the evidence be invalid, but she could even beat it back!
After thinking about it, Ye Fei put away the evidence and placed it on the table:
"Presiding judge, I would like to ask, the plaintiff's party and the plaintiff's entrusted lawyer, on what grounds can we use this chat record to judge that my client and I were defrauded.

And where did the information for this evidence come from?
If it is illegal evidence, the plaintiff entrusts a lawyer, Attorney Su, and you are not clear about it. If you know the law and break the law, and use illegally obtained evidence to sue in court, what consequences will you bear? ! "

The second half of the sentence!
It can be said that it is a naked threat, but it is a legal threat.

Regarding Ye Fei's question, Su Bai didn't take it seriously at all.

"presiding judge."

"I apply to disclose the source of the submitted evidence!"

dong dong!

The gavel sounded.

"application passed."

All the people at the scene of the trial focused on Su Bai.

Su Bai turned his head to look at Li Xuezhen.

"Bring me the phone"

"Oh, good lawyer Su."

Su Bai took the phone from Li Xuezhen, unlocked the password, opened the group chat and Ye Fei, and said while operating:

"This is the mobile phone of our intern lawyer at Baijun Law Firm. She joined your fan group chat, Lawyer Ye. You can check your fan group chat, Lawyer Ye, to prove whether the source of our evidence is legal."

"Defendant's lawyers can turn on the phone to determine whether the source of evidence is legitimate."

The gavel sounded.

Ye Fei dubiously turned on the phone, and saw that the high-quality customer "Xue" she had been thinking about had joined Aite in the fan group.

Message: Lawyer Ye, are you surprised or not? !
Ye Fei almost exploded on the spot!

What does this mean, if you disclose the legality of the source evidence, you will disclose the evidence, and still come to ridicule? !


If Ye Fei hadn't kept her sanity on the spot, Ye Fei would have liked to fight Su Bai desperately!
Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Ye Fei suppressed the anger in her heart:
"The plaintiff, Attorney Fang Su, teased me in the group chat and used false information to pass through my fan group. Isn't this illegal?"

Su Bai looked at the woman in a panic, unreasonable, and retorted:

"Lawyer Ye, we did tease in the notification information in the group chat, but there was no verbal insult. Isn't this illegal?"

"False information? What is false information? Our trainee lawyer left a message in the comment area and did not cause any property damage to anyone or anything.

It was Lawyer Ye who insisted on pulling our interns into the fan group, and also asked for proof of property.

In terms of proof of property, it is a fact!

There was no illegal act during the whole process.

Since then, there has been no fraud or inducement, and it is entirely lawyer Ye who actively seeks out our trainee lawyers for chatting.

Why does Lawyer Ye believe that my evidence is illegal gains..? "

"Do you want us to provide the chat content at that time to prove how enthusiastically you, Lawyer Ye, recruited our trainee lawyer to join the fan group.

And Lawyer Ye at that time, what was your enthusiasm? "

Su Bai looked at Ye Fei with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

At this time, Ye Fei's mentality has exploded!
What does Su Bai mean? !

Is it just to sprinkle salt on people's wounds? !

Ye Fei took a deep breath, knowing that if she continued to debate on this aspect, she would lose the lawsuit!

This lawsuit cannot be lost!
Otherwise she's screwed!

(End of this chapter)

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