You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 27 You took out depression?What is the use? !

Chapter 27 You took out depression?What is the use? !
The plaintiff sued her for fraud, in case she loses
Ye Fei can't imagine the consequences
Not only did I lose the lawsuit, but I didn't get the lawyer's fees, and I also lost myself.

It is absolutely impossible to continue the debate in this regard.

After Ye Fei calmed down, she quickly diverted the topic to other directions.

"Lawyer Su, regarding your statement, even if the source of your evidence is legal, why do you use this evidence to believe that we have committed fraud?"

"The definition of the crime of fraud is: the object of the infringement is the ownership of public and private property."

"The objective condition for constituting it is: it is objectively manifested as the use of fraudulent methods to defraud public and private property."

"The subjective condition is: direct or intentional illegal possession of public or private property."

"In this case, Zhang Tongwei, the plaintiff's party, and Xie Jing, our party, are husband and wife, and the property we request to divide is the joint property of the husband and wife. How does this constitute a crime of fraud?"

"Can the joint property between husband and wife also be called private property?"

"Besides, our party and the plaintiff's party have become an established fact of marriage, so why is there such a thing as fraud?"

"If Lawyer Su thinks so, then I have nothing to say."

After Ye Fei finished speaking, she looked in Su Bai's direction.

This is the difficulty of the crime of defrauding marriage. The other party is already married to you, so it is impossible to judge that the other party is deceiving you.

Who said that the crime of fraud is the crime of fraudulent marriage?

He sued for fraud, didn't he say it was a fraudulent marriage?
During the trial, Su Bai did not intend to establish the fact that Xie Jing was defrauding from the perspective of fraudulent marriage.

Ye Fei's logic is a bit flawed!

This is not the way to take the rhythm!
This is the result of not studying criminal law well at the beginning!

He was completely framed by him!
"Cough cough."

Su Bai coughed dryly twice, and looked at Ye Fei: "Excuse me, is the defendant's lawyer finished?"

"I've finished my statement, and I'll ask Lawyer Su to answer my questions."

The corner of Su Bai's mouth raised slightly, and he pulled out a piece of information: "Lawyer Ye, I'm afraid you misunderstood me."

Ye Fei: I misunderstood.?
Before Ye Fei could react, Su Bai continued:
"What we are suing is that Xie Jing and his lawyer, namely Lawyer Ye, have defrauded our client."

"Lawyer Ye is not wrong about the constitutive conditions of the crime of fraud. The objective manifestation is fraud and concealment, and the subjective manifestation is direct intentional purpose."

"In this case, Xie Jing and our party completed the established de facto marriage, which is certified by the law. We have not denied it, and we have not denied it in terms of joint property."

"What we have always emphasized is that the two of you, Xie Jing and Lawyer Ye, committed fraud against our client."

"First of all, there is an issue about common property. According to the evidence submitted by the defendant, the court did not make a judgment on the division of our party's property. The current property is still our party's private property in the legal sense."

"Look at the evidence we submitted first."

"The evidence shows that Lawyer Ye has the purpose of luring and teaching his fans to divide the common property. Xie Jing is a fan of Lawyer Ye. Is this an established fact?"

"And according to the evidence submitted by the defendant to divide the property, the evidence submitted by Xie Jing to divide our party's private property is a letter of guarantee signed by us, and we will be sued against us according to the contents of the letter of guarantee."

"Among them, Lawyer Ye's methods of seduction and inducement include this one: You can ask your husband to sign a letter of guarantee. No matter what method you use, as long as he writes down the letter of guarantee or the content of the gift, then you can divide The private property of the man before marriage."

"Is this trying to divide our party's pre-marital private property through improper means?"

"Now, in the lawsuit filed by the defendant, there is also a request to divide our party's pre-marital property, which shows that the other party's subjective intention is to occupy our party's private property!"

"Isn't this a scam?"

"Presiding judge, I would like to apply to our party to supplement it."

dong dong dong.

The presiding judge struck the gavel.

"The application is approved, and the plaintiff party can supplement it."

On the plaintiff's seat, Zhang Tongwei had already made preparations to start telling how miserable his married life was.

At this time, Su Bai reminded in a low voice.

"Keep restraint, don't swear and win."

Zhang Tongwei nodded solemnly:
"Presiding judge, when the defendant, that is, Xie Jing, asked me to write a letter of guarantee and donate, I was extremely reluctant in my heart."

"But...but the other party, in order to achieve her goal, forced me!"

"Also, if I don't write it, then she will have no sense of security and will divorce me!"

"But is she really insecure?"

"My monthly salary is [-] yuan, of which [-] yuan is spent on her, and she not only uses verbal violence against me, but also spends all the money on her own clothes, and gives back to me. My parents have a lot of pocket money."

"She also lied to me, saying that she wanted to rent out my pre-marital house to her colleagues, but she gave her younger brother to live for free, and now she still wants to defraud me of my pre-marital property."

"The presiding judge's marriage is completely benefited by the woman"


Zhang Tongwei wanted to continue talking, but Su Bai tugged at the hem of his clothes and interrupted him.

Enough said.

Going on, maybe it will be counterproductive.

on the bench.

Yang Yu frowned slightly, then looked at the defendant's seat.

"Do you have anything to say about the plaintiff's complaint, the defendant's party and the defense's lawyer?"

in the defendant's seat.

Xie Jing listened to Su Bai's logical words, and couldn't help feeling a little flustered.
"What should I say, Lawyer Ye?"

Ye Fei couldn't say that she didn't know anything about criminal law, she could only say that she didn't understand it deeply, and she didn't have a good rebuttal.

But she has a trump card!
"Our client suffers from depression, and the marriage relationship at that time may have been handled improperly, but the main cause of this factor is the man. We apply to dismiss the plaintiff's lawyer's point of view."

You start to get depressed when you can't get a house, right?

Su Bai ignored Ye Fei's statement and asked instead: "

Is this depression caused by our client?

What is the cause?
Is this directly or indirectly related to our accusation of defrauding our client in this case? "

Depression Dividing property is useful.

But I am now accusing you of fraud!

Is it possible that you failed to cheat and are depressed? !

Facing Su Bai's three consecutive questions, Ye Fei panicked.

How did this really become a criminal case? She only knows how to deal with marriage cases!
 Please follow up~
  Please ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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