You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 280: Being kicked out of the court!Su Bai: I’m going to fight you!

Chapter 280: Being kicked out of the court!Su Bai: I’m going to fight you! (Best)
The presiding judge Hu Jun and Su Bai looked at each other.

Look back.

The prosecution and the defense held different opinions on the determination of this case.

Seeing that no one could convince anyone, the trial defense fell into anxiety.

But actually.

The final decision to adopt the statements made by the prosecution and the defense rests with him.

The main deciding factor lies with him.

to be honest.

Since the charge of picking quarrels and provoking trouble is prosecuted, a prison sentence will generally be imposed.

Because under normal circumstances, the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble has a wide scope of application. How to make a judgment depends on the understanding of the presiding judge.

That is the so-called right of legal interpretation.

The defendant's statement has certain basis, but if he thinks that the prosecutor's statement has basis, he can completely adopt it without any influence.

this case.

The superiors took it seriously and Wang An contacted him.

The prosecutor will provide a reasonable basis for the accusation, and he will just go through the process.

Facing the dispute between the two sides, Hu Jun, as the presiding judge, remained silent for a few seconds, and then spoke to Su Bai:
"The defendant entrusted a lawyer to state that Zhang, Li, Xue and others used reasonable behavior to defend their rights."

"Then can I ask, is this reasonable process just to hold up a sign and go to the door of the company to defend my rights?"

"Can't they report it or make a reasonable complaint resolution to the relevant departments?"

"I support rights protection."

"I don't support such unreasonable rights protection."

Su Bai: .
Rights protection support?

Don’t you know why you use this unreasonable way to defend your rights?

In this case, all the methods that need to be carried out have been carried out, and there is definitely no other way, so this method of rights protection has to be used as a last resort.

Is the presiding judge really ignorant or pretending not to know?

Su Bai hasn't spoken yet.

At the defendant's seat, Lao Xue said directly:

"Is it because we don't want to resolve complaints reasonably?"

"But this damn thing has been solved!"


"We complained from the beginning, but we kept putting it off until the incident happened, and there was no news."

"We don't want to solve it do we?!"

"Is it solved?!"

"We have no choice but to go to their company to defend our rights. What's the problem with this?"

"If our matter can be resolved early, can we still go to their company to defend our rights and claim our legitimate rights and interests? There is no need at all. We can only use this method to defend our rights. Do you understand? ?!”

Lao Xue became excited as he spoke.

Hu Jun immediately banged the gavel: "Quiet, quiet!"

"The defendant should be quiet and pay attention to maintaining discipline in the courtroom!"

Boom boom boom!
The sound of the gavel falling was deafening.

Facing the presiding judge, Lao Xue calmed down and said, "Okay."

Then Su Bai continued to add: "Presiding judge, you just heard that our client did not not protect his rights, but he had no choice but to choose this way of protecting his rights."

"From a legal perspective."

"Regardless of why we use this method of safeguarding our rights, I would like to ask, is there anything wrong with this method of safeguarding our client's rights?"

"Did it cause damage to public order?"

"Is it a way of defending rights based on malicious intent?"

"Since it has not caused any negative impact on other situations, why did the prosecutor initiate prosecution against our three parties?"

"We believe that the prosecutor should drop this case."

"Instead of using generic charges to accuse our client of related matters!"

After hearing Su Bai's statement, Ma Hu remained silent.

The lawyer appointed by the defendant himself said that this is a common crime.

I guess I know in my heart that the court can make a judgment based on provocation and provocation.

If you gather people and cause trouble in front of someone's company, I can regard it as provoking trouble. There is no problem at all!

You are the one who accuses you. During the trial, everything depends on the presiding judge.

As the prosecutor, I only need to make simple supplements.
On the bench seat.

In the face of Su Bai's several questions, Hu Jun did not answer but directly said: "Please keep quiet, the attorney appointed by the defendant has not yet appointed the attorney to speak."

"In this case, we are still in the process of answering whether Zhang, Li and Xue were provoking quarrels and provoking trouble."

"Please pay attention to the attorney appointed by the defendant."

"You can only speak out when you are questioned. When you are not asked about the lawyer appointed by the defendant, the defendant's lawyer must remain quiet. I am here to remind you."

"If there is another time, please ask the bailiff to take the defendant's lawyer away from the court hearing."

The presiding judge's reminder and malicious targeting made Su Bai take a deep breath. He had learned about Shun'an Real Estate Co., Ltd.

It is the second development company in An County.

But among the agents in this case, the court so blatantly supported the prosecutor? !

Even if you entrust a lawyer to defend you, your right to raise questions is gone?

Just let the bailiff take the person away from the scene? !


What were the behaviors of Zhang, Li and Xue?
It can be seen as standing in front of someone else's house holding a sign and asking for money.

There is no beating, threatening, insulting, or a series of other things that harm other people's legal rights.

In this way, not only was a case filed, but the prosecutor also initiated a public prosecution. Is this justified?
Certainly not justified!

In this case, he retorted and was even warned like this.


Su Bai looked at Hu Jun quietly on the bench, while Li Xuezhen on the side said angrily: "Send him in!"

The trial continues.

The presiding judge was sorting out the litigation materials, skipping what had just happened, looking at the defendant's seat and continuing to ask for relevant details.

"The defendant parties Zhang, Li, and Xue, the three of you organized other people to beg for compensation and begged at the door of Shun'an Co., Ltd."

"Is your purpose just to ask for corresponding compensation?"


Lao Xue opened his mouth to answer.

It was Lao Xue who organized the request for the corresponding compensation. In this regard, Lao Xue was also willing to take responsibility, so he was the first to answer when asked during the trial.

After Lao Xue opened his mouth to answer, Hu Jun glanced at Su Bai and struck the hammer.

"The factual conditions related to this trial and the relevant evidence clues have been roughly improved."

"Now enter the adjournment."



When the collegial panel members left the court hearing room, Su Bai didn't know what to say.

this court hearing.

A lot of pressure!
Li Xuezhen said in a low voice: "Lawyer Su, the court is adjourned. The presiding judge this time has such an obvious tendency that I can't stand it anymore..."

"However, I have found where the inspection and review department is!"



Looking at Su Bai's confused eyes, Li Xuezhen narrowed her eyes and said, "This is Lawyer Su. I have found it with a map." Su Bai: ....
As for what Li Xuezhen did, Su Bai could only say that it was a great job!
The collegial panel discusses the room.

This time the court was adjourned. Hu Jun did not want to discuss whether the defendant should issue a verdict.

The verdict is certain because the right to interpret the law rests with him.

What needs to be discussed is how to further explain and judge in this trial.

Regarding this point, Hu Jun discussed with the two judges and finally settled on the most critical point.

According to Article [-] of Picking Quarrels and Provoking Trouble, gathering a crowd to disrupt social order will be punished.

However, in terms of prison terms, the charges against the prosecutor may be shortened.

The content of the discussion was to sentence Lao Xue to one year and six months, and to sentence the other two to six months.

If you refuse to plead guilty, you can ask the prosecutor to continue to supplement the trial content.

For example, did Lao Xue and the other two induce others to go and claim compensation?

If this thing is decided, then the sentence will not only be one year and six months, but at least two more years!
Of course, as for how to convince other people, you can definitely go to Wang An.

The rest is no problem.

After a discussion on this, the court was soon reconvened.
In court.

The presiding judge, Hu Jun, began to conduct relevant inquiries.

It mainly inquired about the specific situation of the three defendants, and accused them of seeking quarrels and provoking trouble by making collective claims.

"There are three defendant parties, what is your purpose of gathering so many people?"

"The purpose is to demand the compensation we deserve and to give us an explanation."

"Give you an explanation?"

"Aggregating so many people to file a claim is not threatening other companies to compensate you, isn't it?"

"In this case, if you think the compensation does not meet the relevant requirements, have the relevant departments given you a reply, or have they mentioned the amount of compensation?"

"You have gathered, does this potentially mean to force Shun'an Real Estate Co., Ltd. to compensate you?"

"Have you ever thought about it this way?"

Regarding such a targeted inquiry from the presiding judge, Lao Zhang, Lao Li and Lao Xue looked at each other, not knowing how to answer. They didn't know whether they should answer yes or no.

So he turned his attention to Su Bai.

Su Bai raised his hand to signal, but was ignored by the presiding judge.

In desperation, Lao Xue took the initiative to speak: "The main reason why we gathered so many people at that time was because there were many people and strength. With more people, Shun'an Real Estate Co., Ltd. could pay attention to our request."

"Otherwise...he always ignores us, and I have been there several times myself and was kicked out by security guards."

"Our idea is very simple. We are not forcing Shun An Co., Ltd., we are just asking for the compensation we deserve, as well as our legal rights."

"Why doesn't he pay us what we deserve?"

"The compensation amount for someone who is not far away from us can be half higher than ours. There is something wrong with us. We don't agree, and he took advantage of our absence to engage in some dirty tricks."

"As a result, we now have no place to live or rent a house. We have to pay according to his compensation amount. If you accept it, it will be based on this. If you don't accept it, you won't get a penny. Why? Isn't this just forcing us?"

"We are not forcing them to compensate us, but they are forcing us to accept their compensation!"

"Why should we accept it?"

"We also have the right to fight for our legal rights!"

"Just like today, presiding judge, you are sitting on the bench and do not consider our legal rights but consider the legal rights of the other party. Are you a good presiding judge?"


Lao Xue sat on the defendant's seat and accused Hu Jun on the trial bench.

Hu Jun had no expression on his face, glanced at Lao Xue indifferently, and then struck the hammer.

"Okay, defendant parties, you don't need to continue talking."

"Whether I am a good judge or not is not up to you. My judgment on you is based entirely on the laws and regulations."

"Now let's judge the behavior of the three of you."

"In response to the charges brought by the prosecutor, it is now determined that Zhang, Li, Xue and others organized people to pick quarrels and cause trouble."

Organize people to cause quarrels and cause trouble?

If this is judged, the sentence will be more severe than that of picking quarrels and provoking troubles!

Su Bai immediately raised his hand to refute: "Presiding Judge."

"The collegial panel determined that Zhang, Li, and Xue organized people to pick quarrels and cause trouble. Is there any relevant evidence for the organization personnel?"

"During the cross-examination just now, I did not see the prosecutor submit relevant evidence."

"The complaint does not state the situation of the organization's personnel."

"Presiding Judge, I would like to ask where did you get the information about the organization personnel?!"

Perhaps it was because Lao Xue directly accused Hu Jun in court that made Hu Jun particularly angry, so he decided to give Lao Xue and others a heavy sentence.

But in fact, Lao Xue’s accusation was right!
The presiding judge's preference was obvious, favoring Shun'an Real Estate Co., Ltd.

Is there anything wrong with the accusation he just made?no problem!

Under Su Bai's inquiry, Hu Jun responded: "As for the organizational personnel, in the relevant evidence submitted by the prosecutor just now, during the cross-examination session, did the lawyer appointed by the defendant fail to pay attention to one detail?"

"The prosecutor proposed that the multi-person team responsible for this protest was composed of Xue, Li and Zhang."

"From this point of view, it can be seen that Xue, Li, Zhang and others organized people to create quarrels and cause trouble."

"The defendant is not allowed to raise any further objections to this judgment."

Su Bai retorted: "But the presiding judge, the evidence regarding the multi-person team's provoking quarrels and provoking troubles has not yet formed a relevant chain of evidence. This matter was indeed summoned by Xue, Li and Zhang."

"However, no illegal crime was committed. Why should it be mentioned that Xue, Li, and Zhang were responsible for causing trouble?"

"To form a team to carry out illegal and criminal acts, there must be a subjective criminal purpose."

"Their motive is just to have an explanation and to get the compensation they deserve."

"There is no criminal motive!"

"So I don't agree with the presiding judge's ruling and the legal basis it was based on."

"I protest!"


At the trial table, facing Su Bai's protest, Hu Jun frowned.

Then he banged the gavel hard.

"Protest is ineffective!"

"It is your right, presiding judge, to protest against invalidity, but it is my right to protest. I do not agree with the way the collegial panel made its decision. I would like to ask the other two members of the collegial panel, do you two agree with this decision? ?!”

The other two members of the collegial panel remained silent. At this time, Hu Jun was already a little angry.

"The defendant has appointed a lawyer. It's not yet time for you to make a statement. The court has already made a determination of relevance."

"You can assert your rights after the trial, but now you are at trial and you have been given a warning before."

“Statements and protests must not be made without permission.”

"Now you are violating the order of the court."

"Bailiff, ask the defendant's lawyer to leave the court!"

Boom boom boom!
The sound of the magic hammer was deafening.

Su Bai stared at the presiding judge's seat: "Even if I are asked to leave the court today, I will still protest!"

"This is my right to defend!"

"And when I exercised my right to defend, I did not conflict with your right to make a decision, the presiding judge."

"I didn't interfere with the order of the trial, so why should I be driven away from the court hearing?!"

"I will not accept my expulsion from the court!"

"Presiding Judge, I don't accept it!"

For the first time in the court hearing, Su Bai used a voice that was almost roaring to make statements and express his opinions!

The sound echoed in the courtroom.

On the side, Li Xuezhen stared closely at the judgment seat.

The presiding judge this time was the first person she had experienced in so many trials.

It's the worst one I've ever seen. He must be sent in for at least ten years!
PS: During the double monthly pass period, please give me a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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