You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 281 Is that what you’re doing?OK!Send in last year's start!

Chapter 281 Is that what you’re doing?OK!Send it in and start it in ten years!
The courtroom fell into a moment of silence.

Whether it is the members of the collegial panel on the bench, the prosecutor, the defendant, or the staff at the trial.

Everyone has never seen this situation before, and they are all surprised.

after all.…

Who dares to directly anger the presiding judge in the court hearing?
Confronted the presiding judge in person and even directly protested.

He shouted angrily in front of the presiding judge and refused to accept the verdict, so he was expelled.

Isn't this a slap in the face of the presiding judge in the court hearing?

It's still the kind that makes a lot of noise.

Everyone felt their breath hitch, and they couldn't help but secretly sigh that the lawyer appointed by the defendant was too aggressive.

Isn't it simply to prevent the chief judge from stepping down? .
On the bench seat.

Hu Jun's face looked extremely ugly.

The crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble involves four points, and its original inclusion is very broad.

It can be said that in the court hearing, the right to interpret the law belongs to him.

Hu Jun continued to ignore Su Bai's protest and urged the bailiff:

“The defendant hired a lawyer to interfere with the order of the trial and requested the bailiff to drive him away from the trial site immediately!”

Facing the presiding judge's words, a bailiff was about to come to Su Bai. Su Bai looked at the other two members of the collegial panel.

"I would like to ask, do the other two judges have the same attitude and thoughts?"

"Do you have the same view on expelling me from court as the verdict on Zhang, Li and Xue?"

"This is my last question."

"It was directed at two other members of the collegial panel."

"Please ask the other two members of the collegial panel to answer."

The other two members of the collegial panel, facing Su Bai's questioning, simultaneously focused their attention on Hu Jun.

The two of them did not play a big role in this trial.

The trial process and the determination of relevance mainly rely on the opinions of the presiding judge Hu Jun.

Now this court trial is in full swing, and the two people know that there may be some trouble in the follow-up of this trial.

Don't want to get into too much trouble.

Previously, the reason why we agreed with the defendant's judgment was that this judgment mainly relied on the presiding judge.

The presiding judge only needs to adopt his point of view, and it has nothing to do with them.

But now Su Bai asked them directly at the trial.

You know, there is a recorder in the court hearing!
If they don't do something, this case will involve them!
One of the judges was silent for a few seconds and then asked Hu Jun in a low voice:
"President Hu, isn't it a bit too much to ask the defendant to entrust a lawyer and expel the defendant from the trial bench? Moreover, the prosecutor has not yet allowed the prosecutor to add to the judgment just now."

"It seems a little too hasty to start judging now, right?"

"This can completely wait until the prosecution completes its supplements before making a judgment."

"President Hu, what do you think?"

Hu Jun's face was ashen and he couldn't listen to anything he said now.

"Anyway, it will be supplemented sooner or later. Now I judge that there is nothing inappropriate."

"But this is a procedural violation."


"It's okay, just add it. I'll be responsible for anything."

Hearing what Hu Jun said, the other judges didn't say anything more.

Under normal circumstances, it is common for violations to be followed up by supplements.

However, this case involves many places and illegal operations, so its influence is not small!

If Hu Jun is willing to say something that he is responsible for, then they can completely remain silent in this trial.

after all
Regardless of whether they protest or not, Hu Jun, as the presiding judge, has the power to make judgments in this court hearing.

Their opinions have already been raised, and it is useless to say anything more.
Hu Jun's face was livid. He also knew that this violation would cause a lot of trouble, but that was not important. What was important was that in the court hearing, he had the absolute right to judge. That was enough!

"The defendant has entrusted a lawyer. Now is not the time for you to ask the collegial panel. After discussion, the collegial panel has already made a decision on you and related decisions."

"Please follow the bailiff and leave the courtroom now!"

Su Bai raised his head and stared at the judgment seat, but did not receive any response.

At this time, the bailiff had come to Su Bai and said:
"Now please leave the trial venue..."

Su Bai looked at the bailiff without saying a word, but focused his gaze on the trial bench seat again.

"I don't know why the presiding judge expelled me from the court, but I have the corresponding right to defend myself and I did not interfere with the order of the trial. This is an issue I emphasize!"

"The presiding judge can expel me from the courtroom."


"I retain reasonable doubts and protests about the reasons for my expulsion from the court!"

"I would like to ask one more question, presiding judge, do you still want to expel me from the court?"

Hu Jun did not hesitate: "In this trial, the lawyer appointed by the defendant has seriously interfered with the order of the trial. According to the jurisdiction of the trial, I have the right to invite the lawyer appointed by the defendant to appear at the trial site."

"Now please ask the defendant to entrust a lawyer to leave the court scene with the bailiff!"

Faced with yet another confirmation, the answer was expulsion from the court.

Su Bai stared at the presiding judge's seat.

good good!
Just because you have the right to judge, you are acting rogue, right? !

Under normal circumstances, the presiding judge expels the client's lawyer.

Unless a lawyer is retained, the views stated have nothing to do with this trial.

Or at the court hearing, without talking about the legal basis, you still argue with the presiding judge.

The presiding judge will expel the relevant attorney only when he has no other option.

But what about the current situation?

What is the current situation?
It was him who was stating his legitimate request and the presiding judge's judgment, which made a huge difference.

The presiding judge exercised his power of trial forcefully and drove him away from the scene of the incident.

Is there something wrong with this? !

However, he is currently in the court hearing, no matter how fiercely he confronts Hu Jun.

No matter how reasonable it is to reject Hu Jun's judgment and expel him from the court hearing, it is not in compliance with the regulations.

However, the entire trial was still dominated by the presiding judge's jurisdiction.
After Su Bai walked out of the court hearing, only Li Xuezhen was left in the court.

Normal court hearings involve two lawyers appearing in court, so even after Su Bai leaves the courtroom, the two lawyers appear in court.

Li Xuezhen can still defend Lao Zhang, Lao Li and Lao Xue.

In court.

The trial is still ongoing.Li Xuezhen's eyes kept falling on the presiding judge's seat.

Hu Jun didn't pay too much attention, but continued to speak:
"Su Bai, one of the lawyers appointed by the defendant, was expelled from the trial site."

"But there is still one lawyer who is still at the court, which is in line with the court procedures."

"The trial continues."

"As for the above defense, neither party has any objections, right?"

"Now for the court presentation."

"The prosecution is invited to begin their court presentation."

In this court hearing, Sloppy Horse finally experienced what fierce court confrontation is.

I thought to myself: Even if you are one of the top criminal lawyers in the country, don’t you still have to listen to the presiding judge in this trial?

Aren't you going to be kicked out of the court hearing?

To put it bluntly, even if the top criminal lawyers in the country are called to this trial, they still have to listen to the presiding judge, and they still cannot reverse the situation.

Now Su Bai has left.

The subsequent court statements and judgments were largely without surprises.

Sloppily begins with a simple statement.

The statement is nothing more than those aspects.

Going through the process to accuse Lao Zhang, Lao Li, Lao Xue and other three people were indeed provoking troubles and caused serious adverse social effects.

After the prosecutor finished his statement, Hu Jun asked Li Xuezhen to start his statement.

Li Xuezhen looked directly at the seat of the trial. At this moment, she was very angry, but she remained calm.

Because Lawyer Su is not here, she is responsible for her client in this trial.

Li Xuezhen's clear voice sounded, and her face was full of seriousness and earnestness.

"Presiding judge, we do not agree with the prosecutor's proposal, nor do we agree with the presiding judge's determination."

"Zhang, Li and Xue did not organize personnel. They only inquired about relevant personnel, and other personnel protested due to their personal wishes."

"There was no forced behavior and no subjective criminal intent. There was also no illegal behavior in the entire process."

"If it is illegal to gather together, then during holidays, if the government holds some activities and convenes people to gather together, is that also an illegal act?"

"Does that mean we need to arrest all the relevant organizers?"

"The above examples are similar to what our client did, but why should our client be prosecuted for picking quarrels and provoking trouble?"

"What I don't understand is what point the court relied on to show that our client was causing trouble and causing adverse effects on social order."

"Based on the above, I disagree with our judgment!"

"If the presiding judge finds us guilty, then I ask the presiding judge to clearly write down in the verdict the relevant circumstances of how I provoked people and how I caused adverse effects on social order!"

"We will interpret the contents of the judgment one by one! Find out where we have violated the law!"

"Otherwise we will continue to appeal this case!"

Li Xuezhen's expression was serious and her aura was full.

Staring straight at the court seat, the presiding judge in front of him just now drove Lawyer Su out of the court.

What is the purpose?
She could see the other party's purpose at a glance. Wasn't it to enable the judgment to proceed?
Do you think you are not good enough as a newly-regularized lawyer?
If you're not very good at it, wouldn't it be in vain if you follow Lawyer Su every day?
What you just said also has profound meaning, as long as you dare to write the relevant circumstances into the judgment.

so nice!
I took the judgment directly to the supervision and review department and asked why such a judgment was made. I will appeal again!

She didn't believe that this trial could lead to the death of the defendant!
Facing Li Xuezhen's statement, Hu Jun's face turned even more livid, but he still passed the verdict.

Boom boom boom!
The magic hammer fell, and the dull sound was extremely loud.

"In response to this judgment, the verdict is as follows:"

"As for the provocation and troublemaking behavior of Zhang, Li and Xue raised by the public prosecutor."

"The court found that Zhang, Li and Xue organized other people to engage in provocation and provocation!"

"Due to the bad influence caused by organized others, the verdict is as follows:"

"Xue was sentenced to three years in prison, and Zhang and Li were sentenced to two and six months in prison respectively!"


"Close the court!"

With the last two words falling, the trial ended.

Li Xuezhen's eyes fell firmly on the seat of the presiding judge, watching Hu Jun and the other two judges leave.

This presiding judge is really the worst she has ever seen, and now she feels that the ten-year prison sentence is even a little small!
Wait until the judgment is completed,

Li Xuezhen left the court, walked out, and saw Su Bai standing aside.

Su Bai said: "What's the result?"

"Lawyer Su."

"The presiding judge's tendency is too obvious, and he directly expelled us during the trial."

"Isn't it just because he violated the rules that we brought it up? As for retaliating like this?"

"They actually sentenced one to three years in prison and two to two years and six months in prison!"

"This sentence is too much!"

"Lawyer Su, let's go, I know where the supervision and review department is!"

"Report him!"

"A presiding judge like this will have to spend at least several years in prison!"

"We must let him eat from the big pot for a few more years!"


Hearing Li Xuezhen's angry voice, Su Bai nodded.

Today's trial was indeed the most outrageous trial he had ever seen.

I will tell you straight away that as the presiding judge, I have the final right to make a judgment.

What happened to the right to defense?The right to defense is meaningless!
No matter what you say or do in court, I will not listen or accept it, and will directly make a judgment based on my own legal understanding.

In other words, the judgment was made for other reasons.

Is that what you’re doing?
good good!
"Let's go! File a supervisory review first, and then think about the second instance!"

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously: "Okay, Lawyer Su."

This kind of presiding judge, if he doesn't send him in and lock him up and eat from a big pot for a few years, he is simply sorry!

Give it away, give it away!

Li Xuezhen's face was full of seriousness and seriousness, and she recalled the special treatment she received in the court hearing.

More of a kind of anger! .
PS: During the double monthly pass period, please give me a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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