You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 299: The crime was determined to be true, Xiao Li: Verdict!

Chapter 299: The crime was determined to be true, Xiao Li: Verdict!
Su Bai asked several key questions.

and Wu Hao's look for help.

Sun Shiyan looked down at the litigation materials in front of him without making any sign.

It's not that he doesn't know how to answer, it's that he can't answer.

This is also the default rule for criminal lawyers in the courtroom.

At the trial.

Whether it is the presiding judge, prosecutor or prosecution, ask about the details of the case.

In particular, inquire about the behavior of the defendant or relatives of the defendant related to the case.

All this needs to be answered by the defendant or his relatives.


Can he gesture or answer?

you can!

Just be mentally prepared to have your lawyer's license revoked and be imprisoned for several months.

With these two prerequisites, you can answer.

Because the behavior of the defendant or the defendant's relatives is their own will.

Lawyers were unable to provide answers.

You have now answered the question, and your explanation at the trial was very reasonable and accurate.

However, if the prosecutor during the subsequent review, the defendant or the defendant's relatives explained that this was not the case.

So what do lawyers do?
Faced with this kind of thing, the prosecutor can definitely prosecute for perjury.

This is the key that criminal lawyers cannot answer in certain situations.

After seeing Sun Shiyan lower his head.

Wu Hao didn't know how to answer this question.

Simply remain silent.

On the bench, the presiding judge Yu Cheng faced this situation and banged his gavel.

The case has progressed to this point...

It can be said that both parties have made a rough defense.

The argument is clear.

The rest just needs to be sorted out by him as the presiding judge.

Yu Cheng looked at the witness seat. Geng Hao was attending this trial as a witness.

Under judicial regulations, criminal suspects have the right to attend court trials as witnesses.

Withdrawing his gaze, Yu Cheng slowly spoke:
"Now I will add some additional matters related to the defense."

"Witness Geng Hao..."

"Now the collegial court is questioning you, please cooperate."

"Okay, presiding judge, I will cooperate."

Geng Hao took a deep breath, nodded in agreement, and heard Yu Cheng's question again.

"In Wu Hao's case, how did you determine during the initial review that the relationship between Wu Hao and Zhang Yan was Wu Hao's forced behavior?"

Facing the presiding judge's inquiry, Geng Hao spoke without hesitation:
"presiding judge.…"

"I am sure that the relationship between Wu Hao and Zhang Yan was Wu Hao's act of forcing Zhang Yan, and it came from the review of the case at that time."

"After the case occurred, a case was filed. As the person in charge of the case, I also launched an investigation as soon as possible."

"Wu Ye found me during the investigation at that time. I wanted to find out whether this case was a rape and whether there was any misunderstanding."

"In other words - figure out whether this case is a false accusation made by Zhang Yan, or whether there is another hidden reason."

"Specially asked about the relevant details of Wu Hao's case."

"The situation Wu Hao described at that time was the same as what Zhang Yan recorded in his notes."

"Including some details of what happened."

“I remember one thing particularly clearly——

Wu Hao said that he personally likes Zhang Yan very much and has wanted to have a relationship with Zhang Yan for a long time. "

"It's just that I never had a chance..."

"This time he got drunk and took Zhang Yan to the hotel to have sex, which is what he has wanted to do for a long time."

"I asked him how he dared to do such a thing at his age."

"He said that he was confused at the time and was too impulsive. He thought there was nothing wrong and then he did it."

"It's quite pathetic."

Yu Cheng said: "Besides you, does anyone else know about this matter?"


"Wu Hao's matter is because Wu Ye personally came to my house to look for me, so everyone in my family also knows about it."

"The public prosecutor should know this because the public prosecutor also understood and investigated this matter at the time."

Yu Cheng turned to look at the prosecutor for confirmation: "Has the witness' statement just been confirmed?"

Li Xiao nodded: "Confirmed, basically consistent with what the witness described.

The witness's wife had some knowledge of Wu Hao forcing Zhang Yan to have sex. "


After Yu Cheng got the confirmed facts, he turned to the witness seat.

"Does the witness have anything else to add?"

"No, that's all I know."

After Geng Hao finished his statement, he looked up at the presiding judge's seat.

This time, he was mentally prepared to fully cooperate with the presiding judge and the prosecutor when he appeared in court.

So I stated everything I knew.

On the bench seat.

After listening to Geng Hao's statement, Yu Cheng continued to ask:
"Is there any evidence to support your above statement?"

"Yes, presiding judge."

"I have a recording of the call with Wu Ye."

"Recording? What is it about?"

"It was me and Wu Ye who recorded a call about Wu Hao's crime, how to exonerate him, and how to get Zhang Yan and her family to withdraw the case."

"Then when did you record this recording? Under what circumstances was it recorded?"

"The recording was recorded when we were talking, and the middle part was the normal conversation between the two of us."

“I was willing to agree to Wu Ye at that time, mainly because Wu Ye could help me find connections.

I was afraid that he would regret it after this incident, so I kept the recording and got some evidence.

If anything happens, it will be easier if he has a handle. "


This Geng Hao is very thoughtful!

Unexpectedly, evidence of correlation was left behind at the time.

But now that there is evidence, indirect evidence proving objectivity exists.

The current verdict of this case is already very clear.

After discussing the case with two other members of the collegial panel, you can declare whether you are guilty or not.

Thinking of this, Yu Cheng banged the gavel:
"This trial has reached this point, and some content still needs to be discussed." "Adjourn the court!"

"The adjournment is over and the trial will continue."

The scene and all parties felt very clear in their hearts when they heard the presiding judge adjourn the court.

This time the court was adjourned to discuss whether Wu Hao should be found guilty or not.


Wu Hao, who was sitting at the defendant's seat, was not too impressed by this.

I still firmly believe that Lawyer Sun can solve this problem.
The collegial panel discusses the room.

As the presiding judge, Yu Cheng and the other two judges were discussing the verdict against Wu Hao.

Before that…

As members of the collegial panel, the three of them have learned the relevant evidence.

Regarding this court session after the postponement, I have a rough judgment in my mind.

After pleadings by all parties in the court hearing.

What they need to determine now is whether there is any conflict between their ideas.

Yu Cheng was the first to speak: "We also discussed this case during the last court hearing."

"Adjourn the trial to allow the prosecution to add evidence."

"Now we have learned from the supplementary evidence that the focus of the argument between the prosecution and the defendant is mainly on whether there is coercion."

"What we are discussing now is whether Geng Hao's confession and his recording can be used as indirect evidence to accuse Wu Hao of coercion."

"Lao Bai, Lao Chen, what do you two think?"

As one of the judges in this case, Lao Bai's opinion is simple.

"Lao Yu..."

"To be honest, I just want to ask a question right now.

Putting aside the evidence for the moment, do you personally think Wu Hao forced Zhang Yan to have sex? "

Yu Cheng was silent for a few seconds: "It is impossible to ignore the reality and ignore the evidence.

But from my personal point of view, this situation is very likely. "

Lao Bai smiled: "Look, from a personal point of view, you think Wu Hao forced Zhang Yan to have a relationship."

"What does that show?"

"It shows that in this case, all the evidence and suspicion point to Wu Hao forcing Zhang Yan to have sex."

"You must know that Zhang Yan was a minor when she was violated!"

"Although Wu Hao has just come of age, he is also an adult in terms of legal obligations."

"If we don't have objective evidence to point Wu Hao guilty, then we certainly can't convict Wu Hao..."

"But now that there is objective indirect evidence, there is no problem in convicting Wu Hao."

On the side, Lao Chen also nodded and said: "I agree with Lao Bai's statement."

Yu Cheng nodded slightly when he heard what the other two judges said.



The adjournment is over and the trial continues.

On the bench, Yu Cheng said: "The trial continues."

"Now the key point of the defense in this trial is whether the relationship between Wu Hao and Zhang Yan is a forced act."

"Make judgment."

"Does the parties have anything else to say?"

Su Bai took a deep breath: "No."

Li Xiao: "No."

Sun Shiyan paused for a few seconds: "The presiding judge..."

"I want to make a point."

“Is there anything else the defendant’s attorney needs to say?”

"What I want to state is - about determining whether there is coercion."

"From the indirect evidence, although this can be determined legally, there will still be some unexpected circumstances."

"For example - there may be a certain possibility of misjudgment. We still believe that certain events need to be judged based on direct evidence."

"The above is our view."


Yu Cheng nodded lightly, completely ignoring what the defendant's lawyer said.

Ring the gavel.

"All parties have completed their presentations on whether the relationship between Wu Hao and Zhang Yan is a forced act."

"The verdict is now announced."

"The relevant indirect evidence involved in this case has corresponding subjectivity and objectivity."

"Especially the witness's confession, based on objective facts, directly confirmed Wu Hao's forced behavior."

"That is, the court determined that Wu Hao's relationship with Zhang Yan was forced behavior!"

Boom boom boom!
The gavel fell, and the dull sound spread throughout the courtroom.

It also directly hit Wu Hao's heart.


what happend? !

Although he doesn't know much about the law, this verdict...

He can understand it too!
Doesn't this mean he was sentenced to force Zhang Yan to have sex? !

No...Didn't Lawyer Sun say that even if the trial of this case was postponed and opened again, he would be found not guilty?
What's the situation now?
Wu Hao turned his head and focused his attention on Sun Shiyan.

Sun Shiyan's expression was dull, without any change.

He previously thought that even if this case were to be tried again, Wu Hao would be found not guilty.


According to the witnesses' statements, it is obvious that someone is taking advantage of Wu Hao.

In this situation, what can he do if the court decides?
There is absolutely no way! .
at the same time.

In the prosecution's seat.

Li Xuezhen's face was filled with joy, now that the verdict had been made, Wu Hao's crime had been confirmed and explained.

Minors involved...

There is an act of forcing the organization to take action.

In addition, it objectively led to Zhang Yan's suicide.

Although this will not be determined legally.

However, if the presiding judge pays attention to this point, he can put a slight emphasis on the sentence.

If all the conditions are added together, he will be sentenced to at least five years in prison!
Generally speaking, forcing a woman to have sex is punishable by imprisonment for not less than three years but not more than ten years.

Wu Hao's behavior is bad and should not be punished? !


Ps: Please give me a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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