You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 300 Classic statement, can the rich and powerful influence the law?cannot!

Chapter 300 Classic statement, can the rich and powerful influence the law?cannot!
ten years!

Ten years in prison!

Li Xuezhen's eyes were bright and she looked straight at Wu Hao on the defendant's seat.

The judgment must be judged according to the rules!
Su Bai: ...
Xiao Li's look...isn't it too obvious?

However, it doesn't matter.

This case has started since he accepted Zhang Cui's commission until now.

I’ve been through a lot…

In terms of the progress of the case filing.

It first attracted public opinion, and then it attracted the attention of the prosecutor, who conducted an investigation and launched a public prosecution.

Later, due to the lack of key evidence, the court was asked to postpone the trial while the prosecutor supplemented relevant evidence.

From the filing of the case to the current judgment, this case involves many issues.

Whenever there is a link wrong.

So Wu Hao, as the perpetrator in this case, may not receive legal justice.

In the process...

Li Xuezhen has been following up.

So Su Bai understands Li Xuezhen's mood very well...

Also excited was Zhang Cui, who kept staring at Wu Hao in the defendant's seat.

I kept saying silently in my heart: There is a result... There is a result...

four years ago!Finally there are results!
When the presiding judge announces the verdict.

Everyone involved has a different psychology.

However, this time was short-lived and the trial continued.

On the bench seat.

The presiding judge Yu Cheng circled around and continued to speak:
"Do the parties in this trial have any objections?"

Su Bai looked up at Yu Cheng.

The case has been decided so far, and he doesn't know if the defendant has any objections.

But as the prosecution and prosecutor, there is definitely no objection.

Even if the defendant has objections, it is impossible for the presiding judge to accept them.

Because it has been judged...

Unless there are major objections to the facts or there are loopholes in the evidence, the judgment just made will be overturned.

But obviously...

There were basically no loopholes in the judgment of Wu Hao in this trial.

Therefore, the defendant must accept the current situation regardless of whether it has any objections.

This judgment is over...

It is very likely that it will enter the court statement or the determination of the sentence.

The situation was similar to what Su Bai expected.

Neither he nor the prosecutor had any objections.

Sun Shiyan originally wanted to perform at the trial and refuted fiercely.

To prove that his high legal fees were not in vain.

But when I think about it...

If a meaningless rebuttal is made at this court hearing, it may have other negative effects.

For example, the presiding judge is expelled from the trial venue...

Then it is extremely irresponsible for his client.

and so…

Sun Shiyan also spoke without any objection.

Only after Sun Shiyan showed no objection.

Wu Hao's original belief that he would not go to jail has somewhat collapsed.

In other words, he couldn't accept his sentence or jail time.


Lawyer Sun, what did you say originally?

During the postponement of the trial, the prosecutor added evidence.

What he is saying is that even if the trial is postponed to add relevant evidence, he will not be found guilty.

But now? !

No objection now?

Wu Hao couldn't help but have anxiety written all over his face, and then he raised his hand to signal: "The presiding judge..."

"I have objections!"

"I really didn't force Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan did it voluntarily. That witness is also talking nonsense!"

"I don't know how to express this, but are everything the witnesses said correct?"

"What the witnesses say may not always be right!"

"So if you sentence me like this, I must have objections!"

Wu Hao felt that what he said was not up to standard, and then urged Sun Shiyan:
"For this point, I have entrusted a lawyer to make it clear for me."

"Presiding Judge, I want our client lawyer, Lawyer Sun, to help me express my opinion!"

"Lawyer Sun, I would like to ask you to explain this for me."

At the trial table, the presiding judge Yu Cheng glanced at the defendant's seat.

Yu Cheng: ....
Your attorney has already expressed it and has no objections. Do you know better than your attorney?
However, Yu Cheng did not express this in the court hearing.

did not qualified.

Since Wu Hao asked Sun Shiyan to express it for him.

Then let’s see what Sun Shiyan can express...

"Since the defendant has objections to this judgment, according to the defendant's statement, there is no legal basis."

"The defendant asked his attorney to organize his statement..."

"The defendant has appointed a lawyer. As requested by your client, do you have anything to make a statement?"

Sun Shiyan:? ? ?


state what?
If he could state it just now, he would have stated it just now!
Wu Hao's approach completely dragged him down, but it had no effect.

At this point in the trial, there is no point in continuing to refute.

Sun Shiyan shook his head: "Presiding Judge, I don't know about this request made by our client.

I have not communicated this with my client. "

"So I can't make a statement for my client."

After hearing this, Wu Hao couldn't help but said anxiously:
"Lawyer Sun, why can't you make a statement for me?"

"My point is simply that the witness cannot prove that what he said is true!"

"Lawyer Sun, please help me!"

Boom boom boom!
The gavel struck, and Yu Cheng said seriously: "The defendant, be silent!"

"The defendant's attorney has made it very clear."

"The accused should not be in court without a legal basis to proceed.

"Disturbing the order of the court!"

Hearing the solemn voice of the presiding judge, Wu Hao's heart trembled.


"Presiding Judge, I understand..."

Just now, he just kept asking Sun Shiyan out of urgency.

But let him really resist the trial and disrupt the order of the trial.

Wu Hao, as the defendant, would definitely not dare to do this.

after all.…

In court trials, the presiding judge cannot make blind decisions.

However, the presiding judge can make a biased judgment within the scope of the sentence.

He knew this very well.
Seeing that Wu Hao had calmed down, Yu Cheng then spoke and continued with the next part of the trial.

"It was determined that the relationship between Wu Hao and Zhang Yan was a coercive act, and no party has any objection."

"Now enter the final court statement."

dong dong!

"Please let the prosecutor start his statement."

Court presentation session.

As a prosecutor, Li Xiao knows very well how difficult it is for this case to reach this point.

What a troublesome thing I went through during the investigation.

Now for the court presentation, the most important point of the presentation.

It was to express Wu Hao's bad behavior at that time.

Strive for a harsher sentence.

Li Xiao flipped through his lawsuit materials and said:
"Presiding judge, our court statement is as follows:"

"According to the prosecution's correlation investigation——"

"Wu Hao was involved in forcing Zhang Yan to have a relationship.

They also forced Zhang Yan to have relationships with others and accept money.

It has been involved in the crime of forcing others to become obscene. "

"From these two points, Wu Hao was not only involved in the act of forcing women." "He even threatened Zhang Yan, who had been forced, to have relationships with other people for his own profit!"

"As an adult male, you should understand the relevant laws."

"This approach is very bad and has caused serious adverse effects."

"Based on the laws Wu Hao violated and the seriousness of his circumstances."

"The prosecutor believes that a harsh and severe sentence should be imposed."

"The prosecutor recommends a prison term: Since it involves forcing a woman to have sex against her will, and forcing a woman to participate in a sexual intercourse against her will, the two crimes should be punished concurrently."

"Excellent sentence: ten years in prison!"


After Li Xiao finished his statement, he looked at the defendant's attorney's seat.

At the beginning, as a prosecutor, he prosecuted the defendant.

The defendant has been asked to hire a lawyer to refute the questions and come back.

Now in the court statement stage, it can be said that I have breathed a sigh of relief.


In this case, Wu Hao's sentence was within a reasonable range.

Ten years in prison was an extreme sentence for Wu Hao, but it was a reasonable one.
On the bench, the presiding judge Yu Cheng was listening to Li Xiao's statement.

Then he turned his attention to the defendant’s seat:
"Please ask the defendant or the lawyer entrusted by the defendant to make a statement in court now."

Sun Shiyan sighed secretly when he heard the presiding judge asked the defendant to entrust a lawyer to make a statement.

In his previous opinion, this case would definitely be acquitted.

But now, the presiding judge used indirect evidence and found guilty, so forget it.

The prosecutor actually directly recommended a ten-year sentence!
Ten years is a maximum sentence!

At this point in the trial, the guilty party will definitely not be able to escape.

So a statement needs to be made in terms of sentence.

At least the presiding judge cannot be allowed to impose a maximum sentence of ten years.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Shiyan spoke:
"Presiding judge, our court statement is as follows:"

"The presiding judge has determined that our behavior was coercive, and we will not discuss this point any further."

"Our main focus is on the prison term."

"In this case, the defendant Wu Hao forced Zhang Yan to have a relationship, probably because he was just an adult and was curious about this matter."

"And as someone who has just grown up, my awareness of the law is relatively weak."

"Especially the behavior after drinking...more impulsive and irrational."

"These...are all factors that need to be considered."

“Our client did make serious mistakes.

But in terms of prison terms, we believe that young people should be given a chance for their mistakes. "

"A lenient sentence."

"The above is our court statement."

A brief compilation of the court statements made by the lawyers entrusted by the defendant.

Yu Cheng looked at the prosecution seat:

"The prosecutor and the defendant have completed relevant court statements, and now the prosecution is invited to make a court statement."


Su Bai looked up at the presiding judge's seat, and then set his sights on the defendant's attorney's seat.

This time, the court statement did matter in terms of prison terms.

The prosecutor recommended a sentence of ten years, which was fine.

However, the defendant applied for a reduced sentence based on the fact that he had just come of age, was under the influence of alcohol, and had to be understanding for the young man's mistakes.

What are you thinking?

Wu Hao just became an adult soon, right?

But at the time of the incident, Zhang Yan was still a minor!
And the behavior after drinking is more impulsive and irrational.

Can impulsiveness and irrationality be used as excuses for exoneration after committing a crime?
Certainly not!

Otherwise, everyone will use this as an excuse, so how to deal with the social disorder caused by drunkenness?

In fact, the only thing the defendant stated that was useful was -

Legal awareness is weak.

Wu Hao may indeed have had a weak legal awareness at the time, but this was not the reason for his criminal behavior.


The lack of legal awareness and impulsiveness should only be temporary.

After violating Zhang Yan, he let Zhang Yan come out to make profits.

What is this behavior?
This is knowing you are wrong and then continuing to make mistakes!

If it is just a momentary impulse, then the first thing after committing a crime should be regret.

Instead of taking advantage of Zhang Yan's shame and forcing Zhang Yan to go out and make profits!

Su Bai and Sun Shiyan looked at each other, and then spoke.

"Presiding judge, I disagree with the statement made by the lawyer appointed by the defendant."

"I don't understand what it means to lose your mind and have a weak sense of law after drinking."

"The statement made by the lawyer entrusted by the defendant seems to be a crime committed by Wu Hao on impulse."

"But did the lawyer appointed by the defendant consider other situations?"

"If Wu Hao really committed the crime on impulse."

"Why did he force Zhang Yan to have sex with other men for profit?"

"And multiple times!"

"Moreover, Wu Hao has just come of age, and Zhang Yan is a minor!"

"A legally adult man to a legally minor girl."

"Committed an act of infringement."

"Now I am applying for a reduced sentence by saying that I have just reached adulthood."

"What impact will this statement have on the underage girl?"

"Is it more unfair to him in a legal sense?"

"Based on this, why should Wu Hao use the excuse of just coming of age to reduce his sentence?"

"Let's see what Wu Hao did after forcibly having sex with Zhang Yan..."

"Forcing her to have relationships with other men for profit, and mentally coercing Zhang Yan for a long time."

"After Zhang Yan finally chose to report the crime, she immediately used her family connections to suppress the matter."

"Wu Hao's first choice was not to plead guilty and accept punishment, but to use his family power to cover up the truth of his crime."

"This is Wu Hao's way of handling it."

"We can completely see Wu Hao's mental state at that time through Wu Hao's behavior."

"I think that if my family has money, everything can be settled."

"I feel that Zhang Yan is a single-parent family with only one mother, so she does not pose much of a threat to their family."

"All we need to do is find connections and throw some money into Zhang Yan's family to solve this matter."

"This is their attitude towards crime."

"Thinking that you are rich and powerful can trample on the dignity of the law."


"What about reality? Now?"

"Now Zhang Yan has committed suicide due to long-term accumulated depression, and her mother Zhang Cui has been campaigning for Zhang Yan's affairs."

“They were even prosecuted for picking quarrels and provoking trouble.”

"Still not giving up."

"The final result is to sit in the prosecution seat and accuse Wu Hao in the defendant's seat."

"Has the law arrived?"

"It's here!"

"Is it late?"


"The purpose of my saying this is not to digress, but to say-"

"Whether it was Zhang Yan's depression and suicide.

It was Zhang Cui who later wanted to seek legal rights for her daughter.

He was sentenced to two years in prison and suffered psychological and physical hardships. "

"All this stems from Wu Hao's original malicious crime."

"Without his malicious crimes and malicious behavior, would the current situation still exist?"


"So why should he receive a reduced punishment?!"

"If his punishment is reduced, will he be trampling on the dignity of the law?!"

"We have only one point of view - heavy sentencing!"

"The highest verdict is our only request!"

"It is also to protect the legal rights and interests of our client and his daughter as victims!"

While Su Bai was making his statement, he kept looking at the defendant's seat.

The defendant's seat.

At this moment, Wu Hao's heart felt cold for a moment.
PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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