You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 473 The review begins! Investigate the truth!

Chapter 473 The review begins! Investigate the truth!

At the same time, there was already a certain amount of heat regarding the murder of Liu Xuewei.

The focus of the discussion was that Xie Lirong's father, Xie An, killed his son-in-law and showed a letter of understanding to save Xie An from the death penalty.

Is this considered a legal bug?

After all... From a subjective point of view, as the victim's wife, she issued a letter of understanding on behalf of her husband who was killed by her father.

This is very controversial.

It is also a popular topic of discussion.


After the second trial ended, the focus of discussion was on the suspension of the trial and the discussion of the true story of the case.

after all.…

What Su Bai stated at the trial was completely inconsistent with the results of the case investigation.

Even, in some respects, compared to the focus of everyone's discussion at the beginning.

Su Bai stated at the trial that this case was a conspiracy case.

Xie Lirong may have also participated in the plot to kill Liu Xuewei.

If Xie Lirong was really involved in the plan to kill Liu Xuewei.

to be honest.…

This case is relatively explosive.

What is the equivalent of what Xie Lirong did?

It is equivalent to deliberately using the emotional discord between husband and wife to set up a plan for the wife to let her relatives kill her husband.

At the same time, a letter of understanding is issued to reduce the criminal punishment of his relatives.

And he can also obtain his and her husband's property.

This is simply treating her husband as a thing to give away property.

It completely violates the legally defined relationship between husband and wife.

In other words, if this kind of case expands and becomes extreme, it will greatly affect the stability of the rule of law.

Why do you say that?

To give the simplest example, if the amount of joint property between husband and wife is too large.

And after the party with the main advantageous economic power is injured, will most of the joint property obtained be given to the other party?

In the legal sense, this is the case.

In particular, when there is still custody rights, the proportion of property distributed is larger.

In this case, if one of the parties has malicious intent or is caught by the other party, making a major mistake, and wants a divorce, is it necessary to separate the joint property?

And the party who is not at fault will receive more of the joint property of the couple.

There will be a party with serious faults who is unwilling, leading to the murder of a person.

Or there is the possibility of conspiring with one's relatives to kill the other party for the sake of property, so as to gain profits from the property.

If the amount of this property is large enough, many people will be willing to take the risk of killing people to obtain the benefits of the property.

Then it will seriously affect the stability of the rule of law.

This is the reason why many people discuss Liu Xuewei's case.

Discussing whether this case belongs to Xie Lirong, in order to plan Liu Xuewei's property, she asked Xie An to kill Liu Xuewei.


This point of view was raised by Su Bai after the public footage of the trial was spread by the media.

Many people on the Internet have certain doubts about Su Bai.

Publicly questioning the professionalism of Su Bai's argument.

After all, from a normal person's point of view, Liu Xuewei's share of property is not much. How could anyone kill someone for such a small amount of money?


This case has polarized opinions on the Internet.

Both parties to the discussion are also waiting for specific investigation results from relevant departments.

Waiting for the moment when the results are announced, slap the other person in the face.


After the provincial high court, the court of second instance, decided to postpone the hearing of this case.

As the main criminal person in charge of this case, Chen Bing worked with prosecutors from the prosecution department.

For Xie An, Xie Lirong, Xie Lirong’s mother, and Liang Xinglong.

Investigations and corresponding reviews have been launched.

Xie An's investigation room.

Chen Bing started questioning and investigating Xie An.

The incandescent light shone on Xie An's face, reflecting the slightly anxious look on his face.

In front of the review table, Chen Bing looked at Xie An seriously, looked down at the materials in front of him, and then said:

"Explain it carefully..."

"Now that we have clarified your situation, if you plead guilty and accept punishment, the people involved around you may be dealt with in a lighter manner."

"If you don't explain clearly how you murdered Liu Xuewei, then the punishment will most likely be aggravated."

Xie Anxin knew very well what Chen Bing was asking, but he still pretended not to know.

"What should I explain? I killed the man, and now I have confessed and accepted the punishment. What else should I explain?"

"There's absolutely no need to explain, right?"

"If you want to sentence me, then sentence me. If you don't want to sentence me, then let me go."

"I know it's a fact that I committed murder. I definitely can't be let go. It's okay to give me a lighter sentence."

"I know I am guilty of killing someone, but if you ask me to explain, I really don't know what to explain."

"I have already explained everything that needs to be explained, and I have nothing left to explain."

"I really don't know this question. You must be mistaken."

Facing Xie An's refusal and denial, Chen Bing did not speak anymore, but directly took out a stack of materials.

"Here is your medical report."

"And the diagnosis certificate you received from the hospital."

"We have contacted the hospital and they have confirmed that you are aware of your illness."

"Through this and then based on the details and circumstances of the entire case."    "Now we have been able to grasp your psychology at the time."

"Were you thinking at the time that you didn't have much time left anyway? Your daughter was found to have cheated on her, and she was facing divorce. She was also facing the prospect of being asked to get back her previous joint property."

"So after discussion, or you and Xie Lirong made it clear, you decided to kill Liu Xuewei yourself."

"The reason for the killing was that the marital relationship between Xie Lirong and Liu Xuewei had broken down, and Xie Lirong had transferred and handed over all the joint property of the couple to others."

"If Liu Xuewei wants to sue, then Xie Lirong will have to pay back the money."

"But she hasn't come back yet, and your family doesn't have much property to repay these properties, so you thought of a way - to kill Liu Xuewei."

"Doing this will result in Liu Xuewei and Xie Lirong still being in a husband-and-wife relationship."

"Your motive and purpose for killing is to prevent Xie Lirong from compensating the common property, and to allow your daughter to leave a fortune, right?"

Chen Bing stared at Xie An, peeling off the cocoons bit by bit, and stated the corresponding situation.

Hearing Chen Bing express all his thoughts, cold sweat broke out on Xie An's back unconsciously.

He pursed his lips tightly and remained silent. After a while, he calmed down.

Chen Bing's statement is completely correct, except for some details.

The rest almost completely stated his thoughts clearly and stated them.

But so what?

So what if we know these thoughts and situations?

In his opinion, as long as he doesn't say anything, what will happen even if the other party knows?

If you don't say anything, even if the other party knows it, it will only be their guess.

Guess what?

The guess is that there is no evidence, and it cannot be used as evidence in the trial against him.

It also cannot implicate his daughter.

Liang Xinglong emphasized this point repeatedly with him.

So...even now Chen Bing has stated his thoughts and calculated the general process.

He couldn't say a word either.

However... in Chen Bing's view, Xie An's inquiry was just a simple confirmation.

Make sure his calculation is correct.

It doesn't matter whether Xie An talks about it or not, because there are many people involved in this case.

As long as one of them states the matter, the final result of the case will be the same.

Moreover, Chen Bing did not put his hope in solving the case on Xie An.

Instead, it was placed on Liang Xinglong.

After all...Xie An is Xie Lirong's father. As a father, he has a very strong sense of responsibility for his daughter.

But Liang Xinglong is Xie Lirong's ex-husband, and he has always been obsessed with making money from Xie Lirong.

Liang Xinglong himself is also a gambler and does not have much affection for Xie Lirong.

According to what Su Bai told him, the mastermind behind this was probably Liang Xinglong.

Their law enforcement side also investigated Liang Xinlong’s interpersonal dealings.

Confirmed this.

I just asked and reviewed Xie An just to get verification of certain events.

Now that the verification has been completed, there is no need to review it further.

After sorting out the confession materials and preparing to leave, Chen Bing turned his head and said:

"You can say nothing here because you love your daughter."

"But Liang Xinglong will explain everything."

"I think you should also know about Liang Xinglong's situation."

After saying this, Chen Bing and his colleagues left the examination room.

Xie An was left alone to think in the examination room.

Originally, Xie An's psychological defense was very high, but when he heard Chen Bing mention that he wanted to examine Liang Xinglong.

Xie An's psychological defense was instantly defeated.

Xie An knew very well what kind of person Liang Xinglong was.

At first...

Why did his daughter and Liang Xinglong divorce?

It was because Liang Xinglong liked drinking, playing cards, gambling, and making some bad friends.

Doing nothing every day, not making any progress at all, always thinking about getting money from others.

For this reason, he strongly supported the divorce between his daughter and Liang Xinglong.

Later, his daughter got together with Liu Xuewei, and he supported it.

Because Liu Xuewei is more motivated than Liang Xinglong, and his economic conditions are not bad.

But... for some reason, his daughter got together with Liang Xinglong again.

But this time, he didn't stop it, but acquiesced.

It can be regarded as the beginning of this matter.

If he had not acquiesced but stopped his daughter Xie Lirong, what happened today might not have happened.

But having said that, he also knew very well why Liang Xinglong was with his daughter.

It’s just one word – money!

What is involved now is the issue of criminal liability.

In order to avoid criminal liability or reduce criminal punishment, he can say nothing for his daughter.

You can also withstand pressure and scrutiny.

But can Liang Xinglong do it?

It was hard to say. Xie An could only pray silently from his heart.

I pray that Liang Xinglong can do what he said and insist on not speaking.


According to Xie An’s understanding of Liang Xinglong’s character…



PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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