You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 472 The judge’s hammer fell, Xiao Li: Give it away!

Chapter 472 The judge’s hammer fell, Xiao Li: Give it away!

In fact, from the perspective of criminal motive, it was to obtain Liu Xuewei's property.

In other words, in order to prevent Xie Lirong from suffering heavy losses in her marriage, Xie An killed Liu Xuewei.

It is much greater than the possibility of killing Liu Xuewei due to the emotional excitement caused by Xie Lirong's lies.

Because from the perspective of legal circumstances and realistic scenarios, it is a crime of passion and a crime of anger.

You can't commit crimes just because of a small conflict, right?

And this kind of small intensification of conflicts is not intensified face to face.

In this case, most people will have a cooling-off period.

It is an hour's journey from Xie An's home to Liu Xuewei's home.

During this hour, no other conflicts occurred.

Moreover, Xie An did not use the phone to contact Liu Xuewei or communicate about this matter.

Just kill people directly?

Is this reasonable?

This is simply unreasonable!

No matter from which perspective, it is unrealistic and unreasonable.

Killings usually have good reasons and basis.

Judging from Xie An's oral statement, he did not have sufficient reasons or sufficient basis.

It is more likely that during the quarrel between Xie Lirong and Liu Xuewei, Liu Xuewei mentioned divorce.

And the issue of property division was mentioned.

This also led to Xie An having the idea of ​​killing someone.

As for why Xie An took the risk of intentional homicide and being sentenced to death to kill Liu Xuewei, this can only be found out from Xie An's own reasons.

The reasons are nothing more than two points - first, the loss of property cannot be accepted.

Second, I have no desire to live or can no longer live.

I want to leave something for Xie Lirong.

Perhaps there were other hidden reasons that forced Xie An to kill Liu Xuewei.

The suspicion raised by Su Bai at the trial was very reasonable.

This was also stated at the trial.

On the judgment seat.

Facing Su Bai's clear answer to his question, Hu Yuxiang, as the presiding judge, fell into silence.

Because in this trial, the original evidence against Xie An was clear and the crime of intentional homicide was established.

Xie An also pleaded guilty and accepted punishment.

Nothing was controversial and there wasn't much dissent.

According to normal circumstances, all parties have finished stating their views on the prison term and the determination of the penalty for this intentional homicide causing death.

The second trial of this case is considered over.


During the defense, Su Bai raised a point of view that became a surprise in this trial.

It is equivalent to overturning the previous determination.

Determine whether to postpone the trial or continue.

Hu Yuxiang was a little undecided.

After all, this case is being heard live and is public.

Moreover, the impact of this case is relatively large.

After pondering for nearly twenty seconds, Hu Yuxiang glanced at the two judges on his left and right sides.

Then he struck the hammer and spoke:

"The collegial panel has heard the defenses of all parties."

"Now the collegial panel needs to discuss the relevant matters involved in this case."

"Adjourn the court!"

The gavel fell.

After hearing the presiding judge's call to adjourn the hearing, all parties in the courtroom also knew what specific matters the presiding judge wanted to discuss regarding the relevant matters involved in this case.

It is nothing more than whether to continue the trial or suspend the trial and conduct a re-examination of the case.

Regarding this adjournment, all parties have different ideas.

Of course, the most important thing is what the defendant thinks.

As the defendant, Xie An was extremely worried about this adjournment.

But he couldn't show such concern.

This made him anxious and irritable, and he could only scan Xie Lirong back and forth while the bailiff watched.

But Xie Lirong, who also knew Xie An's worries in her heart.


What can she do?

There is no way at all.



Hearing the presiding judge adjourn the trial, Su Bai took a deep breath and announced the adjournment now.

It has been clearly stated that the presiding judge is very hesitant to continue hearing this case.

Need to discuss.

In the end, the trial will most likely be postponed, requiring law enforcement and prosecutors to conduct a re-investigation.

after all.…

If the doubts cannot be eliminated, the case becomes a mystery.

According to the existing court trial penalty system, the presiding judge imposes lifelong penalties.

The circumstances involved in this case are relatively complex.

The presiding judge is definitely not willing to bite the bullet and continue hearing the case.

Because this is basically of no benefit to him.

While Su Bai was thinking, not far away, Chen Bing, who was in charge of the criminal investigation of this case, came over.

Actively and enthusiastically reaching out his hand: "Hello, I am the person in charge of this case, the captain of the German Criminal Case Squadron, Chen Bing."

Su Bai extended his hand to express his friendliness.

After the two parties greeted each other, Chen Bing also explained his purpose of coming.

The main purpose was to ask Su Bai why it was brought up at the trial that Liu Xuewei's murder was not just the result of Xie An's crime of passion.

In this regard, Su Bai could only smile and repeat the answer he just gave.

Chen Bing nodded slightly and spoke again:

"But in this case, all the circumstances have pointed out that Xie An is a crime of passion."

"Even if there are these doubts stated by you, Lawyer Su, at the trial, the law enforcement and prosecutorial departments will supplement these doubts later."

"To put it bluntly, Xie An, Xie Lirong and others insist on not changing their confessions."

"Law enforcement has made no progress in the investigation and has no other means of answering the questions you asked about."

"This case will still determine that Xie An is a crime of passion."

"It is not a conspiracy to commit a crime as stated by lawyer Su."

"This...Lawyer Su, you should also know."

“The most important thing in handling criminal cases is evidence.”

"But whether this case is a crime of passion or a crime of conspiracy, the most critical thing is whether the criminal parties admit that they have committed criminal acts."

"Even if this case is really a conspiracy to commit a crime, Xie Lirong and others were really involved."

"But if they don't admit it...then they can't be found guilty of any criminal behavior legally."

"I think Lawyer Su, as a criminal lawyer, you should know very well."

"What should we do if this time really comes?" Su Bai smiled: "I know..."

"However, since I pointed out at the trial that Xie An was not a crime of passion, I think this situation will definitely be examined in the subsequent review."

Chen Bing became interested in Su Bai's "sure": "Does Lawyer Su have any clues?"


Su Bai nodded.

After hearing the exact answer, a faint smile appeared on Chen Bing's face.

"So...Lawyer Su will only request a re-examination of the case at the trial after he has definite factual evidence, right?"

"That's right. The follow-up investigation will require more trouble for Captain Chen."


Su Bai and Chen Bing exchanged specific views on this case.

On the other side, Liang Xinglong is also paying attention to the situation of this case.

Although this case has nothing to do with him.

But if the second trial ends earlier, he can go to the Liu family to extort more money.

Watching the public hearing, the presiding judge announced an adjournment.

Liang Xinglong originally thought that this case was a must-win situation.

But now, he vaguely felt that there might be something wrong with the final direction of this case.


What Liang Xinglong is most worried about is that if this case is really reviewed, Liang Xinglong doesn't care about others.

What he is most concerned about is, will he be censored?

He had previously provided a solution for Xie An and Xie Lirong.

If he was really examined, wouldn't he also want to go in?

Thinking of this, Liang Xinglong frowned slightly. He just wanted to get some money from Xie Lirong.

I don’t want to get myself involved...


In the collegial court discussion room.

The content of this discussion is very simple, that is, whether to continue the trial.

As the presiding judge, Hu Yuxiang sat on the sofa and expressed his opinion.

"There are no problems with this case. The reason why I proposed an adjournment is because of several doubts raised by the lawyer entrusted by the victim."

"The statement made by the victim's lawyer was very clear, that is, he wanted the trial to be suspended and postponed to allow the prosecutors and law enforcement parties to make new supplements to the case."

"Old Xu, can you tell me your opinion?"

"Should we postpone the trial for this trial? Or continue the trial."

Lao Xu, who was sitting on the right, spoke directly to Hu Yuxiang's question.

"This case can still be tried."

"After all, we did not have any violations in the process, and continuing the trial is in compliance with the law and the corresponding process."

"However... my view on this case is to let law enforcement and prosecutors complete the doubts raised by the victim's lawyer."

"After all, this case is being heard in public."

"If we insist on continuing the trial, we are likely to be questioned by the public, which is of no benefit or benefit to us."

"Besides, the suspension of the trial is also to give the public a better explanation."

"It is also to ensure that there are no mistakes in our own trial."

"After all...if this case is really a mystery, it will be reported later."

"So what's going to happen?"

"As members of the collegial panel, we did not interrupt the trial during the trial."

"The follow-up will definitely require someone to poke someone in the back, and maybe we will also face an investigation by the investigation team."

"Although none of us have any problems, being investigated will still have a negative impact on ourselves."

"That's how I see it."

Another judge nodded after hearing Lao Xu's statement.

"I agree with Lao Xu's views. The views put forward by Lao Xu are very direct."

"Suspending the trial will not do us any harm, I agree."

Hu Yuxiang also agreed with Lao Xu's view, and his thoughts were consistent with Lao Xu's.

However, after all, there are three people in the collegial panel, so he needs to listen to the opinions of the other two.

After hearing the two people's replies, Hu Yuxiang nodded.

"In this case.…"

"Then let the law enforcement officers and prosecutors supplement the doubts raised by the victim's lawyer."


The adjournment is over.

As the presiding judge, Hu Yuxiang banged the gavel.

An announcement was made about the lawyer appointed by the victim in this trial, that is, Su Bai's request to postpone the trial to allow law enforcement to conduct supplementary investigations into the case.

It was clearly stated that he agreed with Su Bai's proposal to postpone the trial.

And let law enforcement parties review doubtful points.

Facing the presiding judge's consent, Su Bai had already expected this.

After the trial.

I found Chen Bing and explained in detail how to investigate and supplement the case.

Chen Bing smiled and nodded: "Okay, I understand."

"If this is really a conspiracy case, as you said, Lawyer Su, then the circumstances involved are really quite big."

"We're in trouble!"

As soon as the trial ended, Chen Bing went back to prepare for a supplementary investigation of the case.

And the other side.

After the case entered an adjourned hearing, Xie Lirong returned home.

I found Liang Xinglong and wanted Liang Xinglong to give me some advice.

"Xinglong, something happened in the second trial now, and law enforcement is going to investigate us!"

"How to do how to do?"

When this happened, Xie Lirong panicked and didn't know what to do.

And Liang Xinlong also sighed deeply in his heart, this incident was something he had not expected.

Who would have thought that even though I didn’t get the money, I would still be in trouble?


Liang Xinglong still comforted Xie Lirong:

"Don't worry, as long as we don't tell anyone."

"Then it'll be absolutely fine!"

After hearing Liang Xinglong's comfort, the tension on Xie Lirong's face relaxed slightly.


There was still unstoppable worry in his eyes.


After the second trial was temporarily over, Su Bai and Li Xuezhen also returned to Nandu Baijun Law Firm.

Li Xuezhen has been paying close attention to the investigation of this case during the suspension of the trial.


I was thinking silently in my heart, waiting until the case investigation is completed.

It is estimated that all relevant personnel involved will be sent in!

According to the review plan provided by Lawyer Su to Chen Bing, no one can escape! .


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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