You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 48 Court statement, 2 adjournments!

Chapter 48 Court statement, second adjournment!
On the presiding judge's seat.

Lin Youping looked at the materials on the table and struck the gavel:

"Both the litigant and the prosecution have finished their defenses."

"Then now to the last item, the court statement."

The presiding judge Lin Youping looked at the prosecutor's seat: "Now it's up to the prosecutor to make a statement."

The trial has reached its final stage.

Lu Wei also knew that this was the most critical part. After the court statement, there would be no room for defense.

By the time.
The presiding judge may pronounce the verdict in court!
Lu Wei looked at the materials placed on the table, and now it has been determined that Qi Feng did not intentionally hurt, so it can be said that he has lost the lawsuit.

Excessive defense is also the severity of punishment and punishment!
Taking a deep breath, Lu Wei looked at the litigation materials and said slowly: "Our court statement is as follows:"

"The excessive defense against Qi Feng caused the death of two people, and the opponent had lost his ability to act, and continued to cause certain damage, resulting in the death of the opponent. It can be said that it far exceeded the limit of defensive behavior."

"The law pursues equality for all, and the right to life is equal."

"The right to life is the first priority."

"The damage caused by Qi Feng is immeasurable, not only caused the demise of two lives, but also caused immeasurable harm to two families."

"For this situation, we believe that we should consider whether the sentencing is appropriate. It should be severely punished, and an acceptable punishment should be given to the two deceased and their families who lost their lives."

For now.

Since it cannot be determined that Qi Feng intentionally injured, it is necessary to pass a statement and increase the punishment as much as possible.

This is the last thing Lu Wei can do.

Lu Wei looked up at the presiding judge's seat: "Presiding judge, we have finished our statement."

Lin Youping sounded the gavel.

"The prosecution has finished its statement, and now the litigant is invited to make a court statement."


Here comes the most critical point.

Su Bai had been prepared for a long time, and was waiting for this moment. He took out several documents from the litigation documents, and said slowly:
"We make the court statement as follows:"

"For the case of Qi Feng, we should not only look at the results caused by Qi Feng, but also comprehensively consider the nature, means, intensity, degree of harm, and the nature, timing, means, intensity, and environment of the unlawful infringement. and other factors to proceed.”

"For the determination of the outcome of the trial, we must ensure that the judicial decision can stand the test of the law and also conform to the concept of social fairness and justice!"

"Fairness and justice do not refer to the result, but to the whole process of defense."

"Our law's judgment on the suspension of defense and the ability to continue to infringe is too general, which is not conducive to the public's recognition of legal justice."

"The Qifeng case has attracted the attention of the public because of this, and it does not meet the public's expectations of legal justice!"

"Presiding Judge, I would like to insert some additional relevant content on this."

Su Bai spoke.

Lin Youping rang the hammer: "Agreed."

"Good judge."

Su Bai nodded and continued:
"In the case of Qi Feng, the Internet short video has hundreds of millions of views on the whole network, and one of them has a very high view rate recently. In the reproduced video, there is a message with more than [-] likes under the comment area. This is what I said of:"

"The reason why we pay so much attention to the case of Qi Feng is because Qi Feng represents the psychology of our public.

Who wants to not be able to fight back when they are being bullied?
If counterattack is judged as mutual assault or intentional injury, then should we just watch ourselves being bullied, and then take up the weapon of law after being bullied?
Justice delayed, or justice we want? "

"Although there are certain problems expressed in this passage, it represents the voice of our public! It represents the resonance of the public!"

"The justice of the law should not favor the perpetrator!"

"According to our country's judgment on legitimate defense, in the process, it is difficult for the injured party to judge whether the perpetrator has the ability to continue to infringe!"

"For this ruling, it is difficult to judge!"

"If the perpetrator's violation of the victim, when the victim fights back, the perpetrator realizes that the victim will hurt himself, and deliberately stops the violation. When the victim chooses to stop, the perpetrator will again attack the victim. Violation, isn’t this an aggravation of the victim’s harm?”

"The judgment of legitimate defense and excessive defense should be considered from the environment in which it is located. Qifeng's environment at that time was an environment of legitimate defense."

"The right to life is the first priority, and it cannot and should not be based on infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others."

"If it is based on the legal rights of others, how can the legal rights of others be protected!"

"Borrowing from netizens' comments, is the right to stand on the legitimate rights and interests of others a legitimate right?"

"Judge, our statement is over."

After Su Bai finished his statement, he looked up at the trial platform.

On the trial stage, Lin Youping frowned slightly after listening to Su Bai's statement, and remained silent for a few seconds: "The litigant, do you have any evidence for your video comments?"

Facing the presiding judge's questioning, Su Bai let out a long breath, and most of the tension in his heart disappeared.

"There are presiding judges."

Su Bai handed over the materials prepared in advance to the staff next to him, and then the staff handed them over to the presiding judge Lin Youping.

After Lin Youping received the materials, Fang Mei and Zhu Xiong handed them over to read. The three members of the collegial panel looked at each other.

Lin Youping struck the hammer.

"Now enter the adjournment!"

"Three and 10 minutes later, the adjournment is over, and the court judgment will be announced!"

Adjourned for the second time!

Su Bai let out a long breath.

The purpose of this adjournment is obvious. It seems that the presiding judge originally planned to judge the defense as excessive.

But after his court statement and final defense, he has the intention to change his decision!

But how to judge it is hard to say!
Su Bai's eyes fell on Qi Feng's body, he nodded his head unobtrusively, and didn't say anything.

On the other side, Lu Wei's eyes kept falling on Su Bai's body and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Su Bai noticed Lu Wei's gaze, and he didn't deliberately avoid it, and at the same time, he didn't continue to look at each other, but just glanced lightly.

Seeing this, Lu Wei withdrew his gaze and stared at the trial materials in front of him.

Collegial panel deliberation room.

The three members of the collegial panel discussed the case again. Lin Youping looked at Fang Mei and Zhu Xiong: "Let's talk."

"I think this trial debate is very exciting, especially the last paragraph of defense and statement, please share your views."

Zhu Xiong was silent for a while, and then said: "Both parties' pleadings have certain legal basis. According to previous court judgments, it should be judged as excessive defense."

Fang Mei nodded seriously: "According to previous court trials, this case should indeed be judged to be excessively defensive, but this matter has a lot of impact, especially the court statement presented by the lawyer of the litigating party in court."

Facing Fang Mei's last sentence, Zhu Xiong nodded slightly.

The pressure of this trial is a bit high, and the case can already be set as a classic case, which is a test of the presiding judge's ability and level.

Lin Youping nodded slightly when he heard the two people's words, and made a decision in his heart.

Seeing this, Fang Mei and Zhu Xiong didn't say much, but at the same time they both thought of something.
(End of this chapter)

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