You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 49 Self-defense, not guilty, released in court! !

Chapter 49 Self-defense, not guilty, released in court! !
Out of court.

In the live broadcast room of Luo Daxiang's legal commentary, the people who watched the trial were very angry!

"Fuck! I got stuck at a critical moment? Didn't this just take off my pants and it's over! I'm really pure and helpless, start the court, hurry up and start the court, I said it!"

"That's right. And the second court adjournment, isn't this kind of rare?"

"It can't be said that it is rare, it can only be said that it is extremely rare!"

Luo Daxiang smiled slightly after seeing the complaints in the comment area, and explained: "The second adjournment is indeed rare. According to the principle, the presiding judge will understand the general situation before the trial and make a judgment in his heart. .”

"After the adjournment of the first trial, it was determined that Qi Feng's intentional injury was not established."

"Then what do you think the second adjournment is for?"

in the live room.

When everyone watching the trial heard this, they fell into silence. After a few seconds, a person in the comment area slowly typed out an uncertain question.

"Could it be... ready to judge justifiable self-defense?"

"Teacher Luo asked this question, and thinking about it this way, it is really possible! And there is still a great possibility!"

"Damn it, if this is true, then this Lawyer Su is so awesome! From the death sentence to the direct defense to the acquittal in court?!"

"Fuck! I've already begun to look forward to it!"

Luo Daxiang looked at the excitement of the people watching the trial in the comment area, and he was also a little excited in his heart.

As a professor in the criminal field.

I have been engaged in criminal law for many years and devoted myself to law review for many years. I have seen many cases. Some cases can be read from east to west according to the interpretation of lawyers.

For example, the Qi Feng case.

He had originally planned to let Su Bai take over the Qi Feng case with the intention of giving it a try.

To be able to judge that the injury was not intentional, to be honest, it is already a surprise, if it is really possible to judge the legitimate defense
It can be said that it is the progress of the judiciary!
He is also looking forward to it!

Three 10 minutes passed in a hurry.

Three 10 minutes later the adjournment was announced for the second time.

As Lin Youping, Fang Mei, and Zhu Xiong, three members of the collegial panel entered the venue, the court was announced.

After the court session.

Lin Youping rang the gavel and looked at Qi Feng.

"Qi Feng, do you have anything else to say?"

Qi Feng was very nervous and shook his head: "Judge, I have nothing to say, I submit to any trial."


Lin Youping nodded slightly, and stood up slowly:
"The judgment of the trial will now begin."

Shu. The clerk: "Everyone stand up, now let the presiding judge announce the trial result!"

Swish swish.

The courtroom stood up.

At this time, the most nervous thing is Qi Feng.

As a party involved in this case, punishment is the most important thing for him, Qi Feng looked up at the presiding judge's seat.

Holding the trial materials in hand, Lin Youping announced the verdict without any anger and prestige, speaking clearly:
"The reason for this case is that the litigant was dissatisfied with the first-instance judgment and filed a second-instance lawsuit."

"This court has jurisdiction over the case, and the applicable laws are all based on domestic laws."

"The result of the trial will be announced below."

"After the collegiate panel's research and judgment, regarding the claims made by the litigants:"

"One: In response to Qi Feng's murder case in a shopping mall, according to my country's Criminal Law No. 20 justifiable self-defense provisions:"

"In order to protect the state, the public interest, the person, property and other interests of oneself or others from the ongoing illegal infringement, the act of stopping the illegal infringement and causing damage to the illegal infringer is a legitimate defense and shall not bear criminal responsibility. "

"Where defensive actions are taken against ongoing assaults, homicides, robberies, kidnappings, and other violent crimes that seriously endanger personal safety and cause casualties to unlawful offenders, it is not considered excessive defense and does not bear criminal responsibility."

"In this case, Qifeng's defensive behavior met the requirements of legitimate defense."

"Judgment! Revoke the judgment of the first instance!"

"Qi Feng is in self-defense and does not bear criminal responsibility. He was not guilty and released in court!"

When the voice of these words fell, the entire trial scene was a little restless!
Lu Wei's eyes were full of disbelief: How could it be possible to judge justifiable self-defense?
How could it be possible to determine justifiable self-defense when two people suffered heavy casualties!

Lu Wei held his breath in his heart and wanted to vent it, but he held back.

Because there is no problem with Lin Youping's judgment!

It's just completely inconsistent with the procedural justice in his heart!

Lin Youping sounded the gavel and continued to announce the verdict:

"Second: Regarding the state compensation proposed by the litigant, according to the State Compensation Law, the verdict of acquittal in the second instance needs to be judged by the court of first instance and the organ that made the arrest decision as the organ with joint compensation obligations to make compensation."

"Three: Ask the corresponding agency to eliminate the reputation loss caused by Qifeng and make an apology."

"Four: Agree on Qifeng's compensation measures, and the specifics will be communicated between Qifeng and the corresponding authorities."

"For the criminal charges brought by the prosecution and the lawsuit application, because Qi Feng was judged to be self-defense and not to bear any criminal responsibility, all of them should be dismissed!"

"This case is a second-instance judgment. Those who refuse to accept the judgment of this court can initiate a trial supervision procedure!"

"The verdict will be sent to all parties within ten days of the court closing."

dong dong!

The gavel fell.

"Close the court!"

Lin Youping's majestic voice fell, and the trial ended.

At this time, the entire trial scene was boiling.


From execution to acquittal!

Hearing the result of the trial, and finally falling, Lu Wei's expression moved slightly, and he sat slumped on the prosecutor's seat, his eyes glazed over.

Of course, there are more excited people, the most excited person is Qi Feng.

The moment Qi Feng heard the verdict, his head was buzzing. He couldn't believe that the verdict turned out to be self-defense, and he was acquitted in court!

"I don't need to eat big pot rice anymore!"

At the moment of the announcement, Qi Feng was free, and he couldn't help roaring.

In this regard, the law enforcement officers at the trial site could understand Qi Feng's psychology at this time and let him vent.

Looking at Su Bai, Qi Feng's eyes were red and his expression was agitated. Earlier, he thought that he wouldn't have to be shot, it was already very good!
but now.
There is no need to eat a big pot of rice!

"Thank you, Lawyer Su, thank you."

"If it weren't for you, I might have been sentenced to death now, Lawyer Su. I...I don't know what to say to thank you."

Qi Feng's voice was choked with sobs. From the death sentence to the acquittal of the court trial, no one knew how much his mood was ups and downs.

That kind of mood can be described as taking a rocket directly from the bottom of the valley to space.

Su Bai smiled slightly: "You're welcome, I have fulfilled my duty."

After finishing speaking, Su Bai looked behind Qi Feng, Qi Feng's parents, the old couple were also in tears now.

"Your parents are also at the trial site, go and see your parents first."

Qi Feng followed the direction of Su Bai's finger and looked behind him. His parents stood in the viewing seats behind and looked straight in his direction.

Su Bai handed Qi Feng some toilet paper.

After Qi Feng took it, he wiped away his tears and thanked repeatedly: "Thank you, Lawyer Su, then I'll go see my parents first."

Su Bai nodded with a smile: "Well, you go first, and wait for the follow-up matter to come out of the court trial."

Watching Qi Feng embrace his parents, Su Bai let out a sigh of relief.

This trial.

It's a big win!

But there is one thing to say, the death penalty case is really difficult to deal with!
The main thing is to deal with criminal proceedings, which are more difficult!

If it weren't for the court statement, this lawsuit would probably only stop at excessive defense, and it would be impossible to achieve legitimate defense!
But anyway, it's a win now!
PS: Ask for an investment monthly pass~
 Two chapters together.

  I really didn't break the chapter on purpose~

  Ask for a monthly pass~
  Xiao Li waist ()
(End of this chapter)

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