You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 50 Good guy, you draw me a reverse pie?

Chapter 50 Good guy, you draw me a reverse pie?
If you win the case, everything is easy to say.

It would be embarrassing if you lose the case.

Su Bai unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle, enjoying the smooth feeling of the water flowing down his throat, and let out a long sigh of relief.

The lawsuit is won, and I feel happy.

It's just that this lawsuit is a bit troublesome. If it weren't for the influence of public opinion, it would be difficult to judge legitimate defense!
His last submission was not at all intended to impress the judge with sensationalism.

If the judge is so easy to impress. What a fart lawsuit!
Just come to a unique skill show brother and it's over.

What he really wants to show is that the influence of public opinion, Qi Feng's judgment should be considered from the aspirations of the public.

Only when the influence is great will judges have a tendency to choose.

According to Li Xuezhen's question to Feng Lijian about Lin Youping's character, Lin Youping's influence from public opinion will be determined by a large factor.

And the facts also proved this point. Lin Youping sentenced Qi Feng to self-defense in this trial.

After drinking the water, Su Bai looked back at Li Xuezhen.

"The lawsuit is over, sort out the materials, let's go."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously: "Lawyer Su, we won another game, and this lawsuit is over."

Hearing Li Xuezhen's voice, Su Bai felt that something was wrong. Usually, this clear and dull female college student would only nod and say yes, but this time, she obviously talked too much.

Su Bai turned his head in doubt, and saw Li Xuezhen standing there with a troubled face, so he asked aloud:

"What do you want to express..?"

Hearing Su Bai's question, a gleam of light flashed in Li Xuezhen's eyes:
"Didn't Lawyer Su promise me that after this case is over, he will be specially approved to compensate me for my internship expenses?"


No, remember this?

The trial result of this case has just been announced. Aren't you short of money, little rich lady?

For you, the internship fee is not the difference between Sangua and Liangzao.

What does this little money look like to you, a little rich woman?
Sprinkle water.

It also surprised Su Bai that he could bring it up as soon as the trial ended.

"Cough cough."

Su Bai coughed twice to ease the awkward atmosphere at the scene. Since he said so, he naturally had to do it.

The fee for a trainee lawyer in Nandu is not too high, about four thousand five thousand, and even two or three thousand.

This lawsuit was won, and Luo Daxiang introduced more cases in the future, so naturally his wallet bulged.

Spend money, spend more if you have money, and don’t spend if you have no money.

Since I said the fee for the trainee lawyer, no matter how I said it, I couldn't rely on it. With a wave of my hand, I transferred the internship fee to Li Xuezhen at [-] a month.

Li Xuezhen looked at the amount received on the mobile phone, her eyes lit up, and she was a little surprised: "Lawyer Su, did you really transfer it to me? I thought you were drawing cakes for me."

Su Bai: "?"

No, you still know how to draw cakes
Co-authoring was just a trial?
Su Bai rubbed the center of his brows, and found that this clear and stupid female college student still has some small thoughts!

"Cough cough."

"You are the only trainee lawyer in our law firm. Previously, our law firm had insufficient funds, so there was no internship fee for the time being."

"At present, our law firm is booming. If we have money, we will definitely make up for your internship fee."

"Do you think that what I said about making you a partner of our Baijun Law Firm is just a joke?"

Li Xuezhen shook her head: "No..."

Then the eyes are firm:

"I know that Lawyer Su really wants me to be a partner, but my current level is not enough, but Lawyer Su, I will work hard!"

Su Bai nodded slightly, thinking a little bit, but not much, so it's not a big problem.

He instantly felt relieved.

"Let's go then"

"Good Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen's face was serious, as if she suddenly thought of something:
"Lawyer Su, are we going out like this? There must be a large group of reporters waiting for us outside, aren't we going to make an advertisement?"

"Enhance our reputation and the reputation of the law firm..."

"After the advertisement is done, we will take a few more cases. If we take more cases, our law firm's reputation will increase, and our financial resources will flow in. Our law firm will be booming!"

"Lawyer Su, don't you want our law firm to be bullied?"

Li Xuezhen blinked suspiciously.

Eh no.
Good guy.

How about you draw a pie in reverse?

Before Su Bai could speak first, Li Xuezhen took out a red banner from the briefcase:

Nandu Baijun's office, a lawsuit, awesome!If you want to find it, you can find lawyer Su Bai, yes!

Su Bai: "?"

Is this going to make me a conspicuous bag?

Xiao Li, you are really getting more and more thoughtful!

Also, when did you make this banner and stuff it in your briefcase?

Su Bai twitched the corner of his mouth, and stuffed the banner into the briefcase again:
"It's true and false on the Internet, there is no need to advertise, we have Mr. Luo to introduce the case to us, it is enough."

"Besides, there are too many cases. With the current scale of our law firm, we can't handle so many cases."


"Good Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen had a small face of disappointment, put the banner in the briefcase, and followed Su Bai's pace.

When passing the prosecutor's seat, Lu Wei's eyes kept falling on Su Bai.

When Su Bai was about to walk away, Lu Wei sighed deeply:
"I lost this trial, does it mean that my previous thinking was wrong?"


Su Bai stopped and turned to look at Lu Wei:
"Losing does mean that your previous thinking was wrong. If you were not wrong, how could you lose in court?"

This sentence can be described as murderous.

In fact, Lu Wei's thoughts are indeed extreme.

Killing people must accept the most severe trial, but this also needs to look at the process, the scene and the environmental conditions.

If you insist on letting people accept the most severe trial, isn't this a proper hooligan?

Besides, we are all civilized people, legal people, and speak with legal basis and factual basis. Whoever loses and who is at fault?

If you are right, why didn't the presiding judge sentence me to lose instead of you?

Presiding judge: I'm a big fuck, are you questioning my judgment?
When Lu Wei heard Su Bai's murderous words, complex emotions flashed in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Su Bai shook his head slightly, and walked straight out of the courtroom.

Li Xuezhen turned her head and glanced at Lu Wei, but after less than a second, she turned her head and followed him.

outside the courthouse.

Many journalists and media have already begun gearing up.

Qi Feng won the case and was acquitted by death penalty. This is a big case, full of gimmicks.

In particular, this case caused a lot of discussion on the Internet during the first trial, with hundreds of millions of views on the entire network, and the influence is very great!
If they can find a good entry point for interviews and get first-hand information, then the traffic of their various media will naturally increase.

At this point, they are waiting for an opportunity to explode.

(End of this chapter)

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