You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 51 The Qifeng Case, Promoting Judicial Progress!

Chapter 51 The Qifeng Case, Promoting Judicial Progress!

inside the courtroom.

Su Bai walked with Qi Feng and Qi Feng's parents.

Qi Feng's parents kept expressing their gratitude to Su Bai, and Su Bai could also understand this feeling, and responded to Qi Feng's parents' gratitude one by one.

Wait until you are about to walk out of the court.

Su Bai stopped in his tracks, and explained something to Qi Feng.

After hearing this, Qi Feng was stunned for a while, and nodded again and again:
"Lawyer Su, you helped me this time, which can be said to be a life-saving grace. I will definitely help Lawyer Su with this matter."

"I also wish Lawyer Su every success in his career."


"Lawyer Su, I should be the one thanking you..."

Su Bai smiled slightly, and didn't continue to speak politely. When a group of people walked out of the court, they just stepped out of the court door.

Outside the door, a group of reporters immediately surrounded Qi Feng's mouth.

"May I ask Mr. Qi, what do you think of your death sentence and acquittal? How do you feel now?"

"Mr. Qi, in the face of the trial results, you were sentenced to self-defense. Some people say that this is the progress of the judiciary and has promoted a major process of the judiciary. Faced with this kind of problem, do you think it is right?"

"Mr. Qi, Mr. Qi."

compared to trial lawyers.

Obviously, the parties whose death sentence was commuted to acquittal are more topical.

Among other things, even Lu Wei is more topical than Su Bai, the winning party.

Because what the media is looking at is gimmicks, what they are looking at is people's discussions and quarrels, and wherever there is a topic, it will lead the topic.

Lu Wei's procedural justice has been widely discussed on the Internet, and this time he lost the lawsuit, which can be properly hyped up.

On the other hand, on Su Bai's side, there were only a few reporters who wanted to ask some questions, but Su Bai had already made arrangements, and simply answered a few questions before slipping away.

Faced with so many reporters' questions, Qi Feng seemed a little overwhelmed.

"You have too many questions, I don't know what to answer, but there is one thing I have to say."

After this sentence was broken, the other reporters were all excited.

"Mr. Qi, do you want to tell me how emotional you are?"

"Mr. Qi, we don't have many questions, I just want to ask... What do you want to say...?"

Before Qi Feng answered the second sentence, the reporters continued to question him.

Just listen to Qi Feng say:
"What I want to make clear is: this time, without my defense lawyer Su Baisu and Nandu Baijun Marriage Consulting Law Firm, I, Qi Feng, would not have been acquitted of the death sentence today."

"I speak for Nandu Baijun Marriage Law Firm!"

Reporter and media person:? ? ?
These words seem to be familiar!

It seems to have heard of it somewhere.


On the eve of the trial, the defense lawyer seemed to be advertising in the same way, right?
This is awesome.
The advertising effect is full.


Inside the hotel room.

Su Bai stretched and then fell straight back, landing heavily on the bed.

The target of the media interview this time must be Qi Feng. With the consent of the person concerned, it is not too much to advertise, right?
As a party involved, Qi Feng's advertising must be much better than pulling banners.
It's not right for him to be conspicuous.

After the case is over, the system task is completed.

Su Bai looked at the system. To put it bluntly, this system does not have much use in litigation. The only use is to give yourself some money to spend when you are short of money.

It can be regarded as solving the troubles of money.

This time the case was over, and the system gave it an S rating.

Golden treasure chest.

Su Bai looked at the system panel and opened the golden treasure chest.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the lease right of a medium-sized law firm at a low price. The lease location is the fifth floor of Zhengda Building, Xingye Street, Nandu. Time limit: within 5 days]

[Reward cash of 100 million]

[Enter the host bank account through subsequent legal channels]

[Task to be completed, number of lawsuits: 0/5]

Su Bai: "?"

This system is completely auxiliary, okay?

Forget it, it's pretty good to have money.

As for the right to lease the space of this medium-sized law firm.
At present, the law firm is indeed a bit too small. If you take such a big civil case, you must also pay attention to whether it is decent on the surface. It is time to change to a bigger place!
Generally speaking, it's okay, barely strong.

Beijing University of Political Science and Law.

Inside the professor's office.

Luo Daxiang sat on the sofa on the south side, Su Bai sat on the opposite side, Li Xuezhen sat on the north side, Qi Feng and Qi Feng's parents sat on the north side of Luo Daxiang.

Several people dealt with and discussed matters after winning the lawsuit.

It is mainly aimed at a series of follow-up solutions such as Qifeng's subsequent compensation and reputation loss.

This time the case was mainly connected by Luo Daxiang, so several people discussed in Luo Daxiang's office.

Luo Daxiang first smiled and said: "This time, Lawyer Su, you let Qi Feng be acquitted in court this time, which can be regarded as promoting the progress of the judiciary. According to my understanding, the relevant law enforcement agencies are now conducting research on this case. .”

"If nothing else happens, the judiciary for justifiable self-defense will progress for at least several years!"

Facing Luo Daxiang's praise, Su Bai said with a smile: "As an entrusted lawyer, you should try your best, and this is the power of public opinion."

Su Bai said it very modestly, but Luo Daxiang knew it very well.

Public opinion is one aspect, and Su Bai's hard power is another aspect.

If it weren't for Su Bai's defense that the injury was not intentional, it would not have reached the two judgments of self-defense and excessive defense.

If you don't get involved in the dispute between these two judgments, then all the prerequisites are gone.

Of course, the key to judging justifiable self-defense does have a certain influence of public opinion.

But in fact, Luo Daxiang knew something more secret.

That is Lin Youping. Lin Youping has always been interested in promoting the progress of the judiciary, but he has never had any other opportunities.

This Qifeng death penalty case can be said to be a good opportunity for Lin Youping, an opportunity to promote judicial reform.

If it were any other judge, the case would not be so lightly sentenced, at least one person would be sentenced for excessive defense.

It can only be said that the judge who happened to catch up with the trial was Lin Youping.

Lin Youping also intends to promote judicial progress, so he chose to determine justifiable self-defense.

Moreover, the determination of legitimate defense will not have much impact, even if it is proposed for supervision and review, there is nothing wrong with it.

The combination of the above is the main factor in determining justifiable defense.

Of course, another point is that Lin Youping has seen the aspirations of the public.

Thinking of this, Luo Daxiang couldn't help laughing and said: "I don't know who posted that hot comment, but it played a big role in the court statement of this case!"

After Luo Daxiang finished speaking, he noticed the change in Su Bai's expression.


Could it be that Su Bai posted it himself?

PS: These two chapters can be regarded as a turning point.
 Please follow up~

  Ask for a recommendation ticket~

  Ask for a monthly ticket~
  Thank you! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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