You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 497 Xiao Li: Grab, grab, grab, send them all in!

Chapter 497 Xiao Li: Grab, grab, grab, send them all in!

For Wang Xi'an's uncle, if this matter is only expanded within the province.

If it has a greater influence in the province, then this matter is still within control.

If he said hello, maybe the matter would be resolved.

It doesn't take much trouble.

But what is the current situation?

The current situation is that the eyes of the whole country have been focused on this matter!

There is a big problem in the grain production areas of the two cities. This is not just a problem of one person!

This is a problem in the entire process from top to bottom.

And it may affect the province's grain production planning.

Is this matter serious?

It can be said to be very serious!

Nowadays, hot searches on the Internet are full of reports about this incident, and this incident has become a big deal.

In this case, a special inspection team may be dispatched to conduct an in-depth investigation of the matter.

Once the involvement becomes deeper, whether it is Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd., Wang Xi'an, or even him.

All have far-reaching impacts.

Wang Jianshu was very troubled by this matter. Wang Xi'an was his nephew, because in the early years, his eldest brother took very good care of him.

However, due to an accident, his eldest brother passed away and asked him to take good care of Wang Xi'an.

Therefore, Wang Jianshu was particularly concerned about his nephew.

Sometimes, when I can, I help as much as I can. It can be said that in some aspects, I take care of you better than my own son.

Let's take the Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd., which was started by Wang Xi'an with the help of his influence.

In terms of seed procurement and sales, Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd. is actually technologically inferior to some of the well-established seed companies in the province.


This matter is easy to solve. Wang Jianshu only needs to say hello and give it to the relevant departments, then the problem will be solved.

Among them...he is the one who greeted the relevant personnel in the two cities that are now involved in large-scale production cuts.

Then the purchase of seeds was placed in Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd.

At the beginning, Wang Jianshu suppressed the matter as soon as he learned that something had happened to Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd., which had caused a large-scale production reduction in the planting areas of the two cities.

He thought that if this matter was suppressed, it would be solved, but now... no matter from which angle you look at it, the matter is considered to be a big deal, and it can also be said to be a big deal.

He asked the administrative department to say hello to the short video platform, and it stands to reason that everything will be basically fine.

But something he didn't expect came out.

However, this is understandable. For a company as big as a short video platform, the administrative department will only give you face if you say hello.

This is not a department directly under our jurisdiction, and the other party's system is so large. It is considered the leading Internet company in the country, and it also has back-end influence.

Now things... are getting troublesome.

Facing Wang Xi'an, he asked if it could be solved and if this matter could be suppressed.

The expression on Wang Jianshu's face was very unhappy:

"Now that the matter has become so big, you are still asking if you can suppress it."

"Who do you think I am?"

"This has become a national incident. People across the country are paying attention to this case. Do you know how influential this matter is!"

"I asked you whether you have been mentally ill all day long. Didn't I ask you to pay compensation?"

"Even if the compensation is a little more, once this matter is over and the influence disappears, won't it only take a year or two to make the money back?"

"What now?!"

"Now this matter is likely to attract higher attention. If an inspection team comes down to investigate, your company will be the first to be finished!"

"This matter will most likely continue to affect me deeply."

"Tell me... what did you do?!"

"Are you trying to trick Uncle!"


Wang Jianshu hates Wang Xi'an because he hates iron. He has emphasized this matter many times and will compensate when it is necessary.

As long as the foundation remains and the reduction of production on millions of acres of cultivated land does not expand its influence, it will only be a matter of time before it makes money.

Once you have the foundation, is it difficult to make money?

But Wang Xi'an couldn't listen to a word, just to save a sum of money, now it caused a big problem, which even he found troublesome and headache.

Wang Xi'an was stunned when he heard that his uncle said that this matter could not be handled and scolded him.

He originally thought this matter had been resolved, but who would have thought that a situation of this severity would arise again?

Since the news started, the company's stock price has plummeted, and now many partners are calling to inquire about the authenticity of this matter.

If this matter is not handled well...

Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd., a company that he has been responsible for for several years and worked hard on his own, may be gone!


Even so, Wang Xi'an did not dare to say anything more.

He also knew in his heart that as long as his uncle was around, he would still have a chance to start over.

If his uncle is no longer willing to help him, then he is really finished.

So in the face of Wang Jianshu's scolding, Wang Xi'an nodded in agreement.

And asked if there is any good solution at present.

Regarding this question, Wang Jianshu frowned slightly:

"Now that things have gotten to this point, there's certainly no perfect solution."

"What you can do is to distance yourself from me as soon as possible, apologize to the public media, and promise to compensate the farmers accordingly."


"The impact of this case is so great that it has caused so many acres of grain farming land to suffer a reduction in production. The relevant person in charge will definitely be punished with criminal liability."

"Your company will definitely bear most of the civil liability."

"This matter should be used as a lesson to you. The matter is too public and may affect me and the relevant person in charge of your company. They will be investigated."

"By the way, you're not the legal person of the company, right?"

"No... I hired someone to take over as the legal person of the company, and it has nothing to do with me directly."

Hearing Wang Xi'an's answer, Wang Jianshu nodded: "That's good."

"The legal person of your company is criminally responsible. As the person directly responsible, you will also have a certain influence."

"Don't worry about this matter for the time being. I will take care of it. You can stay at work or at home honestly for the time being and don't cause any new troubles. Do you understand?"

Wang Xi'an nodded repeatedly: "Okay, uncle, I understand, I will listen to you."

hang up the phone.

Wang Xi'an took a long breath. He really did not expect that this case would develop to this extent.

Facing the current situation, he couldn't help but feel a little regret in his heart. If he could have listened to his uncle and compensated those farmers more money.


Things would not have developed to this point.

But even if Wang Xi'an regrets it again, things have already happened and cannot be changed.

But on the other hand, although the current situation is very bad.

But the current result is still a good ending. As long as his uncle doesn't have any accidents, he can continue to make great achievements in Southern Province.

Another point is that he has eliminated all the risks of Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd., he has taken all the cash that should be obtained, and he has avoided all the risks that should be avoided.

If Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. collapses, it will be a loss for him, but this result is not unacceptable.

Wang Xi'an took a long breath and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The trigger of this matter was Bai Jun Law Firm and the lawyer Su Bai.

He remembered what happened this time! .


At the same time, while public opinion was fermenting online, Su Bai appealed the case to the second instance.

Because the public opinion of this case is relatively large, and another point is that it has attracted national attention.

So...during the second instance, the court conducted a quick investigation and understanding.

However, the court has not yet heard the case, and Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. has unilaterally provided settlement conditions.

The settlement conditions given by Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd. are for the loss of production caused by the inferior seeds sold by their company.

Provide full compensation.

Then they will compensate the loss of 120 to 200 yuan per mu of land.

This is equivalent to reimbursing the costs and subsidizing the profits of those farmers who purchased inferior seeds.

Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. also found a media outlet and issued a sincere apology.

However, the second instance continued as usual, because although Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. reached a settlement compensation agreement in private, Linjiayuan's first instance penalty was not dismissed.

The procedure of the second instance was also very simple, that is, the penalty was imposed in accordance with the settlement conditions given by Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd.

After the second trial is over.

Inside the office of Bai Jun Law Firm.

Li Xuezhen’s little face was filled with happiness:

"Lawyer Su..."

“In this case, the result of the second instance was the same as the settlement conditions offered by Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd.”

"Although Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. has given settlement conditions and shown its attitude, after this compensation, it is probably on the verge of bankruptcy, right?"

Su Bai nodded: "Absolutely."

When this case exploded into national public opinion.

Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd. offered settlement terms and apologized to the public.

Obviously to save his image.

But...the amount of compensation required to restore one's own image is huge.

And because of this case, it has received a lot of attention.

In the future, Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd. may no longer be able to get orders, or it may no longer be able to engage in the sale of crop seeds and other matters.

In the end, Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. will most likely enter bankruptcy proceedings after the compensation is completed.


Entering bankruptcy proceedings, thousands of farmers have been compensated, which can be regarded as protecting the rights and interests of the clients.

After hearing Su Bai's answer, Li Xuezhen's face showed a slight smile.

"In this way...the legal rights and interests of those crops are protected."

"...Lawyer Su, I also heard that this case has received great attention from the Beidu Court, and people have been sent to investigate."

"It seems that personnel were dispatched from Northern Province to conduct a special investigation. The matter is quite big."

"Now...there are a lot of people involved!"

Thinking of this, Li Xuezhen's eyes shone brightly, and her expression suddenly brightened.

Seeing this, Su Bai smiled. As a major grain-producing province, Nan Province is an important grain-producing area in the country.

The output of the two cities has been severely affected.

This resulted in massive production cuts.

And it was caused by man, and more importantly, this matter was suppressed!

What is the concept of being suppressed?

That means someone must have intervened in this matter, and a complete interest relationship has been formed from top to bottom.

There are two regions now, but what if more regions appear in the future?

The impact and losses caused are immeasurable.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously a normal thing for the superiors to send people to investigate.

But... what surprised Su Bai was that the person sent to investigate turned out to have such an important identity.

It can be seen that the above attaches great importance to this matter.

According to his estimate, this might be going straight to the person behind Wang Xi'an.

The facts were as Su Bai expected. After this case was exposed, the Supreme Court and the Administrative Yuan paid great attention to the incident.

Because this involves basic food production issues, if it is allowed to develop, the impact will be huge and may have unpredictable consequences.

The Beidu Administrative Yuan quickly set up a special inspection team to deal with the incident.

The inspection team arrived in Southern Province within a short period of time, and the superiors required Northern Province to cooperate with the inspection team.

It's considered an off-site investigation.

After peeling off the cocoon, the case started to be investigated from Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd., and then to Shuicheng and Hecheng, the two municipal crop responsible persons conducted investigations.

During the course of the investigation, more than 30 people were implicated one after another.

Moreover, the inspection team also has the idea of ​​​​continuing to conduct in-depth investigations.

Wang Jianshu was in the office after learning the news.

Frowning slightly.

Originally, he thought that the inspection team had caught some people and dealt with some people in charge of agriculture, and the matter would be over.

However, the inspection team has now completed the review of relevant personnel.

There was still no tendency to stop, which made Wang Jianshu sense that something was wrong.

This is for him?

Thinking of this, Wang Jianshu made a call, but during the process of dialing, the ringtone of his cell phone kept coming:

"Hello, the number you dialed is currently on a call, please call again later."

After hearing this voice several times in a row, Wang Jianshu's heart suddenly sank.

Then he hurriedly called Wang Xi'an:

"Xi' there anything going on over there right now?"

Faced with Wang Jianshu's inquiry, Wang Xi'an smiled and said:

"Uncle, I have nothing to do here. They just asked me some questions as usual and then let me go. As for the rest, I didn't say much else."

"Did you mention me when you were questioning me?"

"This... No, the other party didn't ask, so I couldn't take the initiative to say it."


Under normal circumstances, the inspection team will conduct certain investigations into the backgrounds of the personnel involved.

How could he keep it a secret that Wang Xi'an was his nephew?

If an inquiry is made, the matter may be brought to light and it will be easier to deal with.

But...I don’t even ask a question now.

It's obvious...the inspection team is making moves behind the scenes! .


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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