You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 498: I put in a long line to catch the big fish, and I caught it!

Chapter 498: I put in a long line to catch the big fish, and I caught it!

As a senior administrator, Wang Jianshu has a thorough understanding of this matter.

He knew that the inspection team might come directly to him.

Otherwise, other personnel should have been intensively investigated long ago.

Take Wang Xi'an, for example. As the actual controller of Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd., Wang Xi'an has some relevant responsibilities.

How did Wang Xi'an's company develop, how did it get bids, and how could it sell low-quality seeds to two cities?

As long as the inspection team collects information publicly and conducts detailed investigations, they will definitely be able to find out that Wang Xi'an's company development is related to him.

Why was there no in-depth investigation into Wang Xi'an?

This is very likely to be a long-term approach to catching big fish!

Catch a big fish like him!


He did cover up a lot in this case. If the higher authorities conduct an investigation and really track him down, he may not be able to escape responsibility.

To put it bluntly, the impact of this case is too great, causing dissatisfaction with the local government.

"The inspection team is most likely conducting a secret investigation. You should go abroad now to avoid the noise."

"You didn't say anything about this, and they didn't ask. This is very abnormal."

If we really want to trace him, we must question Wang Xi'an and launch an in-depth investigation.

"If this matter is not handled well and cannot be dealt with forever, you will be irresponsible to you and even more irresponsible to me if you stay in the country!"

When Wang Xi'an heard that he would go out for a few years, he immediately felt great resentment towards the farmers, Bai Jun Law Firm and Su Bai.

Want to find substantive evidence,

Thinking of these things, Wang Xi'an was extremely angry, especially towards Bai Jun Law Firm and Su Bai.


"This matter is far more serious than I thought. If you don't take it seriously when Beidu Yuan comes to investigate, who do you think you are?"

"Get ready. In a few days, I will help you go through the procedures to go abroad. You can go abroad secretly."

When Wang Xi'an heard Wang Jianshu's words, he was stunned for a moment: " want me to go out and hide for a while?"

A few years…

"You shouldn't go out and hide..."

"I prepared a sum of money for you... as compensation for you."

"There was a problem with my judgment before. I didn't expect that this case would directly alert the higher authorities."

Wang Jianshu looked solemn and said to Wang Xi'an on the other side of the phone:

Think of this.

Wang Jianshu responded angrily: "It's not as serious as you think? This matter is much more serious than you think!"

His uncles all quit!

This gave Wang Xi'an a huge sense of disparity, and he placed all the blame on Bai Jun Law Firm and Su Bai.

"As for how long we will be out, let's wait until the limelight has passed. I'm worried that there will be trouble later. You go out and stay for a few years. If you wait for a long time, there should be no surprises."

If he retires, it won't be of much help to him in business.

Under this situation... Wang Xi'an definitely cannot stay in the country any longer, otherwise, something will very likely happen.

By that time, it would be basically impossible for him to start a company or make a comeback.

No matter how bad it is, we will still ask questions on this issue.

Compared to before this incident, the changes before and after are undoubtedly very different.

After all, there is a saying that goes well, if someone is not in his/her position, not many people will show off their face.

Now the inspection team is most likely collecting evidence materials secretly.

Wang Xi'an narrowed his eyes slightly and called his assistant Xu Mao to the office.

Given his status, if there is no conclusive and substantive evidence, it will certainly not be able to influence him.

Although his uncle only asked him to go out for a few years, he knew very well that if this matter could be solved easily, he would be out for a few months or a year at most.

When Xu Mao came to the office, Wang Xi'an sat on the sofa and looked up at Xu Mao and slowly said:

"Xu Mao, you have been my assistant for seven or eight years, right? In these seven or eight years, you have done a lot of things. Now Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. may not be able to survive."

If it weren't for Bai Jun Law Firm and Su Bai, the issue of inferior seeds would never have had such a big influence.

"Go out and hide! Lest anything bad happens."

In other words, we can directly drive away those farmers so that they cannot protect their rights. We can completely make sure that the company does not pay a penny, and the lawsuit can be perfectly resolved.

Not now... not a single word was mentioned.

"I feel like something unexpected will happen this time."

"Didn't you start a company and leave assets abroad before? Those assets are enough for you to live for several years."

It even creates distrust, which leads to this situation.

But now?

The result now is that not only will he lose money, the company will go bankrupt, and he will even have to run away with him, and he may never come back.

"Then how long should I go out and hide? I don't think this matter is as serious as I thought."

"Not much, about two million. If you take this money, you can treat it as your friendship with me for so many years."

Xu Mao knew Wang Xi'an's background, and he followed Wang Xi'an before he founded Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd.

He also has an in-depth understanding of Wang Xi'an's background and identity.

With Wang Xi'an's uncle here, Wang Xi'an will be able to open a company again sooner or later and make a comeback.

Now his annual income has reached seven figures.

In his opinion, two million was not much at all, and the buyout and Wang Xi'an's friendship were not worth it at all.

Therefore, in this case, Xu Mao quickly refused:

"Mr. Wang... This time is just a small disturbance for Mr. Wang. I believe Mr. Wang will make a comeback soon."

"Mr. Wang...I can't ask for this compensation...I have been with Mr. Wang for several years. Mr. Wang has taken good care of me. I can't ask for this money no matter what."

Wang Xi'an smiled and said: "I didn't mean anything else, but the impact of this matter is a bit big after all, and I need to go abroad for a few months to avoid the limelight."

"This is your compensation for the past few months, and...this money also has a very important purpose. There is something you need to do. This money is activity funds."

As soon as Xu Mao heard that Wang Xin'an had arranged things for him, he immediately understood that this was an opportunity to show his loyalty:

"Mr. long as you arrange things, I promise to do it well!"


Wang Xi'an nodded with satisfaction: "That's right. The reason why this matter has such a result is all caused by Su Bai from Bai Jun Law Firm."

"Last time we threatened him, he completely ignored us. This time we will be more practical. It is best to make him suffer a bloody lesson. Find someone to handle this matter."

"Remember to be quick and try to get this thing done within five days."

According to Wang Jianshu's arrangement, Wang Xi'an stabilized the inspection team within a few days and stayed still for the time being.

Wait a few more days to arrange departure.

Wang Xi'an also asked Xu Mao to try to complete the matter within five days.

Because he wanted to see the results of Su Bai's revenge at home because of this case.

When Xu Mao heard the arrangement, he solemnly nodded: "Okay, Mr. Wang...I will try to arrange this matter as soon as possible." When Xu Mao left the office, Wang Xi'an squinted, Xu Mao had done it before After this kind of thing, leave this matter to Xu Mao and he can rest assured.

After he goes abroad this time, it is very likely that he will never come back, so...

No matter what Su Bai's identity is, he just needs to take revenge.

Could Su Bai still find him abroad?

Certainly not!

As for what Xu Mao will do after finishing this matter, it has nothing to do with him.

He had already gone abroad by that time... and the two of them wouldn't have much interaction.

That money can be regarded as labor and hard work expenses for Xu Mao in handling this matter.

As long as the final result of the matter is that Su Bai gets revenge.

Everything else may not be important for the time being.


the other side.

Inside the office of Bai Jun Law Firm.

After the Linjiayuan case ended, Baijun Law Firm received many letters of thanks and banners.

Most of them are given by farmers in Shuicheng.

These farmers suffered losses due to poor quality seeds produced by Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd., resulting in a significant reduction in per-acre yield.

It is not easy for them to grow food and crops, and now they are suffering from this... To be honest, this incident has hit them hard.

Fortunately, Su Bai helped them obtain legal justice through legal means and public opinion.

Their hearts could not help but be filled with gratitude, and they all sent letters of commendation and banners one after another.

Seeing the office filled with banners, Su Bai felt filled with a sense of accomplishment.

how to say.…

The background involved in this case is relatively complicated.

The whole process of the case was also extremely troublesome.

But the good thing is...

Everything has been perfectly resolved so far.

It's just... Su Bai looked at Li Xuezhen, whose mood was obviously not high.

Li Xuezhen had a serious face and hesitated several times to speak, but finally she said it:

"Lawyer Su...this case has gone through so many days of fermentation and so many days of public opinion. It has even been reported by the official media."

"It stands to reason that the bottom line of food is involved, and the relevant responsible persons should be punished and notified. There is also the presiding judge of the first instance court. It is obvious that he has a huge tendency."

"These people should all undergo relevant investigations, right?"


"Why haven't the officials notified these matters now?"

"From the information I learned, it seems that no relevant investigation has been carried out on them."

"We shouldn't let them get away with it, right?"

Regarding Li Xuezhen's doubts, Su Bai smiled:

"The cases in the past were all in the city, and it was relatively simple to intervene from the province."

"Another point is...the people involved are not too complicated."

"The province is aware of some relevant situations in the city and knows where to start to resolve the incident quickly."

"The people involved in this case are complex, and the investigation was conducted by an inspection team assigned by the above. The inspection team itself does not know much about the situation in Southern Province."

"Furthermore, this case was assisted in the investigation by other provinces."

"It can be said that the higher authorities attach great importance to this case, but no corresponding actions and measures have been taken yet."

"In other substantive evidence has been found to convict all relevant important personnel."

"It will take time to move this matter forward."

"It is estimated that after a while, there will be corresponding results."

According to Su Bai's estimation, this case involves Wang Xi'an's uncle.

The inspection team may also be conducting an in-depth investigation into Wang Xi'an's uncle Wang Jianshu.

Because of the interpersonal relationships involved and the complex and intricate chains of interests involved.

It's a very complicated thing to figure out all of this...


Knowing about this matter is knowing about it, but having substantive evidence is another matter.

In situations like this, it is necessary to have substantial evidence before the relevant important personnel can be sentenced. will violate relevant laws and relevant procedures.

After Su Bai finished explaining, Li Xuezhen's serious expression slowly calmed down and she nodded:

"Oh, Lawyer Su, I understand."

This question is not difficult to figure out, nor is it complicated to explain.

After Li Xuezhen walked out of the office, Su Bai checked the system's progress bar.

The system's progress bar was stuck at ninety-nine percent last time. It only takes one influential case to reach one hundred percent.

Now that the Linjiayuan case has come to an end, it has caused a sensational impact across the country.

It can be said that this case...has entered the judicial files of national influence directly.

The influence cannot be small.

As Tusu Bai guessed, after the case was over, the system's progress reached 100%.

It's just...the current system progress is 100% and there hasn't been any big change.

This made Su Bai a little confused, but he didn't say much.

While Su Bai was checking the system panel, an assistant trotted outside the office and knocked on the door:

"Lawyer Su... there is a person outside who is acquainted with Lin Jiayuan and wants to continue discussing Lin Jiayuan's case."

"Lawyer Su... do we want to see this person?"

You know Lin Jiayuan, and you want to continue discussing Lin Jiayuan's case?

This is a bit strange...

This case has been concluded, and most farmers have received corresponding compensation, and there is still a certain amount of compensation.

Is there anything else to discuss about this case?

However, adhering to the concept that the law firm is a service industry, Su Bai still nodded and said: "Then let's meet."

Just when Su Bai arrived at the door of the law firm, he saw a strong man in his forties or fifties running towards him.

Before Su Bai knew what was happening, a sharp knife rushed towards Su Bai's chest very quickly.


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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