You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 521 Fatal Question 3: Where did these more than 4 million go?

Chapter 521 Three Fatal Questions: Where did these more than four billion go?

The case is withdrawn, and if you want to file charges again, you can only find new evidence.

New evidence was found that the defendant maliciously posted capital-guaranteed financial management on a third-party platform, but it was inconsistent with the actual financial management content.

To prove that Laihai Bank has the possibility of illegal fund-raising in this financial product, as well as its subjective intentionality.

But this new evidence is hard to find.

As for the court, although it nominally has the right to obtain this evidence, it is very difficult to find a third-party platform and ask the third-party platform to produce relevant evidence.

Why do you say that?
Because this case also involves the credibility of the third-party platform and the division of responsibilities of the third-party platform.

The third-party platform has the responsibility to verify and supervise whether the content of the agreement is consistent with what is described in the label.

Asking a third party to produce evidence of Laihai Bank's illegal behavior and violations is undoubtedly asking the third-party platform to present its own evidence of guilt and its own certificate of responsibility.

In this case, will the third party produce evidence of its own liability?
Certainly not!

After leaving the court, Su Bai took Li Xuezhen to the Banking Regulatory Commission in Shangdu.

Therefore, even if the court comes forward and requires the third party to produce corresponding evidence, the third party can refuse the court's request for many reasons.

The evidence provided is comprehensive and there are basically no problems.

"Let this matter be handled as it is. Don't discuss anything else. Just follow the process."

According to the statement given by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, a certain response will be given to this case within fifteen working days.

"There is nothing wrong with the person in charge. The procedures are all in compliance. It can only be said that there were certain mistakes and there was nothing intentional."

At Lin Sheng's home, Lin Sheng was talking on the phone with the leader of the Shangdu Banking Regulatory Commission.

The China Banking Regulatory Commission has the power to supervise finance, banks, and third-party platforms, and can also enforce corresponding investigations.

Evidence of Laihai Bank's violations on third-party platforms was presented to the China Banking Regulatory Commission.

Then he will wait for fifteen working days to see what kind of specific response the Banking Regulatory Commission will have.
the other side.

"Don't look at the tens of billions or trillions on the Internet. After reading too much, you have no idea about money. What is the equivalent of a deposit of more than 40 billion..."

After all...if something goes wrong with this case, they will lose most of their life savings!
If Bai Jun Law Firm cannot handle this case, other major law firms, although they are more famous, have also given answers that this case is difficult to handle.

In the current situation, the defendant has revealed that the content of their capital-guaranteed financial management products is completely different from the logo, which constitutes a fraud on investors.

"I know it's difficult for you, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, to do this, but you've also seen that coming to Hainan Bank in this process is at most a violation of regulations. Can't we just impose penalties based on violations?"

To be honest, it wasn't that he didn't believe in Su Bai's abilities as a well-known lawyer.

Jiang Wei and a group of investors were all in the office, hoping to get an accurate answer.

Lin Sheng stepped in, greeted the leaders of the Shangdu Banking Regulatory Commission, and prepared to terminate the in-depth investigation of the case.

Facing Lin Sheng's arrangement, the voice on the other side was a little tactful, but he still expressed his position:
"But we have received reports on this matter, and there is substantial evidence. The issues involved are too big. According to our current investigation, this case involves tens of thousands or tens of thousands of people."

Jiang Wei was present at the court hearing during the first trial, so he had a relatively good understanding of the situation at that time.

"How about it?"

The Banking Regulatory Commission immediately started investigating the case after handling the case, but was obstructed during the investigation of this case.

in the office.

"The deposits of more than 4 billion yuan are equivalent to emptying out the wealth of many families. This has already involved the property security of tens of thousands of people."

"I don't want to embarrass you. I didn't say that you won't be allowed to take any non-punishment measures in this case. This matter can be disclosed and severe punishment can be imposed. Just don't investigate further. The punishment will come. Hainan Bank has illegally managed non-principal-guaranteed financial management, and this is the end of it."

Because the case has been withdrawn, under this circumstance, they are still very worried about the final outcome of the case.

"This matter is really not a small matter."

"The amount involved has reached more than 4 billion!"

Finally, after Lin Sheng's further statement, he sighed and agreed that Lin Sheng would give Laihai Bank a penalty in accordance with the normal financial penalty management regulations and not pursue other in-depth content for the time being.
Inside Bai Jun Law Firm.

Now their hope is on Su Bai, hoping that Su Bai can find a way to get back their financial management, which is also their family's savings over the years.

In response to this, you can file a complaint directly with the Banking Regulatory Commission and file a report.

Su Bai took a long breath, now he just had to wait for the CBRC's investigation results.

Facing the reminder from the other side, Lin Sheng continued: "I know this is not a small problem!"

"Although so much money may cause big problems, as a supervisor and manager, you also know that no matter what kind of financial management, as long as it is non-guaranteed, it is normal to suffer losses. At most, you will be given a relative It’s a relatively serious punishment.”

After all...the court is only the Shangdu Intermediate Court. In terms of the responsibility of the place of ownership, if the third-party platform is in Shangdu, the third-party platform can still give the court some face.

The staff of the China Banking Regulatory Commission also investigated the source and content of the evidence, and after confirming that it was correct, the case was accepted.

Facing Lin Sheng's repeated openings, the voice on the other side was obviously hesitant.

"So what if this is not a small problem?"

This is also the difficulty in finding evidence.

Because although the court does not have the power to enforce investigations, the Banking Regulatory Commission does.

But the third-party platform is in Jiang Province, and your court has no jurisdiction over their territory, so why should they care about you?
Of course, the most important point is that the court does not have the power to enforce enforcement, which makes things relatively troublesome.

But it’s not impossible…

But the issues involved in this case are relatively large, and they have a sympathetic relationship with their future lives, so they can't help but feel a little worried.

Jiang Wei looked up at Su Bai, his eyes full of worry:

"Lawyer Su, we have reported to the China Banking Regulatory Commission before, but there has been no response."

"This time the court asked us to withdraw the lawsuit. If we can't find evidence... and the China Banking Regulatory Commission will not investigate this matter, will this matter just go away?"

Regarding Jiang Wei's worries, Su Bai said: "There is no need to worry about this issue."

"Because according to the law, it is obvious that the other party has deliberately raised funds."

“Using investors’ mentality of capital preservation to conduct illegal fund-raising, and then depriving investors of their money.”

"To be serious, this situation can be regarded as a case of illegal fund-raising."

"It is impossible for the China Banking Regulatory Commission to let this matter go unnoticed. It must give an explanation. You may not have found the right way to report it before, but this time there is substantial evidence.

In any case, this is within the jurisdiction of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and an explanation will definitely be given within the time limit required by law. "

Su Bai didn't know why he didn't investigate the previous reports from Jiang Wei and others.

But now that there is substantial evidence, the CBRC's failure to conduct an investigation in this case is an act of omission, and it will definitely be held accountable afterwards.

So no matter what, more than 4 billion in capital-guaranteed financial management is now in vain. The China Banking Regulatory Commission will definitely give a corresponding result in the investigation of this matter.

Faced with everyone's concerns, Su Bai also gave corresponding legal explanations to appease everyone. After Jiang Wei and others left, Li Xuezhen said from the side:
"I have been learning about the specifics of similar cases in the past few days. As in the past, in such cases, the China Banking Regulatory Commission will investigate whether there is any ruthlessness between the bank and the third-party platform."

“Divide responsibilities.”

"Then the incident will be reported to the law enforcement departments, and the law enforcement departments will jointly impose criminal penalties on the corresponding persons in charge."

"Lawyer Su... This case involves more than 4 billion. How dare the person in charge of this financial management dare!"

Li Xuezhen couldn't help but be surprised by the boldness of some financial personnel.

But Su Bai was used to this.

In financial cases, most of the time there will be huge mistakes caused by temporary obsession or other behaviors, resulting in serious losses.

But those involving more than 4 billion are indeed rare.

"Let's forget about this for now... At present, we don't know much about the specific insider situation and can only wait for the investigation results of the China Banking Regulatory Commission."

“We’ll talk about this after the CBRC’s investigation results come out.”

In any case, Su Bai is still not very clear about the relevant inside story of this financial case.

This type of case is the most complex, and we still have to wait for the investigation results of the relevant departments to come out before we can make other judgments.

Soon, Su Bai was waiting for the Banking Regulatory Commission's investigation results on this matter.

During the phone call, the staff of the China Banking Regulatory Commission informed Su Bai that a specific investigation report would be notified by email.

Su Bai opened the email. He originally thought that the China Banking Regulatory Commission would give a detailed explanation of Laihai Bank's illegal activities.

However, I did not expect that the CBRC's response was only to explain and punish Laihai Bank for non-principal-guaranteed financial losses.

There was no explanation as to whether Laihai Bank was a fund-raising fraud.

After seeing this email, Su Bai frowned.

Let’s not talk about anything else... This case involves more than 4 billion!

The China Banking Regulatory Commission only issued such a light punishment report and fined Laihai Bank 2 million. Is this reasonable?

It’s totally unreasonable!
Li Xuezhen had a serious face when she saw this email:
"This is too bullying!"

"More than four billion yuan has been emptied, causing so many families to have their savings wiped out. Why is it only punished with more than two million yuan?"

"Totally unreasonable!"

"Also! Why didn't the China Banking Regulatory Commission investigate and explain the possible illegal fund-raising in Laihai Bank that we reported?"

"Lawyer Su... I remember that when we submitted the evidence, we seemed to have submitted it quite comprehensively, right?"

“Did the Banking Regulatory Commission do this on purpose?!”

Obviously, it was intentional.

Su Bai took a deep breath. Based on the current situation, it is very likely that the China Banking Regulatory Commission has a certain secret relationship with Laihai Bank.

One is the initiator and the other is the supervisor. It can be said that if the two parties reach a secret relationship, it is equivalent to being an athlete on one side and a referee on the other.

In this case, if you follow the normal procedures, there will basically be no response.

"Whether it is intentional or not, it is currently a little difficult to protect the client's legal rights through formal legal means."

"Xuezhen... you should contact the media."

"There must be a public explanation of the circumstances of this case."

Li Xuezhen also knew in her heart that if the opponent had a referee, then this matter would really not work through normal procedures.

We can only use public opinion to influence, or let higher-level departments pay attention to this matter, so as to achieve a fair and just situation.

After hearing Su Bai's words, Li Xuezhen nodded repeatedly: "Okay, Lawyer Su, I'll do it right away."

After Li Xuezhen left the office, Su Bai also raised questions about the legal issues in this case through his personal short video account.

After the question was raised, the case became popular on the Internet one after another.

"What the hell? I'll go! I bought a capital-guaranteed financial product and lost all my money. Why is Laihai Bank so awesome and lost more than 4 billion?!"

"There...there is no illegal transaction in this. To be honest, I don't believe it at all! No one can lose all their principal when buying non-capital-guaranteed financial management, and you can't lose so much when buying stocks!"

"I suspect that the bank lost the money. What about the supervision? Why didn't the China Banking Regulatory Commission investigate this matter?!"

"Yes, why didn't the relevant departments respond at all to this matter? Is this due to lack of supervision? Or is there some secret connection with the relevant banks?"

"A clear explanation must be given!"


Gradually, people on the Internet commented on the case and criticized the behavior of Laihai Bank and the regulatory authorities.

Regarding this case of Laihai Bank, the popularity is gradually increasing.

Seeing the rising popularity, Su Bai posted another video.

The content of the video is to question Blue Ocean Bank and the actions of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, as well as the situation in the process.

In the short video content, Su Bai faced the camera and said:
【I have three questions】

【One question】

[I would like to ask Shangdu Laihai Bank why it labels non-capital-guaranteed financial management as capital-guaranteed financial management on a third-party platform to attract investors. Is there any intention to deliberately squander non-capital-guaranteed financial management? 】

【Second question】

[Can Laihai Bank announce where the non-capital-guaranteed financial management investments are, and why investors will lose their money! 】

[three questions]

[The bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission have conducted an investigation into the investor’s investment of more than 4 billion yuan. What are the results of the investigation? Can they make the specific ins and outs public? Can they give an accurate explanation? 】

Originally, Su Bai posted a short video, and has contacted the media to release details about this case. This case has aroused a certain amount of popularity on the short video platform.

More than 4 billion yuan, no loss of capital, why banks lose money in capital-guaranteed financial management, these topics together make the traffic explode.

A lot of people are discussing why this happens.

After the video of Su Bai asking questions was released, this matter was pushed to a climax!
It directly became a hot search on all major platforms!

Many people are waiting for Laihai Bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission, which is responsible for supervision, to respond to the three questions raised by Su Bai.

More than four billion...

Where did these more than four billion go? !

There should be a response to this!
PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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