You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 69 Feng Lijian: Watching the little white rabbit being led crookedly, who understands my pai

Chapter 69 Feng Lijian: Watching the little white rabbit being led crookedly, who understands my pain!

South University.

In the girls' dormitory.

Li Xuezhen was lying on the table, her whole body was slightly suspended, and her small face looked a little sad.

At the meeting of Bai Jun Law Firm.

Xu Xiang pointed out that Baijun Law Firm does not have the human resource relationship for major cases.

This is really not good for her, a trainee lawyer who aspires to be a partner of Bai Jun Law Firm.

She is now a gold medal lawyer who has won four consecutive internships.

If there is a big case, then it is a gold medal lawyer who has won five consecutive victories in practice.

There are no major cases, just some civil mediation disputes.

Bai Jun Law Firm can't expand. It will have too much influence on her future partner.
Need to find a way...

At this time, the sweet roommate at the side saw that Li Xuezhen had something on her mind, and came to Li Xuezhen curiously:

"Xuezhen, why are you so unhappy?"

Li Xuezhen raised her head slightly, her small face spread out: "The law firm I practiced at, the lawyer I'm currently following, doesn't have any major cases to take, and I'm in a panic..."

The sweet roommate lowered her body and shook her ball head slightly:
"There's no big case, isn't it just right? It's rare for you to be free as a trainee lawyer, but I know that you are an inspirational woman who wants to be a barrister. It's hard not to take on a big case, isn't it?"

Li Xuezhen nodded slightly: "It's really hard to fight without a big case."

But he said silently in his heart, it doesn't matter whether he can become a barrister or not, but becoming a partner of Bai Jun Law Firm is better than a barrister!

The sweet roommate smiled and said, "I know where to get a big case."


Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up, and she raised her head abruptly.

"Xuezhen, have you forgotten Teacher Feng, Teacher Feng is not only a law teacher in our school, but also a top expert in the legal circle in Nandu.

Although it may not be possible to introduce any top-level big cases, but if you post an advertisement in the circle of friends, or introduce the case a little bit, then you will definitely be able to receive ordinary big cases! "

"You go to Teacher Feng, he will definitely introduce you to a lawsuit..."

Hear from sweet roommates.

Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up: "That's right! Why didn't I think of finding a teacher!"

Inside the office of the vice president of the Faculty of Law of Nantah University.

Feng Lijian sat on the sofa, watching his most beloved student come to see him, and even brought him a small gift, his eyes were full of joy.

"Xuezhen, the teacher is very happy that you can come to see the teacher, but you don't need to buy these gifts in the future. It's enough if you have this intention."

"Oh, right!"

"Is the internship hard recently? Is there anything I need the teacher to help? If so, just ask, the teacher can help, I will help."

Although Feng Lijian knew that Li Xuezhen was an intern at a small law firm of Bai Jun Law Firm.

But he also investigated, and the lawyer from Bai Jun's firm is still quite capable.

Don't talk about previous lawsuits.

After Li Xuezhen joined Baijun Law Firm, the few cases that this law firm took over were all difficult and complicated cases.

Nandu Bank, marriage fraud, self-defense acquitted.

These cases are quite classic.
All are good!

Feng Lijian is quite satisfied with Li Xuezhen's internship at Baijun Law Firm.

This time, Li Xuezhen came to see him and brought a gift, and he was even more satisfied with the joy in his eyes.

Hearing Feng Lijian's words, Li Xuezhen smiled and narrowed her eyes:

"Thank you, teacher, for your concern. Teacher, I didn't work hard during my internship recently, but I learned a lot instead."

"Not bad!"

Feng Lijian nodded with a smile.

At this time, Li Xuezhen changed the subject again: "Teacher, this time I came to look for you, and I do have some difficulties."

"Tell me, what trouble, as long as the teacher can solve it for you, I will help you solve it!"

Feng Lijian waved his hand and spoke with a smile.

Li Xuezhen took a long breath:

"It's such a teacher. Recently, my friend was an intern in a small law firm. That law firm has a lot of cases, but they are all small cases of mediating civil disputes.

No big case. "

"I want to ask the teacher, if you can introduce a few big cases to that small law firm, it will be considered as helping me...doing my friend a favor."

Li Xuezhen almost sneered, and hurriedly turned around again, looking at Feng Lijian with a guilty conscience.

"Of course, but this matter may take a while, you should go back and wait."

Feng Lijian acted as if he didn't hear Li Xuezhen's wrong words, and agreed with a smile.
"Okay, thank you teacher."

Hearing that Feng Lijian agreed, Li Xuezhen's eyebrows and eyes became crescents.

Seeing this, Feng Lijian let out a long sigh.

It's over.

The little white rabbit raised by him was taken away!
After Li Xuezhen left the office door, Feng Lijian was full of sadness:

What friend's law firm, Li Xuezhen is talking about the Baijun Law Firm!

He knew that this time Li Xuezhen came to look for him entirely out of his own ideas, not Su Bai's signal.

He figured it out, that little wolf cub had already taken his little white rabbit away!
But looking at the gift Li Xuezhen brought over, Feng Lijian felt a little comforted.

Immediately afterwards, I did not know who to call and said something. After hanging up the phone, I murmured:

"Xuezhen can indeed learn a lot at Baijun Law Firm. The lawyers in that law firm are good at litigation!"

"As long as you don't bring people down."

Feng Lijian's attitude towards Li Xuezhen now is that it doesn't matter how much he learns, as long as he doesn't get spoiled by wolf cubs.


The more I think about it, the more sad I become.

at the same time.

South University.

In the girls' dormitory.

Li Xuezhen was lying on the bed, her two little feet dangling back and forth.

A few minutes later, when Li Xuezhen saw the message Feng Lijian sent to herself, her eyes lit up, and she immediately sent a message to Su Bai.

"Lawyer Su, I have received an awesome case!"

Su Bai: "?"

"Lawyer Su is like this. I have a friend who is also an intern in a large law firm in Nandu. That law firm couldn't take a case, so he told me. According to what he said, this case is very expensive and difficult. , It's an awesome big case!"

Su Bai looked at the message from Li Xuezhen and fell silent.

a friend?
Can't take the case, give it to her?And it's a high-fee case?
No matter how you think about it, it's impossible!

He is not stupid, and he certainly does not believe this statement.

Li Xuezhen was able to receive the case, she must have found her senior brothers and sisters, or that Daniel teacher.

Regarding this, Su Bai was more inclined to think that he had found that big cow teacher.

Da Niu in the Southern Metropolis legal circle introduced a lawsuit, which is quite simple.


Seeing the brief introduction of the case sent by Li Xuezhen, Su Bai took a deep breath.

This case is a bit awesome!

 Please follow up~
  Please ask for a recommended ticket and a monthly ticket~
  Thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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