You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 70 Little Junior Sister, What Are You Doing?

Chapter 70 Little Junior Sister, What Are You Doing?

After reading the brief introduction of the case.

Su Bai took a deep breath, it was indeed an awesome case, not only awesome, but also a lot of legal fees!

How should I put it, this case is really tricky.

Su Bai replied to Li Xuezhen: "Are you sure our law firm has accepted this case...?"

Li Xuezhen looked excited: "Of course, Lawyer Su, if we take this case and win it, then our law firm will be awesome!"

"It will definitely expand the network of contacts and become bigger and stronger."

"Lawyer Su, don't you want to become bigger and stronger?"


Draw cakes in reverse, this is indeed learned!

Su Bai rubbed his temples, this case is really awesome, and it is really difficult to handle.
Compared with the last death penalty case, the difficulty between the two is nothing more than that.


"When the time comes, the client comes to the law firm to contact us, and then decide!"

"Otherwise, it's useless to say more. This case was just introduced to us, and the entrustment contract has not been signed yet. Don't be too happy for now."

"Good Lawyer Su"

After Li Xuezhen replied to the message, her face was excited.

The case introduced by her teacher should be taken up by their law firm.

"If this case is accepted, then I should be a trainee lawyer with five consecutive victories."

Regarding Su Bai's level of winning percentage, Li Xuezhen has blind admiration and self-confidence.

"The internship win rate is 100%, five consecutive victories, this title, being a partner of Baijun Law Firm is not enough..."

"We must continue to work hard..."

Li Xuezhen thought of the partner of Baijun Law Firm, who was so far away from her, and sighed slightly.

If it wasn't for Su Bai not accepting her pocket money as a shareholder, she would have secured her qualification as a partner of the law firm now...

"Could it be that I didn't give you enough money...?"

Such a thought suddenly appeared in Li Xuezhen's mind.
AM, 09:30.

Zhengda Building, sunny.

Inside the Baijun Law Firm, Su Bai looked outside, it was full of high-rise buildings, and the scenery could not be seen at all...

After taking a sip of tea, Su Bai looked away.

Boom boom boom!
There was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Please come in."

Su Bai opened his mouth, and when he saw Xu Xiang walking in from the outside, he opened his mouth and said:

"At present, there are only three people in our law firm. There are not many people. Besides me, it is you and Xuezhen. Next time, just open the door and come in."

Xu Xiang smiled slightly: "Good Lawyer Su..."

"What do you want me to do? Did you encounter any difficult problems or troubles in the case?"

"No, Lawyer Su..."

Xu Xiang shook his head: "This is Lawyer Su..."

"During the last meeting, our law firm mentioned at the meeting how to obtain contacts and methods for major cases."

"After I went back and thought about it, I felt that the best way to broaden my network is to meet lawyers from other big law firms."

"As far as I know, there will be a lawyer exchange meeting in Nanning in a few days."

"There will be many lawyers from big law firms participating in this lawyer exchange..."

"Lawyer Su, a friend of mine said he had an invitation letter, and he just didn't have time to go, so he gave it to me. Lawyer Su, do you want to go and have a look?"

Su Bai: "?"

Another friend?

The friend Xu Xiang was talking about was probably himself.

To put it bluntly, a lawyer exchange meeting is a group of first-class lawyers exchanging ideas and ideas. Lawyers from large law firms get to know each other and exchange feelings.

The rest are some lawyers from small law firms who used to cheer and get a chance to be valued by big lawyers with a small probability.

This kind of exchange meeting is suitable for lawyers who have just been able to handle cases independently.

As for him, he won't have any opportunities to expand his network if he goes there.
After all, there are only so many businesses, and the development of Bai Jun Law Firm cannot be separated from the sources of major cases.

The case sources of a law firm are very important, especially some big cases.

If you do more, others will do less...

It is not a very good relationship, or it is impossible to handle the case, and it is impossible to do it for you.

If you really want to expand your network, you still have to look at small gatherings and circles.

For example: Xiao Haibo introduced by Luo Daxiang.

Thinking of Luo Daxiang, Su Bai suddenly realized that he hadn't contacted Teacher Luo for a while, why not ask Teacher Luo to give him a call?
The case has to come
But Su Bai just thought about it for a few seconds before denying this idea, the way of the world is not used in this way.

This level of worldly sophistication must be used at critical moments. It's too extravagant to hit Guangzi!


"I won't go to this exchange meeting, you can save it for now, you can go and have a look, and get to know more top lawyers in the industry...Maybe it will be of some help to your future career as a lawyer."

Su Bai opened his mouth slowly.

Xu Xiang didn't expect that Su Bai would refuse, but after thinking about it, Su Bai is also a top-notch barrister in handling cases.

All that is missing is the source.

It is indeed inappropriate to participate in this lawyer exchange meeting.

So he nodded seriously: "Good lawyer Su."

"Since Lawyer Su won't go, then I will go with the invitation letter myself."


Su Bai smiled and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Xiang asked Su Bai some questions about certain cases, then opened the door and went out.

When Xu Xiang left the office.

at the same time.

Li Xuezhen is sitting in Baijun Law Firm, seriously studying [Criminal Law] [Administrative Law] and [Administrative Procedure Law].

From time to time, I also use a pen to record some important content.

While studying, the frown became deeper and deeper.

Yesterday, she was asking Feng Lijian for help, Feng Lijian agreed, and after getting the source of a big case, he excitedly notified Su Bai.

But it's almost twelve o'clock now, and the other party hasn't come yet...

This made her impatient mood a little bleak, and she could only fill up the excitement in her heart through learning.

Xu Xiang came out of Su Bai's office and passed by Li Xuezhen's office.

Noticing that Li Xuezhen was reading a book, she smiled and boasted:
"Not bad! Know how to study all the time, and you will definitely become a partner of our law firm in the future."

Xu Xiang already knew Li Xuezhen's goal, so he praised her, and she praised her ideas.

Li Xuezhen squinted her eyes and smiled into a crescent moon: "Thank you, brother..."

"Most definitely!"

Xu Xiang still had some civil cases to deal with, so he smiled and waved his hands without saying much.

But when passing by Li Xuezhen, from the corner of the eye, he subconsciously saw the key points of the administrative law and administrative procedure law that Li Xuezhen had drawn with a pen.

There was a sudden pause in the footsteps.

No, little junior sister...why draw these key points...?
(End of this chapter)

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