You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 80 Testimonials on shelves, set sail

Chapter 80 Testimonials on shelves, set sail~
After receiving the notice, 7.1 will be released at zero o'clock.

The newcomer is on the shelves for the first time. I am sincere and apprehensive.

Thank you readers who voted monthly, rewarded, and supported recommended votes.

Thanks to my editor Canaan.

Thanks for the end.

Tell me about this book.

This book is definitely not a title party, bah, it is definitely not a title party.

I have already thought about the general story content of the half sentence after the title of the book.

case also works well
It is based on a well-known case.

The specific content will not be disclosed. If someone guesses correctly, I will like it.

Let's talk about other things.

This book can have today's achievements, I did not expect.

Here I would like to sincerely thank everyone for their support.

(seriously) Thanks!

For specific follow-up reading, I asked half a month ago, and the editor said that it was very good.

I didn't ask later. So I don't know whether it has risen or fallen
But my psychological expectations are low, and I hope everyone can support the first order (subscribe the first chapter within 24 hours)
Thanks again! ! !

The content of this book, there are those who support it and those who criticize it. Generally speaking, if there is criticism, I will correct it as soon as I can. I belong to the kind of author who knows what is wrong and corrects it.

The author is not a stubborn donkey~

Besides, one more important thing.

Update question.

After being put on the shelves, 7000 words are guaranteed to be updated every day.

It’s just that there is a guaranteed minimum update of 7000 words. Generally speaking, it is more than 7000 words. I just said a guaranteed minimum number of words just to avoid delays.

The word count will be updated on the first day of release, and three chapters will be released after midnight, with a word count of about [-].

The follow-up is to continue to update about [-] during the day.

Added together, the update is about [-] or so.

If there is more, it may not be squeezed out.

(Mainly because I caught a cold two days ago and there are not many manuscripts left)
The testimonials are finished, please make a first order! !
Thank you~~~

(End of this chapter)

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