You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

第92章 开庭!控告3方,1打3!苏白:来吧,我1个打你们3个!

Chapter 92 The Court Opens!Sue the three parties, one hit three!Su Bai: Come on, I'll hit you three alone!

After asking Guo Xiaojun.

Su Bai took Li Xuezhen out of the detention center.

When parting.
Su Bai also told Guo Xiaojun not to worry about anything for now, just wait quietly until the second trial begins!

Guo Xiaojun said again and again: "Good lawyer Su, as long as I can win the case, I will listen to you!"

Su Bai let out a long breath, and had further in-depth communication with Guo Xiaojun.

According to the situation he has so far, the second trial won the case, so the problem is not big!

after all
Originally, there were big problems in this case in the first instance!
The type is similar to Wang Li's Nandu Bank case.
At the time of the first instance, there was a problem of wrong definition of the case.

This situation can be well resolved when it comes to the second trial.

There is no question that the second trial will lose the case.

Thinking back to this Nandu Bank case, it was my first case since I came here.
In the blink of an eye, he had already accepted six such big lawsuits, and Su Bai couldn't help but sigh.

"The case is going pretty fast"

"In the blink of an eye, it's about to hit six."

Su Bai silently read a sentence.

At this time, Li Xuezhen's eyes were bright, and the excited Pikachu blinked fiercely.

"Lawyer Su, what you said just now is the fourth point, submitting the review and supervision procedures of the first-instance judges to the relevant departments. Does this mean?"

Su Bai looked at the excited Li Xuezhen with a small face.

He could feel the strong excitement in Li Xuezhen's heart!

Su Bai rubbed his temples.

No, what was agreed upon was crooked and returned?

Looking at it now, according to the degree of Li Xuezhen's current crookedness, if she wants to get it back, there is a long way to go!

"Cough cough."

Su Bai coughed dryly, and then said, "It's not."


Li Xuezhen's face collapsed, and she instantly became listless.

Su Bai continued to speak:
"Tell me, what lesson did you learn?"

"Lesson Seven"

"Okay, I will teach you the eighth lesson today!"

"That is, don't doubt the proof when there is no evidence and sufficient legal defense. Once the doubt is established, it will fall into a misunderstanding and easily lead to a self-trap!"


"According to the current first-instance judgment and the content of the evidence provided by the first-instance trial, there is not much problem with the first-instance judgment.

The important point of losing the lawsuit lies in Guo Xiaojun's wife's perjury and Guo Xiaojun's application for higher litigation compensation. "

"Of course, there is another very important factor, and that is the lawyer at the first instance, no."

"Looking at the verdict, there is no problem with the verdict."

"Of course, it is not ruled out that the judges of the first instance committed other illegal acts, but this can only be confirmed by review and supervision. Do you understand?"

"Oh, that's it."

"All right."

"Lawyer Su, I understand!"

Li Xuezhen nodded solemnly with a small face.

"So are you going to send the judge in in the future?"

Su Bai recited a sentence silently in his heart, but didn't ask it out for a while.

It will take a certain amount of time to straighten Li Xuezhen, and he can imagine it if he asks now.

Li Xuezhen would definitely be extremely excited, her eyes narrowed into crescents, and her small face said excitedly: I want to!
Forget it, take your time.

Regarding the case of Guo Xiaojun, it has basically been confirmed that the application materials for the lawsuit and the preliminary preparations have been completed.

Just when Su Bai was about to file an appeal, he suddenly received a call from Luo Daxiang.

"Lawyer Su, this case involves the issue of milk powder, which is a major issue. I think we can apply for a live broadcast of the trial."

Live broadcast of the trial?

The corner of Su Bai's mouth raised slightly: "Alright Mr. Luo, I understand!"

Three conditions are required to apply for live broadcast of court hearings:
First, the degree of public attention is relatively high, second, the social influence is relatively large, and third, the significance of publicity and education on the rule of law is relatively strong.

Although Guo Xiaojun's case has not reached the level of public awareness on the Internet, it has received a lot of public attention and social influence in Beijing.

Especially the third point.

The significance of publicity and education of the rule of law, this case is of great publicity significance!

Su Bai prepared the materials, appealed to the Lijiang District Intermediate Court in Beidu, and filed a second-instance appeal, but refused to accept the first-instance judgment.

Sued the witnesses of the first trial for perjury, sued Aibo Milk Powder for compensation, and asked the Beidu Lijiang District Intermediate Court of the second trial to retry the verdict.

At the same time, an application for the live broadcast of the court hearing was submitted.

The Lijiang District Intermediate Court in Beidu quickly accepted the case.

And because the cases are significantly related to each other, it was decided to combine the cases and try them together.

And after the understanding of the relevant departments, it was determined that the case met the conditions for the live broadcast of the trial, and it was confirmed that the live broadcast of the trial was agreed.

At the same time, the court mailed the summons directly to the address of the accuser.
When Aibo milk powder company received the court summons, it was a little surprised.

Good guy!
You have been in prison for five years, and you sued us backhandedly, demanding compensation from us. Your operation is outrageous!
Want compensation?
There is absolutely no compensation!
I will send you in and lock you up for a few more years. I'll see if you still want to pay compensation. It seems that the sentence was lighter last time!
The legal department immediately held a meeting to discuss the case.

"What do you think of this case? The other party has already passed the live broadcast of the trial. If this case is lost, it will have a major impact on our company."

"So, you must not lose! And demand a strict sentence!"

The legal department decided to stand ready to fight the trial.


Guo Xiaojun's wife, Ma Li, also received a subpoena from the court. When she received the subpoena, Ma Li was slightly taken aback:

Sue me for perjury? !
What's the meaning..?

All of a sudden, Ma Li panicked when she thought of the indictment she was asked to write.
That should be the one, right?

thought here.

Ma Li quickly made a call: "Mr. Dong, my husband sued me!"

Dong Zong on the other end of the phone was slightly taken aback, and then said in surprise:
"Are you sued? Why are you sued? Isn't Guo Xiaojun sentenced to five years in prison? Why are you still sued?"

"Mr. Dong, I received a subpoena from the court today, which states that Guo Xiaojun, the litigant, accused me of perjury."

"Don't worry, I'm just accusing you of perjury. What you said is not nonsense. It's all based on facts. He wants to sue you. What is he thinking!"

Hearing this, Dong Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and said a word of comfort.

"Don't worry, I've already consulted a lawyer and asked."

"It's not easy for your perjury evidence to be established. As long as you insist on not letting go, your perjury evidence will not be judged at all."

"Besides, you're just telling the truth. What do you mean, perjury?"

"Don't worry!"

"Your husband will definitely sit there for a few years. Don't you want to divorce your husband a long time ago? Isn't this just a good time to get a divorce? Then I will give you another sum of money and for this lawsuit, I will help you contact a good lawyer." Yes, is this all right?"

After hearing Dong Cheng's words, Ma Li's flustered heart temporarily calmed down.

"Okay Dong Zong. I understand"

After hanging up the phone, Dong Cheng squinted his eyes slightly, Xiao Mian, are you still suing me?

Still want to claim me?
I bought your wife and sued me?What are you fighting against me with!

Soon, after the court filed the case, it fixed the time for the hearing.

Wait indoors.

Li Xuezhen's face was serious: "Lawyer Su, we need to fight three times in this case."


Su Bai nodded his head. This case needs to be dealt with one by one.

A dozen prosecutors.

The second hit Guo Xiaojun's wife, Ma Li.

Three dozen Aibo milk powder enterprises.

It can be said that it is very rare to fight against three parties in a case, but it cannot be said that it does not exist.

Su Bai said slowly: "Well, it's true that it's one against three, but the key point of this case lies in a few points, so it's not difficult to fight."

"The prosecutor's role in it is not prominent..."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously, her eyes full of anticipation
One hit three!

While Su Bai and Li Xuezhen were talking, soon, relevant staff entered the waiting room.

"Hello, Lawyer Su, please follow me."


Su Bai nodded slightly, and followed, and Li Xuezhen trotted behind to keep up.

At the trial site, after all the members of the Quartet entered and sat down, the clerk began to read the court discipline.





"After the court discipline has been read out, the presiding judge is invited to enter the court!"

All rise.

The presiding judge and two judges walked to the courtroom.

ID cards at the trial site from left to right:
Judge: Feng Sijie.Presiding judge: Xu Chunxing.Judge: Chen Donghang
The presiding judge Xu Chunxing rang the gavel and said, "Everyone, please sit down."

Swish swish.

After all the members sat down, the presiding judge Xu Chunxing rang the gavel: "The trial is now in session!"

Accompanied by the fall of the gavel.

The trial was officially declared open.

Judgment table, the presiding judge's seat.

Boom boom boom!
Xu Chunxing sounded the gavel: "Now start to verify the identities of the litigants and the defendants, and now ask the appellant to state the identities of those who appeared in court!"

"Good judge."

Su Bai nodded slightly, and began to state: "The members of the appealing party, the lawyers appointed by Nandu Law Firm, Su Bai, Li Xuezhen, and the parties, Guo Xiaojun."

After Su Bai finished his statement, Xu Chunxing rang the gavel again, and looked at the three parties to the lawsuit: "Please state the identities of the three parties to the lawsuit."

At the same time, due to the live broadcast of the trial, the trial was outside the court.

Luo Daxiang was live broadcasting related content, and the fans in the live broadcast room were also asking questions.

"Mr. Luo, what is the live broadcast of this court trial?"


"If you don't understand, just ask, is this a big case?"


Luo Daxiang smiled and answered: "Although this case is not very big, the complexity and typicality of the case are very strong!"

"It is of certain significance to discuss the definition of the crime of fraud in the judiciary."

Luo Daxiang smiled and explained the whole process of the case in the comment area. In the comment area, when he heard the case, he couldn't help but curse.

"Damn it, looking for compensation from the company and being sent back by the company for five years? Who is thinking about this, who is not angry? Sue him!"

"Let the law punish a small business properly. Instead of thinking about starting a business all day long, it's thinking about getting people who claim compensation. What kind of rubbish business should go bankrupt!"

Someone in the comment area said: "It seems to be Aibo milk powder, which is quite famous in the north,"

"Famous? No matter how famous you are, it's not good. Their children are eaten up, what's wrong with their claims? What if something happens? They claim you even sued them. Is the company cheap?"

"And! He has an annual salary of one million, does he care about your little money?!"

"If you get someone in now, it will be over for the rest of your life. This company is really disgusting! I remember it and resist it for the rest of my life!"

"Indeed, not only is it disgusting, but the attitude is also very disgusting. It is a normal process for people to claim compensation. What do you mean by sending them in?"


"Boycott! Let him go bankrupt!"


Luo Daxiang looked at the comment area and said with a smile: "I won't say much else, let me introduce the relationship of this case first."

"The litigant, Guo Xiaojun, the defendant, the prosecutor, Aibao Milk Powder, and Guo Xiaojun's wife."

"This is a typical joint trial of multiple cases, and three parties are charged at the same time."

"Others, I won't say much, everyone will be able to understand the cause of this case in the future!"

Luo Daxiang smiled slightly, if Su Bai can really sue successfully in this case, then with the help of live webcast and network transfer.
Luo Daxiang shook his head and didn't continue to think about it.
He is looking forward to Su Bai's victory in this case!
at the same time.

In the office of the general manager of Aibao Milk Powder, Dong Cheng called the Minister of Legal Affairs to watch the live broadcast of the trial together and asked:
"Can our company win this case?"

The Minister of Justice solemnly assured: "In this case, the other party has been suspected of criminal responsibility and wants to recover compensation. Our company will definitely win the case."

"Also, our lawyer, Fang Xuan, is proficient in the legal business of our company, so there won't be any problems."

"President Dong, don't worry!"

Hearing the guarantee from the Minister of Justice, Dong Cheng nodded slightly.

He also found a first-class criminal litigation lawyer for Ma Li.

"There shouldn't be any problems with this case. Guo Xiaojun shouldn't be able to overturn the case."

"Fight with me! No way!"

Dong Cheng muttered in his heart.
In court.

The identity information has been verified, and the presiding judge Xu Chunxing, thump, thud, rang the hammer.

"Now that the identity information of the parties to the lawsuit has been verified, this court has jurisdiction. This case will be heard by the Lijiang District Intermediate Court in Beidu. Have the parties to the lawsuit applied for recusal?"

Su Bai: "No objection, no application for recusal."

Prosecutor: "No objection."

Wang Manting, the litigator hired by Dong Cheng to help Ma Li: "No objection, no application for recusal."

Aibo milk powder legal lawyer, Fang Xuan: "No objection, no application for recusal..."

After hearing the answers from all parties, Xu Chunxing nodded slightly.

The Lijiang Intermediate Court attached great importance to this case, so he, the vice president, served as the presiding judge.

For this case, Xu Chunxing himself has a certain understanding, after confirming that all parties have no objection.

dong dong dong.

Xu Chunxing struck the hammer: "There is no objection to the trial by this court, and the cause of action is hereby announced."

"The cause of this case is: the above-mentioned application of the litigant to reject the first-instance judgment, to defend Guo Xiaojun's innocence, and at the same time to sue Guo Xiaojun's wife Ma Li for providing perjury, and to sue Aibo Milk Powder for compensation."

"Is the case true?"

Su Bai slightly raised his head to look at the presiding judge on the trial platform, then nodded and said:

"Judge, the case is true!"

After the words fell, the other parties frowned slightly.

The lawyer entrusted by Guo Xiaojun sued the three parties all at once, which is also very powerful.

But they didn't care too much. After all, the accusation belongs to the accusation, and the real ability is to win the case.

So other people didn't pay much attention to it.

On the presiding judge's seat, Xu Chunxing struck the hammer.

Boom boom boom!
"Confirm that the cause of the case is true. Next, the parties to the lawsuit are asked to state the application, evidence or facts of the lawsuit, and the legal basis."

"Good judge."

Su Bai nodded slightly. Every lawsuit application is the time when the lawsuit officially starts.

Taking a long breath, Su Bai took out the lawsuit application that had been drawn up from the lawsuit materials, and said:

"Presiding judge, our lawsuit application is as follows:"

"One: According to the definition of the crime of extortion, our party, Guo Xiaojun, does not constitute the crime of extortion. We apply to revoke the judgment of the first instance and acquitted."

"Second: We believe that in the first-instance judgment, the witness who appeared in court, our party's wife, Ma Li, issued a statement of indictment that was suspected of perjury, and applied to the court to make a judgment on Ma Li's perjury."

"Three: Regarding the harm caused by Aibo milk powder to our party's daughter, we believe that Aibo milk powder should pay us civil compensation."

"Furthermore, in response to the lawsuit against us by Aibo milk powder company, we believe that the relevant personnel of Aibo milk powder company have deliberately guided us, so we apply to Aibo milk powder company to compensate us to a certain extent."

"And investigate the responsibility of the relevant responsible person."

"Four: In response to Aibo milk powder company's previous charge of extortion against us, we apply to the other company to make a public apology to us, and publicize our inappropriate behavior and the intrinsic safety of its company's industrial products .”

"Five: For the litigation costs incurred by our court trial, our application shall be fully borne by Aibo Milk Powder Company."

After the voice fell, in the courtroom:? ? ?

What the hell? !
Sue three at once, and the lawsuit filed is still so explosive!
The prosecution did not respond much to Su Bai's lawsuit.


Ma Li's side and Aibo milk powder company's side reacted greatly.

Because if the lawsuit is carried out in accordance with the claims made by the other party.

if they lose
Well for them!

The consequences are completely unbearable!
In the first trial, Guo Xiaojun lost the case!

Now in the trial of the second instance, the opposing lawyer actually made such an "unreasonable" request!

Don't want to win the second trial? !

If the other party loses the lawsuit, there will be no chance of a reduced sentence!

PS: Ask for a monthly pass!

 [-] in [-] ~ Please ask for a monthly ticket ~

(End of this chapter)

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