You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 93 Su Bai: Is going to court considered illegal and malicious?Judge: Judgment!Guo Xiaojun is

Chapter 93 Su Bai: Is going to court considered illegal and malicious?Judge: Judgment!Guo Xiaojun is innocent!
Facing Su Bai's lawsuit, the three parties to the lawsuit showed different reactions.


Outside the courtroom.

Dong Cheng frowned slightly after hearing Su Bai's lawsuit.

This lawsuit cannot be lost.
If he loses, not only his company will have big problems, but he himself will also have big problems!
Zhang Changli, Minister of the Ministry of Justice carefully looked at Dong Cheng's expression, and said confidently: "Dong Zong, don't worry!"

"Don't worry, even if the other party wins this case, we will only pay a few hundred thousand at most, and it won't have a big impact on our company."

When Dong Cheng heard that the other party had won the lawsuit, he was immediately unhappy!

This is a question of whether the other party can win or not! ?

This is a question he wants the other party to squat in. A few 10 yuan, compared to other influences, is nothing!

If Guo Xiaojun hadn't insisted on suing him at the beginning, he was afraid that Guo Xiaojun would make a big fuss and have a bad impact on the company, so he wouldn't have bought Ma Li!
just in case
If Guo Xiaojun wins the case, then all his previous efforts will be in vain!
"This lawsuit must be won. Don't say anything about the other side's victory! Did you hear me!"

Facing Dong Cheng's roar, Zhang Changli nodded with embarrassment: "Okay, Mr. Dong. Got it."

"Well, keep reading."

Dong Cheng nodded slightly, and continued to watch the live broadcast of the trial.

In the court hearing, on the presiding judge's seat, the presiding judge Xu Chunxing, after listening to Su Bai's lawsuit, briefly flipped through the lawsuit materials, then looked up and scanned around the court trial.

so far
Tell three
Obviously, this lawsuit occupies a bad disadvantage for the litigants.

The first thing that needs to be determined in this case is one thing.

First, whether Guo Xiaojun's behavior is extortion or not, as long as it is confirmed to be extortion, there is no need to talk about other things!
After clarifying his thoughts, the presiding judge Xu Chunxing sounded the gavel.

Boom boom boom!
"The litigation application of the litigant party has been stated."

"With regard to the reasons for the application submitted by the litigant, this court has a point to ask."

"The litigant, please elaborate on the reasons for your application to confirm that Guo Xiaojun was not extorting."

"Good judge."

Su Bai nodded slightly, tidied up his suit, and after taking out the corresponding materials from the materials, he said slowly:

"Presiding judge, I would like to ask our party to state the cause of the incident and ask a few questions related to this case."

Boom boom boom!
"application passed!"

"Guo Xiaojun, you can start to state the cause of the incident, and the lawyers of the litigant can ask questions."

"But it needs to be noted that your every word and deed will be recorded by the court, and no violations are allowed."

"Good judge."

Su Bai nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Guo Xiaojun, motioning for him to make a statement.

Commander Guo Xiaojun breathed out, remembering that Su Bai asked himself if he wanted to win the big lawsuit, he answered it himself.

Su Bai told himself that he would answer whatever he asked himself during the trial, but there is one thing that is not allowed to lie.

It seems that this answer is very important!
After thinking about it.

Guo Xiaojun then calmly described the cause of the incident.
"Judge, the cause of the matter is as follows"

"My daughter has just turned two years old. As a person with an annual income of nearly one million, I hope that my daughter can get a better life in all aspects, whether it is material or spiritual. .”

"So I pay extra attention to my daughter's infant milk powder. I hope my daughter can grow up healthily. It is best to lay a solid foundation for good health when she is young."

"On the recommendation of a friend."

"I bought Aibo milk powder, but what I didn't expect was that after drinking Aibo milk powder for a period of time, my daughter's body became seriously unwell. I suspected that there was something wrong with the milk powder."

"So I took it to a professional organization for inspection, and the result of the inspection was that there was a big problem with this milk powder."

"Later, I took Aibo Milk Powder to court for compensation."

"But I didn't expect it!"

"This Aibao milk powder company is so shameless!"

The more Guo Xiaojun spoke, the more angry he became, his face flushed and his tone was agitated.


"Cough cough."

Seeing Guo Xiaojun's agitation, Su Bai coughed twice to signal that it could stop here.

With such agitated emotions, it is easy to say the wrong thing.

After hearing Su Bai's dry cough, Guo Xiaojun also realized that he was a little emotional, so he stopped talking immediately.

At this time, Ma Li's defense lawyer, Wang Manting, a nearly 50-year-old lawyer, raised his hand:

"Presiding judge, the litigant's lawyer coughed dryly just now and interrupted Guo Xiaojun's words. I think there is intentional suspicion, so I apply to suspend the client's statement and the litigant's lawyer's questioning."

Su Bai: "?"

No, you are quite old, come out to be a litigator?

What's wrong with me coughing twice?
You have a sore throat, don't you?
Fortunately, the presiding judge Xu Chunxing looked at Wang Manting's lawyer's seat, and simply reminded him: "The application is rejected!"

"However, for the lawyers of the litigating party, a reminder must not interfere with the normal judicial process."

"Okay, presiding judge."

After Su Bai finished speaking, he noticed that Li Xuezhen's gaze was fixed on Wang Manting, and nodded in satisfaction.

This old litigator!
Still want to interrupt him!
Xiao Li, stare at him!
Guo Xiaojun's statement and questioning has not stopped yet, Su Bai continued to ask:
"Mr. Guo, I would like to ask you, why did you increase the amount of the claim?"

"Because, at the beginning, I didn't plan to ask for so much, but my wife, that is, Mary said"

"It is inappropriate to say that my annual salary is close to one million, and my daughter has suffered such a big injury, so I only ask the other party to pay such a small amount of money."

"What's more, Aibo Milk Powder hinted to me that the amount of compensation can be negotiated, so I filed a lawsuit claiming an amount of 500 million."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Guo, for your cooperation."

Immediately afterwards, Su Bai looked at the presiding judge's seat again: "Presiding judge, my questions are over."

"Then begin your defense."

The presiding judge Xu Chunxing looked down at the materials and spoke slowly.

"Good judge."

After sorting out several materials from the materials, Su Bai stated:
"This case."

"It was Aibo Milk Powder who sued us for extortion, and the reason for determining our extortion was:"

"Our party, the litigation compensation applied for far exceeds the relevant provisions of the Compensation Law and the Food Law.

The other party's accusation is that food safety and medical expenses totaled 5 yuan. According to relevant laws and regulations, the maximum compensation is ten times, and the compensation should be 50 yuan. "

"But we proposed a compensation of 500 million yuan."

"It has gone far beyond the limits of the law, so it is determined that our claim is extortion and objected to us."

"There are several points of objection:"

"One: Our claims are made in a civilized way, and do not meet the conditions for extortion, threats and intimidation against them."

"Two: Our subjective claim does not have malicious subjectivity, but proceeds from our own point of view, which does not constitute a malicious claim."

"Three: The crime of extortion is an act of extorting public and private property for the purpose of illegal possession by threatening or coercing the victim. Our side does not aim at illegal possession."

"The way we claim is to sue!"

"The claim is made through litigation in the court!"

"Don't say it's 500 million, even if we claim 1000 million, it is reasonable to make a claim, and we should not be judged as extortion!"

"It is judged that our side is extorting. Could it be said that the claim is made through the method of prosecution, is this for the purpose of illegal possession?!"

"If the prosecution is passed, it is for the purpose of illegal possession!"

"Then it is determined that we are extorting, and we have nothing to say!"

This last point is also the most critical point.

You fucking call me extortion, man!I sue the claim through the court, also TM is illegal? !

Don't be ridiculous! !

I wasn't there during the first trial, Guo Xiaojun's lawyer was too good, you bullied others, you dare to say yes to the second trial, believe it or not, don't leave today!
Don't go away, all!Not one left!


This is a live trial!
Su Bai set his eyes on the prosecutor's seat, and it could be seen that the prosecutor's lawyer frowned. What did he say?
The other party raised this question a bit tricky!

Meanwhile, out of court.

Luo Daxiang watched the content of the trial, and couldn't help applauding Su Bai's question.

Good question!
If suing for compensation is also called illegal, then what is not illegal! ?
When the people in the live broadcast room heard Su Bai's words, they immediately became agitated!
"That's right, shit, this case is outrageous, and this question has hit the key point!"

"Fuck! That's great, this lawyer is really capable! The question directly hits the other party's dead point!"

At the same time, the live broadcast of the court trial focused on Su Bai, who commented in the live broadcast room:
"This lawyer looks familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere. Mr. Luo, could it be that he broadcasted his trial before?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I also think it looks familiar, I just seem to have seen it before!"

Luo Daxiang nodded slightly: "I think it looks familiar, it should be an old fan. This lawyer is indeed the lawyer in the Nandu Bank case earlier and the Qifeng case last time!"

"A top notch criminal lawyer!"

Some fans commented:
"No wonder. This lawyer is really awesome! Hahaha, let me say that I have seen it. The Nandu Bank case and the Qifeng case are both big cases! This lawyer can be called a top criminal lawyer!"

Those who watched the live broadcast of the trial, some were happy and some were not.

In the general manager's office of Aibao, Dong Cheng took a deep breath:

"Chang Li, do you think the prosecution can deal with this Su Bai?"

Zhang Changli smiled slightly, but did not express his opinion:
"Mr. Dong, I'm not very clear about this, let's continue reading!"

Dong Cheng's expression was a little nervous, but he didn't show too much in front of Zhang Changli.

In the courtroom, on the presiding judge's seat.

Facing Su Bai's question, the presiding judge frowned slightly. This is a live broadcast of the trial, and the question Su Bai raised was indeed too targeted!

If the answer is bad, then it will be a court accident!
And it is a very serious court accident!

Turning his head, the presiding judge Xu Chunxing looked at the prosecutor's seat: "Now let the prosecutor's lawyer speak."

The prosecutor's lawyer smiled helplessly.

The fact that Su Bai asked this question is a bit bursting.

He was also aware of this question in his heart, and if he answered it wrong, it would be a very serious court incident, and he, the public prosecutor, could say that he didn't have to do it.

For a while, he couldn't say anything.
Of course, he can also see that there are indeed certain problems in this case, and there is no problem in judging Guo Xiaojun's innocence.

If I talk too much, I am also in danger. I am just a prosecution lawyer, a public prosecution lawyer, and I have to show my attitude.

Regarding Su Bai's question, the prosecutor's lawyer sorted out his emotions a little bit, and asked a few related questions:
"Presiding judge, we have a few simple questions for the litigant."

"First: Does Guo Xiaojun know the relevant laws and regulations on claims? Why did he first claim 70 yuan and then claim 500 million yuan? There are acts of knowingly breaking the law."

"Second: According to the allegations against Guo Xiaojun, there is a key point.

Among them was a letter of accusation, the content of which was described by Guo Xiaojun's wife, Ma Li, about Guo Xiaojun's intention to extort money.

Whether Guo Xiaojun is consistent with the description in the complaint letter, or whether he did not intend to carry out extortion at the beginning, but later proposed 500 million with the intention of extortion. "

"Aiming at the above two issues, we need to understand clearly."

"Judge, the prosecution has finished speaking."

After listening to the prosecutor's speech, Su Bai nodded slightly. It has to be said that the other party's two questions hit the point.

If you know the relevant laws and regulations, then you express the subjective will of malicious extortion.

But if you don't know, then it's subjective intention without malice.

The second question is raised from a normal perspective.

After Su Bai asked questions, the prosecution was able to ask questions from this angle, which shows that the level is good!
Judgment table, the presiding judge's seat.

Boom boom boom!
Xu Chunxing sounded the gavel: "The litigant, in response to the prosecution's question, can you produce the corresponding evidence?"

"Yes presiding judge."

Su Bai quickly pulled out a few pieces of materials from the litigation materials:

"Presiding judge, according to Guo Xiaojun's statement in the relevant law enforcement agencies during the appeal period, Guo Xiaojun is obviously ignorant of the relevant regulations on compensation.

At the beginning, a claim of 70 yuan was filed, which was close to 50, but this also exceeded the legal limit and was not within the reasonable legal limit for claiming [-] yuan.


If Guo Xiaojun knew the relevant regulations, he would not have filed a claim of 70 yuan, because this is obviously an illegal act.

The key to filing a claim is that it is aimed at his own income, and in the above, the influence of Ma Li is related to the negotiation proposed by Aibo Enterprise. "

"That is, there is no situation of knowingly breaking the law."

"at the same time."

"According to the evidence presented by the relevant law enforcement units, it has been shown. Guo Xiaojun's various confessions and evidence point to the fact that his words and deeds are consistent, and there is no situation of changing his words."

"Similarly, if he had the intention of extortion in the first place, why didn't he propose a compensation amount of 500 million in the first place?"

"But it was later increased to 500 million in compensation?"

"I hope the judges can take this into consideration."

Su Bai handed over the relevant supporting materials to the staff around him.

After the presiding judge took over the corresponding evidence materials and looked at them carefully, he already had an idea in his heart.

There were already certain problems in this case, but now, Su Bai brought up such an explosive point of view.

There is no longer any entanglement in the verdict of innocence.

Immediately afterwards, the presiding judge Xu Chunxing turned to look at the prosecution: "Prosecution lawyer, is there anything else you want to add?"

All the questions that should be asked have been asked.

The prosecution lawyer said: "Presiding judge, the prosecution has no additional evidence."

"Does the prosecution have any objections to the questions raised by the litigant?"

Who dares to object to this question?
Presiding Judge, you raise this question.
Judge. Do you think you dare to object?
"Presiding judge, the prosecution has no objection."

"it is good!"

Xu Chunxing nodded solemnly and struck the gavel.

Boom boom boom!
"For Guo Xiaojun's first-instance judgment, the factual evidence is insufficient, and there is no strong evidence to prove that Guo Xiaojun has the criminal facts of extortion. For the time being, it is judged that Guo Xiaojun does not have the criminal facts of extortion."

"Follow-up, when the judgment comes, make a judgment!"

Boom boom boom!
When the gavel fell, Guo Xiaojun was very excited: "Thank you, presiding judge!"

Thinking of the judgment of the first trial and comparing it with the judgment of the second trial, Guo Xiaojun couldn't help crying
PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

 There really was no intentional Calvin.
  I'm sorry. I will try my best to write a complete and updated next time!

(End of this chapter)

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