Chapter 305 Allah
"It's a pity that I'm not here. Otherwise, with the magical power of 'knowing the future', I would definitely know more things."

Fang Yi's sacrificial incarnation muttered to himself.

All the eight incarnations can use all magical powers, but the magical powers that Fang Yi actively cultivated cannot be used.

The magical powers that are actively cultivated, such as "knowing the future against the will" and "the golden body of the Dharma", cannot be used by the sacrificial incarnation, and naturally they cannot sense the year in which the Great Mosque was built or completed.

"Knowing the future against the will" is Fang Yi's natal magical power, which can only be used by this deity.

Fortunately, the "Golden Body of Dharma" can be used by the incarnation with the help of any magic weapon that Fang Yi has evolved. If it is not used, the incarnation cannot be used.

"Forget it, since I know that the Great Mosque was completed in [-], it means that the divine power contained in it is weak. If I can break through it, there is hope for preaching. Besides... I am in urgent need of powerful magical powers. I really want to see if I can defeat Allah to obtain it. Infinitely powerful supernatural powers.”

Thinking about it, the incarnation of the sacrifice soul came out of the body, and suddenly broke through the envelope of many divine realms and came to the Grand Mosque.

The pseudo-Yuan Shen incarnated as a sacrifice is different from the original Yuan Shen. It is not an earthy yellow or milky white luster, but a "Yuan Shen body" composed of black and white energy.

This incarnation has a unique magical power, which is the "power of sacrifice".

Why sacrifice?

Sacrifice in classical literature usually refers to bloodless sacrifices. During the sacrificial process, humans will try to communicate with humans and gods through induction and interact with each other.

The "sacrifice power" of the incarnation of the sacrifice can not only quickly reach any place where gods are worshipped, but can also use part of the power of any god for one's own use, just like the "invitation to gods" technique uses the power of gods, but this is a borrowing force It is mandatory and cannot be controlled by God.

To put it simply, you have to borrow even if you want to, and you have to borrow even if you don’t.

As for how much divine power can be borrowed, it all depends on how strong the "human-god interaction" the person doing the sacrifice can be.

Fang Yi's sacrificial incarnation sensed that some believers in the Grand Mosque were trying to communicate with Allah, so he went straight there.

During the action, he can ignore any energy interference and ensure that he reaches his destination.

In less than a blink of an eye.

The sacrifice to the incarnated spirit came to the divine realm of the Great Mosque.

The next moment, there was a roar.

The incarnated soul of the sacrifice was pulled into a wonderful divine realm.

In my ears, verses from the Quran were chanted:

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Merciful…the path of those you help is not the path of those who are condemned and angry, nor the path of those who are astray…”

There is nothingness in front of my eyes.

This void is very similar to the first dimension among the thirteen dimensions that Fang Yi saw before. The only difference is that there is no Yin and Yang in it.

When nothingness appeared in front of his eyes, an unknown sound came from his ears, but it made people understand its meaning.


The sound fell, and a ball of gas was born in the void.

Fang Yi's sacrificial incarnation stared straight at him until "Duhan" means "qi" in Awen.

Then, another sound came.

"Brother Stitt!"

The gas gradually became "full" and filled with various elements.

"Brother Quite!"

Rumble, the sound of the creation of the world resounded.

The mass of gas was split into two, and as recorded in Pangu's Opening of the Sky, one part rose to high altitudes and became the sky, while the other part fell below and became the earth.

The evolution continues.

Whenever that unknown sound is heard, new things will be born in the universe and heaven and earth.

Soon, there was a vast sky; there was a vast land; there were oceans, rivers and lakes; there were mountains, hills and deserts; there were the sun, moon and stars moving freely; there were birds and beasts full of life. Insects and fish; with colorful flowers, plants and trees, the rotation of day and night is gradual, showing the transition and transition of light and darkness, alternating with each other; the changes of seasons are orderly, forming the development law of cold and warm and cold and heat, making spring, summer, autumn and winter cycle in sequence, What goes around comes around.Even wind, cloud, thunder and lightning, rain, fog, snow and frost, each has its own unique splendor.

In this created world, hundreds of flowers are blooming, colorful, thousands of rocks compete with each other, and thousands of valleys compete with each other, making the earth extraordinarily beautiful and enchanting.The universe is vast and full of phenomena; the wonders of creation are endless in mysteries.The angels are praising, extolling, sighing, and singing, rejoicing for every creation of Allah.

Of course, it also includes the first human "Adan" and the first woman "Hawa", as well as the demon "Yipu".

Fang Yi knew that in the Quran, Allah is omniscient and omnipotent and the creator of all things in the universe. It is easy for him to say "there is", unlike "Pangu opened the sky" who had to fall and become the sun, moon and stars. and all things.

In this sense, Allah is more powerful than Pangu!
At this thought, Fang Yi's sacrifice-incarnated Yuanshen's face showed a solemn look, knowing that he was about to face Allah, one of the most powerful gods in history.

I just don’t know if Allah is as strong as Shiva.

If there is, it may not be able to resist the flowers blooming for a moment.

Fang Yi's sacrificial incarnation is ready to meet Allah's offensive at any time.

After the evolution of everything in heaven and earth.

A strong 72-color light suddenly shone in the sky and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yi saw a void of will emerge.

There is no specific image of God. I can only feel the will of God, but I don’t see any image of God.

“Heresy!” Allah’s voice was emotionless, “Accept God’s judgment!”

Words just fell.

Suddenly, the world began to shake slightly.


Fang Yi looked serious, knowing that he was about to start a war with Allah.Somehow, at this moment, the world with clear mountains, clear waters, and sunshine all disappeared, and time seemed to flow faster.

Soon, the world became dark.

But it's not the kind of darkness where you can't see anything, but a night with stars.

The stars in the sky are twinkling, and streams of waves cut through the void.

The magnificent starry sky!
"God, judge you, guilty!"

The stars and galaxies in the sky were spinning violently.

In an instant, these stars and galaxies gathered together and pressed down.

Although Fang Yi's sacrificial incarnation possesses [-]% of the strength of the original deity, at this moment, I feel like the world is spinning and I don't know the north, south, east, or west.

Turn around!

Move the stars!

Obviously this move is not too powerful in the divine realm, but it makes Fang Yi's sacrificial incarnation feel like it may be wiped out in the blink of an eye. You can imagine how strong Allah is!

A god of this level is definitely not something he can match right now.

Fang Yi knew it in his heart and shouted softly without hesitation: "The flowers will bloom in an instant."


A loud bang.

The entire twisted starry sky suddenly shook.

The top of Fang Yi's sacrificial incarnation shines with 72 colors of light, turning into a festive cloud, with thousands of golden flowers and pearls hanging on it, in an endless stream, shining brightly.

Like the falling and rotating stars from the Milky Way, they hit Qingyun hard.

Bang bang bang bang!
Continuous explosions continued to sound.

Fang Yi only felt that Qingyun was shaking violently. As the stars were smashing down, the golden flowers on Qingyun were destroyed one by one, and the pearls were crushed into pieces one by one.

Even in the blink of an eye, more golden flowers and pearls appeared in Qingyun.

However, the soul that Fang Yi sacrificed and incarnated was still being shaken by the energy that was constantly floating away.

What... what!
The power of Allah is so terrifying?
Even Qingyun, who claims to be an absolute defense, can't completely offset his simple offensive?
Fang Yi's sacrificial incarnation was shocked. He finally knew that the power of Allah might still be higher than that of Shiva, but he didn't know if it was as strong as Vishnu.

Maybe it was because he saw that this trick didn't work.

The voice of Allah sounded again in the dark world, "Devil! How dare you challenge the power of God!"

In this short sound.

Fang Yi saw waves of terrifying air waves emerging out of thin air, like hundreds of hurricanes.

These air waves carry the galaxies, stars, earth, rivers and everything in the world, turning into a giant that is tens of billions of light years old.

The giant raised his arms high, "Welcome to the judgment!"

After saying this, the giant clenched his arms together and slammed them down.

The terrifying power that erupted from both arms distorted the entire divine realm.

Fang Yi could even see scenes of the past, present, and future revealed under these distorted environments, as well as endless sun, moon, stars, and the birth and destruction of living beings.

It seems that this bombardment contains the power of the world gathered together by thousands of universes!

This move was extremely powerful, and Fang Yi had a hunch that if Qingyun was bombarded, it would most likely be completely shattered!

"No! I can't sit still!"

Fang Yi hurriedly bowed and shouted: "Chang."

The heaven and earth shook together, and 72 colors of light were projected into the void.

In an instant, he transformed into the image of a ferocious demon with a green face, fangs, and red hair!

This was not over yet. Two rays of black and white light burst out from the eyes of Fang Yi, the incarnation of the soul. His whole head suddenly tilted back, as if he was unable to control himself under the impact of these two rays of light.

He took advantage of the "sacrifice" characteristic of the incarnation to forcefully borrow part of the energy from Allah.

Immediately, Fang Yi shouted loudly: "Shengguang!"

A red light appeared, covering the soul in layers.

Orange light appeared, covering the red light.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, in a moment, 72 different colors of divine light formed a huge oval, wrapping Fang Yi and the blooming Qingyun layer by layer.

It was the magical power of "generating light" that he had obtained before.

Originally, with Fang Yi's current strength, it was impossible for even the deity to generate 72 layers of divine light to protect itself, let alone the incarnation which was only [-]% strong.

However, the sacrificial incarnation can absorb the power of the god from the "thoughts" of the believer through "interaction with the god".

This time, with the help of Allah's power, the incarnation suddenly gave birth to 72 rays of divine light.

However, Fang Yi was not happy. Because of this, he knew how terrible Allah is!
I don’t know if this move can withstand Allah’s heavy blow.

Fang Yi's incarnation is already working hard!

(End of this chapter)

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