Chapter 304 Breakthrough

Twenty days ago.

Fang Yi's sacrificial incarnation led Xu Xiaoli and Lu Shisheng to the United Arab Emirates.

Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates.

As soon as they got off the plane, he and his two apprentices received the highest-level welcome ceremony from the top brass in the UAE.

Hassan Al Maktoum is the big man who received Fang Yi this time. It is said that he is the crown prince.

There was also Al Qubais, the head of the UAE aerospace industry, whom Fang Yi had met at the launch center before.

There are also some senior figures from the UAE.

There were about a dozen people in total.

“Welcome Fang Shen to the UAE!”

"Fang Shen, please come this way, we have the car ready."

"Fang Shen..."

This group of senior executives are fawning over each other.

The key is that they are not just flattering with words, but taking practical actions.

Although the United Arab Emirates has a relatively small population of only 950 million, as one of the richest places in the world, the welcome ceremony for Fang Yi can be described as a new trick.

In addition to hundreds of media outlets.

Even the carpet was trimmed with gold.

Not to mention welcoming Fang Yi's Rolls-Royce, whose exterior is entirely made of gold.

It is said that this golden Rolls-Royce is worth 28 billion US dollars!

This made Xu Xiaoli and Lu Shisheng secretly speechless.

Fang Yi didn't feel much about money. He just started to look at the environment as soon as he got in the car.

The religious situation in the UAE is relatively simple.

Among them, 70.00%, [-]%, believe in the Tianfang sect.

About nine percent believe in Christianity.

There are also [-] percent Hindus and Buddhists.

The remaining 5.00% believe in other religions.

After roughly understanding the basic beliefs.

Fang Yi began to explore where there was a divine realm here.

Where the divine domain has less power of faith, the restrictions can be broken in a short time.

However, what shocked him was that he was pulled into the divine realm as soon as he released his spiritual consciousness.

There is only one shining god in the divine realm.

Yes, it is Allah, the only true god believed in by the Tianfang sect.

Subsequently, Fang Yi's consciousness was dispersed.

"If I release my divine consciousness in a place without a temple, will I be pulled into the divine realm?"

Fang Yi knew he was in trouble this time.

It seems that the two methods of appearing in front of people and appearing in dreams that I used to deceive believers can no longer be used here.

Unless he can break through Allah's domain.

But Fang Yi knows that Allah is one of the strongest gods among the gods in the world's mythology system.

With his current strength, there is no way he can be his opponent.

After half an hour's drive.

This group of Emirati upper-class people welcomed Fang Yi into a luxurious palace-like building complex.

In the luxurious living room.

Fang Yi chatted with this group of people for a few words.

Suddenly, Hassan Al Maktoum said flatteringly: "Great Fang Shen, you want to preach in the United Arab Emirates and we welcome you very much, but..."

He is a middle-aged man in his 30s and quite handsome.

Fang Yi looked over, "Just what?"

Hassan Al Maktoum said with a wry smile: "We have tested the people's reaction before, and they seem to be a little resistant."

Al Qubaisi was afraid that Fang Yi would misunderstand, so he quickly added, "It's not that the people in the UAE are unwilling to accept missionary teachings, but that since the founding of the Tianfang sect, the only god in doctrine has been Allah, so..."

Fang Yi blinked and said, "Are you trying to say that it's not convenient to broadcast live or preach in other ways throughout the UAE?"

Hassan Al Maktoum sighed: "It's not that it's inconvenient to broadcast live in the UAE, but people may not watch it."

Alqubais apologized and said: "Before you arrived, we tried for a long time. Not only did we not achieve positive results, but on the contrary, it also caused resistance."


"It's really not that we don't try our best."

"The main Tianfang sect has long been deeply rooted..."

The remaining senior executives, who had a square cloth on their heads, said helplessly.

Xu Xiaoli and Lu Shisheng looked at each other. Obviously, they couldn't understand why the people of the United Arab Emirates resisted the preaching of the true God.

Generally speaking, it’s fine if you don’t believe it?

Still resisting?
However, Fang Yi knew why the people of the UAE resisted.

As Hassan Al Maktoum and several senior officials said, the Tianfang Sect is too exclusive.

Religions such as Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism have developed for so many years and have become so famous internationally, but they cannot occupy more "market shares" in the United Arab Emirates. We can know the influence of the Tianfang Sect in the Middle East.

Because these "famous sects" have their own "fan base", they can survive in the cracks.

Nowadays, the Fangxian Sect has just been established, and its reputation is not well-known abroad, so it is normal for it to attract resistance.

Fang Yi knew that this problem had to be solved before he could preach.

In fact, the solution is very simple, it is nothing more than the old method of manifesting the saint in front of people and appearing in dreams.

It's old-fashioned, but practical.

The premise is to rely on Allah.

It's just that Fang Yi just released his consciousness and learned that this city seems to be completely covered by Allah's divine domain.

It seems that there is no way to attract believers through manifestations.

Moreover, Fang Yi doesn’t know much about the Tianfang sect’s culture and even less about Allah.

If you rashly use the method of appearing in person and appearing in dreams to try to confuse believers, a small mistake will cause greater negative effects, and it will even be impossible to preach within the Tianfang sect in the future.

So he wanted to understand the Tianfang Sect first.

In addition, we also need to understand how resistant the people of the UAE are to us.

After analyzing many aspects, he could come up with a plan for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.Fang Yi did not immediately answer these people's words. Instead, he let go of his magical feeling and enveloped the entire UAE, and began to see how resistant the people were to his preaching.

Divine consciousness cannot be used.

So he can only use magical sense.


Near the Aswisray Hotel.

Several men were chatting about the recent news report that Fang Yi came to the United Arab Emirates.

One of them, a very fat bearded man, said with a displeased look on his face: "I really don't know what those people above are thinking, but they actually took the initiative to invite the Chinese sect to come and preach."

Another short, thin man with a beard looked around and lowered his voice: "You may not know something, but I heard that the Chinese is a real god."

There was also a bearded man with a mole between his eyebrows who laughed and said, "The only true god is Allah, so stop talking nonsense."

The short, thin bearded man frowned and said, "I'm not joking with you. Haven't you seen the video leaked by Hua Xia?"

"What video?"

"Where can I see it?"

Several people asked.

The short, thin and bearded man took out his mobile phone and found a video for everyone to watch.

After a while, everyone was shocked after watching the video.

Everyone really didn't expect that the "god" Fang Yi was so powerful.

However, this only strengthened their resistance.

Although this group of people didn't say anything else, they were secretly thinking that this Chinese god was so powerful. If he really preached in the United Arab Emirates, it might have a huge impact on the Tianfang Sect.

So they made up their mind that they would not listen to Fang Yi's preaching no matter what, and even prepared to warn their family and friends to boycott it.

On the other side, there is a shopping mall.

An extreme Tianfang sect believer was shouting with a loudspeaker: "It is everyone's responsibility to resist foreign missionaries, otherwise our Tianfang sect will become a victim!"


"Resist foreign religious preaching!"

"Everyone must not believe in foreign religions!"

"Boycott! Protest!"

"It is said that the foreign religion will preach at the mosque tomorrow, and we will go there to cause trouble!"

Dozens of Tianfang sect believers echoed loudly below.


Similar situations are still happening in the major emirates of the United Arab Emirates.

Fang Yi just scanned for a while and saw dozens of places organized to resist him.

This wasn't the biggest problem he discovered.

Fang Yi found that the most troublesome thing was that just now he tried to release his spiritual consciousness, and at a glance, he saw that there are many temples throughout the United Arab Emirates. These temples are like the Sanqing Divine Realm, closely connected together and shrouded in layers. The whole country.

In other words, if the divine realm is not broken, it can basically be declared that there is no hope of preaching.

Even though you are here, there is no hope for preaching?
Fang Yi was really unwilling.

He absent-mindedly chatted with the group of Emirati executives for a while.

Maybe he saw that he was not in the mood to chat.

Hassan Al Maktoum said tentatively: "Fang Shen, you have worked hard from traveling and traveling, why don't you go and rest for a while first?"

Fang Yi had something on his mind, and of course he didn't want to chat with everyone.

So, he nodded and said, "Okay, please trouble Prince Hassan."

Hassan Al Maktoum quickly showed a flattering smile, "No trouble, no trouble."

Afterwards, he and Alcubas personally sent Fang Yi, Xu Xiaoli, and Lu Shisheng to their respective rooms.

in the room.

It is visually estimated that it is more than 100 square meters, and it is filled with luxury and high-end furniture.

Fang Yi didn't even look at it, he just stood at the glass window and looked out.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Boom, boom, boom.

Three gentle knocks on the door sounded.

Then, Xu Xiaoli's voice came in from outside, "Master, can I come in?"

"come in."

Fang Yi didn't even look back.

The door opened from the outside, and Xu Xiaoli, who had just put away her luggage, walked in, "Master, I'm here to tell you that I'm going to go out with Xiao Chengzi. Do you want to go together?"

Fang Yi said casually: "Oh, no, you and Shi Sheng can go have some fun."

"Okay." Xu Xiaoli said, "Xiao Chengzi and I won't run too far, so we'll go to the mosque to play for a while."

Fang Yi laughed dumbly and said, "What's so fun about the mosque?"

"No." Xu Xiaoli explained: "The Abu Dhabi Grand Mosque is the largest mosque in the world..."

Fang Yi knew this very well. He had seen it with magical perception before, and this mosque was indeed spectacular.

He didn't pay too much attention to this.

However, Xu Xiaoli's next words caught Fang Yi's attention.

I only heard Xu Xiaoli say: "Since it was completed and opened to the public during the Corban Festival in [-], the mosque here has always been the first choice for tourism, and many people come here to check in."

"Huh?" Fang Yi turned around, "What did you just say? The Great Mosque was only completed in [-]?"

Xu Xiaoli nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, it will be completed in [-]."

Fang Yi's originally confused eyes gradually showed light. He looked over with a smile and said, "You are really my little lucky star. Okay, you and Shi Sheng can go play."

"Okay." Xu Xiaoli said: "Master, if I see something delicious or fun later, I will buy it and bring it to you."

After saying that, she gently closed the door and ran away.

Fang Yi looked at her girlish appearance, smiled and shook his head.

Then he withdrew his gaze and began to consider the valuable information that Xu Xiaoli inadvertently mentioned.

The Great Mosque was only completed in [-]?

Fang Yi's eyes flickered, maybe this would be a breakthrough.

 For some reasons, the real name of the sect that believes in Allah is not allowed to appear, so it is changed to Tianfang sect. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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