I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 303 Golden Hammer, Dagger and Sword

Chapter 303 Golden Hammer, Dagger and Sword
Now that you have acquired Xuan Gong, you should practice it.

Fang Yi returned to the house without hesitation, took out the green lotus and sat upright.

"The primary stage of this mysterious skill is the inner elixir. I have already cultivated the golden elixir, so I can naturally skip it."

He ignored the inner elixir part and started trying directly according to the method of cultivating the soul.

Fang Yi recalled the contents of the formula:

If you are studying the Tao and your eyes are dark, even if you look at a thread above your nose, you will not be able to think about it. Once it arises, it is concentration.

Those who start will not advance.

With the original intention on the nose, the Sun Xuan female gate, everything is picked up, without hanging a single thread, away from the original intention, calmly breathing, coming and going, not going out or entering, and this is the method for it.

The Xuanfei Gate is the nose, which is connected with the lungs for incoming and outgoing breath.

This is the method of concentration. Hold the breath on the nose and stick to it with one intention. Therefore, keep it one day.

All objects cannot be expelled, no matter what the appearance is, the next time I look into my eyebrows, I will see the light industry of white hair.

"According to the introduction of the formula, when practicing, ask your eyebrows and think about it. The white hair will be bright and you will see things in the three lives."

In other words, one can know that the past, present, and future time transitions are the chain of all causes and effects.

It does not really mean knowing the past life, this life and the next life.

Fang Yi naturally understands this truth.

Run Xuan Gong.

The breath gradually floats in the nose.

Perhaps because of his advanced cultivation, Fang Yi was able to "look at a thin thread from his nose" in a short time.

He continued neither happy nor sad.

As time goes by, the breath gradually and naturally comes to the center of the eyebrows.

As soon as the breath flows in.

Fang Yi felt that there seemed to be a faint light shining like a trace of white hair between his eyebrows.

This white light is extremely magical.

As soon as he was born, he had a feeling of unraveling the mysteries of time.

The whole person seems to be suspended above the long river of time, watching everything happen and the years change.

What surprised Fang Yi was that he saw that this universe was really formed by the "Big Bang".

"I remember that there are many universes in the mother ocean of the universe where yin and yang and qi meet to form a point of light, and then gradually evolve into the universe. Not all universes are formed by the Big Bang, some are formed by nature, and there are many reasons for their formation."

Fang Yi observed the changes in the universe.

The formation of those planets.

All things are full of vitality.

It gradually prospered and then declined and perished.

Each scene made his understanding of "Tao" deeper.

The soul seems to be gradually peeling off its darkness in these "understandings".

"Hey, the speed of stripping away the Yin is faster than the energy tempering that I absorb from the gems to transform the power of faith?"

Fang Yi couldn't help but have a bold idea.

What if one’s soul is immersed in gems and practices the "True Dragon and Tiger Nine Immortals Sutra"?

Although the current part relies on the physical body to practice, some of the later exercises can be practiced independently by the soul.

He took his time and finished the physical training part first.

The next moment, Fang Yi's soul left his body and was immersed in the gem.

Huge white energy is transmitted.

Fang Yi recalled the method of "Huang Yun hitting the top" recorded in Xuan Gong.

"Men cover their right with the left, and women cover their left with their right. The male cultivator raises the yellow cloud and hits it on the left, thinking that the left side is high, and then the holy body comes out. At this time, he presses the right hand with his hand, and the order comes down. The female cultivator hits the yellow cloud on the right, thinking that the holy body comes out, Press the bottom of the left side with your hand, and then come out."

He followed the technique and visualized Huang Yun lifting up and hitting it to the left.

Perhaps it was because of the help of the huge white energy.

This collision caused a loud "boom".

A large amount of earthy yellow gloom in the soul was knocked away.

For a time, yellow clouds filled the gem.

But unfortunately, these yellow clouds did not dissipate like before.

Fang Yi could still feel his control over Huang Yun.

"I remember that this method requires 21 strikes each time, for a total of 21 days to be effective."

He continued attentively.

Second hit.

The fifth hit.

It gradually hit 21 times.

When No.20 is finished.

Suddenly, yellow clouds filled the sky and earth above Yuanshen.

"With the help of the energy transformed by the power of faith, I peeled off more darkness when I hit."

21The collision took about twelve hours.

Fang Yi found that four ten thousandths of his yin was peeled off.

You must know that the previous normal use of "Laojun Wanqiu Yuan Nerve" to visualize the blazing sun and the white energy was only one ten thousandth.

Now it’s three or four times faster!
Fang Yi finally knows how mysterious the "True Dragon and Tiger Nine Immortals Sutra" is!

If it is deduced at this speed.

It only takes 1000 to [-] days to completely peel off the Yin.

This is still based on the fact that there are only so many believers at present.

If there are more believers and they cooperate with this technique, there is really hope that the evil will be completely stripped away before the end of the "global tour".

"Before, I only guessed that if the number of believers reaches hundreds of millions, I can hope to remove the darkness before the end of the global sermon. Now with this mysterious skill, I should be able to do it as long as I have [-] million followers."

Fang Yi was very satisfied.

The next step is to stabilize the soul.

After all, stripping away so much yin is equivalent to stripping away a lot of energy, and it needs to absorb energy to replenish it.

While replenishing his energy, Fang Yi secretly pondered, "Since my mentor has shown me the way to break through the three divine realms of Fortune, Lushou and Shou, then when I come out of seclusion this time, I will go and meet the three stars of Fortune, Luth and Shou."

It’s just that the Three Stars of Fortune, Lushou and Shou are too strong.

The lucky star is the Emperor Tianguan, the lucky star is Wenquxing, and the longevity star is the Antarctic Immortal Emperor. They are all fierce.

In Taoist culture, there are four or six emperors.

The four emperors are: the Arctic Ziwei Emperor, the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, the Gouchen Shanggong Emperor, and the Emperor Chengtian who followed suit.Among the four emperors, the Jade Emperor is not included because the status of the Jade Emperor is higher than that of the four emperors.

The Six Imperial Rules refer to: the Jade Emperor, the Gouchen Shanggong Emperor, the Zhongtian North Pole Ziwei Emperor, the East Pole Qinghua Emperor, the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, and the Empress Earth Emperor Chengtian.

And Emperor Tianguan is Emperor Ziwei.

"The lucky star is Emperor Ziwei, and the longevity star is the Antarctic Immortal Emperor. These two are all listed in the Four Emperors Theory or the Six Emperor Theory. According to these statements, whether it is Emperor Ziwei or the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, they are both second to none. In the existence of the Three Treasures Heavenly Lord in the Three Pure Realms and Three Realms."

Fang Yi recalled carefully, "If we arrange the rankings of other Taoist gods, the Three Pure Realms and Three Realms, the Three Treasures Tianzun, are on the first step, the second step is the Jade Emperor, the Four Emperors, etc., and the third step is the Five Directions, Five Elders, Golden Mother and Mugong, the fourth step is the Three Officials, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady, the Three Stars of Fortune, Luxury and Longevity, etc.”

Fang Yi now has a question, "So, is Penglai, the three gods of good fortune, wealth and longevity, a fourth-level god, or is it really the three gods of Ziwei, Antarctic Changsheng and Wenquxing, according to his mentor Chen Pu?"

If the Three Stars of Fortune, Luxury and Shou are really the three gods Ziwei Emperor, Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and Wenquxing, then I don’t even need to think about it, even if I cultivate the Yang God, I may not be my opponent.

Unless you encounter a situation where your faith is exhausted, rely on the absolute defense of the flower to survive.

But if it were just a fourth-tier god, Fang Yi felt that his current strength might not be his opponent, but if he strengthened his strength, there would be no hope of defeating him.

"After I leave seclusion this time, I will go look for the location of the Three Star God Realm."

Fang Yi secretly made up his mind, and at the same time he also understood one thing. Even if the three stars of Fortune, Luxu and Shou were only the fourth-tier gods, he would have to greatly increase his strength to have any hope of winning.

As for how to enhance strength, on the one hand, it is to absorb more faith and transform it into white energy to temper the soul.

On the other hand, get some powerful magical powers from other powerful gods.

"It just so happens that I need to break through the divine realms of some gods during my lecture on the Eight Great Incarnations. I can take this opportunity to acquire some powerful magical powers, which should be enough to prepare me to break through the three-star divine realms of Fortune, Luxury and Shou."

"No, I have to search for one or two more powerful magical powers. I need to obtain them in a targeted manner, rather than breaking through the divine realm by chance."

Fang Yi suddenly thought that the Supreme God, the mythological system of the three major religions of Christianity, Tianfang Sect and Hinduism, was very strong.

Nowadays, Hinduism has obtained some magical powers from Shiva, and Brahma has also obtained them, but the help is not very great.

As for Vishnu, he has not yet found any temple that has given up his faith. In addition, he has left India in his incarnation, so there is no need to return specially.

So after Fang Yi thought for a while, he set his target on the gods of Christianity and Tianfang sect who were about to preach.

As long as he can find a temple where Christianity and the Tianfang sect have severed their beliefs, he should be able to obtain one or two super powerful magical powers from them.

You don’t have to worry about these things yourself, since they have incarnations anyway.

Fang Yi conveyed his thoughts to the incarnations, and asked the incarnations to attack the divine realms of Christianity and Tianfang sect for him to obtain supernatural powers.

Later, he entered into practice again.


There is no time in the mountains, and the year is unknown in the cold.

Twenty days passed by in a flash.

On this day, Fang Yi finally completed the "21 days of yellow clouds hitting the top".

Above the soul, yellow clouds filled the sky, floating like feather caps.

Perhaps the reason why the number of followers continues to increase is because of the incarnations' preaching.

In just 21 days, Fang Yi was able to peel away most of the darkness from his soul.

It's just a little short of being able to peel off cleanly.

"The True Dragon and Tiger Nine Immortals Sutra is so amazing. Without this mysterious skill, even if my faith increased significantly, I would not have been able to almost peel away the yin from my soul in 21 days."

Fang Yi sighed at the mystery of Xuan Gong, "I can leave the border immediately to find the three-star divine realm of fortune, wealth and longevity. Before that, I will first see if I can use the "True Dragon and Tiger Nine Immortals Sutra" Xuan Gong to practice the treasure of the soul. "

He didn't dare to expect to develop such a high-end treasure as the Golden Hammer all at once.

Even just being able to practice daggers would be enough.

"Dagger swords are divided into nine levels. I don't know how many dagger swords I can practice with my current soul strength."

Thinking about it, Fang Yi started to practice.

Those who refine swords should first collect the essence, and then raise the heart fire. The lungs are the wind cat, the liver wood is the charcoal, the spleen is the yellow mud, and the kidneys are the essence of the sun and the moon.

The kidneys are water, the spleen soil is mud, the body is a furnace, a breath of air is Dharma, and the breath becomes the breath of the sword.

He did it according to the exercises.

There was no reaction at first.

But as the movement continued, Fang Yi felt the first dagger gradually being born in his body.

This is a sword that is as physical as a sword.

Fang Yi could have a premonition that this sword could be realized at will.

"This is the sword of the swordsman."

He kept calm and continued practicing.

Soon, the second sword was gradually born in the body.

This time it was a sword that looked like it was made of ink.

"Ghost hero, whose form is invisible to humans, he cultivates the ink-and-wash form of gods and ink swords."

Fang Yi was neither happy nor sad, practicing the third sword.

This time it took longer.

About two or three hours later, the third sword was born in the body.

This sword is like a stream of energy, filled with cold and extremely murderous intent.

Fang Yi nodded slightly, "Only by learning to regulate one's breath, one can refine the essence into a sword. The sword becomes like Qi, and can be fought back and forth. It is called the Sun Qi Sword."

Start practicing the fourth sword again.

This time it took a full day and night.

After the drill came out, Fang Yi saw a flaming dagger.

He was overjoyed, "I finally practiced the dagger!"

This dagger sword is filled with extraordinary fire. It is the samadhi of fire, possessing immense power.

Fang Yi was satisfied and wanted to try practicing the fifth dagger.

It's a pity that this time he didn't have enough energy, so no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't perform it.

He could only vaguely see a watery light emerging from his body.

If nothing else, if it could evolve, it should be a water-attribute dagger.

"Huh, I'm not strong enough. It seems I can't practice it for the time being."

Fang Yi did not continue the drill.

Because he felt that the gloom in his soul was about to be eliminated, and it was about to transform into milky white.

Fang Yi knew that once he could successfully attack, his soul would become unprecedentedly powerful.

If the self before the "Global Tour" stood in front of me, I could destroy it with a wave of my hand.

Yes, it is that strong!

He began the final assault!

 For some reason, the religion that worships God cannot be written in the book, so that religion is not included in the setting of this article, and a Tianfang sect is fabricated.

(End of this chapter)

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