I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 316 Everyone can live forever

Chapter 316 Everyone can live forever

Huangshan Daojun Palace.

Except for the walls of the inner courtyard, all the other walls surrounding Daojun Palace have disappeared.

No matter where you sit far or how close you are, you can more or less see the large temporary altar covering an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. In addition to the incense table, there are also portraits of Chen Pu, Zhong Zu, Laozi and others.

It was already around ten o'clock.

The "sermon" that originally started at 09:30 has been delayed for half an hour.

Originally, the Huangshan Daojun Palace thought that it would be great to have thousands of people come to listen to the lecture.

After all, this matter was decided long before Fang Yi's "global tour".

At that time, invitation letters were only sent to relatively well-known Taoist temples and Buddhist temples in the country.

Later it turned into public preaching.

But I didn’t expect so many people to come at that time.

No, more than 20 to [-] people came all of a sudden.

And people keep coming.

Just maintaining order took a lot of time.

Naturally, it affected the time of the opening sermon.

People poured into the area near Daojun Palace.

There are people from both Buddhist and Taoist circles, people doing scientific research, and journalists.

Of course, there are more ordinary people.

Some are just for the sake of popularity.

Some sincerely want to know the secret of immortality.

"Journalists can shoot from the front and sides to maintain order."

"Thank you, thank you, Daozhang Zheng."

"As a reminder, although filming of the live opening sermon is allowed, please turn off the flash and do not make noisy sounds that may affect the live sermon."

"What if we want to ask questions?"

"If you want to ask a question, raise your hand. When the real person calls your name, you can stand up and ask. But the real person just said that the articles you reporters write must be truthful, and you must not add oil or vinegar to tamper with the content of the sermon to sensationalize."

"Don't worry, Daozhang Zheng, we won't write the manuscript randomly."

Zheng Xian, Zhang Taigong and fifteen Taoist priests ran up and down the temple and explained the rules to those who came to listen to the sermon.

Anyone can know what kind of place this is.

That is the dojo of the living immortal.

Public preaching today is already a true act of mercy.

Who dares to make trouble here?
The reporters just wanted to take good pictures, so they all chose to stand in front and on the left and right sides to record.

The rest of the people who had come to hear the sermon also took their seats.

Two people from the Buddhist and Taoist circles who are close to Huangshan Taojun Palace, including Master Zhang Tianshi, Taoist Li, Zen Master Jiecheng, and Master Juncai from both places, sat in the first row on the right side to listen to the lecture.

Big bosses such as Lu Tingsong and Huang Yunshan sat low-key in a temporary shed on the left side of the first row.

Zhang Daojin, the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, lamented: "When Uncle Qiu opened the forum and preached, he didn't even have one-thousandth of the power of a real person preaching."

"How can I compare with a real person?" Daoist Master Qiu couldn't laugh or cry, and then he said worriedly: "The real person will probably explain the longevity technique later. We cultivators can more or less understand it, but I'm afraid that those in society won't understand and will turn around. If you continue to question the authenticity of the real person’s explanation of the secret of immortality, it will damage the real person’s reputation.”

Daochang Li said: "It's their business that they don't understand. It doesn't hinder my respect for the real person."

"That's true." Daochang Xu still looked worried, "But if the explanation is not thorough and cannot be understood by the outside world, just like Teacher Qiu said, it will indeed have an impact on the reputation of the real person."

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

When everyone saw it, it was Taoist Master Liu from Qingcheng who came to the altar with a handsome young man.

Wanwan Celestial Master Zhang Zhendao was startled and quickly said hello: "Oh, Brother Liu Dao, what are you doing?"

Zen Master Jie Cheng was also frightened, "Why are you still leading your descendants to the altar?"

"It was a real person who sent a message to me to bring Shi Yuan to the altar. I don't know what happened." Daochang Liu looked puzzled.

Li Shiyuan, a young man who came with Daochang Liu and looked at the surroundings curiously, also looked a little confused.

He was devoted to cultivating Taoism on weekdays, and was not familiar with Master Fang except for the occasional mention of Master Liu Taoist Master and several high-level masters in Qingcheng.

Today, I was invited by the Taoist mythologist Fang Zhenren to attend the Dharma altar and listen to the sermon.

While this made him flattered, he was also filled with doubts.

I wonder how Master Fang knows about this unknown person.

While people from the Buddhist and Taoist circles were chatting, many people in society were also secretly shocked.

Before, whether they publicly expressed their support or doubts about Fang Yi's explanation of the secret of immortality, they never expected that so many people would come to listen.

Seeing this scene, those people in society who supported Fang Yi felt a little uneasy. They had the same idea as Zhang Tianshi and others. They were afraid that Fang Yi's explanation of the secret of immortality was too mysterious. If those doubters didn't understand, they might not even support Fang Yi. People will also be criticized.

At this time, those who support Fang Yi only hope that the fewer people there, the better, because this way the influence will be weakened.

However, the number of people continues to increase.

There were other people who came from all directions and after communicating with the police officers who maintained order, they found an open place to sit down.

At a glance, the mountains and plains are filled with dense crowds of people.

This makes those old professors in biology who question the authenticity of the mystery of immortality can't help but be jealous.

Although they knew that Fang Yi was a true immortal who had gained Taoism, he was giving a sermon today. He basically talked about the secrets of Taoism and birth, which ordinary people might not understand, yet so many people came to listen.

When they, old professors in the field of biology, give open classes, they don’t see many students coming to listen.

Sure enough, people are more popular than people.

But after thinking about it for a while, these people were relieved.

After all, Zhenren Fang is a man among the gods and has a good reputation.

It is normal to attract more than 20 to [-] people to listen to the secrets of immortality.

Chu Qing and Li Sisi were sitting halfway up the mountain. Although they couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the Huangshan Daojun Palace, they were already looking forward to it.

Chu Qing said: "I don't know how Fang Yi will explain the secret of immortality today. Could it be explained in Taoist terms? That way we ordinary people wouldn't be able to understand."

A young man next to him interjected: "Master Fang is a Taoist immortal. He must use Taoist terminology to explain. Hey, if we understand what we are doing, we can just join in the fun."

"Yes, just for fun." Li Sisi agreed.

But Chu Qing blinked and said: "I think since Fang Yi dares to announce to the outside world a detailed explanation of the secret of immortality, he will definitely not use some mysterious and mysterious Taoist terminology that everyone cannot understand."

A 31-[-]-year-old young Professor Song from the field of biology was sitting next to them and suddenly said: "Actually, it's okay if you don't understand. We can just ask Taoist people carefully afterwards. Generally speaking, there are specialties in the field, and Master Fang Since he is a real Taoist, he will definitely use Taoist terminology to explain it, and it is impossible for everyone to understand it."

Chu Qing didn't understand, "Why can't everyone understand it?"

The young man named Jin who spoke earlier seemed to know something, "Haha, it's not that Master Fang doesn't want everyone to understand, but there are some things that can't be explained in detail. After all, not everyone understands the structure of the human body. If you use popular language rashly, To explain, the effect may be counterproductive, so instead of using this, it is better to use the mysterious and mysterious Taoist terminology to be more vague, at least those who study Taoist knowledge can understand it."

A young Taoist priest behind smiled and said: "Actually, there are some things that we as Taoists may not understand. We just rely on the experience passed down by our ancestors and experience the feeling, and then it will naturally fall into place."

When everyone heard that people who were studying Taoist knowledge might not understand it, everyone became discouraged. It seemed that today they could only have fun.

Reporters are also communicating with each other.

"What if you don't understand?"

"What can I do? Just memorize it and report it."

"It's a pity that I haven't studied Taoist culture, otherwise I might be able to understand it better."

"It's like no one has ever studied before, haha."

From the beginning, no one thought they could understand the secret of immortality that Fang Yi would explain later.

The vast majority of people just come here to join in the fun and have no regrets in their hearts.

Some big names in biology who were sitting closer to the seniors were also chatting.

Professor Meng asked: "By the way, have you studied Taoist cultural knowledge these days?"

Professor Lin next to him blinked and said: "I have done some research. I wonder if I can understand some of the content of Fang Zhenren's sermon later." Professor Xu said speechlessly: "I have not studied any knowledge of Taoist culture, so I am not allowed to listen. Is it all a waste of time to come here in the fog?"

Professor Meng smiled and said: "It's okay. I'll ask the Taoist priests later. If they can't explain the reason, then it's probably that immortality is not an opportunity that everyone can have. This confirms my initial suspicion."

Until now, Professor Meng still insists on his original idea that the secret of immortality is just a gimmick to attract people to come and listen to the sermon.

He even felt that Fang Yi might mention one or two sentences near the end of his sermon and forget about it, without really wanting to explain it at all.

Many people at the scene had the same idea as Professor Meng. They came purely with the idea of ​​​​"just in case" and did not have any big expectations.

Regardless of everyone’s purpose and mood, this sermon is highly anticipated!

The Buddhist and Taoist circles are paying attention, the big guys are paying attention, reporters are paying attention, scientific researchers are paying attention, and the whole society is also paying attention!

At this time, the reporters had already adjusted all the cameras, and hundreds of cameras were pointed directly at the altar.

Whether you understand it or not.

These are all precious materials for the true immortal’s public sermons.

Of course they had to write down every word.


It was a quarter past ten.

Although there are still people arriving one after another, Huangshan Daojun Palace is not ready to wait any longer.

There are currently a total of 10,000+ people on and off the mountain.

Of course, the real audience is much more than that.

Because there are many big anchors at the scene, broadcasting live.

If you include the viewers who are online at the same time in the live broadcast room, I am afraid there must be millions of people listening to the sermon.

Suddenly, Xu Xiaoli and Lu Shisheng, who were wearing Taoist robes, knelt down on the ground and said loudly: "Welcome to the Master."

People from both Buddhist and Taoist circles quickly knelt down and saluted.

On the contrary, the people in the society did not react. They just applauded as if they were about to see their idol perform on stage. It was very enthusiastic.

The next second, a golden light shone in the middle of the altar.

Immediately, fresh air surged.

Everyone looked anxiously.

I saw a vague figure wrapped in pure air appearing in front of me.

In the blink of an eye, the figure became clear.

Her hair is embedded with a nine-gong white jade crown, and she is wearing a Bagua green silk robe;
Wearing Tai Chi Lianyun boots, only the two sleeves of the broad robe are windy.

What an extraordinary and saintly person!
Many people couldn't help but secretly praise him when they saw Fang Zhenren's figure.

To be honest, although everyone has seen many immortal characters in movies and TV shows, no one can compare with the Fang Zhenren in front of him, who exudes a detached aura even when he stands still.

Maybe Fang Zhenren is not "particularly handsome".

But as soon as he stood over there, he made people feel tall and majestic, majestic and heroic.

There were even some little girls who looked at it with stars in their eyes and shouted over there.

"Master Fang, I love you."

"Master Fang, you are so handsome!"

It's a pity that the voices of these little girls were drowned out by the loud shouts from the Buddhist and Taoist circles in front of them as soon as they were born.

"Welcome to the real holy driver!"

"Welcome to the World Honored One!"

The slogans of people from both Buddhist and Taoist circles are almost the same, except for the different titles of "Zhenzhen" and "World Honored One". The sound of the slogans is so loud that it can't be described as deafening.

Fang Yi smiled and nodded to everyone, "Everyone, sit down, the sermon will begin soon."

"Thank you, sir."

"Thank you World Honored One."

Only then did people from both Buddhist and Taoist circles get up and sit back down.

After the initial welcome, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Everyone was waiting to hear Master Fang's sermon, so naturally there wouldn't be any noise.

There is one issue that everyone is most concerned about right now.

It's nothing more than when Master Fang started explaining the secret of immortality.

Probably after a lengthy explanation of the Taoist Scriptures?
It is unlikely that the secret of immortality will be explained right away.

Many people think so.

Only the young man Li Shiyuan standing on the altar was stunned.

He never thought that Fang Zhenren, the master of Qingcheng Sect, Gao Gong Master and others, said he had great supernatural powers and boundless magic power, was actually the great master of alchemy who taught him the art of immortality a while ago!
Master Fang, the supreme Taoist master.

You actually go all the way to Mount Qingcheng to teach my supreme Dharma?
Li Shiyuan's mind really went blank, and he still can't believe it.

Fang Yi didn't seem to "attention" to Li Shiyuan, and just led Xu Xiaoli and Lu Shisheng to worship Chen Pu, Zhong Liquan, Laozi, etc. first.

After the worship was over, he looked at everyone and said calmly: "So, today's opening sermon officially begins. I want to know what aspect everyone is most interested in? Who can tell me."

His voice was obviously not very loud, but even people sitting on the mountainside could clearly hear it.

This made many people exclaim that it was amazing and at the same time, they quickly raised their hands.

Fang Yi looked towards Shining and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, long time no see. Come and ask a question."

Chen Jin didn't expect that he would be the first to be called. He was extremely honored for a moment. He hurriedly stood up and saluted, and then said: "Since I said goodbye to the real person two or three years ago, I have been studying Taoist cultural knowledge. Now I have a little understanding, and finally Naturally, I am interested in the art of immortality."

"what about you?"

Fang Yi looked at the others again.

"So are we."

"I want to know the secret of immortality."

"Master Fang, when will you tell me the secret of immortality?"

A steady stream of responses resounded from the scene.

"Okay, I understand your wishes, please be quiet first."

Fang Yi pressed his hands, put his hands behind his back and took two steps on the altar, "Since you are interested, let me explain the secret of immortality first."

Are you talking about the secret of immortality?

Many people are a little confused.

Because they initially thought that Fang Yi would casually mention a few words about the mystery of immortality after explaining other Taoist scriptures, and would not treat it as the real theme.

After all, as some big names in biology have said, no matter what Fang Yi said is right or not, not everyone can understand the secret of immortality.

However, now not only must the mystery of immortality be explained immediately, but it seems that it will also become the theme of this sermon?
This surprised everyone.

Professor Meng, Professor Lin and others were also stunned, a little unbelievable.

Fang Yi said with a smile: "Immortality has always been one of the most interesting topics for human beings. There are many people who seek immortality in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, such as the familiar immortal cultivators, alchemists, etc. Of course, in modern society, many scientific researchers I am also working hard to conquer the secret of immortality. I may have some methods of extending life, but it is only limited to extending life and cannot achieve immortality in the true sense. Today, I will fully disclose the secret of immortality to the world, and let you live every day. Everyone understands as much as possible.”


"What does this mean?"

"Master Fang wants each of us to understand the secret of immortality?"

Zhang Daojin almost fainted, "Is Master Fang serious?"

Li Shiyuan was also a little confused. How could everyone understand this kind of thing?
They weren't the only ones who thought so.

Almost everyone there had similar thoughts.

However, at this moment, Fang Yi made a shocking statement: "Actually, immortality is very simple. As long as you understand a crucial secret of the human body, everyone can live forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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