I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 317 The bombshell dropped by Fang Yi

Chapter 317 The bombshell dropped by Fang Yi

Daojun Palace became noisy.

A lot of people were talking about it.

A female reporter who was further behind said in astonishment: "Zhenren Fang wants everyone to understand the secret of immortality? He also said that as long as he understands one secret of the human body, everyone can live forever? This... how is this possible? !”

Another male reporter was also a little confused, "What secrets are hidden in the human body that can make everyone live forever?"

An old reporter became excited and said, "Today is some super explosive news!"

"Yes, if it is confirmed to be true, it will rewrite the rhythm of human history!" A young reporter who admired Fang Yi very much sounded a little excited.

the other side.

Professor Meng breathed in and said: "This... this..."

Professor Lin's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. Although he supported Fang Yi, he really didn't expect Fang Yi to actually say "everyone can live forever"!

Professor Meng held it in for a long while, "...How is it possible that everyone can live forever? Did Master Fang say something wrong? It would be great if we can understand this kind of thing. Everyone can do whatever we talk about?"

People from both Buddhist and Taoist circles were also chatting.

"Master Zhang Tian, ​​here!" said the Taoist priest who was a first-year priest.

Zhang Daojin held his breath for a long time and couldn't say anything.

Taoist priest Qiu smiled bitterly, "I believe that Master Fang can understand the secret of immortality. At least we cultivators can understand it more or less, but it seems a bit mysterious that everyone can live forever."

Zen Master Jiecheng was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect Fang Yi to drop such a bombshell from the beginning.

A teacher next to him almost fainted: "We are not extraordinary and holy Buddhas like the World Honored One. How can we live forever?"

Also shocked were ordinary people.

Chu Qing looked stunned and said: "Fang Yi is not joking with us, is he? Everyone can live forever? Is it true?"

Professor Song was speechless and said: "I think this sentence may be half true. I'm not questioning whether Zhenren Fang can make people live forever. After all, he is a true immortal. If he wants to make a person live forever, he may be able to do it, but this person It’s incredible that everyone can live forever. There are many factors that affect life span. How is it possible that just by discovering one secret of the human body, everyone can live forever?”

He immediately became curious, "What secret could make Master Fang say such a thing?"

Li Sisi was full of energy, "I really want to know what the secret Fang Zhenren said is, I'm so looking forward to it!"

Chen Jin was also talking to his daughter, "Zhenren Fang is so speechless that he never stops talking! I'm looking forward to this sermon."

Chen Xiaoqing blinked and said: "I once witnessed Uncle Fang single-handedly preventing a huge avalanche in Kunlun Mountain. I believe his words will not be unreasonable. Dad, I think the secret of immortality explained by Uncle Fang today will shock the world's creatures." Academia!”

Boss Wei said excitedly: "I wonder if I, Old Wei, can learn the secret of immortality from a real person."


Looking at everyone's expressions, Fang Yi was not surprised at all, and said with a smile: "I think almost everyone here has learned some knowledge about biology, right? Is there anyone who hasn't?"

As soon as he spoke, he fell silent.

Dozens of people here and there raised their hands.

Fang Yi said humbly: "There should be some people who are embarrassed to raise their hands, but it seems that most people have learned some biological knowledge. Even if they haven't studied it, at least it has been in various newspapers, magazines, and short video bloggers' videos I have seen some, so I have reason to believe that no matter what purpose the people here today have, they still want to live forever in the true sense, right?"

The crowd below nodded.

Fang Yi smiled, "Now, before I tell you how to achieve immortality, I want to announce something, which is the topic I just started. The shocking secrets hidden in the human body are also what science can currently detect. I have come to know the secret but have not fully understood it. I am going to tell you solemnly now. Many people may not be able to accept it, but I still have to say that the secret that can make people live forever is..."

Many people immediately pricked up their ears.

Fang Yi directly dropped an answer that almost made everyone faint, "Telomeres!"

As soon as this statement came out, more than 20 to [-] people at the scene were instantly silent!
For a moment, the expressions of the densely packed crowd became stunned, and suddenly there was silence.

one second……

two seconds...

three seconds...

Finally, a shy-looking female biologist slapped her forehead and said, "Oh my God!"

A wordless exclamation came out of her mouth without any concealment.

Then, bursts of exclamations came out.


"What did Master Fang just say?"

"Can anyone repeat it again? I really don't understand!"

"The secret that affects human longevity is telomeres? Isn't this pseudoscience? The biological community has previously confirmed that telomeres are not the key factor affecting longevity, but Mr. Fang said that telomeres affect longevity? Did I hear it wrong?"

"Yes, long telomeres are not the key to longevity. The New York Times once reported an interesting phenomenon. The telomere length of mice is ten times longer than that of humans, but they do not show a corresponding lifespan advantage. This shows that telomere length is not the key to longevity. A key factor in biological longevity.”

"More importantly, scientific research has found that long telomeres may increase the risk of cancer. Studies have found that cancer cells tend to have longer telomeres, which helps cancer cells continue to divide and spread. Therefore, excessively extending telomeres not only It does not bring longevity, but may endanger human health.”

"Did Zhenren Fang say something wrong?"

"Telomeres are really not the key to longevity!"

"Let's listen to what Master Fang will explain next. Let's not deny it in a hurry."

"I don't want to deny it, but the connection between longevity and telomeres is untenable."

Zhang Daojin in the front row also had a helpless look on his face, saying in his heart, this time the real person's reputation will be ruined.

Daochang Li's eyes also turned black. He felt that if Fang Yi wanted to explain the secret of immortality, he could just talk a few words casually using Taoist's mysterious and mysterious terminology. In this way, everyone would not be able to find something to talk about, but he had to use biological terms. This was not a gift to that group of people. Are the experts who study biology looking for a topic?Zen Master Jiacheng, Master Juncai and others also had dark eyes.

Many of Fang Yi's "fans" were so anxious that they almost fainted. Mr. Fang, can we stop making trouble?
Professor Meng suddenly laughed, looked sideways and said, "Professor Lin, how are you? Am I right?"

Professor Lin pretended not to hear, lowering his head and not knowing what he was thinking.

Professor Meng's smile became even brighter, and he felt that it was basically as he had guessed before!

Chen Jin: "..."

Chu Qing: "..."

Professor Song: "..."

Almost everyone who knows a little bit about living things is deceived!
Because the bomb thrown by Fang Yi is so speechless. These are things that have been verified by modern science and proven to be "pseudoscience". Now that Fang Yi mentions it, everyone will of course be speechless.

But if we say it the other way around, if Fang Yi can prove this, then the entire biological world will explode, and the future development of mankind will be completely rewritten.

But could this be true?

Nobody believed it.

A male researcher in the field of biology couldn't help but raise his hand. After hearing Fang Yi's permission to ask a question, he stood up and said: "Master Fang, I'm not questioning whether you can live forever, but telomeres have proven not to be the case. Key factors affecting longevity.”

He is engaged in biological research, how could he not understand this?Of course I can't accept Fang Yi's point of view.

Fang Yi looked at him, not angry at all, and said with a smile: "Of course telomeres are not the key factor affecting longevity."

The male researcher who said this was a little confused. Didn't you just say that telomeres are related to longevity?Why is it now said that it is not a key factor affecting longevity?These words are contradictory!

Many people shared the same puzzled look.

After making such shocking remarks, Fang Yi seemed very calm and casual, as if he knew that the people present would think so.

He still said in a calm tone: "I know that many people cannot accept it cognitively. After all, as some people have learned, the New York Times has long confirmed that telomere length cannot show an absolute lifespan advantage, but I want to say is the fact. Why do I dare to say that? Because everything I explain next will subvert all of your understanding, or in other words, it will improve your understanding of what you already know. You can also give your opinions at any time. I will also answer my opinions one by one, and in the end you will see if what I said is correct."

Still right?

Certainly not!
How can something that has been confirmed be disproven?

Everyone had this idea in mind. Even Chen Xiaoqing, Chu Qing and other people who were close to Fang Yi and admired him in their hearts couldn't accept it when they heard that "telomeres are related to longevity".

If there is something that science has not proven and you just talk about it and no one understands it, then there is nothing to say.

But the key is that science has proven that unless you can get everyone a subversive answer, it is impossible to believe anything you say.

Another person from the biology community raised his hand.

This time he was an old professor.

Fang Yi took a look and said, "Please tell me."

The old professor stood up, pushed up his glasses, and said in a respectful tone: "Master Fang, I have great respect for you, but I find it difficult to accept the point you just made."

Fang Yi still smiled and said: "Why can't you accept it?"

The old professor was stunned, "Didn't you just say that the New York Times has confirmed that telomere length does not reflect lifespan advantages."

Fang Yi smiled even brighter, "Didn't I explain just now that telomeres are indeed not the key factor in longevity. What I said is related to longevity, right?"

"This one……"

The old professor was speechless for a moment.

Others also became even more confused.


Isn't there a direct relationship between longevity and immortality?

If you think about it carefully, there seems to be a big difference between longevity and immortality.


Many people are suffocating to death. They just feel that what Fang Yi said is wrong, but they can't refute it because they don't know what real immortality is like!
"Professor Qin, please sit down. Your courage to ask questions is worthy of encouragement." Fang Yi smiled and glanced at the old professor with admiration, "I just said that there is an essential difference between longevity and immortality. Those who live forever can definitely live longer, but longevity Those who live longer may not necessarily be able to live forever. The main reason is that the goal of longevity is to 'die late'. I hope to live longer, regardless of aging. However, longevity is different. If you want to live forever, you must maintain body functions to a certain extent. Only by maintaining strong Only with vitality can we achieve 'immortality', so have you ever thought about why the human body ages?"

This is very interesting.

Professor Lin, who had been keeping his head down, suddenly raised his head and became interested.

Professor Meng also groaned and his eyes became serious. He wanted to hear what Fang Yi would say.

Indeed, there is a big difference between longevity and immortality.

As for why the human body ages, science has actually explored several main reasons, including cell aging, oxidative stress, genes, environment and other factors.

The most important of these is cell senescence, which is inevitable.

One thing that suddenly occurs to many people is that there is a direct relationship between cellular aging and telomere shortening.

In other words, Fang Yi’s topic just now did not say that telomere length is related to longevity or immortality from beginning to end. What he meant was that shortened telomeres are related to longevity and longevity!
When they thought of this, everyone was shocked.

If you look at it this way, maybe telomeres really are the key to human longevity?

The argument becomes interesting.

Everyone was sitting upright, wanting to hear Fang Yi's next explanation and see if they could truly discover the secret of immortality.

Yes, when Fang Yi put forward this point of view, everyone was no longer as resistant and questioning as they were at the beginning. Instead, they seriously considered the information in his words one by one. They knew that the good news was coming!

(End of this chapter)

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