I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 326 The era of interstellar immigration is coming

Chapter 326 The era of interstellar immigration is coming
The birthday of Huangshan Daojun is over.

The mystery of immortality and cosmology that Fang Zhenren preached at the forum are still spreading around the world.

Originally, this topic must have been the most popular in recent times.

However, China Aerospace updated a piece of information on its official website, which instantly took away the popularity of the topic.

China Aerospace said the recruitment of the first batch of talents in civil engineering, construction, agriculture and various surveying industries is nearing completion.

Is recruitment nearing completion?
Everyone knows what this means!
In an instant, there was a new sensation on the Internet that night.

Someone retweeted this message on Weibo and wrote: "The recruitment of infrastructure talents for aerospace has ended. Will the first batch of interstellar immigrants be about to begin?"

Not long after this person's Weibo was posted, a large group of people came to it.

"Recruitment finished?"

"Damn it, I never thought I would have the chance to see interstellar immigrants in my lifetime!"

"Don't get excited, everyone. The aerospace sector is currently just saying that it has recruited all the people. It has not said that interstellar immigration will be carried out immediately. Training may be needed next."

"Well, training takes a lot of time. How can we immediately immigrate to the interstellar space as soon as we recruit people?"

"I think interstellar immigration is really coming."

"Yes, this interstellar migration was led by Master Fang. Master Fang can travel across a distance of 490 light years in an instant, and he even trained a chicken!"

"Is the aerospace industry still recruiting talents? I beg you to let me join. As long as I am given an apartment on the new planet, I am willing to work for free!"

"Give me an apartment and work for free!"

"Give me an apartment and work for free!"




This news caused a huge sensation not only on Weibo.

Douyin, Kuaishou, forums, Tieba and major portal websites all became a sensation because of this news.

The enthusiasm of the Chinese people...or the people of modern society for interstellar immigration was suddenly ignited.

Some people just want to see what Daojun's planet is like.

Some people are more ambitious. As soon as they heard that there are no intelligent creatures surviving on Daojun's planet, they immediately started the idea of ​​"starting a business", thinking about becoming the first or second batch of interstellar immigrants, and then the king's body would Shocked, it attracted countless heroes and bowed their heads to worship, wouldn't the country and the country have come?

Of course, there are also people who just want to escape the heavy pressure of modern society and think that living on a new planet will be very comfortable, so they want to live on a new planet.

Anyway, there are people with any purpose.

But everyone has a common idea, that is, they want to see the first batch of interstellar immigrants arrive as soon as possible.


The next morning.

Huangshan Daojun Palace, the top floor of the Golden Tower.

Fang Yi was particularly satisfied when he looked at the magic weapons all over the room.

After a night of hard evolution, he finally evolved all the magic weapons he got abroad except the "Archangel's Sword".

A total of 560 seven different magic weapons.

Most of them are obtained from the realm of Thai Buddhist Buddhas, and their power is relatively weak.

Precisely because these magic weapons were relatively weak, Fang Yi didn't even bother to check the effects.

The reason why these magic weapons were evolved was entirely because he wanted to "bury" these things in various places on the Daojun planet, and then set off a craze for cultivating immortals.

Of course, he not only evolved hundreds of new treasures.

Prior to this, Fang Yi had also re-evolved thousands of sets of soap clothes and Yanling waist knives.

These two items he planned to use as standard items for every disciple on Daojun's planet.

Yan Ling's waist sword is not too powerful, and Zaoyi's defense is very good for mortals, which is conducive to maintaining the majesty of his "immortal palace".

"I thought that I was relatively weak at the beginning and could not evolve the Archangel Sword. Now that my strength has increased significantly, I will try to see if I can evolve the infinitely powerful Archangel Sword in Allah's Domain."

Fang Yi has been coveting the "Archangel's Sword" for a long time.

After all, this is Allah's artifact.

He tried to evolve.

Unlock the art of creation.

Energy was transported into the energy field bit by bit.

[-]% Dan Qi.

Thirty percent of Dan Qi.

Ten percent Danqi.

Soon, nearly [-]% of the alchemy energy was delivered.

At this time, Fang Yi could no longer bear the huge consumption of evolution.

"No, if I continue like this, I will be sucked dry by the art of creation. It seems that there is no way to evolve it. How about we talk about it later?"

This idea just came into his mind.

Suddenly, Zhulong's voice was born in his consciousness: "Fellow Taoist, let me help you!"

As soon as the sound fell, Fang Yi felt a powerful energy coming from his soul, instantly replenishing his exhausted golden elixir.


I almost forgot that I could borrow power from Zhulong, who is comparable to the Yang God level!
Fang Yi was overjoyed and once again put all his energy into conveying energy into the Art of Creation.

370 percent!
5.00% one hundred and sixty!
790 percent!
Finally, after transferring about [-]% of the energy, a big sword with thunder and white light appeared in Fang Yi's palm.

It's just that the great sword at this time is just a show, and it hasn't really evolved yet.

"It is expected that it will evolve by delivering 320% of the alchemy energy."

In the past, just delivering 320% of the elixir energy was enough to make Fang Yi fall down due to fatigue, but now that Zhulong was lending him strength, Fang Yi didn't feel tired at all.

He continued to convey Dan Qi.

Not long after, the remaining 320% of the alchemy energy was also transported.

Fang Yi felt his palm sink, and at the same time, a terrifying aura rose from the newly evolved Archangel Sword.

This terrifying aura was filled with heat and a numbing electric shock.

Even though Fang Yi's physical body was so powerful, he felt like he was about to be roasted and electrocuted in front of this aura.

"What a powerful magic weapon!" He looked at the sword with thunder and white light intertwined in his hand, his eyes full of solemnity.

Not surprisingly, this sword should be an "attack type" magic weapon.

If the power is deduced based on the transmitted energy, the power of this sword may be more than ten times as powerful as his own full-strength explosion, and it may be more.

The most important thing is that Fang Yi has seen the power of thunder and white light. It can be said that there is nothing wrong with describing it as invincible.

In other words, if this big sword is used against the enemy, the terrifying power it unleashes will not only destroy everything in a large area, but may also ignore some materials with particularly powerful defenses.

For example, nuclear pasta.

Nuclear pasta is 100 billion times denser than steel.

So anyone can deduce from this how strong the defense of nuclear pasta is.

Under normal conditions, Fang Yi felt that even if he exploded with all his strength, he might not be able to cause much damage to a substance like nuclear pasta.

Since there are magical substances like nuclear pasta in the universe, there may naturally be other substances with stronger defense capabilities than nuclear pasta.

In addition, Fang Yi directly observed that there are aliens in the universe.

If such a substance is used by aliens, especially aliens with advanced civilizations, it may make their current power burst useless.

But it's different with the Archangel Sword.

This thing can destroy nuclear pasta like chopping melons and vegetables.

Fang Yi thought so in his heart.

But the next moment messages came from the Archangel Sword, and he realized that the Archangel Sword was not only powerful and indestructible, but also had some special effects.

It has two special effects.

First, within the range of the maximum power of the Archangel Sword, the user can "teleport" at will.

For example, when Fang Yi is fighting with people in a normal state, if he wants to avoid an attack, he usually either flies or moves at high speed to dodge.

But after using the Archangel Sword, he can appear and appear at any point in a large area anytime and anywhere.

It can be said that the combat ability has been greatly improved.

Second, the Archangel's Sword has huge damage and suppression blessings to people or objects with the same energy attribute as the user.

To put it simply, it is equivalent to the combination of Demon-Slaying Lord Divine Realm and Laozi's 81st Transformation to suppress the opponent's strength.

The more important thing is that the damage bonus of the Archangel Sword is as high as 50.00%.

The suppression effect also reached a terrifying 50.00%.

You must know that the suppression effect of my 81 transformation is only about 30.00%.

There was one last piece of information that surprised Fang Yi the most.

The Archangel Sword, like the Yanyue Sword, can be used freely in the real world and the divine realm!
Only then did he realize how precious this archangel sword was.

"With this Archangel Sword, Jehovah's magical power, and the magical power I learned before, the hope of breaking through the three-star divine realm of Fortune, Luxu, and Shou has greatly increased!"

Fang Yi was excited for a while.

Then he couldn't help but sigh, "These days, I have covered the entire earth with my spiritual consciousness, trying to search for the divine realm of the Three Stars of Fortune, Luxury and Longevity, but I still can't find it."

Not even the divine realm can be found.

Why are you talking about breaking through the divine realm?
Fang Yi stood up.

With a wave of his hand, all the magic weapons on the ground were collected into the golden eggs.

He looked at the scenery of Huangshan Mountain not far away and frowned.

"It's strange. Why can't I find it in the Three Star Divine Realm of Fortune, Luxu and Shou?"

This is very contrary to common sense.

Normal divine realms have a fixed location.

For example, most of the divine realms are hidden in the energy field where the idols were born due to the power of faith.

There are also some special divine realms, such as the Western Queen Mother Divine Realm, which is based on the Black Sea.

It's just the realm of the Three Stars of Fortune, Luxury and Longevity. Fang Yi searched all over China or every place in the world, but couldn't find any trace.

"My mentor Chen Pu told me that it was in Penglai, but my mind has been scanning Penglai for so long. Why didn't I find it?"

Fang Yi felt that he had overlooked something, but he couldn't think of it for a moment.

"Forget it, don't think about these things for now, finish the things at hand, and then slowly find where the Three Star God Realm of Fortune, Luxu and Shou is hidden."

Thinking about it, Fang Yi took out his mobile phone from his pocket. There were several missed calls on it.

These calls were all from China Aerospace.

He called back.


It just rang once and was connected.

The voice of Yu Jieming, one of the people in charge of China Aerospace, was immediately heard from the opposite side, "Hello, Mr. Fang."

Fang Yi just said lightly, "I'll be right away."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Of course he knew what Yu Jieming wanted to do with him.

It's nothing more than "interstellar immigration".

Now the infrastructure talents have been recruited and daily necessities have been prepared.

China Aerospace must ask Fang Yi when he will carry out interstellar immigration and in what form.

Before he got the magical power of "formation", Fang Yi originally wanted to put all the interstellar immigrants into the treasure ship, and then use space jump to bring them to Daojun's planet.

It's just a little risky to do that.

The treasure ship needs to be packed into a golden egg.

Although Fang Yi tested that it would be okay to put a native chicken into a treasure ship and throw it into a golden egg, but the native chicken did not stay in the golden egg for too long.

He didn't know if there would be any trouble if a hundred thousand people were thrown into a golden egg for more than ten days.

Therefore, Fang Yi prepared to send those people to Daojun Planet in a safer way.

And this safer form is precisely with the help of the "Teleportation Formation" that he just acquired from the magical power of "Formation".

Fang Yi looked toward the South China Sea and pondered secretly: "I don't know how surprised the big guys on Earth will be when they see a formation that can transport people and materials over a distance of four to five hundred light-years. "

Thinking about it, he sent a message to Lu Shisheng, and then his figure gradually disappeared and headed towards the South China Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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