Chapter 327 Teleportation

Two golden lights were flying towards the South China Sea at extremely fast speeds.

Lu Shisheng, who had just put on the "Golden Armor" and tried to fly, looked shocked.

He seemed not to have expected that the master would bestow such a magical weapon.

Fang Yi escorted Lu Shisheng all the way to let him get familiar with the "Golden Armor".

After a few seconds.

The two fell outside the Wenchang Launch Center.

Fang Yi walked forward with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Shisheng, my master gave you two magic weapons this time to enable you to better preach for me on Daojun's planet. You must get familiar with them as soon as possible." How to use these magic weapons."

Lu Shisheng responded respectfully: "Yes, Master. I'm basically familiar with the flying and defensive functions of the golden armor. In addition, I haven't figured out the function of the dragon-headed crutch yet."

Fang Yi hummed, "When you get to Daojun Star, I will give you a few more magic weapons. You should familiarize yourself with these two magic weapons for the time being. It is expected that you will go to Daojun Star in at most ten days, so When you return from here later, you can say goodbye to whoever you want to say goodbye to. After all, you may not be able to return to Earth for two or three years."

Lu Shisheng said: "Except for the former brothers and uncles of Qiu Zu Longmen Sect, Shisheng does not have many concerns on earth."

We are almost at the gate.

Fang Yi suddenly turned his head and looked, "Where is that girl who has a crush on you?"

Lu Shisheng was startled, then smiled bitterly and said: "I was originally a disciple of Quanzhen. Although I have switched to your disciples now, Master, I have never thought about getting married and having children. I just want to follow you, master, to seek immortality."

Fang Yi smiled and said: "I use my magical power to predict the future, and you will have a marriage with her."

After saying that, he had already stepped into the door.

Lu Shisheng was stunned on the spot. The master used his magical power to look into the future and saw his marriage?

He had known for a long time that his master's magical power was astonishing, but he never thought that his master's magical power was so powerful that it could inform the future.


Inside the Wenchang Launch Center.

Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou had already been waiting when they heard that Fang Yi was coming.

The two of them had been waiting eagerly for a long time, and finally saw two golden lights falling from far to near.

Real people are coming!

Seeing this, Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou hurriedly walked out, hoping to supply Fang Zhenren.

As a result, just a few steps after they walked out, they saw Fang Zhenren and a young man wearing Taoist robes in front of the vertical assembly test room equipped with the "Water Mirror Technique".

"I've met Master Fang."

"Master Fang, long time no see. How are you doing?"

Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou came forward to say hello.

Fang Yi glanced sideways and said with a smile, "It's great that I owe you a great blessing."

After a pause, he pointed to the side and said: "He is my second apprentice, Lu Shisheng, Shisheng. These two are Mr. Yu and Ms. Gou respectively. Please get to know each other."

Lu Shisheng quickly saluted Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou as a junior.

He was very polite.

But how could Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou dare to really trust them? They even said they didn't dare.

After the two parties got to know each other, Yu Jieming asked curiously: "Master, what do you want to do at the vertical assembly test facility?"

Fang Yi asked something unexpected: "Next, Shisheng will help me preach on the Daojun planet. He is my true disciple. If your people encounter any difficulties on the Daojun planet, you can go to the Immortal Palace to find him. I don't agree." I will stay on Daojun’s planet all the time.”

Yu Jieming glanced at Lu Shisheng again, and then he realized that Fang Yi didn't have much experience in bringing his apprentice here, and said hurriedly: "Okay, I will talk to my subordinates about this later."

Fang Yi hummed, pointed to the vertical assembly test room and said: "Don't let idlers come in here from now on. I will set up a teleportation array here to allow people on the earth to teleport smoothly to Daojun's planet. "


"Teleportation array?"

Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou were shocked.

Although they are all elderly and don't know much about young people, they can't understand what Fang Yi just said.

The distance between the earth and Daojun's planet is 490 light-years. You can arrange a formation to teleport people there?
It is not surprising that Fang Yi has great magical powers and can easily cross a distance of 490 light-years. But next, China Aerospace will organize 8 people, and other aerospace companies will also send 2 people, for a total of 10 people. Using the so-called teleportation array to span 490 light-years?

To be honest, Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou couldn't believe it.

But they knew that Zhenren Fang would not brag, so they began to look forward to it. What kind of teleportation array would Zhenren Fang build that could transport 10 people across the interstellar space over long distances?

They were not the only ones to have such doubts.

Even Lu Shisheng, one of the people who had the most contact with Fang Yi, felt confused at this moment.

This is 490 light-years. There are still 10 people in the future. Just one teleportation array is enough?

Fang Yi sensed everyone's inner thoughts, but had no explanation.

Golden light surged all over his body, and he opened his mouth and sprayed out.

A stream of pure air burst out from his mouth.

The next moment, this fresh air enveloped the vertical assembly test facility.

Lu Shisheng, Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou couldn't see the situation clearly at all.

The three of them looked confused, wondering if Fang Yi was building a so-called teleportation array.

Fortunately, this feeling did not last long.

After about two and a half minutes, the fresh air gradually dissipated.

However, Lu Shisheng, Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou were surprised to find that the situation in the vertical assembly test facility was different.

Originally there were many steel pillars in the vertical assembly test facility.Nowadays, these steel pillars are completely gone, replaced by "jade pillars".

There are about one hundred and eight huge jade pillars, and there are various incomprehensible lines on these pillars.

Moreover, these jade pillars seemed to be standing in a disorderly manner, but in fact, Lu Shisheng could see clearly that these pillars took on the shape of a "Bagua".

In addition, there are many densely packed small holes around these jade pillars, which seem to be able to insert something.

Finally, there is a huge Tai Chi figure in the middle of the jade pillar.

I don’t know what kind of material this Tai Chi figure is made of. It looks like gold but not gold, and looks like stone but not stone. It doesn’t look shiny at all.

Tai Chi Tu covers an area of ​​approximately one thousand square meters.

Seeing this, Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou thought Fang Yi would introduce the use.

However, Fang Yi remained silent and opened his mouth again.

Maybe Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou didn't see anything.

However, Lu Shisheng clearly felt that the fresh air his master breathed out this time was different from before. He didn't know what the specific difference was. The reason why he could feel it was entirely because of his feelings.

Soon, pieces of palm-sized "white jade" appeared in mid-air in the vertical assembly test facility.

Lu Shisheng took a closer look and saw that these "white jade" were very similar to the jade pendant hanging around his senior brother Xu Xiaoli's neck.

At a glance, I'm afraid there must be 10,000+ pieces of "white jade".

At this time, with a tap of Fang Yi's fingers, the white jade fell to the ground in an orderly manner, forming small square piles.

Perhaps because of the greater consumption, the golden light on his body became a little dim.

It is true that so much white jade was sprayed out at once, which almost exhausted Fang Yi's energy. Fortunately, Zhulong used his strength to replenish himself, so he did not feel tired.

After doing this, he looked sideways at Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou, "Go back and have people insert these white jade into the small holes next to the jade pillars one by one. Oh, by the way, the four pillars in front of the Tai Chi altar Don't insert the white jade. After fifteen days, I will activate the water mirror technique for you to insert. Then you insert the white jade into the small holes around the four pillars."

Yu Jieming hurriedly said: "Okay."

Fang Yi added: "Once all the white jade is inserted, the Tai Chi Tutank will shine with black and white light, and the teleportation array will be successfully opened, but because this teleportation array consumes a lot of energy, So it will only be activated for about half an hour, and you must have 10 people enter the teleportation array in batches within half an hour, otherwise it will take three years before the next time the teleportation array is activated."

The energy contained in each piece of white jade is not too much. For an ultra-long-distance transmission, a large amount of energy will be consumed, and it will take three years to recover.

And currently it is useless to just have "positioning" on the earth. Fang Yi also needs to travel to Daojun's planet and establish a teleportation array. The two complement each other before the teleportation can be truly carried out.

Speaking of this teleportation array, Fang Yi was lazy and could only teleport at a fixed distance of two points.

If he was not lazy, he would design different transmission positions for the transmission array just like designing routes for airplanes.

That would take too much time.

Fang Yi currently just wants to teleport people to Daojun's planet, and it certainly won't take too much effort.

Later, Fang Yi asked Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou to prepare a large amount of supplies first.

He wants to put these materials into a treasure ship and bring them to Daojun's planet.

Well, there are too many supplies. If the energy of the teleportation array is not enough, it will be enough.


Time passes day by day.

China Aerospace also took the opportunity to notify the aerospace companies of various countries and asked them to send all the manpower they wanted to send.

In the past ten days, under the auspices of Yu Jieming, Ms. Gou and others, they have been practicing continuously to get those people to ascend the altar as quickly as possible. The purpose is to complete the teleportation of 10 people within half an hour. Don't waste time.

After all, Fang Yi told them that the teleportation array would only be activated once every three years, for half an hour each time.

Today is the appointed day.

10 people have already stood neatly outside the vertical assembly test site.

In addition, aerospace bosses from various countries also came to the scene in person, and multiple cameras were set up.

This is the first interstellar migration of mankind. Of course, aerospace countries want to capture this precious picture.

Even if it goes well, the aerospace companies of various countries will edit these videos and release them, so that people from all countries can appreciate mankind's first interstellar immigration together.

There was constant discussion outside.

"I heard that Master Fang is going to use the teleportation array to teleport us to Daojun Star?"

"Didn't I say it above? We need to use a teleportation array."

"But why do I feel so dreamy?"

"That's right, can those jade pillars and a Tai Chi Altar really enable interstellar teleportation?"

"Will we die during the teleportation process?"

"Ouch, is there still a risk of death?"

"I just said if, not necessarily."

"Mom, I don't want to die."

Because those volunteers didn't understand the teleportation formation, they all looked very worried, fearing that something would go wrong with the teleportation and they would die suddenly on the spot.

Not to mention the worried faces of these volunteers, even Yu Jieming and aerospace representatives from various countries were a little worried. The teleportation array was too fantasy. They had never seen it before, and they were afraid that something would go wrong.

If something goes wrong, it won't be one or two people who die, but at least 2000 people in a batch!
It's just that these aerospace representatives from various countries know not to reveal their inner worries. After all, they are high-level officials. If even they are worried, who of those volunteers would dare to enter the teleportation array?
Everyone is thinking about it.

Suddenly, the water mirror technique was activated.

A huge water mirror is formed.

Fang Yi's figure appeared in the water mirror, and he said calmly: "Let the first batch of people enter the teleportation formation, and the teleportation will begin."

(End of this chapter)

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