I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 328 Humanity sets foot on a new home for the first time

Chapter 328 Humanity sets foot on a new home for the first time
The first interstellar teleportation for mankind is finally about to begin!

Everyone at the scene was a little nervous, whether it was Yu Jieming, Mr. Ding, Mr. Wu and Mr. Qin from China Aerospace, Bill from Beautiful Country, Dr. Roger Bonnet from ESA, Dmitry from Goose Country. Everyone was nervous.

South Korean Aerospace Director Lee Joong Kim was chatting with Xiaoli Aerospace Director Tachikawa Naoki.

Li Zhongjin asked: "Mr. Tachikawa, do you think this interstellar transmission can be successful?"

Tachikawa Naoki said confidently: "Of course!"

Li Zhongjin looked at Ichiro Miki, the senior executive of Xiaoli next to Tachikawa Naoki, and asked: "Mr. Miki, where are you?"

Ichiro Miki is the person in charge of this small life space project.

His status in his childhood far surpassed that of Tachikawa Naoki.

Miki Ichiro obviously lacked confidence and answered vaguely, "Although I admire Fang Shen very much, the teleportation formation..."

"You're not confident?"

"A bit."

Li Zhongjin glanced at Ichiro Miki and said to himself, "You are too honest. Even if you don't have the confidence, you can't say it directly. What if Fang Shen senses you?"
Others were chatting too.

Bill turned his head and said: "Dr. Roger Bonnet, what do you think the principle of Fang Shen's teleportation array is?"

Dr. Roger Bonnet said speechlessly: "If I want to know what principle it is, it has been developed long ago."

Dmitri laughed and said: "Yeah, I just don't know how the teleportation array can teleport people from the earth to Daojun's planet."

"Hopefully it will be a one-time success."

"Transporting 10 people in half an hour seems a bit rushed."

"That's equivalent to teleporting about 400 people per minute. That translates to 57 people per second. I don't know if it's too late."

"Actually, as long as there is no problem with the teleportation array and you are well prepared, you should still be able to do it in time. After all, the teleportation array is circular. China Airlines has measured it before. The circumference of this teleportation array is about 63 meters, and people can enter it from all directions. As long as the team is good, it should be possible to play 57 people in one second, well, there can be no mistakes."

"I hope there will be no problem with the teleportation formation."

Everyone's tone was full of expectation and worry.

Needless to say, expectations, everyone hopes to see the historic picture of successful interstellar teleportation.

The worry is much simpler. Except for those in fantasy works such as movies, TV series, novels, etc., no one has ever seen a teleportation array. Naturally, they are worried that there will be problems in the middle and the transmission will fail. It is easy to say that someone will die during the transmission.

These people are just like Li Zhongjin. Even though they feel that the teleportation formation is mysterious and have no confidence in their hearts, they never express it.

While these senior aerospace officials from various countries and outside volunteers were discussing in a chaotic manner.

Yu Jieming, as the main person in charge of this project, was also communicating with Fang Yi at this time.

Yu Jieming said to the water mirror: "Master, can you wait a moment? I asked the volunteers to line up to save the time of transmission."

Fang Yi on the other side of the water mirror hummed, "Okay, you tell me to line up, then insert jade stones under the jade pillars around the Tai Chi altar, I activate the teleportation array on my side, and then start teleportation. "

"it is good."

Yu Jieming responded.

Immediately, he turned around and communicated with Ms. Gou.

Ms. Gou immediately informed her staff to arrange for volunteers to line up in an orderly manner.

Lu Tingsong's son Lu Guoxue, Huang Yunshan's youngest son Huang Keyun, Wang Erye's grandson Wang Changping and many direct descendants of Chinese bigwigs boarded the teleportation formation early.

In addition, each of the direct descendants of these big guys brought dozens of people with them.

Counting Lu Shisheng.

There are currently about 500 people in the Tai Chi community.

According to Yu Jieming and Ms. Gou's original idea, the first batch of people to go up should be about 500 to 4000 people. Although it will be very crowded, it can save time.

Logically speaking, there are still about 500 to [-] people in the Tai Chi community at present, and it should be left to China.

China is a country of etiquette. After discussion among senior officials such as President Wu and President Qin, they decided to leave the first batch of 1000 people for various countries’ aerospace missions.

Therefore, Yu Jieming passed this information to the top aerospace officials of various countries.

But these words did not sound like etiquette to everyone's ears, but that China wanted everyone to share the danger.

Even so, Bill, Dmitry, Dr. Roger Bonnet, Li Zhongjin and others gritted their teeth and let the elites sent by their respective countries take the lead in the formation.

As a result, there was a little problem there.

Ichiro Miki blinked and said: "Our Empire treats people with courtesy. Although the first batch of transmissions is a historic moment, we are willing to give this opportunity to everyone."

Tachikawa Naoki was a little confused and winked at Miki Ichiro repeatedly.

But Miki Ichiro just turned a blind eye.

Yu Jieming frowned, "Mr. Miki, are you sure?"

"OK!" Ichiro Miki didn't want to risk the volunteers sent by Xiaozhi.

After he finished speaking, he added, "In addition, as a sign of etiquette, the 1000 people sent by our Empire this time are willing to be at the end of the line."

Tachikawa Naoki's eyes were about to burst into flames when he looked at Miki Ichiro.

He admired Fang Yi extremely, and had finally managed to get such a good opportunity for Xiaoli. Now that he was being interfered with by Miki Ichiro, not to mention how angry he was in his heart!
Yu Jieming said expressionlessly: "Okay, let your people line up."

How could he not know that Ichiro Miki did this to avoid risks?
It was obvious that he had no confidence in the teleportation formation.

It is true that Miki Ichiro made a good calculation.

He wants to let people in other countries do "experiments."If there is no problem in teleporting the formation, then there seems to be no difference between teleporting there first and teleporting later.

But if there is a problem with the teleportation formation, the volunteers sent by other countries will die, and there can be no damage in a small life.

As soon as Yu Jieming left, Tachikawa Naoki asked: "Miki-san, what do you mean?"

Of course Miki Ichiro understood what Tachikawa Naoki meant.

He didn't even look at Tachikawa Naoki, he just used his power to suppress others and said: "I am the person in charge of this project!"

Tachikawa Naoki turned red with anger and said harshly: "You are the person in charge today, but you cannot always be the person in charge. If something goes wrong in the end, I will definitely impeach you until you are impeached." Fired!"

Miki Ichiro curled his lips, not taking these words to heart at all.

Because the senior executives were standing in front, word spread quickly.

The top leaders of various countries are all human beings. They all glanced at Ichiro Miki with disdain, and each of them secretly cursed Xiaozhi for being treacherous.

The people outside were summoned, and except for the first group of 4000 people, the remaining 9 or so people all lined up in an orderly manner.

Not surprisingly, the people from Xiaoli were placed at the end of each team.

Soon, these people formed more than 60 queues, centered on Tai Chi Tutan, with 80 people in each queue.

Everyone obeyed the arrangement and did not waste too much time.

When Yu Jieming saw that there was no problem, he immediately had the remaining white jade inserted into the small holes around the Tai Chi altar.

Then he came to the water mirror for a final exchange with Fang Yi, "Zhenren, everyone is lined up and can start the teleportation array at any time."

Fang Yi hummed, then waved his hand casually, and the teleportation array on the flat ground at the foot of the opposite mountain shone faintly in the water mirror.

Obviously, the transmission channel has been opened.

A few minutes later, the white jade around the Tai Chi altar was also inserted.

When Huang Yansheng inserted the last piece of white jade into it, the Tai Chi painting world immediately shone with a burst of black and white light.

"The teleportation is about to begin!"

"I don't know if I can succeed!"

Bill, Li Zhongjin, Dmitry and other aerospace leaders from various countries all seemed very nervous.

Only Miki Ichiro seemed very confident. Regardless of whether the teleportation formation could be successful or not, he felt that it would not affect the lives of the thousands of people dispatched by Xiaori.

Mr. Ding, Mr. Wu, Mr. Qin and other Chinese bigwigs also looked very nervous, all staring at the Tai Chi forum.

The black and white light became more and more intense.

Finally, this ball of light enveloped all 4000 or [-] people standing above, including Lu Shisheng, Lu Guoxue, and Huang Keyun.

Perhaps because the light was too strong, everyone could no longer see clearly what was going on inside.

The momentum is quite huge.

Why is there no response at all?

Everyone felt a little puzzled.


A miraculous scene happened spontaneously!

Someone suddenly shouted, "Look!"


What to look at?
Many people looked around in confusion.

It turned out to be Naoki Tachikawa who excitedly stretched out his hand and pointed into the water mirror.

Then everyone instinctively looked in the direction Tachikawa Naoki pointed.

It’s okay if you don’t look past this.

When they saw it, everyone was dumbfounded!
On the teleportation array altar opposite the Water Mirror Technique, Lu Shisheng, Lu Guoxue, Huang Yunke and other people who had been in the teleportation array in the vertical assembly test facility suddenly appeared!
Mr. Ding was stunned!

Bill couldn't help but widen his eyes!

They never thought that the teleportation formation would actually be useful.

And in an instant, 4000 people arrived on Daojun's planet across 490 light-years!
Yes, they were all stunned.

Including Yu Jieming who directed everyone.

Fang Yi was not stunned. He spoke quickly and asked Lu Shisheng, Lu Guoxue and others to come down from the teleportation formation on the opposite side. Then he shouted to the other side of the water mirror: "The remaining people quickly enter the teleportation formation. Remember , teleport it and get down immediately, don’t take up space!”

The transmission is still going on!

Yu Jieming didn't care whether he was shocked or not, and shouted: "The rest of the people rush in!"

Perhaps because they saw that the first group of people had successfully teleported, the more than 60 people in the first row no longer had the worries they felt at the beginning. They gritted their teeth and rushed in.

The next moment, the aerospace executives of various countries in the vertical assembly test facility once again saw those people instantly appearing on the Tai Chi Diao altar of the teleportation array on Daojun's planet!
Another success!

Li Zhongjin held his breath!
Dr. Roger Bonnet's face was even more filled with horror!
Although the number of people who came for the second teleportation was far less than the first time, after two consecutive successes, everyone realized that this teleportation array was really useful!
It spans 490 light-years in an instant.

It's still a large number of people transporting people across such a long and terrifying distance!

(End of this chapter)

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