Chapter 329
The volunteers lined up in the vertical assembly test room were like carps jumping through a dragon gate, rushing forward and backward towards the teleportation array!

More than 60 people rushed in in the blink of an eye!
In the blink of an eye, more than 60 people rushed in!

Because everyone was training how to sprint more than ten days before the teleportation, no one had any trouble at the beginning.

A batch!
Ten batches!

In less than a hundred seconds, more than 90 batches rushed in!

Although everyone is still in the shock of the teleportation array being able to teleport three to four thousand people across an ultra-long distance of 4000 two light-years at once, when the space representatives from various countries saw people from their respective countries landing on Daojun Planet, the new home of mankind, They all broke out of their shock and burst into violent shouts!

"Oh God! God!"

"Success! Success!"

"Haha, I said that the teleportation array arranged by Fang Shen, who has unparalleled divine power, is no problem, but you didn't have confidence before?"

"Who has no confidence? I have always had great confidence in the god of the enemy!"

Some people clearly didn't have much confidence in the teleportation formation before, but now they have successfully teleported it. Naturally, these people refuse to admit it. Anyway, there is no evidence in their minds, and others can't tease them.

It's just that two people don't look very good, because they have left evidence that they don't trust the teleportation formation.

Yes, it was Ichiro Miki and Naoki Tachikawa.

Tachikawa Naoki looked at Miki Ichiro with a livid face. He said viciously: "Miki Ichiro! Now the teleportation formation has proven to be no problem. If our people don't have time to teleport to Daojun's planet later, I don't see how you will be responsible!"

Ichiro Miki didn't expect the teleportation formation to be so magical, and his eyes were a bit straight when he saw it, but he was not worried at all: "How could it be too late? In just 120 seconds, 120 batches of people have been teleported, a total of one thousand and fourteen people." The one hundred, seventy and eighty batch, the teleportation array will be activated for another half hour, and our people will be able to do anything."

In fact, Miki Ichiro already felt a little regretful at this point.

After all, if you go there first, you can familiarize yourself with the environment. Maybe you can seize some opportunities?

Although this possibility is very small, it is still possible.

It's just that Ichiro Miki didn't regret it too much, because as he and Naoki Tachikawa said, as long as there are no mistakes in the team, such as someone falling and affecting the volunteers rushing into the teleportation formation, half an hour is enough Let everyone else successfully teleport to Daojun's planet.

Sometimes we are just afraid of what will happen.

It took less than 2 minutes when Miki Ichiro finished saying this.

A volunteer from one team didn’t know if his heel was stepped on by someone behind him.

The blonde female volunteer let out an ouch and fell heavily to the ground.

It didn't matter that she fell.

What's terrible is that the queue is very dense, and when she falls, it immediately creates a chain reaction, and several people in nearby queues fall because of it.

Although Yu Jieming hurriedly stepped forward to take charge, it still affected the progress of some transmissions to some extent.

Fortunately, everyone was well-trained, and even if there was an emergency, less than 1 minute was wasted.

The transmission continues.

Two hundred batches!
Five hundred batches!
Time passed minute by minute, and more than 20 minutes passed quickly.

At this time, there were only sixteen groups of people left on the scene who had not teleported, and most of them were people from a small life.

Ichiro Miki looked at his watch and smiled with relief, "There are still three minutes left before half an hour, and there are still fifteen or six batches of people left. According to one batch per second, our people can definitely make it in time."

Tachikawa Naoki didn't want to pay attention to him.

What else did Miki Ichiro want to say, "Haha, I just said..."

Not finished.

Suddenly, Fang Yi, who was opposite Shui Jing Shu, seemed to make a gesture inadvertently.

Then the intense light of the teleportation array in the vertical assembly test room suddenly became dim!
Tachikawa Naoki's eyelids twitched, "Huh? What's going on?"

Miki Ichiro also saw the situation, and his expression suddenly changed. He hurriedly shouted at the volunteers of Xiaozhi: "Rush! Rush in!"

Thousands of volunteers from Little Days saw the light dimming and realized that the transmission might be about to end. They all rushed in with all their strength and strength.

But something happened that made Ichiro Miki and Naoki Tachikawa look pale and made Bill, Dmitry, Li Zhongjin and others gloat!

Although the volunteers in those early days successfully rushed to the Tai Chi Tutank, they were not teleported!
At the same time, Fang Yi's emotionless voice came from the other side of the water mirror, "The energy of my teleportation array has been exhausted. This teleportation ends here."

The other side has run out of energy?
Is this transmission over here?
Miki Ichiro's vision went dark and he almost fell to the ground.

Tachikawa Naoki suddenly tilted his head and looked at Miki Ichiro with fire in his eyes. He was ready to kill Miki Ichiro!
Bill, Dmitry, Li Zhongjin and others were startled when they heard Fang Yi announce the end of this transmission.

Immediately, they reacted, and the voices of gloating suddenly burst out!
"Haha!" "You made me laugh so hard!"

"Are you still trying to be smart?"

"Nowadays, no one from Xiaoli has been teleported to Daojun's planet. Hahaha, let me see how you can still be so clever!"

A group of people laughed crazily at Miki Ichiro, who did not have any qualities that senior aerospace officials from various countries should have.

Normally Bill, Dmitry, Li Zhongjin and others would never laugh at people like this. No matter how incompetent they are, they cannot be so incompetent as to rub salt into other people's wounds.

But what Miki Ichiro just did went too far. Originally, the risks were shared by all countries, and even if there was any problem with the transmission, no one would have any objections. But you, Miki Ichiro, actually thought about not sharing any risks and insisting on letting China Aerospace The volunteers of the small life were arranged to be teleported at the end. Now there is no time to teleport them. If you don't laugh at Miki Ichiro, who are you laughing at?

It would be weird not to laugh at it!

Yu Jieming, Mr. Wu, Mr. Qin and other senior executives of China Aerospace did not seem to have expected that the transmission time would be a few minutes shorter than expected. However, all [-] volunteers from China were teleported, so they naturally had no disturbance in their hearts.

Moreover, the Chinese people originally had a huge blood feud with Xiaori. If it weren't for international cooperation and Xiaori's promise of high-tech exchange, they would not be willing to give Xiaori a thousand places this time.

Now that high technology is available, no one has been transported to the small world.

Yu Jieming, Mr. Wu, Mr. Qin and others felt so happy. Although they did not laugh, the eyes they looked at Ichiro Miki and Naoki Tachikawa began to be filled with ridicule!

Miki Ichiro was so angry when he heard the ridicule, his whole face turned red!

Tachikawa Naoki even jumped up and scolded the other party: "Bagaya! You idiot! You waste! As a result, none of our volunteers have been teleported to Daojun's planet. I will definitely impeach you when I go back!" You're done! You're completely done this time!"

Miki Ichiro was originally in a bad mood because the people in his childhood were not sent there, and everyone's ridicule made him angry. Now even Naoki Tachikawa, whose status is far lower than him, dared to insult him, and he suddenly lost his eyesight. He was so red that he almost hit someone!

However, Miki Ichiro quickly came to his senses and knew that he could not anger Tachikawa Naoki now, otherwise if he went back and impeached him, his life would really be over.

Miki Ichiro quickly stabilized Tachikawa Naoki, and he lowered his voice and said: "Tachikawa-san, don't be excited, don't be excited, we didn't teleport this time, maybe it's a good thing for our little life."

Tachikawa Naoki was almost mad at him, "How could it be a good thing that it wasn't teleported? You idiot! Are you out of your mind?"

Ichiro Miki quickly lowered his voice and explained: "Think about it, hasn't the construction of Daojun's planet started yet? The purpose of sending everyone there is for construction. If our people go there now, they will definitely build living houses with everyone. How many houses do you think 10 people can build in three years? And not all of these 10 people are engaged in civil engineering, and most of them are engaged in agriculture."

Tachikawa Naoki was startled.

Ichiro Miki said seductively: "Anyway, the teleportation will be started in three years. By then, Daojun's planet must have been built, there will be human habitats, and the farmland will have been developed. Can't our people just sit back and enjoy it?"

Perhaps because he lost his mind due to rage, Tachikawa Naoki always felt that there was something wrong with Miki Ichiro's words, but he never noticed it.

No, Tachikawa Naoki calmed down a little.

Yes, maybe as Miki Ichiro said, you can still enjoy the benefits after teleporting there three years later.

However, while the two were still discussing countermeasures.

Bill, Li Zhongjin, Dmitry, and the thousand or so young volunteers who had not been transported to Daojun's planet burst into exclamations of surprise!
"my Lord!"


"My God!"

"It's just incredible!"

Exclamations continued to rise in the vertical assembly test facility.

Tachikawa Naoki didn't understand why everyone was suddenly so surprised. He looked over in confusion.

Miki Ichiro had the same reaction.


After the two of them saw the scene in the water mirror, they were all dumbfounded!
It turned out that after teleporting the manpower, Fang Yi adjusted the scope of the water mirror. Originally, he could only see the teleportation formation at the foot of the mountain, but now it illuminates thousands of kilometers near the mountain.

The illumination range of hundreds of kilometers is not what surprises everyone.

The reason why everyone is so shocked is because a huge building complex and endless farmland appear in the water mirror!

This huge building complex is visually as big as a small county-level city. Although there are no high-rise buildings, each house is two or three stories high, and they are all made of nature.

Such a large building complex can house at least one million people!

The farmland looks even more vast. Nothing is grown on it, but everyone can see that these farmlands are at least 50 acres and can feed millions of people!

Anyone can understand that whether it is this huge building complex or so much farmland, it must have been developed by Master Fang with great magic power.

In other words, before everyone is teleported, Fang Zhenren has prepared the basics of life for the first batch of teleporters and those who may be teleported in the future. There is no need for everyone to develop it bit by bit from scratch!
What does this mean?
It means that those who teleported there at the beginning will definitely get the upper hand on the new planet!
(End of this chapter)

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