Chapter 330 Asgard
On Daojun's planet.

If we say that the aerospace executives of various countries on the earth are amazed by the wonders of the teleportation array and are grateful to Master Fang for using his great magic power to build the city, they are in a good mood.

Then, more than 9 people, including Lu Shisheng, Lu Guoxue, and Huang Keyun, who were teleported to Daojun's planet, were extremely shocked at this moment.

Their shock comes from two points.

First, after entering the teleportation array, these people only felt as if they had entered an "entrance" to a different dimension, and were then forced to come out from another "exit".

This feeling is like entering an elevator and going from the first floor to the second floor, but the time is shorter.

490 two light years away!
Just arrived in the blink of an eye?

what does this mean?
This means that the teleportation array is like the wormhole described in science fiction novels, and is even more advanced in theory.

What is a wormhole?

Wormholes are also called space holes, also known as Einstein-Rosen bridges, also translated as wormholes. They are narrow tunnels that may exist in the universe connecting two different time and spaces.

Wormholes were a concept first proposed by Austrian physicist Ludwig Frame in [-], and postulated by Einstein and Nathan Rosen in [-] when they were studying the gravitational field equations. Through wormholes, instantaneous space transfer or time travel can be achieved.

Theoretically, a wormhole is a space tunnel connecting two distant time and space, just like the vortex in the sea, it is everywhere but fleeting.

However, so far, scientists have not observed evidence of the existence of wormholes.

Even Einstein himself, who perfected the concept, did not believe that wormholes existed objectively.

Most importantly, scientists believe that even if wormholes do exist, there will still be many risks, such as the various dark energies contained in them. If wormholes are used for transmission, humans and anything created by current technology will be torn apart by dark energy during the transmission process. into pieces.

But now!
But now!

Master Fang's teleportation array personally proved the existence of wormholes, and there is no dark energy that can cause harm to humans!

What does this mean?
It means that if Fang Zhenren announces this technology, humans will be able to access every unexplored place in the universe!

This technology is absolutely revolutionary in human history!
This is the first thing that shocked everyone.

The second point is the cities and farmland built by Fang Zhenren with great magic power.

Many people who are engaged in civil engineering at the scene may not have a deep understanding of wormholes or teleportation arrays. However, building a wormhole covering an area of ​​50 to [-] square kilometers and reclaiming about [-] acres of farmland on the ground, whether it is a civil engineering person, Anyone who is still engaged in agriculture knows how difficult it is.

Normally, if it were in ancient times, it would have taken decades or hundreds of years to build such a huge city. Even if modern society has all kinds of high-tech machinery, it would take a long time to build such a huge city. It will cost more than 1000 billion and seven or eight years.

Not to mention the need to reclaim 50 acres of farmland.

And now, Master Fang has single-handedly built and reclaimed such a huge city and so much farmland in a short period of time?
Although you have not seen it with your own eyes, you can still imagine how earth-shattering it was when Fang Zhenren opened it!
Lu Shisheng became more and more grateful for the boundless magic power of his master.

Lu Guoxue, Huang Yunping, and other disciples from aristocratic families also looked at Fang Zhenren in awe.

"Zhenren Fang is so awesome!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Zhenren Fang is a man of immortality."

"I was teleported from the earth to this planet in an instant. I still feel like I'm dreaming."

"Yeah, it's so dreamy."

"I thought we would have to sleep in the open air when we came here, but I didn't expect Master Fang to be so compassionate and build a city for us to protect us from wind and rain."

The remaining 9 people were also chatting in whispers. Their eyes looking at Fang Yi were not only filled with the awe that normal people should have, but also inexplicably worshiped and grateful.

While these people were looking at themselves, Fang Yi was also looking at these people.

In other words, his incarnation of the Great Sun is also looking at the people in front of him.

Yes, Fang Yi himself did not come to Dao Lord's planet in person, but only sent the incarnation of the Great Sun.

His true form is still immersed in gemstones and practicing in Huangshan Daojun Palace.

The so-called insufficient energy of the teleportation array just now was definitely not an accident, but Fang Yi's own magical sense heard that Miki Ichiro did not trust the teleportation array he had arranged, so he specifically interrupted the transmission.

Even though Fang Yi has become an immortal now, he still doesn't like the small life in his heart.

In addition, Miki Ichiro took the initiative to show distrust and let Xiaori teleport last, so Fang Yi had no reason to teleport them.

Thinking about it, Fang Yi looked at the more than [-] people and said slowly: "Everyone will go to the leader to register later. If you are willing to stay on Daojun's planet in the future, you can register all the people in your family." , and then allocate houses according to the number of people, one house for three people per family. After three years, I will teleport your family here together. If you are not willing to stay on Daojun's planet, just for those who come to work, then the leader will arrange it, and one person will be there for the time being. A room. As for the materials, I have put them in the largest warehouse in the city. You can find them when you go in. Your future development is up to you. If there is anything that cannot be solved, you can come to the foot of the mountain and pray to the fairy palace in the sky. , I sense that someone will come to help, and no matter what happens, I will let my apprentice Lu Shisheng solve the problem for you."

After saying that, he didn't care what everyone was doing and waved to Lu Shisheng, "Shisheng, follow me."

Lu Shisheng hurriedly ran forward and said respectfully: "Yes, Master."

Clouds gathered below the two of them and flew towards the top of the mountain.


What fairy palace?
At first, everyone didn't react. It wasn't until they looked in the direction where Fang Yi and Lu Shisheng were flying that they were shocked to see a looming golden palace floating deep in the sky.

Although this palace shines with golden light, it is made entirely of white jade, making it look very spectacular.

Lu Guoxue's eyes widened.

Huang Keyun couldn't help but take a breath.

The remaining [-] people were also stunned.

There are seven famous wonders on earth, one of which is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

In fact, anyone can understand that the sky garden is not really suspended in the air without any support, but is built on a high platform using a three-dimensional gardening method.The rockery is stacked layer by layer with stone pillars and slabs, reaching up to the sky.

From a distance, the garden looks like it is in the sky.That’s why it’s called the Hanging Garden.

But even so, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon are also called "miracles."

But now that everyone saw that huge white jade palace, actually suspended in the sky without any external support, they realized that the Immortal Palace was extraordinary.

I don’t know whether it was because of the magic of the teleportation formation, or whether it was because Zhenren Fang used his great magic power to build a huge city to protect everyone from wind and rain, or because they saw the Immortal Palace. At this moment, more than 9 people looked away. The going clouds became feverish.


on the earth.

Wenchang launch center.

Of course, everyone also saw the existence of the fairy palace in the air at the moment when the water mirror technique was closed.

Although it was just a glimpse, the aerospace leaders from various countries at the scene all had their eyes widened.

Yu Jieming, Mr. Ding, Mr. Wu and others couldn't help but be secretly surprised, thinking that immortals are immortals, and the place where they live is indeed extraordinary.

Bill, Dmitry, Li Zhongjin and others also sighed inwardly and were shocked by the magnificence of the fairy palace.

If I had to say that there was someone at the scene who was in a very bad mood, I'm afraid it was only the Qianqian Little Days volunteers, Naoki Tachikawa and Ichiro Miki.

Especially Miki Ichiro, his face was ashen at this moment!

Xiaori paid a huge price to be able to be teleported to Daojun's planet this time!
All kinds of cutting-edge high technologies, various almost humiliating trade agreements, and other efforts, together, cost at least hundreds of billions of dollars!
However, now that the price has been paid, no results have been obtained. In the early days, not a single volunteer was teleported to Daojun's planet.

The reason for this situation is entirely because of Ichiro Miki's cleverness!

If the senior executives of Xiaoli knew about this matter, they would definitely expose Ichiro Miki and his family!

This time it's over!

When Ichiro Miki thought of the consequences, his vision suddenly went dark, and he fainted.


There was a dull falling sound.

Originally, everyone was still in a state of shock at the Immortal Palace in the Sky, and did not pay attention to the situation over there in the little day.

But this dull sound sounded, and everyone suddenly forgot about it.


There was an inexplicable mockery on Bill's lips.

Dmitri couldn't help but chuckle secretly.

Li Zhongjin and aerospace representatives from other countries were also startled at first, and then they were all secretly happy.

This little day, I wanted to ask people from other countries to take risks to test the teleportation array, but in the end, I didn't take the risk, but I didn't teleport anything. It was a heavy loss this time!
Let’s see if you are still being clever!
Not only did the aerospace representatives from various countries not come forward to help, they all also cursed in their hearts that Xiaoli deserved it.

Yu Jieming, Mr. Ding, Mr. Qin, Mr. Wu and others did not expect that Ichiro Miki would be so angry that he fainted. Although they all couldn't help but laugh, they were the hosts after all. They wanted to maintain the style of a great Chinese nation and could not Literally laughed in my face.

But this scene was so funny that they felt their stomachs hurt from holding it in!
Ichiro Miki fainted, but Naoki Tachikawa and the thousands of other Little Day volunteers were all furious. Originally, they had hoped to share a piece of the pie on Daojun's planet, but now, because of the fainting in front of them, In the past, the bastards were so clever that they completely lost the opportunity to seize the upper hand on Daojun's planet during their childhood. This made them all want to eat Miki Ichiro's flesh raw!


In Huangshan Taoist Palace.

Fang Yi, who was immersed in gem cultivation, had been observing the situation at the scene.

Originally, the transmission had ended, and he wasn't even going to stare at it deliberately.

Unexpectedly, Miki Ichiro was so angry that he fainted.

Therefore, Fang Yi couldn't help but take a second look.

"My mental endurance is really bad these days."

Fang Yi felt a little funny.

But having said that, anyone in Miki Ichiro's position would be so angry that he would faint. After all, he spent hundreds of billions of dollars but got nothing in the end. The senior management of Xiaoli will definitely hold the responsibility. By then, not only Miki Ichiro will be in bad luck. I am afraid that everyone in his family will face a terrible situation that will never be restored.

But Miki Ichiro was responsible for all this, and Fang Yi would not sympathize.

After watching the farce, Fang Yi was preparing to concentrate on absorbing energy.

Suddenly, he sensed a very faint but irresistible wave of divine power exuding from Yu Jieming's body.

No, to be precise, there should be an inexplicable divine power that came from nowhere and blessed Yu Jieming.


Fang Yi was startled, "Doesn't divine power only exist in the divine realm? Why did it appear out of thin air?"

What made him even more confused was that as soon as Yu Jieming was enveloped by this divine power, his whole spirit seemed to be different.

Fang Yi stared at Yu Jieming carefully, and then used "Never Know the Future" to deduce.

With this deduction, he instantly understood where this divine power came from.

(End of this chapter)

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