Chapter 358 The Sun God
The powerful stellar wind keeps raging!

Boom, boom, boom, continuous explosions continued to ring around the star.

Generally speaking, if you are in a vacuum, even if an object vibrates, there is no way to transmit sound.

But the stellar wind is within the scope of the star, and there are airflows, particles, etc. around the star that can act as media, so when it impacts, it makes an earth-shattering noise.

Of course, it cannot be heard from a distance.

But Fang Yi was within the range of the star, and his ears seemed to be deafened several times by the loud noise. Fortunately, his own recovery ability was amazing, and with the restoration of the golden elixir energy, he was not really deaf anymore.

What surprised him the most was that after being repaired, every damaged part of his body was strengthened again.

"I thought that my physical strength had reached its limit before, but I never thought that I could continue to get stronger."

Fang Yi secretly thought about it while using the stellar wind to let the soul swallow the power of the golden elixir.

He vaguely understood something. It wasn't that his physical body couldn't become stronger, but that the "pressure" he had received before was not that great, so it seemed that his physical body could no longer become stronger.

When Fang Yi looked inside his body, he found that the strength of his body was not just getting stronger, it seemed to be moving in the direction of "half energy and half flesh".

Is the final development direction of the physical body also to become an energy body?

He didn't know yet, and he didn't have time to think about it.

The current main task is to attack Yangshen.

Fang Yi relied on Frey's magical powers to continuously absorb stellar energy.

As soon as he took a breath, a violent stream of fire detached from the star and was sucked into his body.

At the beginning, it was closer to the outer periphery, the stellar wind was not that strong, and the energy consumption was not particularly huge, so it seemed to absorb the stellar energy more rhythmically, with one stream of fire following another, like a water pipe spraying water.

However, as his training continued, Fang Yi gradually got closer to the star, and his energy was consumed more rapidly, and the speed at which he needed to restore energy became faster.

Suddenly, a magnificent spectacle formed between Xingxing and Fang Yi.

The fire stream was like thousands of seawaters, constantly emerging from the stars and converging towards Fang Yi's body.

Because the fire burst out so quickly, Fang Yi seemed to have turned into a small "star".

The two days shine together and reflect each other.

Time passes day by day.

one day.

Three days.

Five days.

After about twelve days of practicing around the star, Fang Yi gradually no longer felt the pressure brought by the stellar wind.

The speed at which the soul devoured the energy of the golden elixir slowed down again.

"It looks like it's time to enter the surface of the star."

Fang Yi used the magical power of generating light to add several rays of protective light to himself.

At this time, the level of protective divine light reached the twentieth level.

After completing the preparations, he turned into a stream of light and quickly hit the surface of the star.

Thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye!
The temperature is also getting higher and higher.

Fang Yi had twenty rays of divine light to protect his body, and his body was so strong that he was so hot that he was sweating profusely at the moment.

But he was not moved at all and continued to move towards the surface of the star.

Finally, after a few blinks, he hit the surface of the star hard.

The next second, his eyes lit up red.

The powerful energy turbulence generated by nuclear fusion continues to bombard us like a tide.

This is the true power of stars!
These powerful energy turbulences bombarded the body-protecting divine light, producing tens of thousands of explosions. Each explosion made a rolling muffled sound, like a muffled thunder. With every muffled sound, from the outside, you can see stars seem to be in the sky. It's the same as a flare, but in fact the internal situation is even more horrifying. The explosion of shocking power has the power to destroy the world.

Fang Yi felt an endless force impacting his body-protecting divine light, and his physical body was so shaken that it almost fell apart!

This is just the surface of the star!
How terrible would it be if you went inside?
He really couldn't imagine it.

These continuous energies like fire snakes beat him hard, and the terrifying high temperature makes him feel like he is in a big furnace. It seems that he may be burned to ashes at any time and there is no way to keep him.

The power of the stellar wind is nothing compared to the energy impact released by nuclear fusion on the surface of the star.

Faced with the huge energy shock and shock, and the pain of being burned to ashes, Fang Yi used the secret method of "bathing in the sun" in "Laojun Wanqiu Yuan Nerve", constantly urging the soul to swallow the energy of the golden elixir.

At this moment, his eyes and the gaps in the turbulent energy flow around him were all filled with light, and there were endless particles inside the star that were squirming and exploding as nuclear fusion released energy.

The energy produced by this nuclear fusion is terrifyingly huge.

It was as if this power was born for the purpose of destruction, with no vitality contained in it at all.

Ultimate destruction!
Fang Yi had a feeling that even a piece of fine steel that had been tempered over time would be instantly vaporized when it came here, let alone an ordinary person's body.

The energy blast and heat were just too scary.

It was so scary that Fang Yi felt like his whole body was lost in the horror.

Fortunately, he has the secret method of "bathing in the sun" to protect his "spiritual wisdom" and allow the golden elixir to continuously release energy to repair the physical body.

Suddenly, a huge and violent energy turbulence was born inside the star, filling the sky and the earth. It seemed as if a particularly huge nuclear fusion had occurred. This energy turbulence rushed straight up, forming a huge white light pillar, fiercely Rush towards him.


The white light beam hit the body-protecting divine light, tearing apart several layers of divine light at once.

The powerful shock caused Fang Yi to bleed from all his orifices in an instant. All the bones in his body seemed to be broken, the muscles and skin were all split open, and his consciousness became blurred.

When this white beam of light impacted, the power it produced was almost more powerful than the explosion of millions of nuclear bombs at the same time!

"No! I can't lose consciousness!" Fang Yi endured the pain and gritted his teeth to keep himself conscious.

"Laojun protects the body!"

He knew that the "Sun Bathing" secret method alone could no longer protect his body, so he directly used a stronger secret method.

A cow roared.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of clear energy emerged above Fang Yi's head. Once this stream of clear energy appeared, it instantly manifested into the appearance of Lao Jun riding a green bull.

Once the sacred elephant of Laojun riding a bull appeared, it was instantly covered with a 72-color light shield, protecting Fang Yi.


The white beams of light continued to impact, but they were all blocked by Laojun's holy elephant.

"Establishing teachings according to directions, saving people through calamities...establishing the way of heaven, the way of earth, the way of man, concealing the sage and revealing the world...the Supreme Laojun is the moral heaven..."

Laojun Baogao chanted.

Fang Yi felt that although the turbulent energy shocks were still there, as Lao Jun Baogao chanted, these energy shocks could no longer disintegrate his body and soul.

"It looks like we can go deeper!"

His eyes became determined, and his body once again drilled into the star.

Click, click.

Terrible pressure came, and even though Laojun's holy elephant protected him, Fang Yi still felt that his body and soul were about to burst under the pressure.

But he is still insisting.

Every second he persisted, he had the feeling that his body and soul were getting stronger.

In addition, as Fang Yi went deeper into the star, he felt that Frey's magical power absorbed the star's energy faster.

In an instant, a huge vortex appeared in the star.

In the whirlpool, it was Fang Yi who was absorbing the star energy like a whale!

Before, he was absorbing "fire streams" one after another in his breath.

And now, the pores all over his body are absorbing the fire flow!


Cultivation has no time.

Time passed year after year.

More than twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The star that Fang Yi cultivated went from shining brightly to becoming much dimmer.

It seems that it is coming to an end.

Although the star became dim, a strong red divine light shone inside the star.

This red divine light penetrates the star like a gamma ray burst.

This divine light looks red, but it is mixed with gold.

Those golden ones are immortal!
Zhong Liquan, the great master of alchemy, once talked about the difference between yin and yang gods. He said this: "Those who are pure yin but no yang are ghosts, those who are mixed with yin and yang are yin gods, and those who are pure yang but no yin are yang gods." . After the death of a mortal, the Yin soul sheds its shell and becomes a ghost; the practitioner who practices Yin is not exhausted and falls into a trance too early, which is called Yin Shen. When it comes out, you may see a white light like a river in your eyes, which means the spirit comes out of your eyes; or you may hear a bell in your ear. When the sound of the flute comes out, the spirit comes out of the ears. Since its yang energy is not strong enough, it cannot break through the heavenly barrier, so it follows its convenience. After it comes out, it is free and happy, walking through the streets and alleys, and climbing mountains by the water. . But it can be formed, but cannot be fractal. But it can travel around the world, but cannot fly and change. If the sun is high in the sky in midsummer, the Yin gods will be afraid and avoid it. Therefore, although it carries the fairy wind, it has not left the ghost realm."

It is explained here that Yin gods are like ghosts. They look like immortals, but they are actually ghosts. They just have the meaning of pure spirits and do not enter reincarnation, but can wander around the world.

Taoist sorcerers rely on their strong will and perseverance.

Can a Yin God be refined into a Yang God?
Zhong Liquan also said, "Those who learn from immortals are not willing to settle for small achievements. They can practice again after the Yin God emerges and smash the original form of the Yin God. When the Yin is exhausted and Yang is pure, the real person will appear."

If a real person in ancient times saw this red light mixed with gold, he would definitely feel extremely moved.

Because this is a sign that the yin is completely exhausted and the yang is pure!
The red light is the light of the gods, and the gold represents immortality.

The nature of gold is immortal, and the Yang God appears.

It’s just the final step!

Suddenly, the red light beam spread and headed towards two other stars that were as big as the sun.

At a distance of several light years, the red light arrived in an instant.

When the red light covered the two stars, a huge channel was formed.

And in this channel, there are fire streams absorbed by the two stars that were perturbed by powerful energy.

The three days shine together, and the light illuminates the nearby star field for hundreds of light-years!
This went on for a whole year.

Finally, after another spring, summer, autumn and winter of the earth, the red light suddenly went out.

The originally very small star was completely extinguished and disintegrated at the moment when the red light was extinguished.

As the star went out, the nearby star field seemed to fall into darkness.

But this situation didn't last too long.

After just a few seconds, a blazing light that was as bright as the midsummer sun and comparable to a real star rose up in an instant.


A loud laugh shook the universe along with a bright rise.

"I, Fang Yi, have been cultivating for more than thirty years and have finally become the Yang God!"

A "star" cuts through the starry sky!
There is a figure among the laughter and brilliance. It is a great master who inherits the past and opens up the future. It is Zhenren Fang, the only true immortal living in the world, who has cultivated the Yang Shen!

(End of this chapter)

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