I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 359: Invite Master Fang to come out!

Chapter 359: Invite Master Fang to come out!


A lot has changed in the 20 years since Fang Yi left.

Led by China, the science and technology of various countries on the earth has improved rapidly.

According to the civilization level calculation proposed by scientists, the earth's civilization has currently reached level [-].

Generally speaking, a first-level civilization is also called a parent star civilization.

This civilization level has the ability to develop and use all the energy on the planet. In other words, the civilization is the "master" of the planet and can control the weather, land, and various natural phenomena on the earth at will. It can also control the weather, rivers, land, and creatures at will. and ocean.

Of course, human civilization is not that developed at present. Although it is at level [-], it seems that it is only [-] level away from level one, but in fact the gap is huge.

Humans on earth can basically control nuclear fusion and control the weather and land to a certain extent.

In other words, energy is no longer a problem for earth civilization for the time being.

All kinds of controllable nuclear fusion cars, airplanes and other machinery are popping up like mushrooms after a rain. Although they temporarily occupy a small market share, everyone understands that as time goes by, controllable nuclear fusion energy technology will Become the first main force in future development.

In addition, there have been huge breakthroughs in biological research.

Huaxia Huabei Pharmaceutical Group announced that it has developed a longevity medicine that can increase human life expectancy from an average of 80 years to more than 150 years. If you are rich, you can also carry out life extension projects, which can extend your life up to [-] years old.

There are too many changes to be described in just a few words.

Humanity was originally prosperous, and it seemed that it was very close to reaching the true civilization of its home planet.

However, at this time, mankind is encountering the greatest disaster in history.

Aliens attacking the earth, a joke that has been played down by netizens, has recently become a real story!

At this time, big bosses from various countries are holding an emergency meeting.

Big bosses from all over the world are discussing.

On the left side of the video is the Ugly Country boss Robinette, a thin white man in his 70s or [-]s with silvery hair.

On the right is Vladimiro, the boss of Goose Country. He is a bald man in his 70s.

In addition, there are big bosses from more than 100 countries in the world, including the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Germany, all gathered in front of the video conference.

Uncle Long looked very solemn and said to the video: "A few days ago, Chou Country shot down a spaceship. I believe everyone already knows about it."

Robinette's face became a little ugly when he mentioned this, but he still dared to admit it, "Yes, we shot down a spaceship from other galaxies and captured eleven aliens. These have been shown to various countries, but they did not expect that this spaceship sent a message back to their home planet before being shot down, informing them of the downing, which attracted the group of intelligent beings from other planets called the 'Psychic Tribe' to send more than 100 A space warship came to surround the earth. Not only did they ask us to release the eleven captured psionic astronauts, but they also asked the earth to cede territory and compensate for it. The scope of the request reached a quarter of the earth's surface. The liaison officers they sent have already They came here once, and they were very arrogant and domineering, saying that if we didn't agree, they would launch a giant cannon, a planet-level weapon that would exterminate humanity."

Having said this, Robinette took a deep breath and said, "According to the Psychic Tribe liaison's self-report, their civilization level has most likely reached the second level civilization, which is the stellar civilization, and can develop the resources of the entire stellar field. It can also immigrate to other stars."

Everyone was silent after hearing this.

Robinette actually made it very clear what exactly happened.

About a month ago, a spacecraft from an unknown civilization broke into the earth.

If it just breaks into the earth and releases a friendly enough signal, the countries on the earth will not do anything to this alien spacecraft.

But what no one expected was that in order to facilitate landing, the spacecraft released the energy-storing cannon on the spacecraft, which suddenly razed a small town in Alaska to the ground.

When did Chou Country, once the most powerful country, suffer such anger?
But considering that the other party might be a high-level civilization, Chou Country still swallowed its anger and sent personnel to negotiate.

As a result, the astronauts of the Psychic Tribe were so arrogant that they were not only unwilling to negotiate with the negotiators sent by the Chou Country, but also directly killed twenty or thirty people in the negotiation team with a laser cannon.

This time, Chou Country was completely angered and immediately sent troops there.

Although the technology of the psychic tribe is very advanced, they only have one spaceship. It is not a combat space battleship, but an ordinary spaceship. In addition, the Ugly Kingdom has obtained a lot of alien technology from China over the years. In the end, Suddenly, at the cost of billions of dollars in losses, they shot down the spacecraft and captured the aliens.

There was a lot of noise about this incident at the time.

Chou Country knew it couldn't hide it, so it had no choice but to take out the spacecraft and aliens and study it with other countries.

Then disaster struck.

In less than a month, the leader of the psionic planet who received the signal sent more than 100 space battleships to cover the earth.

Perhaps seeing that the earth's civilization is not bad and that there are a large number of humans, the psionic tribe wants to easily capture and enslave humans, so they deliberately put forward the request for land cession and compensation, hoping that all countries in the world would cede a quarter of the earth's surface for habitation. Land, forget it if it's just land. Everyone knows they can't fight aliens, so they might bite the bullet and admit it, but the psionic tribe has gone too far, and their compensation requirements also include the humans living in these places.And this area happens to be at the junction of Europe and Asia. Except for ugly countries, almost all developed countries have been affected, and some countries are even directly included.

Tolerable or unbearable.

This has completely aroused the resistance of all countries, which is why today's meeting was held.

Everyone is discussing how to repel the aliens and protect the homeland of mankind.

Uncle Long looked at the people in the video and said softly: "Yesterday, the psychic tribe demonstrated the power of their giant cannon for the first time. It blasted the Sahara Desert in northern Africa with only one percent of the charge. A hole measuring millions of square kilometers has been created, so do you have any good opinions?"

There was silence in the video.

Destroying everything within millions of square kilometers in an instant, this kind of power is really terrifying.

We must know that the Tsarist nuclear bomb, which was originally known as the first nuclear bomb, had an effective killing radius of only 27 kilometers, that is, the effective killing area was about 2000 square kilometers.

Nowadays, although the earth's technology has been greatly improved because of the spacecraft given to China by Fang Yi, and it has mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology, the maximum destruction range in an instant can only reach tens of thousands of square kilometers.

The most terrifying thing is that when the Tsarist nuclear bomb exploded, an earthquake of magnitude 5 or above occurred near the center of the explosion, and the shock wave affected the entire Europe.

Although the giant cannon of the psychic clan destroyed millions of square kilometers in an instant, the energy wave it released was more like melting matter and did not cause any shock.

This shows how high the technological level of the psychic race is!

The most critical thing is that among the more than 100 space battleships dispatched by the Psychic Tribe this time, a total of ten giant cannons were carried.

One percent of the energy can destroy millions of square kilometers. If the energy reaches [-] percent, the destruction area will reach hundreds of millions of square kilometers. The total area of ​​the earth is only [-] million square kilometers. These ten giant doors The cannons are all charged and fired at the same time, which can destroy all living things and materials on the surface of the earth in an instant!

Yes, everyone knows that facing such a powerful cosmic race, there is no chance of winning.

Either agree to the humiliating request made by the other party.

Everyone was silent for a long time, and no one had the courage to speak first.

Suddenly, Jin Ximin, the representative from South Korea, whispered, "Can we...can we ask Master Fang to come out?"

"Zhenren Fang?"

"He has been out of sight for more than 20 years."

"Yes, there are rumors that Zhenren Fang has become the Yang God. He has long since broken the void and left the world we live in, and gone to the fairyland in Chinese legends. Where can we invite him to come out and destroy the enemy?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was startled.

Fang Zhenren has not appeared in the eyes of other countries in the world for more than 20 years, and everyone has almost forgotten about him.

On the contrary, due to the vigorous development of many followers, the Fangxian Sect has now become the third largest religion in the world, with [-] billion loyal followers.

As for Huangshan Daojun Palace, incense is booming with the rumor that Zhenren Fang has cultivated Yang Shen Shattering Void. Every day, a large number of pilgrims go to Daojun Palace to burn incense and worship the gods, praying for Zhenren Fang's blessing.

However, regardless of whether the Fangxian Sect is prosperous or not, and how popular the Huangshan Daojun Palace is, Zhenren Fang has not appeared in more than [-] years. Is he still in our universe?
No one is sure.

In other words, the representatives of these countries, like everyone else, believed that Zhenren Fang had long since broken into the void and left.

But having said that, if Zhenren Fang still stayed in this world, maybe the more than 100 space battleships of the Psychic Tribe would really be nothing.

But there is a high probability that Master Fang is no longer in this universe!
Just when everyone thought so.

Vladimiro from the Goose Kingdom suddenly blinked and said, "What if...I mean what if Master Fang hasn't broken the void and left this world?"

John, the British representative, frowned and said, "How is that possible? Zhenren Fang has not been heard from for more than 20 years. He must have left Shattered Void."

Vladimiro chuckled, "Whether Master Fang really broke the void and left, it seems okay for us to send people to the Huangshan Daojun Palace to inquire? If Master Fang really broke the void and left this universe, then we Just accept it and bow your head to those aliens, but if Master Fang hadn't left, what do you think would have happened to the psionic tribe?"

What will happen?

If Master Fang had not shattered the void and left this world, as long as he was willing to take action, the Psychic Race would have been wiped out!
In an instant, everyone's minds became more active.


Please ask Master Fang to come out!

(End of this chapter)

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