I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 394 Iron-based Life

Chapter 394 Iron-based Life
After having a premonition, Fang Yi returned to the correct timeline and immediately returned to the fairyland, using the energy transformed by the power of faith to continue to strengthen the Yangshen.

Of course, he did not give up on physical cultivation, because with the existence of Qinglian, even when his Yang Shen was not in the physical body, he could still operate the exercises according to the fixed route.


Fang Yi is constantly absorbing energy to strengthen Yangshen.

He secretly pondered: "My mentor reincarnated again and again just to retrieve "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy". So, according to my guess, if the reincarnated person can practice "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy", it is very likely that he will Retrieve the memory of the past, and then I will know what happened."

Thinking about it, Fang Yi sent an instruction to the earth's sacrificial incarnation to teach Chen Yun "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy".

He wanted to see what interesting things would happen if Chen Yun practiced "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy".


On Earth, the capital city.

It’s always sad as graduation season approaches.

As a college student who is about to graduate, Chen Yun has always had a dream, which is to work in a Fortune [-] company, starting from the grassroots level, and then continue to show his talents, get promoted and get a salary increase, become a general manager, and serve as CEO, married Bai Fumei, and has since reached the pinnacle of life.

Well, after all, they are young people who have not been severely beaten by society. Before they leave school, they always feel that they have a bright future. It is normal to have such thoughts.

"Chen Yun, you didn't go to the interview today?"

"No, I'm getting ready to go out now."

"Okay, remember to find me when you get back."

"Okay, my little one."

Chen Yun hung up the video call with his girlfriend, then found a shared new energy bicycle and was about to go for an interview.

Just when he was about to scan the code.

Suddenly, an extremely beautiful 24-year-old woman appeared in front of her.

Even though Chen Yun had a girlfriend and knew not to stare at other women, he was still involuntarily attracted to the beautiful woman in green dress in front of him who could only be described as "powerful."

Then, the next moment, his feeling of amazing time was broken by the woman's voice.

I heard the woman in green skirt say: "Chen Yun, do you want to become an immortal?"

Chen Yun: "..."

Are you crazy?
How can anyone come up to someone and ask them if they want to become immortals?
Chen Yun had black lines all over his head. Just because the other person was so beautiful, he politely replied, "Oh, I'm not interested in cultivating immortals, thank you."

The woman in the green dress didn't seem ready to give up, and asked with a smile: "What if it's "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy"?"

I don’t know why, but Chen Yun, who was originally full of resistance, fell into a trance when he heard the words "Mr. Chen’s Inner Alchemy", and he actually blurted out: "Learn!"

The woman in the green skirt smiled and nodded, "In that case, I'll meet you at the rockery in your school at midnight tonight. I will teach you "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy" at that time."

After saying this, the woman in the green skirt turned into a speck of starlight and suddenly disappeared.

Chen Yun's jaw almost dropped when he saw it. He couldn't help exclaiming inwardly: "Holy shit! I met an immortal! Damn! I'm really attracted by the immortal, and he wants to teach me the magic!"

At this moment, Chen Yun had a feeling that he was the son of destiny. He felt that he was the savior who came to solve the world. Now the official plot begins.

Well, he was imagining it again.

However, something happened that Chen Yun and Fang Yi never expected.

Next, Chen Yun was forcibly killed by "destiny"!
There was a sudden car accident. Although Fang Yi's sacrificial incarnation was nearby and wanted to rescue him immediately, he still couldn't be saved due to some coincidences.

Chen Yun died tragically on the street.

Fang Yi's sacrificial incarnation even watched helplessly as Chen Yun's life particles were uncharacteristically uncharacteristic. They neither returned to nothingness like when Chu Qing died, nor reincarnated like before.

Instead, time rippled, and this particle of life disappeared into the vast river of history, and no one knows where it went.

Although the sacrificial incarnation can use most of Fang Yi's magical powers, "innate magical powers" such as predicting the future and traveling through time to modify the past and future cannot be used.

Therefore, the sacrificial incarnation does not know where the life particles went after Chen Yun died.

As a last resort, the sacrificial incarnation sent this message to Fang Yi, who was strengthening the Yang God in the fairyland.

Fang Yi was not in a hurry. After all, he could travel through time now. He just wanted to strengthen Yang Shen as much as possible, hoping to wait until he came out of seclusion before searching for where Chen Yun's life particles had gone.


Cultivation has no time, and more than twenty years have passed in a flash.

There are fewer and fewer people on earth who are familiar with Fang Yi. On the contrary, because Daojun planet entered the cultivation civilization early, there are still many people who are familiar with Fang Yi.

After nearly a hundred years of development, with Fang Yi and his incarnation pushing the situation behind the scenes, Daojun Planet can now be roughly divided into seven main forces.

These seven main forces are the overseas "magic" sect headed by foreigners, the Sacred Sect, the largest sect in the Central Plains, the Sanxiu Xingcheng in the southwest Chaotic Star Sea, the two sects of the Holy Fire and the Great Sun in the southeast, and the Yellow Maple Valley and Snow God Sect in the northwest and northeast.

Among them, the Daojun Mountain Holy Land presided over by Lu Shisheng does not involve these forces.

Moreover, there are many small sects and sects.

But whether it is the seven major sects or countless small forces, they all worship the "Tao Ancestor" Fang Zi.

Well, Fang Yi is respectfully called "Zi" by everyone. Because his surname is Fang, he is also called Fang Zi. Although this title is not very pleasant, it cannot stand up to everyone's respect.

Luo Yuan is an outer disciple of Huang Maple Valley. He has been a disciple for more than 30 years. By luck, he has reached the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage. However, his talent is mediocre and he has never been able to break through to the Foundation Building Stage to become an inner disciple.

On this day, Luo Yuan saw that he could not break through, so he decided to go out and practice.

In the mission hall.Luo Yuan bowed to the senior brother who issued the mission and said: "Senior Brother Chen, I want to go to the starry sky battlefield to experience. I hope you can be more accommodating."

Senior Brother Chen frowned and looked at him and said: "Junior Brother Luo, you are only at the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage. If you go to the starry sky battlefield to experience it, you may be able to become a squad leader or something like that, but you will most likely die in the flames of war. , those high-tech aliens are not vegetarians, you should think carefully about it yourself."

Because more than 20 years ago, everyone saw Li Shiyuan's endless power, and then realized how terrifying the immortal cultivators were. In addition, the Orion Interstellar Alliance found the Daojun Star. Under Fang Yi's secret instructions, the monks on the Daojun Star They will gradually join the Centaur Interstellar Alliance or the Orion Interstellar Alliance, and then work for each to gain enough military exploits, and then return to Daojun Star to exchange for cultivation materials.

Because of this, after many monks who participated in the interstellar war came back alive, their cultivation levels greatly increased.

Luo Yuan's cultivation level cannot be improved now. Of course, he wants to gain military exploits so that he can exchange them for cultivation materials.

Luo Yuan took a deep breath and said: "I know, I hope Senior Brother Chen can be kind and arrange a safer position for me."

As he spoke, he quietly stuffed a "golden banknote" over it, which is the common currency of Daojun Planet. A gold banknote is roughly equivalent to one pound of gold. If converted into currency, it would be about 20 Daojun coins.

When Senior Brother Chen saw that Luo Yuan had paid such a high price, a smile immediately appeared on his face, "Okay, since Junior Brother is so determined, then I will find a better position for you... The logistics of Baba Claw Planet need a few guards. Grain officer, this position generally requires you to take a space transport ship to escort grain, and you can earn [-] battle credits in three years. Junior Brother Luo, do you want to go?"

Luo Yuan blinked and asked, "Is it safe enough?"

Senior Brother Chen said: "As long as it is not the Battle of the Gods, generally no one will attack the space transport ship. The Battle of the Gods has just ended two years ago. Now it is all a small-scale war. Who will attack the transport ship? Junior brother, just relax go."

After receiving the guarantee, Luo Yuan hurriedly said: "Okay, thank you, Senior Brother Chen."


three days later.

Luo Yuan took the teleportation circle to Baba Claw Star.

After going through a series of procedures, he was sent to the military camp.

What Ling Luo Yuan didn't expect was that as soon as he arrived at the military camp, he would be tasked with transporting a batch of food to the planet Ke Zeyuan, which was thirty light years away.

He was originally here to earn military exploits, so he was naturally very happy when he saw the mission. He immediately entered the transport ship and escorted the food away with more than 1 Baba Claws.

In the transport ship.

Because Luo Yuan was not used to using a translator to communicate with others, he found several humans from other sects on the Daojun Planet to communicate with.

"Brother Taoist, I am Luo Yuan, an outer disciple of Huang Maple Valley. I wonder what you call me?"

"It turns out to be brother Luo Dao, a disciple of the famous big sect. I have admired him for a long time. I am Zhang Qun, an inner disciple of the Hundred Days Sect. The few next to me are all disciples of the small sect. There is no way to compare with Huang Maple Valley. Oh, they They are called Yu Li, Zhao Lin, Qin Guang and Sulu respectively."

"Hello fellow Taoists."

"Fellow Daoist Luo, you are polite."

A group of people got to know each other.

Luo Yuan, who was leaning against the transparent window of the rest cabin, casually looked at the stars in the distance, then turned around and looked at Zhang Qun, "Hey, Brother Zhang Dao, what do we usually need to do to perform a mission?"

Zhang Qun was drinking tea and said with a click of his tongue: "Hey, we are just here for melee combat. We don't need to do anything. We just follow the transport ship every year."

Luo Yuan snorted, "Don't you have to do anything?"

Yu Li, the only female monk present, was applying nail polish. She stared at her nails and said casually: "What do you want to do? We are basically disciples in the Qi refining period. Even basic survival in space requires the help of space suits. It’s not that the alliance has regulations on how many monks from the Dao Lord Star must be hired every year. Do you think this kind of job can fall to us? They put on combat uniforms and their fighting power is much stronger than us. If I have that time, I might as well pray to Dao Ancestor devoutly. , let him bless me to improve my realm as soon as possible."

Qin Guang, with a fierce look on his face, nodded and said: "Yes, our melee skills are enough anyway. If something happens, don't rush forward impulsively. Their elite warriors can't solve it even in combat uniforms. If we get there, it's basically a dead end." Ichijo, let me tell you a story and you will understand. About two years ago..."

Qin Guang said eloquently.

About two years ago, Qin Guang and the others encountered a special cosmic creature.

That special cosmic creature is said to be a plasma life form, which generally only lives near stars such as brown dwarfs, red dwarfs, or yellow dwarfs. Because plasma life forms need to continuously absorb high temperatures to survive, if they leave the star too far, their life will gradually disappear. Therefore, It is not easy to encounter such strange creatures in the universe.

But Qin Guang and the others were a little unlucky, and they really encountered it during the journey of transporting food.

The flaming giant that looked like Surtur seemed to be anxious because of the lack of high-temperature irradiation. Seeing that nuclear fusion inside the space transport ship produced endless high temperatures, the flaming giant came to rob the transport ship.

How could the captain of the transport ship be willing to submit obediently and let people attack immediately?

Unexpectedly, the more light energy cannons were bombarded, the more heat the flame giant could absorb and become more powerful.

When the captain saw that this was not going to work, he gave the order to evacuate.

Unexpectedly, at that time, there was a monk in the fleet who had reached the Great Perfection Stage of Foundation Establishment and was about to enter the Golden Core Stage. He wanted to show off and insisted on going out to challenge the Flame Giant.


Well, there was nothing more. Not only did the high-level monk die, but his wrong decision delayed his escape, causing a transport ship to be destroyed and four to five thousand soldiers to die.

The story was quickly finished. Qin Guang said meaningfully: "There are many powerful beings in the universe. Plasma life forms are not the most powerful. They can easily destroy a transport ship. If they encounter more powerful beings, Body, such as iron-based life, you said if we don’t choose to escape, are we still seeking death?”

Only then did Luo Yuan understand why everyone said not to do anything. It turned out that there were so many terrifying special life forms in the universe.

He sounded a little curious, "Plasma life forms are like fire giants, so what do iron-based life forms that are more advanced than plasma life forms look like?"

"Tie Ji life? To be honest, don't tell us. Even if the alliance has existed for tens of millions of years, no one has actually seen it." Qin Guang shook his head and said: "But someone has discovered that someone is suspected to be Tie Ji." Planets destroyed by life, they made a series of inferences. They felt that every iron-based life form was very powerful, and their bodies were covered with incredibly dense metal. Moreover, every individual iron-based life form was extremely powerful. Huge, the smallest one is equivalent to an asteroid, the largest one may be as big as a star, the most important thing is..."

Speaking of this, Qin Guang deliberately frightened Luo Yuan and said: "Even if there is only an iron-based life the size of an asteroid, it will require at least the full energy of a yellow dwarf star to destroy it. If it is an iron-based life the size of a star, it will probably go supernova." The energy released by the explosion may not be able to destroy it, so we'd better pray that we never encounter iron-based life in our lifetime, otherwise it will be miserable."

After Qin Guang said this, he wanted to see Luo Yuan's frightened expression. However, when he looked over, he found that Luo Yuan was staring out the window, as if he didn't listen carefully.

This kid Qin Guang was speechless and said angrily: "Brother Luo Dao, are you listening?"

Luo Yuan's tone was filled with horror, and he pointed out the window with trembling fingers, "Is this...is this the legendary invincible Tie Ji life?"

(End of this chapter)

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