I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 395 The catastrophe is coming

Chapter 395 The catastrophe is coming
Outside the window, an unbelievably huge "dragon" appeared in front of everyone.

At a glance, you can't see the edge of that "giant dragon" at all. You only know that its "claws" are many times bigger than the space transport ship.

The universe itself is in darkness, so it is not unusual to see the "dragon" clearly.

The space transport ship that Luo Yuan, Qin Guang and others were riding happened to be within the range of the excluded star system, so it could be covered by the light of stars.

But at this moment, that huge figure completely blocked the star's light!

It would be understandable if it was blocking out the sky and the sun on a planet, but now the light of stars is blocked in the universe?
This is enough to illustrate one thing, that is, the body of the "giant dragon" outside the window is at least the size of a planet, or even...maybe as huge as a star!

Qin Guang's pupils shrank for a while!
Yu Li and others were too frightened to say a word.

Luo Yuan was even more frightened to the extreme. He originally wanted to find a more peaceful job to do melee combat, but he never expected that he would encounter such a terrifying cosmic creature on his first mission!


This time it's really going to end!
Luo Yuan was extremely desperate.

However, what surprised Luo Yuan, Yu Li and others was that this huge "dragon" did not attack them, but rushed forward at a speed that seemed slow but was actually faster than light.

Soon, everyone saw clearly how huge this "dragon" was, as huge as an entire star system!

Luo Yuan was dumbfounded. He turned his head and looked at Qin Guang next to him, "Qin... Brother Qin, I... I remember you just said that if there are iron-based creatures the size of asteroids, it will take a yellow dwarf to explode. Only energy can destroy it, right? Now that the body of this iron-based creature is comparable to the size of a star system, what kind of power can destroy it?"

Qin Guang's eyes were dull, "No... I don't know if a supernova explosion can... destroy it."

I don’t know if a supernova explosion can destroy such a huge cosmic creature?

You must know that a supernova explosion is caused by a short and violent explosion of a star. In this process, the star releases huge energy more than a hundred times the mass of the original star itself, and launches them into the surrounding cosmic space.

The energy of each supernova explosion can be equivalent to the sum of the luminosity of the entire Milky Way for about 100 million years.

One can imagine how terrible energy a supernova explosion can release.

And now, Qin Guang actually said that even a supernova explosion might not be able to destroy the creature that just passed by that was most likely an iron-based life form?
If we follow this statement, it would be impossible for all the interstellar alliance's technologies in the galaxy to cause any harm to the huge creature just now!

At this thought, Luo Yuan couldn't help but let out a deep breath.

If this cosmic creature really gets angry and wreaks havoc in the galaxy, who else can stop its destruction?
Zhao Lin said solemnly: "Let's not think blindly. That creature may not be an iron-based creature. As long as it is not an iron-based creature, it is still possible to kill it with super powerful technology."

Zhang Qun smiled bitterly and said: "Do you think it is possible? If it is not an iron-based life, how could it have such a huge size? Normally speaking, the largest individual silicon-based life is about the size of a planet, and carbon-based life will be exhausted. Just a few hundred meters. If a plasma lifeform absorbs enough energy, it is possible to reach the size of a giant planet. So, have you ever seen a cosmic creature the same size as a star system? It is not as big as a star, but as big as a star system. What a size! Except for iron-based life, no life can support such a huge body, so... it must be an iron-based life!"

As soon as these words came out, all the monks in the rest cabin fell silent.

Iron-based life as huge as the star system is definitely not something that any technological force can resist!
Now they can only pray that the huge cosmic creature will not do anything outrageous.

Just when everyone was thinking so.

Suddenly, they saw a burst of light rising in front of them that was as bright as a star exploding, and in that extremely violent light, there was a huge figure.

Not surprisingly, it was the cosmic creature that passed by them just now!
Zhang Qun's expression changed, "It seems that we all guessed wrong!"

Sulu gritted his teeth and said: "This matter must be reported to the Daojun Star Holy Land as soon as possible. Apart from asking Master Shisheng, a disciple of the Dao Ancestor, to come forward, I really can't think of any possibility of defeating this extremely terrifying iron-based life."


Two days later, Baba Claw.

Because the star system was destroyed, the transport ship Luo Yuan and others were on had to return.

As soon as he came back, the captain of the transport ship reported the incident.

As a result, the senior officials of Baba Claw immediately held a meeting.

Star Lord Zhen even presided over the meeting in person.

Zhen looked at the minister below and frowned: "Recently, our transport ship encountered a huge cosmic creature that was suspected of being an iron-based life in space. It is said that this cosmic creature even destroyed a star in one go."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed behind his back.

The scene captured by the transport ship was immediately displayed on the virtual screen.

More than a dozen high-ranking bosses from the Baba Claw Star all looked up.

There is a huge "monster" in the picture that cannot be fully photographed, and there is also a terrifying cosmic creature like a giant dragon rising in the picture of a star being destroyed.

Comparing the light produced by star explosions, this cosmic creature's body may indeed be as big as a star system.

Seeing this, the pupils of the dozen or so big guys all shrank. Of course they knew what such a huge iron-based life meant.

This means that if one person does not handle it properly, the entire galaxy may usher in the greatest catastrophe in history!

The Minister of Military Aircraft broke through the cover and spoke solemnly and was the first to speak: "Great Star Lord, based on my years of experience in conquering the universe and seeing countless cosmic creatures, this terrifying cosmic creature is definitely not something that any technological force can resist. In my opinion, It is better to go to Daojun Star to ask the Great Sun God to come forward as soon as possible. It is said that he is one of the eight incarnations of Fang Zhenren, and only the Great Sun God can possibly prevent this cosmic creature from doing evil in our star domain."


"We should immediately ask the Great Sun God to come forward."

"Otherwise, if this cosmic creature really comes to our star system, then Baba Zhao will be destroyed."

"I support the military minister."

A few big guys nodded in agreement.

Finance Minister Su Zang was the first to object, "If we ask Daojunxing for help, we don't know how many resources will be squeezed in the future. Do you remember the Battle of the Gods? Just because Daojunxing sent some The super warriors and even the Great Sun God have never come forward in person. We now spend tens of billions of alliance coins on Daojun Planet every year. If we invite the Great Sun God to come out this time, will we just spend every year in the future? Daojun Planet will invest 2000 billion alliance coins? This is definitely not something we Baba Claw Planet can afford!"

"Yes, the economy doesn't allow it."

"When there is no war, our planet's annual military expenditure is only 2000 billion alliance coins. Now tens of billions of alliance coins have been invested in Daojun Planet. Is it really going to increase to the same level as military expenditure?"

"No, no, no."

"The economy just can't bear it."

A few more people agreed with the words of financial power.People on both sides have their own reasons. One believes that no one can stop the terrifying cosmic creature that is suspected of being an iron-based life. The other believes that it is unlikely that this iron-based life will come to the Baba Claw star system. They There is no need for Babazhao to go to Daojun Planet to ask the Great Sun God to come out at the risk of increased expenses.

To put it simply, the Chancellor of Finance and others are taking a chance and think nothing big will happen.

Zhenya felt that both sides were reasonable. After thinking for a long time, he patted the conference table and said, "Quiet."

Only then did the two parties stop arguing.

Zhen said slowly: "Since this cosmic creature suspected of iron-based life has come to the Orion spiral arm, if anything happens, it is definitely not a matter of our planet Baba Claw. I personally think that this matter should be reported Alliance headquarters, and then the supreme leader and the star owners of the Deacon Planet will come up with a solution after discussion.”

"The Star Lord is right."

"This matter should indeed be reported to the alliance headquarters first."

"If the alliance headquarters decides to go to Daojun Planet to ask the Great Sun God to come forward, then we on Babazhao Planet will not have to bear the expenses."

"Well, and by gathering the power of the alliance, we may not be able to find a solution. Maybe we don't need to ask the Great Sun God to come forward at all."

Everyone agreed with the Star Lord's proposal.

I really didn’t waste any more nonsense with everyone, and immediately prepared the image data and sent it to the alliance headquarters.


The alliance headquarters took the news extremely seriously.

After deliberation, the Supreme Leader immediately had the news delivered to all the allied planets in the Orion Spiral Arm, and immediately arranged for countless cosmic monitors to track the traces of mysterious cosmic creatures.

Because of such a big movement, the Centauri Star Alliance, the Virgo Star Alliance, and the Perseus Star Alliance all vaguely learned of this amazing news.

Not only the interstellar alliances in the four major spiral arms of the Milky Way, but also the various interstellar alliances in the companion galaxies of the Milky Way, the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud, have also received this news.

Everyone in the interstellar alliances in these galaxies is in danger, fearing that they will encounter that terrible monster.

Because everyone was so nervous, the Pandora Civilization, the only third-level civilization in the Large Magellanic Cloud, even took the initiative to contact other advanced civilizations in the Virgo Super Galaxy Cluster to see if they could obtain relevant information about this iron-based life.

At first, Pandora Civilization really didn’t receive any information.

It wasn't until news came from the Pluto civilization, a third-level civilization in the Hydra supercluster next door, that the Pandora civilization knew how terrifying this iron-based life was!
It is said that the iron-based life is just passing by and has destroyed an entire spiral arm of a galaxy cluster in the Hydra Super Galaxy Cluster that is about the same size as the Milky Way. It is said that the number of stars destroyed is as high as more than 1000 billion, including one Stellar system civilizations that belong to the same third-level civilization!
The Pandora civilization was frightened for a long time after receiving the news, and quickly passed the news to Magellan, Magellan, and every interstellar alliance leader in the galaxy.

Then, whether it was the Milky Way or the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, they all issued the highest level disaster warning of galaxy destruction.

As one of the steward planets of the Centauri Interstellar Alliance, the Earth naturally received this terrifying message immediately.

Although all countries want to suppress this news to avoid causing huge panic, this matter is too terrible and cannot be suppressed.

Finally, as a last resort, governments all over the world made the terrible news public.

Originally, governments thought that people would be frightened and overwhelmed, and even rich people would immigrate to other planets.

However, what shocked governments around the world was that after the news was announced, people around the world didn't take it seriously at all.

Magic City.

A young couple is eating barbecue in a barbecue restaurant.

The man was about 24 or [-] years old and was wearing a brand-name suit. He looked at his watch and then found a topic intentionally or unintentionally, "Hey, honey, have you heard about it?"

The woman was very beautiful, wearing an expensive and luxurious red dress, with an emerald necklace worth hundreds of thousands hanging around her neck. She blinked and said, "What did you hear?"

"The TV station said that a huge iron-based life has appeared in our galaxy." The man said while ordering food.

Not only did the woman not take it seriously at all, but she also said with a smile: "Of course I heard about it. It is said that this iron-based life is as large as the solar system. I really want to see what such a huge cosmic creature looks like. .”

The man deliberately frightened her and said, "Aren't you afraid that this iron-based life form will come near our solar system and destroy the earth?"

The woman snorted softly, "Hmph, our earth is protected by Zhenren Fang, why should we be afraid?"

Just as the waiter was passing by, the 22-year-old oval-faced waitress interjected with a smile: "Isn't that right? I heard decades ago that the psionic tribe sent hundreds of planet-destroying space battleships to attack our earth. What happened? Not only They didn't succeed in attacking our earth. Instead, they were destroyed by more than 100 space battleships with one move from Master Fang. Then, Master Fang even came to attack and destroyed all the star systems of the psychic race. I still don't believe there are any cosmic creatures. It dares to come to our earth, unless it is really tired of hanging itself."

The waitress's voice was loud enough that all the people eating nearby heard her.

The next moment everyone started talking happily.

"Isn't it?"

"Our earth is protected by Zhenren Fang."

"How about a mere Tieji being who wants to take advantage of our earth in front of Zhen Fang Zhen Zhen?"

"Haha, stop joking."

"I'm just afraid that Tieji's life won't come. If it comes, there's no way it can leave the earth alive!"

A group of people chatting hotly.

Yes, no one on earth who received this news felt scared, because they all believed that the omnipotent Master Fang, whose supernatural powers shocked the world, would not let it go, let alone iron-based life, even if light-based life came. , Fang Zhenren can let it go back as it came!

Precisely because everyone has full confidence in the real person Fang, they are not afraid at all. Some rich people even feel that instead of fleeing aimlessly to other planets, it is better to hide in the earth guarded by the real person Fang for safety!
However, it is not just people on earth who have this idea. Many wealthy people from other planets were frightened and overwhelmed when they received the news. Then they immediately realized that the earth is protected by Zhenren Fang, and they applied for immigration one by one. Earth.

Suddenly, the earth became a hot spot for interstellar immigration applications, and countless aliens came to settle. The reason for this was because everyone knew that the sacred name Zhenren Fang lived on the earth!
However, whether the native intelligent creatures on the earth or the wealthy people from other planets who subsequently immigrated, they did not realize that a catastrophe was coming.

The Cilin star system, which is more than 100 light-years away, was attacked by that extremely huge cosmic creature.

As the Orion civilization level is relatively developed, Cilin Star has dispatched all the firepower it can use to fight the iron-based creatures, just to protect the mother planet.

However, the reality is that after a salvo of more than 1000 space battleships sent by the Cilin tribe and surrounding allies, they did not even knock off the fur of the cosmic creature, and then the huge cosmic creature was thrown away. A flick of the tail not only destroyed more than 1000 space battleships, but also exploded the Cilin star system to which the Cilin clan belonged, making the Cilin clan completely history in the galaxy.

The news suddenly spread throughout the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.

Suddenly, all the advanced civilizations in the three galaxy clusters were shocked and deeply frightened!

(End of this chapter)

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