I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 401 The Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are all looking forward to it

Chapter 401 The Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are all looking forward to it

Everyone became excited when they heard that Zhenren Fang was going to come down to earth to destroy the enemy.

Especially Pandora, after hearing so many amazing legends about Master Fang and seeing the amazing power of Master Fang's two disciples, Li Shiyuan and Lu Shisheng, he naturally wanted to know how powerful Master Fang, who is known as "the only true god in the universe," is.

The same is true for Asa, Barabamo and other supreme leaders of the Interstellar Alliance. Everyone can't wait to see Master Fang surrender the terrifying steel beast immediately.

Only now there is a problem.

That's how to bring Master Fang down from fairyland to earth?

in the spaceship.

Li Shiyuan frowned and said, "My mentor is in the fairyland, and we can't contact him."

Lu Shisheng said with a smile: "My mentor once told me that he has an extremely powerful magical power called Xian Chaoyuan."

Pandora asked curiously: "Now Chaoyuan? What does it mean?"

"Mr. Lu, can you tell us?"

"What do you need us to do?"

"As long as we can ask Master Fang to come down to earth and defeat the enemy, we are willing to do anything."

Asa, Barabamo, Moka and other supreme leaders were all talking.

Li Shiyuan also looked over with curiosity. He really didn't know what kind of magical power Xian Chaoyuan had.

Lu Shisheng pondered for a moment and said: "When my mentor was on Earth, he used the magical power to manifest himself through the air. In other words, he didn't need to be present in person to project a project as if he were present in person."

Everyone listened quietly, knowing that Lu Shisheng hadn't finished speaking yet.

As expected, Lu Shisheng continued: "The magical power of Chao Yuan is somewhat similar to the manifestation of saints from across the sky, but someone needs to build a special 'Jiang Sheng Pavilion', and then the teacher can project a power that is indistinguishable from his own and can be used The physical body of all magical powers and spells sits in the pavilion and casts spells. This magical power ignores all distances and can be projected even if the teacher is in the fairyland."

Pandora couldn't help but ask: "How to build the Pilgrimage Pavilion?"

Lu Shisheng said: "It is quite troublesome to build a pilgrimage pavilion, but fortunately I know how to do it. Okay, I will tell you about it, and then you build a pilgrimage pavilion in the universe. Once the construction is completed, the steel giant will be attracted by it. Just go near the Pilgrimage Pavilion.”

Immediately, he told everyone about the requirements for building the Pilgrimage Pavilion.

Building a Pilgrimage Pavilion is relatively simple.

The difficulty is to build a platform in the universe. After all, no one wants Master Fang and the steel behemoth to fight in a place with galaxies. Otherwise, the damage to the surroundings will be too strong, and thousands of living things may be destroyed as a result.

Finally, Pandora discussed with the supreme leaders and decided to build a huge platform in the universe, and then build a pilgrimage pavilion on this platform to welcome Master Fang to the earth.


The news spread like wildfire.

Regarding the fact that the Milky Way and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds were preparing to build a pilgrimage pavilion to respectfully invite Master Fang to descend to earth to defeat the enemy, word quickly spread throughout the Milky Way and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.

For a time, almost the whole world was talking about this matter.

There are no planets in the Orion spiral arm.

"Hey, have you heard? An extremely powerful iron-based life has arrived in our galaxy. It is said that it has destroyed many civilizations."

"This is all old history."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"What else can it mean? I heard that this giant steel beast is so powerful that it offended Mr. Li Shiyuan and Master Shisheng, the only true god in our universe. They are going to ask Master Fang to come down to earth and kill that man. There’s a giant steel beast!”

"Oh my god, is it true? Does Fang Zhenren want to personally kill this indestructible and destructive monster?"

"Yes, yes, I really want to see Zhenren Fang's endless power again. Last time, he easily destroyed the psychic star system with just one move. That power was really terrifying!"

"Are you ignorant? Not only can Zhenren Fang easily destroy star systems, but he can also destroy star systems in one fell swoop by giving one or two magic weapons to his disciples. No one knows how powerful Fang Zhenren really is. Strong, so I think if he comes down to earth, he will definitely be able to kill that giant steel beast!"

"Yes! Master Fang is invincible in the world!"

"Invincible? Zhenren Fang is invincible in heaven and earth!"

"I'm so looking forward to Master Fang's descending to earth, but it's a pity that we don't have the honor to witness Master Fang's feat of descending to earth to defeat the enemy. Alas, it's such a pity."

"Who says we don't have the opportunity to see Master Fang descend to earth to defeat the enemy? The supreme leaders of various interstellar alliances have publicly stated that the invitation to Master Fang to descend to earth and kill the giant steel beast will be broadcast live to all civilizations. A film and television organization, all races in the Milky Way, the Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud, as long as their civilization is slightly more advanced, will have the opportunity to witness the scene of Master Fang descending to earth to kill the steel giant."

"Really or not, I will definitely watch it when the time comes!"

"Me too."

"And I."

The entire Lingpi Fen planet suddenly became agitated when they heard that they had the opportunity to see the scene of Zhenren Fang descending to earth and killing the giant steel beast.

Planet Lingpifen is just a microcosm of the thousands of civilizations in the Orion spiral arm. In fact, all the races in Orion that have joined the Interstellar Alliance are aware of this matter.

Once the news came out, countless people looked forward to it.

Similar to this are the Centauri Star Alliance, the Perseus Star Alliance, and the Virgo Star Alliance.

These interstellar alliance members in the galaxy have all seen the boundless power of Zhenren Fang, so naturally everyone is looking forward to it.

But not every civilization is expecting it.

There are also civilizations that question and don’t quite understand.

For example, in the Central Bar Interstellar Alliance of the Large Magellanic Cloud where the Pandora race is located, there is a second-level civilized race called Ohman. They don't understand that Pandora rushed all the way to the Milky Way to invite Fang Yi to come out.

Many people of the Ohman race are questioning this.

"Is Pandora crazy?"

"Traveling through more than 20 to [-] light-years to rush to the Milky Way to ask that kind of master to come out to eliminate iron-based life?"

"It is said that the iron-based being can easily destroy a star system with a flick of its tail. Although it is said that Zhenren Fang also has the ability to destroy star systems, what kind of defense does this iron-based being have? That can even be damaged by a gamma ray burst It doesn’t exist at all!”

"I think if that Mr. Fang really comes forward, he might be killed by Tieji Lifestyle."

"Pandora has that time, so why not prepare more powerful weapons to deal with that steel behemoth." Because the intelligent life forms of the Ohman race do not understand Fang Yi, even though it is rumored that Fang Yi has the ability to destroy star systems, they have not seen it with their own eyes. How could they believe what they saw?

No matter whether it is the various interstellar alliances in the Milky Way or the interstellar alliances in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, there is no sensation on the earth.

As Fang Zhenren's "mother family", it can be said that there are statues of Fang Zhenren worshiped almost everywhere on the earth.

In the eyes of the world, Zhenren Fang is an omnipotent god. Even if someone says that Zhenren Fang can destroy the entire universe at once, no one on earth will have the slightest doubt.

This time, when everyone heard that Zhenren Fang was going to come down to earth to eradicate the iron-based life forms that were causing harm to the universe, the whole earth was in a state of shock.

"Fuck! F*ck! F*ck!"

"Big news that shocked the world! It is said that Zhenren Fang is in the fairyland now, but he is about to go down to earth to eradicate that steel giant!"

"Oh my god, that giant steel beast is such a great honor, and it actually requires Master Fang to take action himself?"

"I'm really looking forward to it. I really want to see how Master Fang eradicates the steel giant."

"Who doesn't want to?"

"Hey, it's a pity. We can't go to places like the interstellar battlefield. Otherwise, I would have rushed to the scene to see the situation."

Almost everyone in Asia, Europe, America, Africa and other places is discussing this topic.

Not only did everyone not have any fear of the steel behemoth, some people even wanted to come to the scene to see how Master Fang destroyed the steel behemoth.

You must know that that giant steel beast can easily destroy star systems. Other life races in the universe may not be able to match it. I am afraid that only the people on earth want to watch the battle up close.

There is no way, it's not that people on earth are not afraid of death, but they trust Fang Zhenren too much. Think about it in the minds of people on earth, what kind of Gouba steel behemoth is like a little reptile in front of Zhenren Fang!

Yes, the people on earth have extremely high confidence in the real person.

Just when everyone was regretting that they couldn't go to the scene to watch the game in person, a turning point came!

According to the news released by the Supreme Council of the Global Federation, in order to build a pilgrimage pavilion for Zhenren Fang, the committee needs to recruit [-] engineers within three days to install a giant platform in space so that the pilgrimage pavilion can be built on it.

As soon as this news came out, someone immediately sensed a business opportunity!
As a result, the quota of [-] engineers who could visit the site in person was somehow turned into a sale, or appeared in the form of an online auction.

For example, the price of building a space platform at the edge is as high as [-] million Chinese coins.

Working in the core area closest to the establishment of the Pilgrimage Pavilion, in just ten minutes, the starting price was raised from [-] million Chinese coins to one billion Chinese coins!

Netizens were stunned when they saw it.

"Crazy! Are you crazy for riding a horse?"

"Just for the sake of Zhenren Jianfang wiping out Tieji's life, he actually spent one billion Chinese coins to do the work? Damn it, don't rich people have so much money that they don't have anywhere to spend it?"

"Fuck, I've seen people who don't take money seriously. I've never seen you spend money like this, risk your lives, and go to the scene just to watch the game?"

"What do you know? You don't know how much commercial value this battle contains. If you can get first-hand information, one billion Huaxia coins? There is no chance of getting back tens of billions!"

"Yes, I heard that several large domestic media companies spent a huge amount of money just to get a ticket to film Fang's real-life style at close range. Does Ugly Country Radio and Television Company know? This time they paid a billion Chinese dollars for their eyes. Didn’t even blink!”

"I really want to go there, but why don't I have money for horse riding?"

"Damn it, I don't even want to see people in the concert, but I actually thought about going to the interstellar battlefield to watch Master Fang descend to earth and surrender the steel beast. I'm really crazy, ahhhhh, I really want to go. "

"Who doesn't want to go? Unfortunately, there are only 1 places, and you must be an engineer."

The earth is going crazy.

In addition to some large media companies that spent huge sums of money to purchase tickets, some top wealthy people also spent a large amount of money to purchase qualifications "for the sake of long-term experience."

Among them were several acquaintances of Fang Yi, such as Zhang Tianshi, who took the golden apple, and went to watch the battle on behalf of Taoism on Earth, and Zen Master Jiecheng, who had already become the chairman of the Buddhist Association, and went to watch the battle on behalf of Buddhism.

Of course, the descendants of Fang Yi's acquaintances are also indispensable, such as Chen Xiaoqing's granddaughter Chen Ke'er, Zhu Changqing's great-grandson Zhu Yu, Cheng Shan's great-great-granddaughter Cheng Xiuxiu, etc.

These people have listened to their family elders day and night to teach them how great Fang Zhenren is. As a group of people who are relatively close to Huangshan Daojun Palace, they naturally want to see with their own eyes how powerful Fang Zhenren is, who is omnipotent, as their elders say. .


three days later.

Ten thousand engineers and "overseers" from Earth boarded the spaceship and headed to the galaxy where the space platform was built.

Chen Keer, Zhu Yu and Cheng Xiuxiu knew each other, and they started chatting expectantly as soon as they boarded the spacecraft.

The 21-year-old Chen Ke'er looked like a young girl and said: "I heard from my grandma that Master Fang has the power to destroy the world, but it's a pity that I have never seen it. I always feel very sorry. This time I finally have it." I’m so excited when I see the opportunity!”

Zhu Yu laughed loudly and said: "I was very honored when I was a child. When I went to Huangshan Daojun Palace, I saw Master Fang from afar. Unknowingly, more than twenty years have passed."

Cheng Xiuxiu blinked and said, "How long do you think it will take Master Fang to destroy that steel giant?"

There were more than just the three of them nearby.

As soon as the topic of Cheng Xiuxiu was brought up, tens of thousands of people on earth immediately started talking excitedly.

"I don't think it will take more than an hour!"

"An hour? You must be looking down on Master Fang too much. He couldn't hold on for more than 10 minutes."

"If it were an ordinary monster, I think Zhenren Fang would be able to deal with it in an instant. However, judging from the image data sent back from the front line, this steel behemoth's defense power is astonishing. Even if the star system explodes or a gamma ray bursts, it will be destroyed. It can't cause any harm to it. Because of this, I have an overestimation of this steel giant. I think it has a chance to last in Fang Zhenren's hands for half an hour."

"Yes, about half an hour."

"Ah, what kind of thing can last for half an hour in Fang Zhenren's hands? Ten minutes! If Fang Zhenren doesn't destroy that giant steel beast in ten minutes, I will eat all the shit you poop in the future!"


"This man is really cruel. If Master Fang can't destroy the steel behemoth in 10 minutes, you will have to eat 99 pink shit every day! You are so cruel to yourself!"

"I've seen people who are cruel to themselves, but I've never seen anyone so cruel to you. Brother, you're so fucking awesome!"

The atmosphere in the spaceship was lively, as if they were not afraid of encountering the steel giants that everyone in the galaxy had heard of, and it was not like they were going to "work". These earthlings were more like traveling, going to see some show, or something. , their confidence in the other person's real person has expanded to the point that the universe can't accommodate it, that's why they seem so relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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