I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 402 The real person descends to earth

Chapter 402 The real person descends to earth
Regarding the matter of respectfully inviting Master Fang to come down to earth and defeat the enemy, there has already been an uproar in the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.

Because of this, not to mention the Pilgrimage Pavilion, even if the cosmic platform has just begun to be established, countless planets have sent cosmic monitors to take pictures, and then broadcast them to the film and television stations on various planets for everyone to watch.

So is the earth.

Reprints can be found everywhere on short video websites.

Especially the official live broadcast room was full of viewers.

"Have you just started building the platform now?"

"When will it be built?"

"I really want to see Master Fang surrender that steel giant. Does anyone know how long it will take to build the Pilgrimage Pavilion?"

"According to official and reliable information, in order to build this platform, billions of engineers from various planets were used. It is expected to be completed within three days. As for the Pilgrimage Pavilion, it is relatively simple. There are Master Li from Huangshan Daojun Palace and Daoist Pavilion. Grand Master Shisheng of Junxing built it himself, so it shouldn’t take long.”

"In other words, we can hope to see Zhenren Fang's peerless style in three days?"

"Yes, that's right."

A group of people kept chatting about it.

Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Tianshi Zhang and Taoist Qiu are still alive today because they took the golden apple.

Especially Taoist Master Qiu, who will be celebrating his [-]th birthday in a few years. He can be said to be a living fossil of Taoism.

Zhang Tianshi is younger than Qiu Daochang, but he is only 30 years old. He is now 60 or 60 years old. Of course, he is in good physical condition and still looks like he was in his [-]s or [-]s.

At this time, a group of Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain were surrounding two highly respected Taoist priests to listen to the story of Master Fang.

As this person gets older, he likes to talk about his past experiences.

Master Zhang and Taoist Qiu were no exception.

After speaking for a while, Master Zhang Tianshi still said: "When I first met the real person, I was really shocked. What a pity. Now that I heard that the real person shattered the void and lived in the fairyland for a long time, he didn't know that I was like this. I will never have the honor to see a real person again in my life."

Daochang Qiu nodded in deep agreement and said, "I think that when the Master gave me and the Heavenly Master each a fairy fruit like a golden apple, we could live to be one or two hundred years old. I really want to see the Master again and say goodbye to him in person. Thank you, but it’s a pity that I don’t have a chance!”

One of the thin little Taoist priests surrounding him blinked and said, "Heavenly Master, Patriarch, have you heard that a terrifying monster has appeared in our galaxy recently?"

The dozen or so little Taoist priests next to them all turned towards Master Zhang and Taoist Qiu and forgot about them.

Zhang Tianshi smiled and said: "This incident has caused such a big fuss. Unless you are a savage living in the barren mountains, who wouldn't know about the giant steel beast?"

"Yes, Xiao Lu, why do you ask?" Taoist Master Qiu asked, not knowing why.

The little Taoist priest who was called Xiao Lu chuckled, "I heard that Master Li Shiyuan and Master Shisheng are planning to join forces to respectfully ask Master Fang to come down to earth and surrender the steel giant beast. Don't you want to see Master Fang again? If Can’t we see the real person again when he descends to earth?”

"Ouch!" Zhang Tianshi suddenly stood up with a cry of excitement, "Is this true?"

Taoist priest Qiu was also very excited and said: "Is the real person really going to come down to earth?"

Xiao Lu quickly took out his mobile phone, found the official live broadcast room, and said: "You two, please look, billions of engineers of all races are building the universe platform. Once it is completed, Master Li and Master Shisheng will build it on it." Pilgrimage Pavilion, respectfully invite Master Fang to come down to earth and surrender that steel giant beast."

Zhang Tianshi lowered his head and said, "Hey, it's true. According to this, we really have a chance to see Master Fang's brilliance again."

Taoist Master Qiu couldn't help but sigh: "I can still see Master Fang subduing demons in my lifetime. This life of the Taoist is worth it!"

Similar situations are happening in different parts of the earth.

In fact, no one has any idea about the steel behemoth. The only thing that they have an idea about is that whether they have seen Master Fang in person or not, everyone has at least heard of countless legends and some precious images from the past, and knows how strong Master Fang is.

It is precisely because of this situation that everyone feels that the steel behemoth is vulnerable to Zhenren Fang.

This situation continued for a long time.

It was not until three days later, when the cosmic platform was about to be built, that due to a fatal mistake, the soldiers of the Orion Interstellar Alliance attracted the steel behemoth in advance. At this time, those who saw the live broadcast knew about the steel behemoth. How huge is it, and what terrifying power it contains!


Videos all over the world are broadcasting live broadcasts of the steel behemoth as huge as a star system, which seems to be slow but is actually extremely fast and violent. It is attacking the space platform!

When the people on Earth saw it, they were all in an uproar.

"Oh my God!"

"This...is this the giant steel beast?"

"Oh my God, a space battleship as big as a prefecture-level city can't even be counted as dust next to the steel behemoth?"

"It's so scary. This giant steel beast turns out to be so scary!"

"Hiss, luckily it didn't come into the solar system, otherwise such a huge body might easily explode the solar system!"

People around the world were in an uproar.

Even at this moment, some people in Europe and the United States were so shocked by the huge body of the steel behemoth that they began to doubt whether Zhenren Fang could deal with this monster.

"Do you think Master Fang can really deal with such a huge steel beast?"

"Nonsense, why not? Zhenren Fang can even destroy the star system at once, but the steel giant is nothing!"

"Are you really not understanding or not? The main components of a star system are stars, planets, comets and other materials. How dense do you think those materials can be? And the steel giant in front of you is as big as a star system. It The density of its entire body may have exceeded what anyone can imagine. Even the nuclear pasta, which is said to be the densest in the universe, may not be able to match it. It is precisely because of its ultra-high density that its defense power is astonishing and unbelievable. , I dare to judge that with the density of the body of this steel giant, even if it encounters a supernova explosion, it will not be damaged at all!"

"Hiss, how could such a monster be born in the universe?" "To be honest, after seeing this giant steel beast, for the first time, I had a little doubt whether the real person could surrender."

"Yes, Zhenren Fang can easily destroy the star system, but the defense power of this monster is not comparable to that of stars."

A group of people who like to study science began to analyze the steel beast as soon as they saw it. Some people even calculated the density of the steel beast's body.

Finally, this group of people who like to study science came to a shocking conclusion, that is, according to what humans currently know, there is no energy in the universe that can destroy this steel behemoth!

Just when people all over the world were shocked, they finally saw the terrifying power of the steel behemoth for the first time.

Perhaps the steel behemoth was attracted in advance, and the Pilgrimage Pavilion had not yet been built. The space battleship battle groups assisted by various interstellar alliances in the Milky Way, as well as the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud Interstellar Alliance, had to go out to fight for Li Shiyuan and Lu Shisheng, who were building the Pilgrimage Pavilion. time.

In an instant, densely packed large space battleships appeared around the circular platform that was as big as the earth.

As soon as these space battleships appeared, they immediately raised their hatches, from which flew out countless frigates, destroyers and other small and medium-sized space battleships. Of course, there were also countless elite warriors wearing space battle suits.

At this moment, in the star field near the Gula star system, a shocking scene that even science fiction movies would not dare to shoot was presented.

While thousands of space battleships spread in all directions, they continued to fire powerful energy cannons "boom boom boom".

Hundreds of millions of elite warriors also shuttled through the gaps in the space battleships. While moving at high speed, they shot out rapid bombardments that were either light streams or light spots.

Endless light energy bombarded the steel behemoth's body, but no damage was done at all!

The giant steel beast was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, not caring about any bombardment at all, and its densely packed centipede-like feet were still grabbing at the surroundings.

In the blink of an eye, several space battleship battle groups were destroyed!

These descriptions may not sound very shocking.

However, people on earth didn’t know how shocking it was until they saw the live broadcast. You have to know that a large space battleship is as wide as a prefecture-level city in China. For example, Jinghai covers an area of ​​more than 8000 square kilometers. Now, it is comparable to the size of Jinghai. The space battleship was directly grabbed and crushed by the steel behemoth and exploded into a blaze of flames. Not only was it also crushed several space battleships and the accompanying battle groups at once?


People on earth are extremely shocked!

Such terrifying combat power is something they have never heard of. Even when Zhenren Fang took action to destroy more than 100 space battleships of the Psychic Tribe, it was not as shocking as the previous slaughter of steel giants!
At this moment, people on earth knew why the supreme leaders of the interstellar alliances in the entire Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, were so threatened by a formidable enemy. It turned out that this steel behemoth was simply not something that any creature or even technology could match!
Perhaps seeing that the steel behemoth was too ferocious, the doubts in everyone's hearts became even more intense. Can Zhenren Fang really compete with such a monster?
Nobody knows the answer!
However, judging from the fact that people on earth who think Fang Zhenren is omnipotent and invincible in the world have doubts, we know how ferocious this steel giant is!

At this moment, the hearts of the people on earth who were watching the battle were all raised to their throats, because they finally realized the horror of the monster, and were afraid that the giant platform of the universe would be destroyed by the monster before the Pilgrimage Pavilion could be built in time. If that were the case, they would not be able to respectfully invite Master Fang to come to earth.

Although everyone does not know whether Zhenren Fang can destroy this ferocious and terrifying steel beast, if Zhenren Fang comes down to earth for his own sake, there will be no creature in this universe that can be the opponent of this steel giant, and the earth will also be able to do so in the future. In danger, everyone is now eager to complete the construction of the Pilgrimage Pavilion immediately so that Zhenren Fang can understand the strength of this giant steel beast!


It's not just people on Earth who are worried.

Almost the entire Milky Way and the interstellar alliance member planets in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are in a hurry.

"what the hell?"

"The Pilgrimage Pavilion hasn't been built yet, so why did the giant steel beast be lured there?"

"Which civilization is responsible for seducing the steel behemoth? If the Pilgrimage Pavilion is not built in time and Master Fang is not invited to come to earth, our entire galaxy and the associated Large and Small Magellanic Clusters will suffer!"

"I hope it can be dragged to the Pilgrimage Pavilion to be built."

"God bless!"

Thousands of intelligent creatures on the planet watched the live broadcast, and they all prayed nervously, praying that the Pilgrimage Pavilion could be successfully built before the steel behemoth touched the big platform of the universe.

Of course, many supreme leaders of the Star Alliance such as Asa, Barabamo and Pandora were also very angry.

Through their virtual projection, they could see that their expressions suddenly changed with anger.

"What's going on with your Orion Star Alliance?"

"You can actually succeed in just a task of seducing a giant steel beast?"

"Now is not the time to accuse. Quickly order reinforcements. We must wait until Mr. Li and Master Shisheng have built the Pilgrimage Pavilion!"

Orders were issued from the mouths of these supreme leaders!

Whether they are ordinary people of intelligent creatures on various planets, or many supreme leaders, they are not the most nervous and worried group of people.

The ones who are most nervous and fearful are the billions of engineers of all races on the cosmic platform.

Not far ahead is a terrifying steel behemoth that is tumbling over rivers and seas, running rampant and tyrannically constantly smashing space battleships into flaming flames!
In other words, if Master Fang cannot be invited to come down to earth next, or even if Master Fang cannot defeat this giant steel beast after coming down to earth, then they will all die here!
"Not yet?"

"Mr. Li and Master Shisheng haven't built the Pilgrimage Pavilion yet?"

"Oh my God! Oh my God! The space battleship battle group in front cannot withstand the onslaught of this giant steel beast! It's coming! It's really coming towards us!"

"It's over! This time our billions of engineers of all races will die in this vast universe!"

Despair flowed in the hearts of everyone present.

Many people have even closed their eyes in despair, unwilling to add fear to themselves before death. In the eyes of this group of people, as long as the giant steel beast collides with them, they will definitely die in an instant without any pain. Instead of doing this, it is better to close your eyes and wait for death. Why should you open your eyes and look at the ferocious steel beast to scare yourself?
However, just when everyone was so desperate that they thought they were certain to die, when the supreme leaders of the various interstellar alliances turned pale, and when the intelligent creatures on thousands of planets in the Milky Way and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds were filled with grief and anger.

Suddenly, the angry shouts of Li Shiyuan and Master Shisheng came from the big platform of the universe!
"Disciple Lu Shisheng!"

"Disciple Li Shiyuan!"

"I respectfully ask my mentor to send his avatar to the mortal world to save countless living beings in the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds!"

As soon as he finished speaking, whether it was the billions of engineers on site, the supreme leaders sitting in front of the virtual screen watching the battle, or the people of intelligent creatures, they all saw an astonishing colorful light suddenly erupting in the Zhuqi Pilgrimage Pavilion, heading towards It keeps surging above!
(End of this chapter)

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