Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 181 Red Flag

Chapter 181 Red Flag
At Baimajin Ferry in East County, hundreds of refugees had just traveled from the north bank to the south bank when they encountered a group of soldiers in leather armor.

A leader wearing a black iron armor pressed his first knife with his hand, and the long and narrow scar on his face looked particularly ferocious. He pointed to the wet crowd and said, "I am a sergeant under Liu Shijun's tent in Yanzhou. I have been ordered to come to greet you. Be alarmed, there is porridge and water five miles ahead, you can rest for a while, and then go south to the court."

When the refugees heard such a good thing, they were all overjoyed, "Thank you Mr. Liu!"

The Liu family has a good reputation in the north and south of the Yellow River, and Liu Qizhi is well-known in Yanzhou, and the refugees do not doubt that he is there.

Less than five miles away, there was porridge and water in a valley, and the refugees went south with their families, with only a few wheat cakes for their whole family.

There were other refugees resting in the valley. Nearly 2000 people crowded together, chanting Liu Qi's kindness one by one.

"Mi Dianjun, this group of people is almost done, we can send them back." A soldier next to him said.

The general with the scar on his face nodded.

But just at this moment, a soldier rushed over and said in a low voice: "The Zhao army in Baima City found us, and the [-]-step cavalry is coming, and the meeting is less than ten miles away!"

The surrounding soldiers were stunned for a moment, looking at Mi Dianjun one after another.

The other party was Buqi, and they were less than ten miles away, and they brought refugees with them, so it was difficult to get rid of them.

Mi Dianjun snorted, "They have 530 paces, and we have more than [-] people from the White Horse Southern Army, which is enough for a battle. Send an order and hang up the black cloud and red flag. Let's see if they have eaten the bear's heart and leopard's gall!"

This army is exactly the Southern Army that was transformed from the White Horse Beggar Army.

Mi Dianjun's name is Mi Jin, and he is the general of Heiyun personally appointed by Li Yue. He followed Li Yue all the way from Heiyun Mountain. He has seen the scenes of mountains of knives and seas of blood. Now that he encounters such a crisis, it is nothing to him. .

After being reorganized into the Southern Army, the Qihuo Army is no longer what it used to be.

Equipped with leather armor and well-trained, he is worthy of Zhao Jun.

The cities in the counties and counties of Yanzhou belonged to the Zhao army, but outside the cities, they belonged to the Southern Army.

However, when the refugees went south, Dongjun was in the south of the river, and became the first choice for refugees to cross the river. Liu Qi, the governor of Yanzhou, was also recruiting the refugees and sending them to Lu County.

After a while, a blood-red black cloud flag rose in the valley.

The 37 southern armies on the border of Yanzhou all have such a flag. If the flag is there, if the flag is not there, the establishment will be cancelled.

It has always been regarded as a treasure by the Dianjun and Sima.

Mi Jin led his soldiers to set up antlers at the mouth of the valley. Behind the antlers, spears were like teeth.

The black cloud and red flag behind them lifted the spirits of all the Southern Army soldiers present. The Qihuo Army used to be scattered, but now they are all united under this flag.

After killing the enemy, they can go to Chenliu to exchange for land with their military exploits, which makes the soldiers full of expectations.

Although there are barren fields everywhere in the wild, without title deeds, no matter how fertile these barren fields are, they are still owned by the surrounding government and powerful.

When the fields are deserted, no one cares about them, but once they are plowing and the crops are ripe, people from the government will come to them...


After a few neighings of war horses, Zhao Jun arrived in a blink of an eye.

However, after seeing the black clouds and red flags in the valley, none of them dared to move.

Liu Qi was the governor of Yanzhou, but Li Yue was the shepherd of Yanzhou. He beheaded Liang Du in the first battle, and then killed King Shi Bin of Yan in the next battle. Everyone in Yanzhou was shocked.

Although Li Yue's influence was limited to the three counties of Xingyang, Chenliu, and Jiyin, his reputation became more and more prosperous as time went by.

Zhao Jun in Yanzhou fought against Yanzhou Mu, so he naturally felt sympathetic.

"Come and die!" Behind the antlers, a Southern soldier roared frantically.

Zhao Jun looked at the red flag in the valley, and then at these bloodthirsty southern troops, turned around and left.

"Fuckless bastard!" Nan Jun yelled after him, laughing wildly.

The people in the valley were a little confused, but looking at the rising black cloud and red flag, someone finally recognized it, "You, you are not Liu Shijun's people?"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the refugees picked up their packages and were about to leave.

Unexpectedly, he shouted loudly, "Whoever dares to move will be beheaded!"

Mi Jin stood in front of the refugees with a knife, the scar on his face made him look even more ferocious, and the six or seven armored ax men behind him looked fierce.

Hei Yun will kill people on the battlefield without counting. Hei Yun has gathered a heavy evil spirit on his body. Once it explodes, it is extremely terrifying.

The refugees were all shocked.

"If you want to live, follow someone, if you don't want to live, report your name!"

"You, you guys..."

The refugees faltered, but finally bowed their heads, not daring to resist.

More than [-] people were driven southward in this way.

The southern army had already set up camps along the way, and Baima was not far from Chenliu, and within two or three days, they entered the border of Fengqiu.

The entire Fengqiu was already crowded with refugees from all over the north.

There are still more than a dozen bloody heads hanging on the city wall, which are said to be those who escaped and were captured, and those who bewitched the refugees to cause chaos.

Hundreds of armored soldiers patrolled the crowd with knives, dividing the refugees.

Compared with the southern army who sent them here, these soldiers were even more fierce, their staring eyes seemed to be looking at dead people.

There used to be quite a lot of tyrannical people among the refugees going south, but now none of them dare to move.

Not long after, people from the Black Cloud Army came to lead them.

After walking for half a day, there are rows of temporary thatched huts. Although they are slightly dilapidated, they are still a place to stay.

In this way, the refugees were placed in Chenliu territory.

Fengqiu is just a microcosm. To the east, there are more refugees gathered in Chengyang, Shanfu and other places. A stream of people holding black clouds and red flags sent back to Chenliu from Dongping Kingdom and Lu County.

But Zhao Jun's cities along the way did not dare to move.

When this great migration had just begun, Li Yue, in his capacity as Yanzhou Mu, said, "Whose territory where the refugees under Heiyunchi's banner have an accident, whose city will be slaughtered by the Heiyun Army in retaliation."

The Heiyun Army has long been known to be vicious, and people from all over Yanzhou did not dare to move, they huddled in the city, watching the refugees go west.

Refugees are a huge burden for them, after all, there are tens of thousands of mouths to eat.

Zhao Jun in various counties thought of looting, but never thought of taking them in.

Dongjun Liu Qi also rode five or six thousand horses out of the city to do something, but as soon as he left the city, there were black cloud cavalry in all directions, false and real, so he had to retreat to Yuncheng again.

The population continued to move in, giving the ravaged Chen Liu a glimmer of life.

Li Yueren was in Chenliu City, and all kinds of news from the scouts came like snowflakes.

With General Heiyun as the backbone, the Southern Army was established, and within ten days, 8 or [-] refugees were sent back to Chenliu for resettlement.

There is also bad news. The refugees knew that the Heiyun army was arresting people in Yanzhou, so they did not pass through Yanzhou, but went south from Qingzhou.

The scout battalion has already followed up, trying to bring back as many people as possible, but let a lot of fish slip through the net, the forces of Heiyun County have just established a firm foothold in Yanzhou, and have not penetrated into Qingzhou.

"General, Sikong's [-]-step cavalry has arrived in Lu County!" the scout reported.

(End of this chapter)

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