Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 182 The Position

Chapter 182 The Position
"Untouchable!" Li Nong looked at the mighty refugees going south with a look of anger.

Now that these people have gone south, they have betrayed Da Zhao. They are no longer Jie Zhao Zimin, but thieves!

"It's better to drive these people to the west, I heard that Xing would like to recruit the refugees in Chenliu..." Dong Run said cautiously.

But these words immediately attracted Li Nong's attention, "It seems that General Dong is quite fond of Heiyun Mountain?"

Although these words are gentle, every word is cruel.

Dong Run's whole body trembled, and he didn't dare to tell the difference. The whole family was in Guangzong, so naturally they didn't dare to touch Li Nong's bad luck.

Before dispatching troops, Li Nong also killed two chieftains who were "too" close to Heiyun Mountain, and more than 40 members of his family were buried alive...

"A pariah will always be a pariah. Under Zhao's rule, he lives and works in peace and contentment. Why go south to seek death?" Left Guard General Wang Luan smiled.

"Hmph." Li Nong snorted coldly, but did not reply to Wang Luan's words.

The two have different positions, and it is useless to say more.

But Wang Luan persisted, "The Heiyun army is not far from Lu County. It is the old army of Sikong. Why don't you recruit them here and resist Chu Po together."

Li Nong had just been defeated, and in less than three months, he raised his troops to go south again. Twenty thousand Zhao troops attacked Pengcheng where [-] elite Jin troops were stationed on foot and cavalry.

This time, Chu Po stationed troops in Pengcheng, Huaibei, relying on Jiancheng, encroaching on the Central Plains, and recruiting the population of the Northland.

Dong Run followed suit, saying, "Heiyun Army and Sikong are in love with each other, and most of them sent Sikong to the south. The intention is self-evident. Only with the help of Heiyun Army can we repel Chu Po."

If the Jin army can be driven to the south of the Huaihe River, everyone will be satisfied.

As for Shouchun, an important town to the south of the Huaihe River, and Xiapi, which is to the east of the Huaihe River, there is no hope.

Ran Min's order was also to block Chu Po's northward advance, and when he defeated Shi Chong, he went south to face Chu Po.

Li Nong glanced at Wang Luan sideways, "North and South begging armies have their own divisions, and the Heiyun army is deeply tabooed by His Majesty. If they are summoned, once they make meritorious service, how will they be rewarded?"

Thinking of Li Yue facing his own swordsmen in Xingyang City that day, Li Nong felt like a light on his back.

Obviously, Li Yue is an unfamiliar wolf, and if he is not careful, he will bite himself back.

Wang Luan's eyes flashed, "Because the black cloud army's tail can't be lost, it can be used as a vanguard, consume strength, and break the city, then the credit goes to Sikong, if it doesn't break, then use military law to kill it!"

"Hahaha..." Li Nong raised his head and laughed, "Who are you as Li Yue? Will you fail to see through your strategy? If he takes advantage of the situation to garrison Lu County and occupy Mount Tai, then Shandong will no longer belong to my Great Zhao!"

After the change in Xingyang, General Li Nong thought about it all over again, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. Li Yue's every step was extremely delicate, and he ate the Nanqi living army one bite at a time.

The deep danger in his mind made him shudder.

Now Jie Zhao has internal and external troubles, and people in the north and south of the river are in turmoil.

However, Huan Wen in Heiyun Mountain and Jingxiang is unclear, and the possibility of defecting to Jiangdong cannot be ruled out.

Li Nong never dared to take this risk.

Wang Luan's face twitched when he was ridiculed. He was promoted by Lord Zhao Shi Zun, and he knew many inside stories about the Qihuo army.

"Report to Sikong, Jin general Wang Kan, and Li Maijun's next generation Pei!" At this time, the scouts came to report.

Pei means the land of water weirs, Shaopi to the west of Cao Wei General Zeng Zhitian Shouchun, became one of the granaries of the Wei army.

Daibei is in Huaibei, northwest of Pengcheng, away from Lu County, and has sufficient money and food.

Everyone's eyes lit up in an instant. Wang Kan and Li Mai did not enter the rebellious Wubao in Lu County immediately, and joined forces with the rebels, giving Zhao Jun a chance!
This was a huge strategic mistake.

Although there are only 3000 people, they can cut off their minions and interrupt Chu Lin's strategic concept of invading the south of the Yellow River.

"This is a great opportunity! The whole army immediately headed southwest, doubled the road, and wiped out the king's niche!" Li Nong shook his head.

"Wei!" The generals cupped their hands.

The [-] soldiers of the Zhao army marched southward in black, disturbing countless birds in the forest, and the refugees along the way were all shocked.

From Lu County to Xue County, there is a mess everywhere, all the dead bodies of refugees are left to be eaten by birds and beasts.

Many Jie people in the Zhao army hated the refugees deeply, and even the Jin people in the north did not have much compassion for the refugees, like slaughtering chickens and sheep, they would not be soft.

Zhao Jun laughed and killed Dai Pei all the way...

At the same time, Pingji County, Changshan County.

20 troops spread out, one in the north and one in the south.

The northern army was quite imposing, and the Hu cavalry stood side by side, extremely fierce, and the soldiers in the front line had spears like forests.

Youzhou has been a mixed land of Hu and Han since ancient times. Emperor Wu of Wei defeated Wuhuan, who was once tyrannical, and plundered 20 people and resettled them in various counties of Youzhou.

On the surface, this large army respected Shi Chong, but in fact, under the banner of Shi Chong, they went south to attack Yecheng, and the slogan they shouted was that after the city was broken, the money, children, etc. will be taken...

And the [-] Zhao Jun in the south looked like a mob recruited temporarily.

Except for the [-] ax-wielding soldiers on the left front, and the more than [-] cavalrymen on the right front who were a bit imposing, everyone else looked vulnerable.

However, Zhao Jun's teeth stand in front of the formation.

Under the banner, one general holds a dagger in his left hand, a spear in his right, and a vermilion horse like a dragon under his crotch.

This person is the governor of Jiezhao, the governor of Chinese and foreign armies, Lu Shangshushi, and Ran Min, Duke of Wuxing County.

At the beginning, Shi Zun led three thousand underdogs to the west, if Ran Min hadn't been the first to join, Shi Zun might not have entered Yecheng so quickly.

Behind Ran Min was the Guangzong Qihuo Army as his team, and more than ten thousand Gaoli imperial guards were recruited. They were famous and feared by all the generals in Yezhong. It was only logical that the military power was taken into Ran Min's pocket.

Birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, surrounded by more than a dozen newly promoted generals, Su Yan, Zhou Cheng, Jiang Gan, etc., all of them are brave generals in the army.

Among them, there are many Jie generals with deep eyes and high noses.

"The members of Shi Chong's tribe are as stupid as pigs and dogs. Now that they have come out of their lair, they will be slaughtered for me!" Ran Min raised his long dagger in his left hand, pointing disdainfully at the [-] troops to the north. , Shock the world!"

"I would like to fight with the governor!" All the generals bowed their hands.

"The subordinates are willing to be the vanguard!" A general came out from the crowd, and it was Zhou Cheng, the bravest man under Ran Min's command.

"Since I led the army, I have never fallen behind. Why should you be the vanguard? Let me take Shi Chong's head!" Ran Min shot his eyes brightly, and swung the double-edged spear in his right hand.

The war drums and horns shook the sky, and there was a burst of flying sand and rocks between the sky and the earth.

In an instant, the morale of Gaoli's imperial guards and Guangzong's begging army in the front line was high, "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Zhao Jun took the lead in launching the attack.

The ax-wielding soldiers and cavalry in the front line were like two evil dragons, rushing towards the army in the north.

In the front of the cavalry, Ran Min seemed to have turned into a flame. The scarlet cloak fluttered in the strong wind. The Zhulong horse under his crotch jumped up, and let out a loud and clear long hiss in midair, like a dragon's cry.

Ran Min waved the spear in his hand, with a trace of blood in his eyes, he rushed to the north of the [-] troops...

(End of this chapter)

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